Tranxending Vision

C708 Mysterious Coward

C708 Mysterious Coward

"That is also a battlefield. The old man sneered. "None of your people will survive."    


"How many of you are on the other side of the mountain?"    


"Six." The old man did not hide it.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "So it's only six, then I won't be worried."    


Although he was not clear about the Knights Hospitaller's strength, but with only six killers, he was simply not a match for the Zodiac Clan.    


The old man shakily raised his hand. "Hold ?" "Give me the letter."    


"You haven't answered my question." Xia Lei asked: "Why are you setting up an ambush here? What do you want from me? "    


"The divine metal." The old man looked at Xia Lei's bag, his eyes shining with excitement, "You got it, right?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I didn't get any god's metal, I am an atheist, I don't believe in this world."    


"A man without faith is a poor man. You cannot be redeemed." The old man didn't seem to believe Xia Lei's words, he was even looking at Xia Lei's backpack. But he didn't have Xia Lei's eyes that could see through things, if not he would have been able to see that the piece of metal was lying inside Xia Lei's bag.    


"Why do you want it? Is it important? Does it have any special meaning? "    


"I don't know."    


Xia Lei looked at the old man coldly.    


"I don't know. Even if you kill me, I don't know either." The old man was not afraid.    


"Okay, tell me, why are you here?" Xia Lei said.    


The old man took a breath. "We are only responsible for cutting off your retreat."    


Xia Lei immediately understood. There were six people on the opposite side of the mountain. There were only three. The people of Knights Hospitaller did not know the way out of the maze, otherwise, they would have entered it long ago. Although they did not know the way out of the maze, they did have a certain level of understanding towards it, so they would set up an ambush here.    


"Other than the nine of you, is there anyone else?" Xia Lei asked again.    


"No more, cough cough ?" The old man coughed violently, his breathing quickened, but he still tried his best to raise his hand. "Give ? give me the letter."    


"I'm a man of my word." Xia Lei placed the letter into the old man's hands.    


The old man smiled. He tried to open the envelope, but just as he did, his hand dropped. Then he opened his mouth to breathe, but there was only air coming out of his mouth, no air coming in.    


"Uh, sorry, I've delayed you." Xia Lei said apologetically.    


The old man's throat let out a light sound, and then he stopped breathing.    


Reading the letter the patriarch left behind was his last wish, but Xia Lei did not have any obligation to fulfill it.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


As he was walking out of the church hall, the bell rang.    


"It's me. Are you guys okay?" Xia Lei answered the phone.    


"Do you know what happened?" Ye Liena's voice seemed very surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "I also just ended the battle."    


Ye Liena was silent for a moment, then said: "We also just experienced a battle, Arresian was injured, but it's not fatal." Ye Liena's voice.    


"It's good that you're fine." Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, then he remembered something, "How many people did you kill?"    


"Five." Ye Liena said.    


Xia Lei frowned: "I killed three, I left one alive, he said you guys have six people."    


"That's impossible! If there is, then he definitely did not participate in the battle. Otherwise, he would not be able to escape. " Ye Liena said.    


This possibility was not non-existent. Every member of the Zodiac Clan was equipped with an XL2500 sniper rifle and a blast assault rifle. If there was a fight, with Zodiac Clan's strength, would they let an enemy escape? That was almost impossible. If this happened, it might really be as Ye Liena had said, unless that person had not participated in the battle from the beginning and had been hiding her strength.    


Xia Lei's heart stirred, and he secretly thought: "Could it be that the person who escaped is an important figure in the Knights Hospitaller?"    


"Boss?" "Where are you now?" Ye Liena's voice.    


"I'm on the other side of the mountain. You don't need to worry about me. You guys go to safe house, I will join you guys soon. " Xia Lei said.    


"Got it, be careful." Ye Liena hung up the phone.    


After finishing the call with Ye Liena, Xia Lei returned to the church. He took the sniper rifle in his hand.    


The other party had run away, and it was hard to say if he would be able to escape from the valley. If they met, with a sniper rifle in hand, he had nothing to worry about.    


When he walked out of the main hall, Xia Lei turned around to take a look. The corpses of the three old men lay quietly on the ground. Blood silently flowed from their bodies, staining the dusty ground red. Jesus, on the cross, was still looking at him with those pitying eyes.    


Xia Lei hesitated for a bit, but imitated a Christian's gesture in the end and drew a cross in front of his chest, before saying: "Sorry, please forgive me. I was forced to."    


If Jesus had been able to move, he might have jumped down from the cross and kicked the yellow-skinned boy in the face.    


Leaving the church, a dirt road led to the mouth of the valley. The road was covered with carriage wheels of varying depth. The two sides of the road had originally been farmland, but now that it was abandoned, it became a paradise for weeds. All sorts of weeds grew in the soil, just like wheat fields in spring.    


"Such a good place, I don't know why it was abandoned." Xia Lei felt that it was a little strange.    


He walked along the dirt road toward the mouth of the valley. His speed was not fast. While he was walking, he kept his left eye in a faraway state, searching the area with a radius of 4000 meters. His left eye was like a spy satellite, and no movement could escape his detection.    


It was very quiet along the way, without the slightest movement.    


Half an hour later, Xia Lei neared the entrance of the valley.    


The mouth of the valley was like the mouth of a bottle, with dense forests growing on both sides of the hill. Even if it was his left eye, Xia Lei was unable to see through all the trees.    


Chattering ?    


A flock of birds suddenly flew up from the forest to the right.    


Although he did not see the target, Xia Lei's mind suddenly tensed up. In the next second, he suddenly fell down into the grass.    


The grass covered his body, but it also blocked his line of sight. This was a very passive situation, but he had no choice. He was in the middle of a low terrain where the other party could easily see him, but he could hardly see him. If the other party had a sniper rifle, it would be very dangerous for him to be exposed to the other party's vision.    


The group of birds flew away in the blink of an eye, and the forest returned to silence. There was no movement for several minutes.    


"Could it be a group of birds that suddenly flew up? Was I too nervous? " Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Although he thought that in his heart, Xia Lei still did not dare to get up. Normally, people could make that kind of mistake, but here, a single mistake was enough to get rid of them. If he made a mistake here, he wouldn't even have a chance to make it in the future.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei slowly crawled forward.    


There was still no movement in the forest.    


However, at this moment, a flock of birds suddenly flew out from the forest to the left. The cry of a bird echoed from the mouth of the valley.    


Xia Lei adjusted his posture to face the forest on the left, and then carefully looked up from within the bushes. He did not put his head out of the grass, but used the ability of perspective to "filter" the grass that was blocking his sight.    


A few minutes later, a tall, blond man came running out of the forest. He looked bedraggled, looking back as he ran into the wasteland, as if afraid that someone might catch up with him. The old man was holding a sniper rifle.    


Xia Lei's left eye locked onto the sniper rifle, and information about the sniper rifle appeared in his mind. It was an L115A3 sniper rifle. The sniper rifle, also known as the "super sniper rifle", is a new type of sniper rifle produced by British Precision International. It has a range of 1,600 meters and is a powerful weapon to kill jungle and city targets. This was because it could easily pierce through tree trunks and walls, killing the target hidden behind its cover. Because of its excellence, it has now become the British Special Forces' first choice sniper rifle.    


However, it was useless. In front of the XL2500 sniper rifle, it was just a piece of trash.    


The moment this old man entered his vision, Xia Lei immediately knew his identity. This old man was the one who did not participate in the battle and snuck away alone.    


"Why is he not participating in the battle with a sniper rifle?" Xia Lei guessed in his heart, "Could it be that he's cowardly? That is unlikely. Since they were knights of the Knights Hospitaller, they should value the glory of knights, right? But if it wasn't because of his cowardice, why would he abandon his companions and sneak away? "    


No matter what the reason was, Xia Lei quietly grabbed the M82A1 sniper rifle that he had seized and slowly reached forward. Finally, he ignored the scope of the M82A1 sniper rifle and locked the target with his left eye.    


The tall, blond man was getting closer.    


"1200 meters." Xia Lei's brain gave a number of distances. If this distance was the XL2500 sniper rifle, he would have already fired. However, the effective range of the M82A1 sniper rifle was less than a thousand meters. Once the bullet flew out, it would take luck to kill the target. As such, even though he had already locked onto the target, he still chose to hide and wait for the target to get close.    


The old man ran forward another hundred meters before stopping. He placed the rifle butt on the ground and panted heavily. It wasn't that he had turned around to look, but rather, he was looking very nervous.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth rose slightly, "Fuck, will you die from exhaustion if you continue running for another 100 meters?" He placed his finger on the trigger, quietly waiting for the old man to approach again.    


The old man rested for a moment, then picked up his sniper rifle and walked on. As he was walking, he took out his cell phone and made a call.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat as his finger left the trigger and his left eye locked onto the old man's mouth.    


"I'm in the valley, come pick me up immediately!" The old man spoke very quickly, "The sacred artifact has most likely fallen into the hands of those people, we cannot let them escape, even if we have to raze Bobbio to the ground, I have to find them!"    


This tone!    


Could he be an important figure in the Knights Hospitaller?    


Maybe even the Guild Leader?    


Xia Lei's finger once again moved to the trigger ?    


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