Tranxending Vision

C746 Tang gun rack

C746 Tang gun rack

When Xia Lei came out of the kitchen, he had a bottle of kerosene in his hands. He poured kerosene on the couch, on the carpet, and on some plastic, then lit the sofa with a lighter. With the help of kerosene, the sofas and rugs were quickly set on fire. The leather and plastic products, as well as the stuffing on the sofas, began to emit thick smoke. The smoke soon filled up the interior of the car and spread outwards.    


's plan was to create thick smoke to disturb the sniper's line of sight and then escape.    


However, the other party had guessed Xia Lei's motive, and before the thick smoke could completely cover his eyes, a bullet had shot through the car door. It was not the bullets from the sniper rifle, but the bullets from the assault rifle. The bullets were even more powerful than the ones that had sealed off the exit.    


"I know of a way out, follow me!" Tang Yuyan rushed towards the bathroom.    


Xia Lei followed her into the bathroom.    


Tang Yuyan smashed the toilet with the handle of the blast assault rifle, as well as the plastic storage tank for the excrement. A hole that barely allowed them to climb out appeared in front of them. Although it was a bit dirty, he didn't have the time to worry about it.    


Tang Yuyan glanced at the entrance of the cave, then said: "You go out first."    


However, Xia Lei pushed her butt, "Hurry up, what are you being modest for at a time like this?"    


Tang Yuyan turned her head and gave Xia Lei a glare. She wanted Xia Lei to escape danger first, so she allowed him to leave first. But Xia Lei obviously did not appreciate her kindness and even pushed her butt away. However, now was not the time to settle the score. She first put down the XL2500 sniper rifle, then climbed out of the hole.    


Xia Lei also crawled out of the cave.    


Beneath the car was grass, the thick grass a natural cover. The two of them were hiding in the grass, so no one noticed them from afar.    


The two of them quickly climbed out of the car. Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept the surroundings, and then crawled in the right direction. In that direction, about five hundred meters away was a dense forest. As long as they escaped to that place, he and Tang Yuyan would be safe.    


Tang Yuyan followed Xia Lei into the forest on the right, using both hands and feet to move quickly. Without thinking about that matter, she once again became the Tang Yuyan from before, calm and composed.    


The Ford E450 behind them was on fire, lighting up a large area. Smoke rose into the air and drifted with the night wind in the direction of the town. The gunfire continued, but it was much less frequent. The person who shot the gun only aimed at the car door, not giving Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan the chance to escape.    


Xia Lei turned his head to take a glance, but even though he did not dare to appear, he did not realize that the other party's reinforcements had already traveled to a certain distance.    


"Is it the CIA?" While crawling, Tang Yuyan asked with a low voice. In the exchange of blows, she had long since ruled out the possibility of the other party being a terrorist.    


"Probably not from the CIA." Xia Lei recalled the process of how he shot those four assaulters, "Those four shooters were Asian, and there were very few Asians in the CIA."    


"Asian? "Western Asia?"    


"Their faces were painted with oil, so I couldn't see clearly." Xia Lei said.    


"I didn't even see what they looked like, but you did see the paint on their faces?" Tang Yuyan thought about something and was very surprised.    


Xia Lei replied, "The XL2500 sniper rifle has a sniper scope, alright? Stop talking nonsense, we have to hurry up. "    


Tang Yuyan thought about it, the XL2500 sniper rifle had sniper scope s. If Xia Lei didn't see the target from the sniper scope, how could he have killed the four assaulters? She did not ask any further, and followed behind Xia Lei, speeding up his pace.    


The closer they got to the mountain slope, the thicker the grass became. Some of the grass even grew to the height of their knees. This gave Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan a better cover, the two of them stopped crawling and started to move stealthily in the grass.    




The fuel tank of the Ford E450 exploded, and the intense explosion caused a fiery light to burn through the sky. The explosive shockwave pushed far away, even Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan could feel it.    


Xia Lei stopped and turned his head back to take a look. Eight heavily armed gunmen appeared around the Ford E450 in the firelight, carrying not only the same TAR-21 assault rifle but also the same Barrett M8A21 sniper rifle slung over their shoulders. The effective range of this sniper rifle was 1850 meters, one shot was enough to destroy a car's engine, the range and power were both astonishing, only second to Rayma Group's XL2500 sniper rifle.    


Such weapons and equipment were definitely not terrorists who roamed the world.    


Xia Lei's line of sight landed on the person wearing the monastic robe, he was the person who used the blade to kill all the agents from the 101 teams. His face was still covered by the black veil, but this time Xia Lei's gaze passed through the layer of black veil and saw his real face.    


It was an Asian face, young and handsome.    


For some reason, when Xia Lei saw this face, he felt a sense of familiarity. The feeling puzzled him. "It's as if I've seen this face somewhere before. Who is he?"    


Just as Xia Lei was looking into the face of the person wearing the monastic robe, the latter suddenly discovered something and pointed towards the forest on the right.    


"Crap!" He's found us! "Quick, run!" Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and started running in the direction of the forest.    


Tang Yuyan also increased her speed.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


From behind him came the sound of gunfire. Rifle bullets flew over his head. The sound of the bullets speeding through the air was nerve-racking.    


Under the orders of the leader in the monastic robe, the eight gunmen advanced in a fan-shaped formation. As he ran, a wave of shooting blind fire shot out. One of the eight was a sniper in disguise. He was obviously the sniper that had sealed off the left side.    


The enemies had a total of thirteen people, Xia Lei had killed four of them, and the enemy had nine left. There were eight people behind him, and one of them was a sniper hiding in the forest to the right. Xia Lei was very clear of this point, and he and Tang Yuyan were currently advancing in the direction of the sniper.    


There were snipers in front and pursuers behind. This was still a dangerous situation. But neither he nor Tang Yuyan had any other choice. The pincer attack had also forced him to give up on the tempting thought of killing the eight pursuers.    


As he moved quickly, Xia Lei's gaze was locked onto the mountain forest in front of him. He raised the power of his left eye to its highest level. From his left eye, he could see that a large part of the forest was under his watch.    


Bullets flew everywhere.    


The forest was right in front of him.    


A clump of grass suddenly moved on the hillside directly in front of them.    


The hillside was also under Xia Lei's left eye's monitoring and vision, and just as the ball of grass was about to move, Xia Lei had already reacted. His body suddenly turned and pounced, pouncing Tang Yuyan to the ground. In the second after that, the grass was cut off and mud flew everywhere. A sniper rifle shot into the grass.    


Xia Lei didn't have enough time to roll down from Tang Yuyan's body. He pressed down on Tang Yuyan, quickly raising his spear, his elbow pressing hard on Tang Yuyan's chest, treating that soft and innocent place as part of the gun rack.    


Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei in shock. She knew that Xia Lei had just avoided her sniper attack, but she did not dare believe that Xia Lei would actually choose to retaliate in such a manner.    


The world's most powerful sniper rifle, the Tang Sect's best milk, could it be counted as a powerful combination?    




When Xia Lei's elbow was fixed on Tang Yuyan's soft bosom, the XL2500 sniper rifle let out a furious roar. A bullet flew out from the gun and headed straight for the "grass" on the opposite side of the hill.    


Of course it wasn't grass, but a camouflage of a sniper lurking on the hillside.    


A second later, bullets flew out from the XL2500 sniper rifle and into the "grass". Blood, flesh, and brain splattered everywhere. And a second ago, the sniper didn't even feel that Xia Lei had found his location. As for him, he was even preparing to adjust the direction of the gun and shoot at Xia Lei.    


His judgement was correct. One couldn't even see a movement from a thousand meters away, let alone see a sniper camouflage in the dark. But his judgement was also wrong, because his opponent was Xia Lei.    


"Over there!" Someone shouted from behind him.    


It was in Japanese!    


Tang Yuyan didn't wait for Xia Lei to crawl up from her body. She raised the blast assault rifle in her hands, tilted the muzzle of the gun to twenty-five degrees, and pulled the trigger towards the direction of the sound.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A bullet flew backward, and grass and leaves flew chaotically in all directions.    


Tang Yuyan moved the gun. Her hands, her softness would also move. To Xia Lei, that kind of feeling was as if he was lying on a vibration screen made from jelly. It was very strange, but it also made him inexplicably excited.    


After firing all the bullets, Xia Lei hurriedly fell off Tang Yuyan's body. "Let's go!"    


Tang Yuyan also crawled up from the ground, while returning the hand of blind fire, he muttered, "After we get rid of those guys, I'll deal with you slowly!"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly as he dived into the mountain forest.    


Crack, crack, crack ?    


The bullets from behind struck the trees, breaking some of the branches and breaking some of the tree trunks. Sharp splinter s flew around randomly in the forest. These splinter pricked Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan's bodies, making them feel a burning pain.    


The two of them did not dare to stay here any longer. They quickly left the edge of the forest and ran deeper into the forest.    


"I just heard someone shouting in Japanese." Tang Yuyan's face was filled with surprise, "How can it be Japanese?"    


Xia Lei had also heard it, and he had even guessed the identity of the leader who wore a monk's robe. That person should be related to the Hattori family, his face and Masao Hattori's were similar. This was probably why he felt as if he had seen the young man's face for the first time.    


"How dare the Japanese attack us here? What is their purpose? " Tang Yuyan needed an answer.    


"Their target should be me." Xia Lei said.    


"It's you?" How was this possible? When did you get into trouble with the Japanese? " Tang Yuyan suddenly thought of something, "Is it because of the mission you and Long Bing went to Japan for?"    


Xia Lei was worrying about not being able to explain his grudge with the Hattori family, so what she said did save his the trouble of explanation. He followed: "Right, I guess that's also the reason."    


"They are courting death!" Tang Yuyan said bitterly, her eyes were also filled with killing intent.    


The most dangerous time had already passed. This forest would become a new battlefield.    


Xia Lei ran towards the mountain top. He needed a sniping point. Once he found them, none of the eight gunmen would be able to escape his sniping!    


As he ran, he was also pondering about a question, "Is Masao Hattori that brave? How dare he send so many gunmen against me? He had even attracted 101 rounds of attention in advance. Was he not afraid that the matter would be exposed and cause a military conflict? "It seems like I need to leave one alive ?"    


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