Tranxending Vision

C867 You dare to bully my people?

C867 You dare to bully my people?

You dare to bully my people?    


The night sky was clear and full of stars. Moonlight shone down on the valley, and everything in the valley seemed to be covered with a layer of silver powder. The Sun Temple on the distant mountain was faintly discernible in the hazy night, and it emitted a mysterious aura. The night here was mesmerizing.    


Xia Lei stood in front of the window and watched the Sun Temple, but he was actually pondering about a problem in his heart, "It's impossible for Arthur to lie to me in that kind of situation, where is the Holy Mountain? Could it be that it is just another name inside the Knights Hospitaller, but outside it is another name? "    


Once he found the Holy Mountain, he would have the chance to sneak in and steal the protective suit. However, finding the Holy Mountain was one of the prerequisites. What was happening now was that even an archaeologist like Linda, who was familiar with Malta, did not know what kind of Holy Mountain there was in Malta, so how could he possibly find it?    


"Oh right, the women of Gray's and the women of Russo's must know where the Holy Mountain is. I have to think of a way to get the information about the Holy Mountain from their mouths. After all, they were bullied after returning to the Knights Hospitaller, so this is my chance. " With that in mind, Xia Lei left the balcony and returned to his room. He lowered his head to look at the wooden floor beneath his feet, and a second later, he saw Theresa in the room beneath his feet.    


Because her back was injured, she could not lie down to sleep, so she could only lie on the bed. Her body was covered with a thin blanket. Her raised buttocks and slender waist formed a wavy shape. It was full of temptation, making one want to lift the blanket on her body.    


She was not asleep. She had a pillow under her head, and there was a wet patch on the pillow. It was clearly a mark left by the wetting of tears.    


Theresa is right below in the room, but Xia Lei is worried, "If I rashly knock on her door to reveal my identity, then she probably will not be thinking of swearing loyalty to me, but instead revealing her loyalty to the Knights Hospitaller, and will be atoning for her sins? In that case, I'm the stupidest person there is. "    


But just as he was hesitating and didn't know what to do, a woman appeared at Theresa's door. The woman was about forty years old and tall, a typical white woman.    


The woman pounded the door with her fist, while saying rudely: "Theresa! Open the door! "Open the door!"    


Theresa hurriedly climbed down from her bed. She did not have time to put on her clothes, as she wrapped herself in a blanket and went to open the door for the woman.    


The moment the door opened, the tall woman wordlessly waved her hand and slapped Theresa in the face, and then kicked Theresa's small stomach.    


Theresa was kicked to the ground. The wound on her back struck the floor, and the burning pain made her cry out in pain. But even so, she clung to the blanket so that her body would not show. In that case, it would be too ugly.    


"Humph!" Bitch! Do you think you are still noble saints? Your bodies are as dirty as the whores on the street, and you still have the nerve to cover it up? " The tall woman suddenly grabbed the blanket that Theresa was wrapped in, and with a tug of her power, she immediately pulled off the blanket that Theresa was using to hide his face.    


A scene of white flowers was revealed. The mountains were high and the waters were low. The curves were exquisite. In addition, there were countless wounds that had yet to heal. Lying on the ground, she could not only stimulate a man's original desire, but also arouse his pity. However, this tall woman did not have the slightest bit of mercy. She suddenly stomped on Theresa's lower abdomen and said fiercely: "You bitch! Who told you to use herbal medicine to treat wounds? You have committed a crime, this is the punishment you deserve! You are escaping punishment! "    


"I... Sir Tanni, my wounds are burning. If I don't heal, I will die. " Theresa pleaded: "Please let me go, I beg you. We didn't complete the mission, but we didn't betray the knights. "    


"Shut up!" You disgusting bitch! " The woman called Tanni used her foot to step on Theresa's lower abdomen, her eyes filled with a loathsome light, "Even now you are still lying to us, the news we got was that you four knelt down to that Grand China man and swore to become his Knight during that operation in Siberia. You have witnessed so many things, and now you are telling us that you did not betray the Knight Regiment!"    


"Those eyewitnesses of yours were trying to kidnap the thugs who killed us!" Theresa was also infuriated, she roared: "Mr Xia gave us three million dollars to redeem us, he ? At that time, he was only joking, and we have never done anything for him! "    


"If you weren't knights of the Grand China, he would have spent three million to redeem you? Do you think I'm a fool? A woman like you, who's only five hundred dollars a night on the street, would he spend three million dollars on you? Three hundred dollars, he can put diamonds in your dirty ass! "Pfft!" Tanni spat all over Theresa's face.    


Theresa did not extend her hand to wipe it, but tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.    


Tanni withdrew her foot that was stepping on Theresa's lower abdomen, and said fiercely: "Come with me, let's go to confession room."    


Hearing about going to confession room, Theresa became nervous, her face also becoming pale, "Sir Tanni, I was just whipped yesterday, why ? why do you want me to go to confession room again?"    


"Humph!" Tanni sneered, "This time, it's not me who will preside over the four of you confessing, but rather it's Father William Arthur who will instruct Bray to preside over the four of you repenting and atoning for your sins."    


"Father William? "Bray?" Theresa's eyes revealed a terrified look, her voice trembling: "Why?"    


Tanni ridiculed: "Why? So many of you went on missions in Siberia, but only the few of you came back. Arthur's life and death is still unknown, we can't even find his corpse. Tell me, what's wrong with Arthur's father organizing you two to repent and atone for your sins? "    


"NO!" It's not fair to us! " Theresa's emotions went out of control, as if she had realized what would happen next.    


"This is not up to you! Rosa, Giovanna and Stella have already gone to confession room, I will give you a minute to get dressed, if not you can go naked. " Tanni said coldly.    


"You shouldn't have done this to us, you shouldn't ?" Theresa was extremely furious, but she did not forget what she was about to do. She got up from the floor and went to the bed to put on her clothes.    


One minute was simply not enough, but Tanni was unwilling to give her even one more second. When the time was up, Tanni grabbed Theresa's hair and roughly dragged her out of her room. At this time, Theresa's upper body was still naked.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze.    


Although he really wanted the Gray's and Russo's women to suffer a little more, so that he could truly accept them, the scene just now made him filled with righteous indignation. Such torture, how could he treat them as his own people? It wasn't any form of punishment or redemption, he just wanted to beat them to death!    


It was also because of what happened just now that he knew the reason.    


If Arthur had not died, they might not have suffered such torture. Arthur had died, but they had returned alive. Would Arthur's father, William Arthur, let them go?    


"That old man is actually a high ranking figure in the Knights Hospitaller. This is something I never would have thought of." Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


A minute later he too was out the door, a turban on his head. It was the kind of headscarf he had bought in the streets of Valetta that only Arab women wore, from head to neck, without even showing their eyes. He was also wearing a black robe that only Arab women could wear, and it covered his body. The Arab women's outfit cost him fifty euros. At that time, Linda had looked at him strangely for a few minutes.    


walked down the stairs after passing through the corridor. He was barefoot, and there was no sound coming from his feet. On the other hand, the footsteps of Tanni and Theresa could clearly be heard on the stairs.    


After reaching the first floor, Xia Lei carefully entered the stairs that led underground.    


"Hurry up! "You bitch!" Tanni's curses came from below. Other than her voice, there were no other sounds other than her and Theresa's footsteps.    


But even so, Xia Lei still awakened clairvoyance from his left eye, and looked through the underground space at the side of the stairs.    


What he saw was an ancient corridor. The walls on both sides of the corridor were made of thick stone. There were two braziers that provided lighting from a distance. It was about fifty meters long, and at the end of it was a black wooden door. Just as he was about to look through the wooden door, it suddenly opened. A man walked out from behind the wooden door.    


This man was actually the assistant professor who disliked him.    


"Bray, I've brought her here. Please don't be soft-hearted." Tanni pushed Theresa to the assistant professor position.    


A cold smile emerged from the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "So he's Lei Lei, that's easy."    


"Don't worry, I will take good care of the four of them. This is what Mr. William Arthur wants, I dare not to not give him a satisfactory result. " Bresle grabbed Theresa's arm and pushed her through the black wooden door.    


From behind the black wooden door, came the sounds of Theresa falling and the other three women calling her name.    


"Then enjoy yourself slowly." Tanni smiled evilly at Lei Lei, then turned around and walked towards the direction of the stairs.    


Bray turned and entered the black wooden door, then closed it behind him.    


Tanni muttered to herself as she walked, "Gray's and Lu Su's bitches, do they think that they can get through this time with just a little punishment? Dream on, you have killed the son of father William Arthur, can you still live? [That is so stupid. If it was me, I would definitely not have come back.] Serves you right for having such an outcome. In the past, you all considered yourselves holy girls, and each of you thought highly of yourself and looked down on everyone else ? "Now you are worse than whores!"    


Walking to the corner of the staircase, a woman's miserable scream came from behind the black wooden door. Tanni turned around to take a look, and revealed a gloating smile. Then she looked away and crossed the corner, ready to step up the stairs and leave. But at that moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared. Before she could figure out what it was, a sharp saber had stabbed into her heart.    


It was only when she was stabbed in the heart that she saw what the shadow was. It was an Arab woman. Her eyes widened in disbelief. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.    


"You dare to bully my people? "You're courting death." Xia Lei unsheathed his blade, gently pushed Tanni aside, and then walked towards the black door at the end of the corridor.    


Tanni fell to the ground, blood dripping all over.    


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