Tranxending Vision

C874 The story of the Book of Iron.

C874 The story of the Book of Iron.

In fact, if not for Linda suddenly waking up in the early morning, he would have analyzed the Iron Book at that time. Afterwards, after talking with Linda, he had a new idea. It was to make a donation to the Cultural Relics Protection Office in Malta and then visit the Sun Temple in the name of the authorities.    


When he saw the pattern of the ancient alloy's box in the Sun Temple, his desire to read the Iron Book became especially strong.    


After returning to the embassy, Xia Lei impatiently went into his room, closed the window and took out the Iron Book s book.    


The Iron Book that he had seized from William Arthur was actually the same as the one in his hands. It was just that it had an additional title.    


When he opened the Iron Book, the words were the same as always. Some were like a bunch of messy grass, some were like tadpoles, and some were like a human head with a nose and eyes. However, they were no longer mysterious to him. After his previous experience reading them, this time, there would not be any new difficulties.    


He read page after page, all the words in his head. When he looked through these words, all he got were magical syllables.    


He closed his eyes. He had once found the picture of a compass made of floor tiles in the tomb of Grand China. It once again appeared in his mind.    


The mysterious characters on the [Iron Arts] were combined together to form an even larger circular pattern. It looked like a compass with runes engraved on it. As before, Chinese characters appeared in the center of the compass: You are the only one who can turn him.    


Xia Lei's consciousness suddenly activated, and the mysterious energy woke up. The compass in his brain rotated quickly, and at the same time, an ancient voice appeared in his mind.    


He was not unfamiliar with this voice, because it was the mysterious word hidden in the Iron Book's syllables. The energy hidden in his brain was like a needle in a record player, and the compass engraved with runes in his brain was a disc. With the two combined, the originally undecipherable voice in his mind could now be understood.    


"You may not believe that I saw a woman just as I was about to end my life. I have seen countless women in my life, but I can tell you with certainty that there is no woman in this world more beautiful than her. She was perfect. Whether it was her appearance, body, or temperament, they were all perfect. For a moment I thought she was a goddess, that she would give me the answer I wanted, that she would even satisfy all my desires. I looked at her and she came towards me, her body weightless. I began to suspect that she was hallucinating, but she was real. I spoke to her and begged her to answer my questions, but she just smiled at me and then left ? "    


"I'm not willing to give up. I want to catch up to her, but no matter how hard I try to catch up, I will never be able to catch up to her. She moved further and further away from me, until she disappeared from sight. There weren't any footprints left in the snow or ice, but I didn't give up. I kept looking in the direction she left, hoping to see her again somewhere in the future ? "    


"I don't know how many places I've been and I don't know how many years I've been searching. Just when I was about to give up, she finally appeared. To my confusion and bewilderment, the first time I saw her, she was like a phantom. This time, however, she had a solid body. Similarly, she was still perfect. I thought this meeting would be a good start, but it wasn't. She attacked me, I was hurt, and the box broke. Although I managed to escape, my injuries were truly too severe. To me, this is just like an absurd dream. Many years ago, I wanted to end my own life. She appeared, gave me hope, and then personally crushed everything ? "    


"I'm going to die. I'm going to build a tomb for myself and I'm going to swallow the broken box. This is what I left for you, I put my hope on you, I hope you can unravel my unsolved mystery. Also, I have a request. If you meet her, please kill her. She should not exist. Her life is evil, and I have seen her slaughter a tribe of thousands. I am the only one, you are the only one, I did not do it, you must do it, this is our common mission. Time was not just going forward, it was also seeping in. Goodbye, only one. "    


This was the complete content of the Iron Book.    


The thread said that compared to the content inside, the bronze valuable book's content connecting up and down was indeed a complete "Bronze CD".    


After listening to the contents of the "Bronze CD", some of the mysteries that couldn't be unraveled were unraveled. However, Xia Lei's heart did not feel the slightest bit of excitement, only heaviness.    


In the holy city of Jerusalem, under the holy temple of Jesus, he found the body of an old man, and among the bodies of the old man he found a great number of pieces of the ancient alloy. At that time, he didn't even know who that old man was, nor did he know why that old man had so many ancient alloy fragments. Now that the answer to the riddle had been revealed, he did not expect that the old man was actually the "only" who had left behind the bronze grimoire.    


"He said that he had lived for a long time, that he had even passed through the Ice Age, and was almost an eternal existence. His long life had even tired him of living, and he wanted to end it by suicide. And then he met her, a phantom, and then he became real again ? Isn't he talking about Zhu Xuanyue? " Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart. This thought made his scalp go numb, and he felt a chill down his spine.    


The only person in the entire prehistoric era who didn't mention her name, but he completely believed that the only person who did. Now it seemed that Zhu Xuanyue was only the name of a certain period of time. It had a different name before or after that period of time. Perhaps there were records in history, or perhaps there were no records.    


She was an evil existence, and there was no need for him to remind her of this. He had personally seen how she "preyed" on food, so there was no need to prove it.    


"Time is not just going forward, it is also seeping in. "What does that mean?" Xia Lei thought bitterly, "Does this mean that the only thing before history is to use this phrase to imply that this world really has spaces with different dimensions? Is that why he said it, that the world I live in and the world in the box are obviously not the same world? "    


His brain suddenly opened.    


A hundred years ago, the world was real, and the current world is also real. A hundred years from now, the world will definitely also be real.    


A hundred years might be too long. If the unit of time was set to one second, who could say that the world from one second ago was not real? Who could say that the world would disappear in a second?    


Humans were a type of animal that lived by the senses. Humans had the habit of defining what they felt as "real". However, this world was not that simple. Other than the world of the past, the present world, the future world should have a world of light, a world of darkness, a world of thought that was not considered a world of thought, and so on. If the universe was a chaotic circle, humans were probably only on a grain of sand that made up this circle. Humans' understanding of the universe wouldn't even reach 1/100 million!    


Releasing his mind, his thoughts grew wings as he flew into the endless space. However, the person who came up with the idea was still sitting in the room. It was a tiny existence.    


After an unknown amount of time, Xia Lei could not help but laugh. The only pre-historic "bronze CD" did solve a lot of his confusion, but it also brought him a new one. He found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not get to the bottom of the mystery. In front of him was like a sea, and he was just a small boat sailing in that sea.    


Sometimes, the boat that asked for information would capsize at the drop of a hat.    


"I already know why ancient alloy box shattered and appeared in different places. I knew that the old man under the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was the only one in the world. I also found out that Zhu Xuanyue existed since the only era before the history. But, who was that black-robed person? He and Zhu Xuanyue seem to be the same, the same, but the two of them seem to be enemies, why is this so? "    


"Zhu Xuanyue is currently abnormal, the black cloaked person looks very normal. If he wants to take away the ancient alloy box, I have no way to stop him, but he did not do so, and he did not even have the intention to take away my last AE capsule, why is that so? "    


"Up till now, I have come into contact with a lot of clues regarding the ancient alloy and Zhu Xuanyue, as well as the only clue in history. Doesn't it matter? Or was it for some other reason? "    


One after another, why was Xia Lei's brain split into two parts? One was clear, and the other was confused.    


"Mr. Marley, are you in the room?" Linda's voice came from outside the door.    


Xia Lei's train of thought was interrupted as he looked towards the door. Very easily, he saw Linda standing at the door.    


She seemed to have just been doing some kind of fitness exercise. She was wearing tight elastic cotton gym pants and a gym vest. The white elastic cotton gym pants and a gym vest were sticking to her body like a layer of skin.    


A few seconds ago, his mind was still filled with ancient alloy and AE, Zhu Xuanyue and the black-robed man. But after a few seconds, his mind was filled with that and that thing.    


"Mr. Marley?" Linda knocked on the door, "I know you're inside, open."    


Xia Lei had a headache, he knew why Linda was coming over at this time. He wanted to solve the most difficult mystery in the world, and the woman outside the door only wanted to solve one: whether he was gay or not.    


"Mr. Marley?" Linda seemed to have lost his patience.    


"Hey! What are you doing there? " Giovanna suddenly walked over, the way she walked in seemed a little strange.    


"I... I am looking for Mr. Marley. " Linda subconsciously blocked the triangle between her legs.    


"He has something to take care of. If you have anything to tell me, you can tell him." Giovanna said.    


"Then there's no need. Goodbye!" Linda left with her mouth raised.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief.    


It felt good to be protected by a knight.    


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