Tranxending Vision

C706 silver-haired hunting group

C706 silver-haired hunting group



The stone wall suddenly collapsed, and a ray of light shone into Xia Lei's field of vision. Then, a gust of wind blew past Xia Lei's face. Only then did he notice that behind the stone wall was a small cave. It was about fifty meters long, and the light and the wind had entered through the cave entrance.    


The cave looked like an enhanced version of a dog's cave.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, and crawled in. After all, climbing into the dog hole was better than returning back the way he came. He did not want to go back to that maze ever again.    


At a distance of fifty meters, Xia Lei climbed for an entire half an hour before finally reaching the cave entrance.    


At the bottom of Shandong's cave was a cliff, and at the bottom of the cliff was an ancient church. It was very similar to the church that Serenity had painted. If one had to say, the difference was that it had experienced the vicissitudes of time, making it seem even more decadent and dilapidated. Besides, it was exactly as the old man had described the church.    


Only now did Xia Lei realize that he had actually passed through a mountain in the maze, and arrived at the other side of the mountain. The church was situated in the valley of the mountain. Farther away, there was a village, if it didn't look like anyone else.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze, looked at the watch in his hand, and then discovered that he had actually stayed in the maze for three hours.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cellphone suddenly rang.    


There was no cell phone signal in the maze, there was already a signal here.    


Xia Lei took out the satellite telephone and answered the phone, "That's me, tell me."    


Ye Liena's voice came from the satellite telephone, "Boss, where are you? I've made 20 calls and I haven't been able to get through until now. "    


He had mysteriously disappeared for three hours, so the members of the Zodiac Clan would naturally be anxious and take action.    


"I'm fine." Xia Lei said with an apologetic tone.    


"It's good that you're fine. If you can't make a phone call, we're going to blow up that place." Ye Liena said.    


That place was obviously the fake tomb that Xia Lei had dug up.    


"I have already left. Fill up the dirt and I'll join you guys right away. " Xia Lei said.    


"Yes." Ye Liena replied and ended the call.    


Xia Lei kept the satellite telephone and crawled out of the small hole. He carefully grabbed onto the gaps between the rocks and slowly moved down the cliff.    


The cliff was about a hundred meters high, nearly ninety degrees in height. It was made up of rocks, not a single tree nor blade of grass could be seen. Such a place, let alone a human, even monkeys would not come here.    


Climbing a cliff at this height and verticality is a very dangerous thing to do, and without any protection. However, even though the danger was dangerous, Xia Lei quickly got used to it. His left eye allowed him to distance himself from the fear of heights. His body had a flexibility and coordination that far exceeded that of ordinary humans. He could easily perform actions that ordinary people could not. In addition, his experience in martial arts had made him strong. Even without using the bit of inner force he had cultivated, he could still bear the weight of his body and move agilely on the cliffs.    


With these advantages, Xia Lei only took 15 minutes to finish the work that a professional rock climber needed an hour. Fifteen minutes later his feet were on the ground below the cliff. He raised his head and saw that the small cave was covered by rocks. Even with his eyesight, he was unable to discover its existence.    


This was one of the reasons why no one had discovered the maze after it had been here for hundreds of years.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and walked around the wall of the church towards the valley entrance.    


The walls of the church had collapsed in so many places that you could see inside without looking through them. Passing through the first gap, Xia Lei saw a piece of barren land. The wasteland was probably a place for growing vegetables, but now it was filled with weeds. The main body of the church was also very old, most of the doors and windows were broken. Through the broken doors and windows, he could see the interior of the church. There was no feeling of holiness, only desolation.    


"Apparently, no one came to this church. I don't know why, but it was abandoned." Xia Lei was somewhat moved in his heart.    




A dull sound suddenly rang out from the direction of the church clock tower.    


Xia Lei suddenly remembered that old man who asked for directions. This one had long since been abandoned by others. Now that someone was ringing the bell, it could only be that pair of old men. Sure enough, after he walked forward for a short distance, the clock tower entered his line of sight. With a glance, he saw the white-haired old man and the old woman who were both standing on the clock tower.    


The afternoon sun shone on the ancient clock tower, a silver-haired old man. This scene gave people a sense of life as well as a heavy feeling.    


Faith cannot prevent people from dying of old age.    


If there really was a God in this world, why would he sit by and watch this world get uglier and uglier? Would he forgive those believers who waged war in his name and hurt others?    




Yet another bell chime.    


Xia Lei's mouth curved into a smile, "If I were to become old, who would accompany me to the temple to smash the bell? Long Bing? Ru Yi? "Or ?"    


A ray of light suddenly burst into Xia Lei's left eye, causing his thoughts to come to a halt.    


Almost at the same moment his left eye caught a glimpse of the light, his body plunged to the ground. Just as his body fell to the ground, sparks burst out from a rock behind him!    




A hundred meters!    




The sniper's hiding spot was above the church hall's steeple!    


At the same time that he dodged the sniper's sniper attack, Xia Lei's head gave the information related to the sniper.    


Not only that, he also came to his senses. That pair of old men asking directions have a problem!    


The old man had asked for directions three hours ago, and with the old man's walking speed at that time, it was impossible for them to cross this mountain in three hours! The old man did not strike the bell for no reason. Instead, he used the bell to divert his attention and cover up the sound of the sniper rifle's shots!    


At a distance of 100 meters, even an ordinary person would be able to hear the sound of a sniper rifle.    


With a distance of 100 meters and the protection of the bell, the probability of the sniper's success was close to 100%. However, he had forgotten about Xia Lei's left eye. Xia Lei's left eye was extremely sensitive to changes in light rays, and his brain also had a "program" to "prioritize" the images ingested by his left eye. There was nothing wrong with that. His brain could direct his body to react almost without thinking!    


In this world, in the world of snipers, if Xia Lei were to be number 2, who would dare be number 1?    




The third bell rang.    


Another bullet was fired.    


Xia Lei rolled over and stuck himself under the wall of the church. His left eye could even see the warhead shattering a piece of rock as it plunged into the soil!    


The other party was actually using armor piercing bullets!    


This discovery made Xia Lei instantly realize something. He exerted all his strength to stomp his legs on the ground, and his body shot out like a stored up energy frog. However, just as he left his hiding spot, a armor piercing bullet smashed through the wall and embedded itself into the soil.    


Xia Lei did not dare to stay for another half a second. While running, he pulled out his viper pistol and loaded it with a magazine.    


The old woman on the clock tower disappeared, as did the bell. However, the sniper hunt did not end there. One after another, the armor piercing bullets went through the ancient walls and into the mud at the bottom of the walls. Every single time, there was a feeling of almost hitting Xia Lei. It was not hard to tell that the other party was not an ordinary sniper. His strength was above the King of the world of assassins that Xia Lei had killed.    


As he ran, Xia Lei's mind was also thinking about a problem, "The old man, the old lady and a sniper knows about the other three people. What kind of people were these three? CIA? FA? "    


The only people he could think of were those two. However, he had fought with the CIA and FA organizations so many times and had never met an opponent like this old grandpa or grandma before! But if it wasn't someone from the CIA and FA, then who was it?    


He couldn't think of any other formidable opponents besides the FA and the CIA.    


Bang! Another gunshot came as an armor piercing bullet grazed past Xia Lei's thigh and pierced the ground.    


Xia Lei's feet did not stop moving. With a stomp on the ground, his body passed through a collapsed wall. In the air, he shook his hand and fired a shot at the steeple of the church hall.    


The other party was using a powerful sniper rifle, and he was using a handgun. But as long as it was within a hundred meter radius, he could use the viper pistol produced by the Rayma Military Factory as a sniper rifle!    






A bullet flew out from the viper's muzzle.    


In Xia Lei's left eye, he could see the sniper hiding on top of the pointy top. The sniper had already lowered his head when Xia Lei waved his hand.    


The sniper hiding on the church's roof was also a white-haired old man!    


Ding! The bullet grazed the sniper's head and hit a piece of stained-glass on the steeple. Crash! * The glass shattered and fell to the ground from a high vantage point.    


At such a distance, even though the power of the sniper rifle was immense, the speed at which the sniper rifle shot out was definitely not comparable to a handgun. Now, it was his turn to fight back!    


The sniper seemed to know of Xia Lei's power, and rolled into a corner inside the pointy roof before Xia Lei could shoot his second shot. His entire body was hidden, not giving Xia Lei the chance to shoot.    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto the direction of the peak, and quickly rushed towards the entrance of the church hall.    


Suddenly, a figure appeared in the hall.    


It was the old man who had asked for directions.    


Tat tat tat!    


The sound of a submachine gun being fired!    


Xia Lei's body suddenly turned right, dodging the trajectory of the submachine gun.    


Sou sou sou!    


A bullet grazed past his body.    


Bang bang!    


Xia Lei shot back.    


The old man had already dodged to the side of the church hall before the snake shot its bullet. The speed and agility of the movement did not lose out in the slightest to the young agents of the CIA and FA!    


Tat tat tat!    


Just as the old man hid himself, the old lady appeared again from the window, holding onto a TAR-21 assault rifle and firing at Xia Lei. It was the latest assault rifle developed by Israel's IMI and Barrett's companies, and a competitor to the blast assault rifle.    


The bullets from the rifles flew past his body one after another, but Xia Lei, who was hiding at the corner of the church's hall did not dare to peek out.    


"Who are you?" As he spoke, Xia Lei's left eye slightly twitched, awakening the clairvoyance.    


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