Tranxending Vision

C822 A naughty little girl

C822 A naughty little girl

The rocky mountain was not very tall, about 1500 meters in height, but it was very steep and difficult to climb. Even though it did not look like it was very tall, it took Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan a full two hours to climb from the foot of the mountain to the summit. In such a terrain, if the family members attacked from the ground, it would still take them at least two hours to climb to the top. In the process, they would also have to face seven XL2500 sniper rifles, so even if they had more people, they wouldn't be able to bring out the advantage in numbers.    


"If they use helicopter gunships, we'll be in trouble. There are rocks everywhere on this mountain, and when we fight infantry they will be our cover, but when we can use helicopter gunships, they will be the accomplices of machine guns. The debris produced by the explosion of the rock is no different from shrapnel. " Arresian said. He had a lot of experience, but it also made him worried about the battle that was about to begin.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry, I already killed two American helicopters. I have experience. Also, you have to think about it, a pure helicopter can only carry two people, the pilot and the co-pilot. "So, even if it's a helicopter, it's probably a semi-military helicopter. At most, it's carrying a machine gun or something."    


Pure helicopter gunships were mainly used to attack armored targets on the battlefield, but dealing with infantry was secondary. However, those helicopters that carried people to the battlefield were unable to carry a lot of weapons and ammunition. The usual method was to add heavy machine guns on both sides of the aircraft cabin, and then let them operate by hand. Xia Lei had indeed already gotten rid of two of these helicopters, so he had a certain amount of experience.    


"Hehe, I'm not worried at all when I fight with you." Arresian laughed awkwardly. His analytical skills could not even be compared with Xia Lei's.    


"A liar." Ye Liena interrupted.    


"What did you say?" Arresian glared at Ye Liena, "Do you think I'm afraid? Which battle did I not fight in the front!? "    


"Enough, stop fighting." Xia Lei stopped the two before they could argue. He took out a simple map that he had drawn and spread it out on a rock before starting to make arrangements, "Arresian, get to this point, Ye Liena, get to this point, Erdelmtu, get to this point, Sayimu, get to this point."    


On the simple map, there were six circles. These six circles circled the entire mountaintop, some high and some low. This was a very smart arrangement. If the men from the Abdomen family arrived by helicopter and the helicopter flew over the mountain, they would be attacked from any direction. An XL2500 sniper rifle with armor piercing bullets, killing the pilot of a helicopter or the fuel tank, that's not a difficult task.    


"What about me?" Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei, "Where am I?"    


"You stay here with me, you fight alongside me, and protect her." Xia Lei pointed to the tranquility on the stretcher.    


In fact, he wasn't sure if she was still or not. Her face was no longer a peaceful face, and even her consciousness had Gu Kewen's remnant thoughts, or rather, her existence. He wasn't sure if he should call her Serenity in this strange situation.    


"Fine." Kyoko Tsukino nodded.    


The other five people quickly moved towards the sniping point that Xia Lei had arranged for them.    


Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino also started to organize their firearms and ammunition, doing their preparations before the battle. Other than the two XL Sniper Rifle, two blast assault rifle and one viper pistol, the other two people also had a helldog single-military artillery. This helldog single-military artillery Single Soldier Cannon was also the only heavy weapon Yasuya Khan and the others brought from the Grand China.    


A call from the other five people was quickly transmitted through the communicator. They were already in position.    


All that was left was to wait for the prey to enter the trap.    


"Boss, have you thought about the other situation?" After adjusting the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hand, Kyoko Tsukino said this.    


Xia Lei looked at her, "What situation are you talking about?"    


"The two Hattori family s that you mentioned, Tsukiba Hattori and Mei Hattori seem to be very timid people. If the analysis is correct, and the CIA needs more time to mobilize enough people to come here, will they be afraid to come because they are afraid of you? " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei looked at the watch in his hand, "The people from Hattori family will definitely come, and they are probably on their way."    


"Are you sure?"    


"I'm sure." Xia Lei looked in the direction of New Delhi, "Every time I go abroad, it's always the CIA, FA or a chance to kill me. Once I get back, they lose their chance. Do you think they would be willing to give up such a rare opportunity? "    


"Nope." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


At this time, a tranquil voice came from the shell hole behind him, "I'm itchy! Easily itchy... Where was he? I don't want to stay here. "    


Kyoko Tsukino turned around and looked at her, frowning, "She's really a trouble. Let me knock her out, or else she'll bring her trouble during the battle."    


"Leave it to me." Xia Lei said, he bent down and retreated a few steps, then jumped into the pit.    


Indo-Pakistani troops fought here, leaving many craters. The crater was now a quiet temporary hiding place, its interior barely large enough to accommodate the stretcher bed. When Xia Lei jumped down, it immediately felt crowded.    


"You're here. Don't leave me, okay?" She anxiously looked at Xia Lei, trying to reach behind his waist to tickle him.    


Xia Lei squatted beside her and grabbed her hand, "Don't scratch it, itching is a sign of healing, it will pass as soon as you endure it. If you scratch it, it will get infected. "    


"I don't want to. I want to scratch. It's so itchy." She was very mischievous.    


"Be good!" Xia Lei set his face, pretending to be angry. However, his heart was filled with sorrow. Although she was currently in the "quiet" mode, he was still in his crazy state. His mind was definitely not older than ten years old.    


"Your name is Xia Lei, right?"    


"That's right, I'm Xia Lei. Do you remember me?"    


"No, but I feel very close to you, as if you were my family." She bent her neck and looked at Xia Lei, probing: "Can I call you Uncle Xia?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Uncle Xia, can you scratch it for me?" I really feel terrible. " she pleaded.    


"Alright, I'll scratch it, but after scratching it, you have to listen to me. Just stay here and don't move, okay?" Xia Lei said.    


"Mm, I'll listen to you." She looked very obedient.    


Xia Lei reached his hand behind her waist, only to realize that she had already untied the gauze there. His exposed skin clearly showed his new skin, which was snow-white and tender. There were still scars in some places, but they would soon be shed. Then he saw the little "Y" ditch behind her. It embarrassed him. He ran his hand over her red spot. "Are you better?"    


"Down, a bit down." "No," she said.    


Xia Lei's hand moved a little downwards, and scratched a few more times.    


"A little bit more, quick, it's itchy." She simply turned her body, making it convenient for Xia Lei to move her palm.    


Xia Lei was stunned, he had already scratched her spine, and going down, was that a place a man like him could scratch?    


"Uncle Xia, hurry, I'm begging you. It's itchy." She moved about on the stretcher, coquettish and mischievous.    


This "Uncle Xia" made Xia Lei lose his temper, he sighed, and forced himself to move his palm away. The tentacles were soft and elastic, and his mood was a mess.    


He looked at her, but his mind was preoccupied with the serenity of the past. That unlucky girl, she didn't have many happy days in her life. Perhaps it was a good thing that she was now like this? If she were to return to her former life, she would not be happy.    


"Uncle Xia, it's nice of you to go down a bit more, okay?" Her voice was soft and cute, full of the feeling of acting cute.    


A little more? A few black lines immediately hung on Xia Lei's forehead. Didn't she know that there were some places that men couldn't touch? Or perhaps, she didn't even have the shame of a woman anymore? Moreover, he was already deep enough!    


"How strange. The more you scratch, the more itchy I get. Why is that?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


There were always a lot of questions like that in this little kid's head, but wasn't this little kid a little too mature? In addition, her question was like a thunder, a thunder that could make a person's internal organs become brittle.    


"Boss, something's wrong!" Kyoko Tsukino's voice sounded very anxious.    


Xia Lei quickly withdrew his hand from her gauze.    


She grabbed Xia Lei's hand, "Uncle Xia, don't leave me, I'm scared."    


"Listen to me!" "Now is not the time to mess around!" Xia Lei was truly angry.    


"Hee hee ?" Her tone suddenly changed again, becoming cold and taunting, "Is someone trying to kill you? Will you die? "    


Why did it suddenly become "Gu Kewen"?    


"When you're hit, remember to call me. I want to see you bleed from the bullet." "No," she said.    


Just as she finished speaking, Xia Lei suddenly struck her carotid artery.    


She finally shut her mouth and softly lay on the stretcher. The loose gauze revealed a soft and slender waist, and half of it was snow-white.    


Xia Lei let out a long sigh, and then climbed up the crater. He was unable to imagine how he would face this woman in the future. She had Zhu Xuanyue's appearance, and that was an appearance that was close to perfection, just like a fairy in an ancient mythical story. A woman's body that had fused with three women's souls, was currently switching between two different modes at any time. Adding Zhu Xuanyue into the mix in the future, it would be impossible for his head to remain unchanging even if he wanted to. Just thinking of such a scene would give him a headache.    


Returning to the rear of the bunker, he looked into the distance and saw four helicopters. Xia Lei's mood instantly became heavy as well.    


At the forefront was the newest LCH helicopter from India, a standard helicopter carrying a rocket launcher pod, machine gun and a ground-to-ground missile!    


Behind the LCH helicopter were two ordinary helicopters with heavy machine guns on either side of them.    


Finally, it was a large transport plane!    


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