Tranxending Vision

C865 ancient castle s and bullied Female Knight s

C865 ancient castle s and bullied Female Knight s

"Please stop!" Xia Lei suddenly said as he held his stomach. He looked very nervous and embarrassed.    


The assistant professor man frowned, "Mr. Marley, what's the matter?"    


"My stomach hurts!" Xia Lei said anxiously: "Stop, stop!"    


"Professor Von Cullen's house has a bathroom, I can drive faster." The assistant professor stepped on the accelerator.    


"I can't help it! "Stop!" Xia Lei roared.    


"What's the matter with you? You're so rude." The assistant still didn't stop, but his car was getting faster and faster.    


Linda also looked at Xia Lei strangely. Although she did not say anything, she was clearly slightly displeased with Xia Lei's actions earlier.    


How could she have known that Xia Lei had not only not restrained himself, but had even gone overboard. He said: "Alright, then.    


This sentence still worked, the assistant professor stopped the car with a kick.    


When the car stopped, Xia Lei immediately opened the car door and ran into the forest beside the road.    


"Miss Linda, your friend is too vulgar, without any manners." The assistant professor looked unhappy.    


Although Linda thought so in her heart, she still said: "Please don't talk about him behind my friend's back, you don't understand him at all."    


The associate master's lips curled up into a cold smile, and no longer spoke to Linda. He glanced at the forest beside the road, just in time to see Xia Lei take off his pants and squat down. He looked away in disgust.    


Just as he shifted his gaze, Xia Lei, who was squatting at the foot of the tree, took out her satellite telephone. As soon as the phone was connected, he said, "Where are you?"    


"We're five kilometers away from you." Ye Liena's voice.    


"Immediately." Xia Lei said: "I suspect that I have already found the true headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller, immediately lock onto my position and move closer to me."    


"Got it. We'll be there in thirty minutes." Ye Liena's voice.    


"Remember, do not rashly launch an attack. When you get to my current position, you can wait for my next instructions. "    


"Got it." Ye Liena ended the call.    


To him, the Knights Hospitaller was both an ally and an enemy. If he let the people of the Zodiac Clan attack here, then the Knights Hospitaller would immediately become his enemy. This was the true headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller. Once there was a fight, it would be a very scary thing.    


Arthur once said that the Holy Palace on Malta was guarded by a hundred elite Knights, let alone ordinary armed Knights like Giovanna. In this land, the Knights Hospitaller was equivalent to an invisible kingdom. The amount of people he brought with him was not even enough. Therefore, he only had one choice, and that was to be smart and not to be a match for others. The reason he had the members of the Zodiac Clan rush over was actually to support him and prepare for his next move, not to fight.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei returned to the car, he looked much more relaxed, "Hehe, I'm finally done, I feel much more comfortable now. Let's go. "    


"Do you think we want to hear about this? "Boring." The assistant professor looked at Xia Lei contemptuously, then started the car and drove towards the ancient fortress.    


The gate of the ancient castle was made of a mixture of wood and iron. It had been treated with traditional techniques and could withstand the impact of a battering ram. It was very sturdy. However, such a door that weighed at least a ton was pushed open with both hands by an old man dressed like a gardener.    


"Thank you, Father William Arthur." The assistant professor stuck his head out the door and greeted the old man.    


The old man called William Arthur merely nodded his head slightly.    


Xia Lei looked at him, and suddenly felt that he and Arthur were a little hung up. His heart stirred, "Could it be that this old man is related to Arthur by blood?"    


The old man's gaze also shifted towards Xia Lei, his gaze sharp.    


Xia Lei avoided his line of sight.    


After getting off the carriage, the associate master led Xia Lei and the others into the hall of the ancient fortress.    


An old man with white hair stood in the hall of the castle. He was tall and muscular. He looked like a European version of Shi Boren. Not only was his figure somewhat similar, even the aura around him was somewhat similar.    


"Hello, Professor Von Cullen." Linda greeted respectfully and walked towards Von Cullen.    


"Hello, Miss Linda." Von Cullen and Linda gave each other a hug before patting her face, "I already know about the unfortunate thing that happened to Professor Oman, so I'm very sad. I know you're sad too, but please don't be sad. Professor Oman was a good person, he had already returned to the embrace of the Father. In the future, we will see him in heaven. "    


"En, thank you, Professor Von Cullen." Linda turned and said, "This is my friend, his name is Ma Lei, he is from Grand China. He helped me, and if it weren't for him, I'm afraid something bad would have happened to me. "    


"Uh, then I really have to thank you, Mr. Marley." Von Cullen walked in front of Xia Lei and took the initiative to shake hands with him.    


"Hello, Professor Von Cullen." Xia Lei shook his hand, looking very polite.    


"Mr. Marley, we will talk later. I want to talk with Linda alone." Von Cullen said.    


"Okay, can I take a look around here? I have never seen such an ancient castle. " Xia Lei said.    


"Of course you can. Do you need me to ask someone to guide you?"    


"Then it won't be troublesome, I'll just walk around." Xia Lei said.    


"Yes, please." Von Cullen turned around and left while saying: "Linda, please follow me. Let's go to my study room to talk."    


"Alright." Linda glanced at Xia Lei, and then left with Von Cullen.    


Xia Lei walked towards the entrance of the hall.    


"Mr. Marley, I have to remind you, this is a private place, not a place that can be entered by anyone. Also, please take care to protect the environment and not spit on the ground. " The assistant professor said. His eyes were filled with disgust and disdain when he looked at Xia Lei.    


Racial discrimination, it seemed.    


With his gaze and what he had said, if it was outside, Xia Lei would really give him a kick. However, he endured it in the end and smiled, "No problem, I will pay attention."    


Walking out of the great hall, Xia Lei looked around, then walked towards a clock tower. It was the tallest building in the castle and there was a bronze bell hanging from it. It looked very old. He walked toward the clock tower.    


The assistant lecturer followed Xia Lei from a distance, his face gloomy.    


When he arrived at the Bell Tower's entrance, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at the assistant professor, "I don't need a guide, why are you following me?"    


The assistant professor said coldly, "I'm worried that you will dirty this place. If you do something inappropriate, I will stop you."    


"Flies." Xia Lei scolded him using Chinese.    


"What did you say?" The assistant professor's face turned even darker.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and instantly stripped the assistant professor's clothes. He saw the insignia of the octagonal cross on his chest. This guy was indeed from the Knights Hospitaller. He didn't have a gun, but he had an Italian army knife.    


"It's nothing. If you want to follow, then follow." Xia Lei entered the clock tower.    


The assistant teacher did not follow Xia Lei up to the Bell Tower. He stood below and waited.    


Xia Lei climbed up the bell tower, and the entire ancient castle entered his eyes. After inspecting the castle in its entirety, he shifted his gaze in the direction he came from. In his field of vision, the valley was quiet. The dense vegetation blocked his line of sight, making it impossible for him to see where exactly his men were. But according to what Ye Liena had said, the people of Zodiac Clan were definitely close to the ancient fortress. He couldn't see them, but they could position him according to the position of the satellite.    


Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Lei shifted his gaze onto the main body of the fortress. His left eye slightly jumped, awakening the ability of perspective, investigating the inside of the castle.    


He avoided the thick stone walls and only looked through the roof and windows.    


The thing he could see the most clearly was naturally the inside of the top floor of the castle, because all he needed to do was look through the roof to see what was going on below.    


Two minutes later, he found Von Cullen's study, and also saw him and Linda who were chatting inside.    


Just as he was preparing to use his lip language to decipher the conversation between the two, a woman entered the study from the entrance. When he saw her face, he was stunned for a moment.    


The woman who had just entered his line of sight was no other than one of his four female Knights, Stella.    


Stella was dressed in medieval maid attire, holding onto a silver tray with two cups of coffee.    


Xia Lei's heart stirred, and he said inwardly: "Did the four of them come back to be ordered around as maids? This kind of punishment, for women as proud as them, is truly cruel. "    


Stella put down her coffee and turned to leave. She walked with a limp.    


Xia Lei's left eye locked onto Stella and became stronger, causing the classical attire on her to disappear. The insight startled him, and her body was covered with marks of whipping. The wounds looked fresh and oozing blood. There was a wound on her left knee, but it hadn't healed. The wound was covered with cloth and showed signs of inflammation. It was obviously the reason for her limp.    


Xia Lei felt a little sympathy in his heart, but he was even more happy. I saved you three million dollars in Siberia. If it were the Knights Hospitaller s, they would not even pay the ransom of thirty thousand dollars, right? "    


Stella walked out of the study room and carefully closed the door before limping towards the end of the corridor.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the end of the corridor and saw a flight of stairs going down.    


A woman was kneeling on the wooden stairs, scrubbing them.    


This woman was actually Giovanna.    


Giovanna was also wearing the same medieval maid attire. He wiped the water on his butt with a cloth. There were obvious bruises on her face, and one of her eyes was dark green.    


Xia Lei also examined her body. The situation on her body was the same as Stella's, it was full of scars, the wounds were covered with cloth, and there were signs of inflammation and bleeding.    


He couldn't help but frown. "You're really ruthless, beating her so fiercely yet not treating her. If you don't deal with this kind of injury, inflammation and suppuration can happen at any time. It might even kill you." However, the more you fight well, the more Knights Hospitaller will torture you the better you will understand your new master. "    


Stella and Giovanna brushed past each other, only exchanging glances, not saying a word. The two proud female Knights seemed to have been tormented to the point that they lost their spirit.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze and returned to the study room to continue locking onto Professor Von Cullen and Linda. Then, he activated his lip language reading technique to decipher the conversation between the two of them.    


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