Tranxending Vision

C862 The White Elves of Slope

C862 The White Elves of Slope

The black shadow was as fast as lightning.    


Caught off guard, Linda tumbled down the steps in front of the door. Her pajamas rolled up and revealed a large piece of white, tender skin and that secret scenery that could not be leaked.    


A black cat flew over her head and landed without a sound.    


"Meow ?" The black cat turned around to look at the sprawled Linda on the ground, then left in a swagger.    


"You hateful fellow, you nearly scared me to death!" Linda muttered as he crawled back up. His white pajamas were dirty and his butt hurt. She pulled up her nightgown and glanced back at her buttocks. Not only was her butt dirty, it was also broken. A little blood seeped out from the torn part of her body.    


She was looking, and Xia Lei was looking too. The scene caused him to be dazzled.    


She was very smart, but she wasn't a trained soldier or an agent. She was clever in some ways, but clumsy in others.    


Linda finally gave up on her butt, and she picked up the gun on the ground and entered the house.    


Professor Oman's house was initially dark, but when she went in, there was a light. The bright lights immediately dispersed the darkness and could be seen from far away.    


"This idiot, does she not have the talent to be a thief?" Xia Lei was worried for her, so he sped up his stealth.    


The lights in Professor Oman's house suddenly went out again.    


"At least you have some common sense." Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief as he walked to the back of the house and looked at Linda through the wall.    


Linda held onto a flashlight that she had found from god knows where. Using the light from the torch, she went back to Professor Oman's study.    


Xia Lei also moved to the wall at the back of the study, making it easier to see through. Although the study room was only lit by the flashlight in Linda's hand, he could still see the situation in the study room clearly.    


The police drew a human figure at the place where Professor Oman's corpse was found. There were still traces of blood on the floor. The rumpled objects in the study had not returned to their original position, and the floor was still littered with books, papers, and other random objects.    


This was normal, as the police couldn't possibly clear up the crime scene without solving the crime.    


"Professor Oman, I hope that that guy doesn't know your secret. Rest assured, I will definitely solve the Iron Book's secret, and I will definitely help the police catch that killer. You are in heaven. Please help me. " Linda made a cross with her hands and prayed to the blood stains that Professor Oman had left on the floor. When the prayer was over, she walked over to a bookshelf.    


"What does she want?" Xia Lei was very curious in his heart.    


Just then, Linda reached out her hand to push the bookshelf, and the bookshelf slowly moved, sliding to the side.    


Behind the bookshelf was a small wooden door. There was a password on the door.    


Linda typed in the password on the lock, opened the wooden door, and walked in. The wooden door closed automatically, and did not affect Xia Lei's line of sight. After slightly increasing the intensity of his perspective, the space behind the wooden door entered his line of sight.    


It was a narrow chamber, or a collection room. Inside, there were some historical relics and antiques, the Crusaders' armors and weapons, also paintings related to religion, and some ancient items from who knows where. The antiques and artifacts were still intact and there were no traces of being disturbed.    


Xia Lei could not help but be excited, "It hasn't been turned over, could it be that the Iron Book is still in the Professor Oman's secret room?"    


Linda walked to a safe, and she opened it after typing in the password. The instant the safe was opened, she collapsed onto the floor.    


The safe was empty.    


This result extinguished the excitement in Xia Lei's heart. To him, it would be much easier if the Iron Book was still in the safe. He only needed to sneak in, knock Linda out, and take the leaf book. It might be mean, but he would do it anyway. But now, it seemed, he would not have the chance to do such a thing.    


After sitting blankly for a minute, Linda crawled up from the ground and closed the safe. Then, she left the Professor Oman's secret room. Returning back to the study room, she once again looked at the bloodstain on the ground and muttered, "Professor Oman, don't worry. "I believe that the people of the Church will be dispatched soon. They will help me."    


With that, she left the study.    


Xia Lei also took his leave, and after walking for a distance, he suddenly increased his speed, and sprinted towards the mountain slope. He had to hurry back to Linda's room before he returned.    


This operation was a meaningless operation for both him and Linda. However, he had obtained some rewards, because he had confirmed that Leaf Scrolls were another part of the bronze valuable book. This harvest was of great significance to him.    


Three minutes later, Xia Lei arrived at the hillside. He turned around to look, and saw that Linda had also run out of the town. Her return was a bit faster than when she went there. It was obvious that she did not want anyone to see her going to Professor Oman's home. He retracted his gaze and increased his running speed.    


Linda's house was getting closer and closer.    


Just as he was getting close, Xia Lei suddenly stopped. Half a second later, his body suddenly fell into the bushes by the roadside. The weeds and vines on the hillside were very dense, and in an instant, it concealed his body. Just as he hid, Linda's house suddenly opened, and four people walked out.    


The four men were white, bald, and dressed in black hooded robes, but they were not Arabic-style, nor were they the robes of a priest. Its style was similar to the Magus robes worn by the witches of the Middle Ages. It was very strange.    


Xia Lei not only saw their bald heads, but he also saw the guns they hid in their robes. These four men were not only carrying pistols, but also miniature soldiers. The submachine gun. This was clearly no ordinary gunner!    


Who were these four people?    


Why did they barge into Linda's house in the middle of the night?    


From what Xia Lei knew of Linda, she was just an ordinary archaeologist. Her program of joining the Iron Book was also only under the request of the Professor Oman. If these people were here for the Iron Book, then the Iron Book was no longer in her hands. What were these people here for?    


He simply did not have time to carefully ponder over these problems. He turned around to take a look, but Linda had already climbed up the hill.    


Now the four of them had a conversation, in Italian.    


"Did the archaeologist escape?"    


"Impossible, she doesn't even know we exist."    


"Her clothes are still in the room and her passport is still in the backpack. Her plan is to go to Malta. She will definitely bring her passport. "    


"She had a man's salute at home."    


"Is there a problem with that man?"    


"Find them, kill them all, whether there's a problem or not."    


"There seems to be someone coming down the hill."    


"It's the archaeologist."    


"She seems to have a gun in her hand."    


"Don't alarm her, let's go back. Before I kill her, I have some questions to clarify. "    


The four black robed men also returned to Linda's house.    


The four black robed men's plans were simple. They would set up an ambush, capture Linda, and exterminate him after asking him questions. If Linda did not have the gun, they would have already rushed forward. That gun also gave Xia Lei a chance to solve the problem, because if those four people were to rush up to grab Linda, without his gun, he wouldn't dare to hold the miniature gun with those four people. The submachine gun gunners were facing each other.    


At the same time the door closed, Xia Lei crawled out from the bushes. Using the cover of the lush weeds, he quickly ran down the hill while crouching down. This time, his speed was almost comparable to the wind.    


On the mountainside, Linda muttered to herself as she walked, "Fortunately, I didn't call Mr. Marley to accompany me there. I've done a disgraceful thing and I've failed. That fellow deserved to die, not only did he kill the Professor Oman, she even took away the Iron Book ? When should I contact the Church and ask for their help? "Sigh, what a headache ?"    


At this moment, a wind suddenly blew horizontally.    


By the time Linda became alert, she was already knocked to the ground by the "wind". To be more accurate, she fell down. When she came back to her senses, she discovered that there was someone on top of her. And she knew this man. He was Marley. She looked at him in horror, her mind blank.    


"Shh." "Listen to me. With the gunman in your house, I was lucky enough to escape, so don't make a sound. Just do as I say and we'll all live on." Xia Lei climbed up from her body.    


A gust of wind blew by.    


Linda suddenly felt a cold feeling on her stomach, and when she lowered her head to look, she almost died from embarrassment. Her pajamas had been blown up to her belly in the process of being thrown down and thrown down. There were no problems up there, but it was full of questions down there.    


Xia Lei reached out and pulled down her pajamas, then grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the bushes. Without another word, he took her and ran down the hill.    


The greetings were no longer important.    


Xia Lei ran very fast, with him leading, it was impossible for Linda to not run fast. She ran after him, the night wind lifting her nightgown and fluttering in the air, her big white legs moving, her big white balls shaking, and it was too much to look at. However, she couldn't care so much at this time, because Xia Lei didn't even give her the chance to stop and hold down her pajamas.    


"I can't run anymore ?" Are there really, are there gunmen? " Linda turned her head to take a look, but she could not see anything. In her field of vision, her house was completely dark, and she couldn't see any gunners.    


"There are not only four of them." Xia Lei said as he ran: "Please believe me, I heard their conversation. They wanted to capture you, interrogate you, and then kill you."    


"Who are they?" Linda's voice was filled with fear.    


"I don't know, they're wearing ?"    


"Da Da Da ?"    


A gunshot rang out behind him.    


The four gunners had already noticed that something was wrong and caught up.    


The range of the submachine gun was 200 meters, and Xia Lei and Linda were only around 200 meters apart from them. Bullets flew above their heads and made swishing sounds.    


The frightened Linda stumbled and fell onto the ground. Xia Lei dragged her and slid for a few meters before stopping.    


Xia Lei snatched the gun from her hands and shot one of the gunners. Unfortunately, the gun was only 50 meters away from him, and the bullets he fired had flown off to who knows where.    


"Quickly get up and follow me!" Xia Lei gave up on the idea of using his gun to kill her. He pulled Linda and ran towards the direction of the town with her. As they ran, they shouted, "There's been a terrorist attack! There was a terrorist attack! "    


The sounds of gunfire behind them quickly disappeared.    


The four gunners did not fire anymore, but Xia Lei would shoot from time to time.    


The gunfire and the shouts of "terrorist attack" soon attracted the attention of the townspeople, and some houses lit up. Afterwards, some of the townspeople came out of their homes with guns, some with pistols, some with exaggerated military rifles, and even a Barrett sniper rifle.    


As expected of a small town of Sicily.    


When Xia Lei and Linda ran to the entrance of the town, at that moment, the black-robed man disappeared from the hillside.    


Needless to say, they were dressed like terrorists. They would not be facing a man from the Grand China and a woman archaeologist. They would be facing a Sicilian from a town.    


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