Tranxending Vision

C701 Time and Memory

C701 Time and Memory

One day later, in the small town of Bobbio in northern Italy.    


When he came to this place, Xia Lei had a sense of d?j? vu. This was not because he had come here, but because of the landscape painting by Serenity. Serenity was a picture of a medieval town, and in front of him was a modern town. Although the medieval buildings were almost invisible, there were still some traces of ancient times that matched it.    


"Boss, this is the Bobbio. Da Vinci had once lived here." The back of Nalesea. I've never been here, but I know a lot about it. " Arresian introduced an old truck to Xia Lei. It seemed that he wanted to be a tour guide for Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "I want to walk alone. You guys just have to stay in touch."    


"Okay, no problem." Arresian laughed and said: "Also, Boss, the Italian girls are very open-minded. You have to be careful not to get dragged into their beds."    


Xia Lei laughed, got off the carriage, and then walked along a street.    


The streets of the small town were not bustling at all. There were only a few pedestrians. Although the Mona Lisa was born here, it was still an oil painting and was unable to support the tourism industry here.    


After passing through the streets, Xia Lei continued to walk forward aimlessly. His face was covered with human skin. No matter how one looked at the mask, they would not be able to find the shadow of "Xia Lei" on it. He was carrying a traveling backpack, which made him look like a backpacker from the East.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan did not follow them. They were scattered around every corner of the town and had long controlled the entire town.    


Xia Lei did not let them follow him, he naturally had his own reasons. One was that seven or eight people walking together, with different skin colors, would easily attract others' attention. Furthermore, he did not want them to know what he was doing in this town. He did not even tell Long Bing and Xia Xue the secrets of the ancient alloy and AE, so why would he tell them so casually?    


Actually, there was another reason. He was the leader of the Zodiac Clan and they were his subordinates, so he told them everything. He only needed to control them and let them do as they pleased.    


Walking out of the town, a river appeared before his eyes. This river was neither small nor small. On both sides of the river was a dense forest. There was also a small path winding through the forest, both on the right and on the left. Xia Lei followed the path on the left and saw a stone bridge.    


It was a very ancient stone bridge. The stone materials used to build the bridge were all covered in moss. Some of the stone materials had already become so mottled that they did not look like it. The stone bridge was at least several hundred years old.    


Seeing this stone bridge, Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Isn't this the stone bridge in the? Mona Lisa?? "Looks like I'm close to my destination."    


As he stepped onto the large stone bridge, an image couldn't help but appear in Xia Lei's mind. A woman in a long black dress with his back to the bridge was facing a painter, and she had a charming smile on her face. The painter was painting intently, his eyes deep and wise. His name was Leonardo di da Vinci, and the woman before him was the Mona Lisa's character, Lisa Gradini.    


What brought the two of them together, and then created the world-famous painting. Only Da Vinci himself would be able to answer this question.    


Thinking about Da Vinci, a new question popped up in Xia Lei's mind. When did Da Vinci put the map and his message on the drawing in pencil? And why would he hide something so important in an oil painting? After all, he couldn't have predicted that it would become the most famous painting in the world.    


While pondering, Xia Lei's gaze shifted to the downstream of the stone bridge. The old man had a head of silver hair and was very tall. Appearance and body shape are typical of a white man.    


When Xia Lei saw the old man, the old man also shifted his eyes and saw him.    


"Hey!" Young friend, are you here on a tour? " The old man took the initiative to greet Xia Lei. His accent was also pure Italian.    


Xia Lei nodded and said, "Yes, I like this place."    


"You won't be disappointed. This is the prettiest place in Italy. Walk around, you'll get something. "Good luck!" The old man waved his hand towards Xia Lei.    


"Good luck." Xia Lei said, then left the stone bridge.    


Maybe it was due to Xia Lei's words, but when he walked down the stone bridge, the fish floating on the river suddenly sank into the water. The old man suddenly raised the fishing rod in his hand, and a big fish was pulled out of the water.    


"This old man's reaction is pretty fast." Xia Lei said in his heart. He withdrew his gaze, walked into the small forest, and continued walking ahead.    


The forest was quiet. From time to time, a gust of wind would blow across the trees, causing them to rustle. Occasionally, small birds would fly up and chirp. This place was devoid of all the hustle and bustle of the city. It could give people a kind of peace of mind.    


Back then, would Da Vinci have passed through here as well?    


This conjecture was meaningless, but it was beautiful.    


After about five hundred meters, Xia Lei walked out of the forest, and a pile of rubble also entered his line of sight. He was immediately attracted by it. The pile of rubble was not a natural stone, but a stone that had been cut by a stonemason. It was a stone brick used in construction.    


The oil painting that Serenity drew appeared in his mind once again. It was a house, the hillside behind the house, and the tombstone at the bottom of the hill. His gaze left the ruins and looked behind him. Thus, a hillside entered his line of sight, its topography and topography exactly the same as the hillside behind the house painted by Serenity!    


"Found it!" Xia Lei's heart was filled with excitement as he quickly walked over.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei arrived at the ruins. Pieces of stone lay scattered in the grass. Cracks, moss, and missing parts were evidence of age. They must have been hundreds of years old. There were even carvings on some of the stones. Most of them were related to religion, the cross, the Holy Child of the Holy Mother and so on.    


In the picture that Serenity painted, a young man in jeans and a backpack was staring at the hillside. Right now, Xia Lei was also standing at the same spot. He was also wearing jeans and a backpack. In that instant, space and time seemed to overlap, making it hard to tell if it was in the painting or outside.    


"In the picture that Serenity painted, the house was beautiful. The town she painted was a medieval one, without any modern elements. But she drew another modern man, standing where I am standing now... She had never been here, but she had. "If she drew it using her memories, then wouldn't her memories be ?" Thinking about it, Xia Lei's back suddenly turned cold!    


If Serenity used her memories to draw that picture, then her memories would be at least several hundred years old. However, Serenity was still only in her twenties. How could this be possible?!    


"Oh no, we seem to have gotten lost, don't we?" A woman's voice suddenly sounded.    


Xia Lei's thoughts were immediately interrupted, and he looked towards the source of the voice. An old woman and an old man were walking towards them. The old man seemed to be a couple, nagging as he walked.    


"There's no mistake. I came here fifty years ago. I remember her very clearly." the old man said.    


"But I didn't see any church. Are you sure you remember correctly?" The old woman seemed to be unable to move, revealing a tired expression.    


"A little farther on, I think I can see the church." The old man supported the old woman as they continued walking.    


"There's a young man there. I wonder if he knows about the church." The old lady saw Xia Lei.    


"Hey!" "Young friend, where are you from?" The old man greeted Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei hesitated, "Korea, I'm from Korea."    


"Oh, your Italian is really good." The old man smiled.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I live in Italy."    


"Oh, that's great." The old man said, "By the way, do you know of a church nearby?"    


"Church?" Xia Lei looked around, but even with his left eye which spanned over 4000 metres, he did not see any church.    


"No?" The old woman looked disappointed. "My husband said he was baptized in that church when he was a child, and he wanted to see it before he left the world. But we seem to be lost. "    


The picture that Serenity drew suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. There really was a church in that picture. However, the little town in the painting was a little town from a few hundred years ago. Whether the church was still there or not, he wasn't sure.    


"What did you call the church?" Xia Lei asked.    


The old man replied, "Yes, that's a very ancient church. It has a very tall dome, and also the colored glass of the Milan Cathedral. Have you ever been to Milan Cathedral?"    


"Oh, I've been there. It's beautiful." Xia Lei had never been to any Milan Church before. He pointed to the direction behind the hill and said, "The church you guys mentioned should be at that place. We'll be able to see it after we climb this hill."    


But he wasn't just pointing, he was pointing in the direction of the church in Serenity's painting.    


"Thank you, young friend." The old granny thanked Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied politely: "No need to be so polite, I wish you all a pleasant journey."    


The old man smiled at Xia Lei, then said: "Didn't I say it before? I went to that place before, how could I remember wrongly? Let's go, we'll be there soon. "    


The old man and the old woman left.    


Xia Lei watched as the old man and the old woman left. Only when he couldn't see them did he leave the ruins and walk towards the hillside.    


There was no road, the grass was knee-high. In the direction ahead, there was no sign of any tombstones, only grass and weeds.    


Suddenly, the grass in front of him shook.    


Xia Lei's nerves immediately tensed up, his hand also placed on his waist. There was a Viper pistol at his waist. If something happened, he would not hesitate to use it.    


Rustle, rustle, rustle ?    


A voice came from the bushes.    


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