Tranxending Vision

C889 YANG King-wai

C889 YANG King-wai

Among the soldiers that followed Fan Fan, one of them had a turquoise epaulette on his shoulder and two golden stars on the golden leaves. Xia Lei's heart moved. That was a general. He couldn't help but glance at the general. He was in his early fifties, had a square face, sharp eyes, and a large build. He gave off an impression of competence, confidence, and dignity.    


"The generals of the army probably came for the ZTZ100 capital tank. I haven't even completed it yet, they are really impatient." Xia Lei thought in his heart, then walked over with a smile.    


"Old Xia." Fan Fan called out, "This is the Yellow River general of the Northern Tank Corps."    


"Hello, Chief Yellow River. Welcome to our factory for an inspection." Xia Lei extended both his hands to shake hands with the Yellow River, but he suddenly realized that his hands were covered in oil.    


But the Yellow River held onto Xia Lei's hand, "Isn't it just a little oily? I've been dealing with tanks in the army every day, and I like the smell of this oil, ha-ha ha! "    


He was indeed here to see a tank, but Xia Lei really liked this Yellow River general.    


Fan Fan then introduced Xia Lei to the military leaders who came over with the Yellow River. The few military leaders also shook hands with Xia Lei, not caring about the oil on Xia Lei's hands.    


"Is that the Rayma Group's ZTZ100 capital tank?" Without much pleasantries, the Yellow River anxiously headed towards the ZTZ100 capital tank on the assembly line.    


Xia Lei said: "Chief Huang, you came a little earlier. We still need a month to complete it."    


Anina said that she would still need another half a month to finish the assembly process. She said that one month would include the time needed for the examination.    


"I can't wait that long, I want to see it now." The Yellow River still anxiously walked over.    


A few soldiers surrounded the ZTZ100 capital tank and looked. Some of them were talking to the staff members of the Rayma Group and some of them were looking at the blueprints. The most anxious one was still the Yellow River. He even climbed up to the turret to peer inside the tank.    


Xia Lei and Fan Xian stood to the side and watched.    


"What is this Yellow River general doing here?" Xia Lei said: "Our tanks have not left the production line yet."    


Fan Fan said: "They first went to the Shenzhou Industrial Group and saw the tanks of the Shenzhou Industrial Group, but they couldn't find it. Then they applied to come over to your place to take a look at your ZTZ100 capital tank. Thus, the higher-ups arranged for me to bring some people here. "    


"What do you mean, you don't like it?" Xia Lei was a little curious in his heart. Shenzhou Industrial Group's Tank's Type 99 capital tank s were currently the most advanced capital tank s in the country. Although they were far from the ZTZ100 capital tank, but on an Asian scale, other than the Japanese Type 10 tank and Russian Type T90 tank, the Type 99 capital tank s were still considered very advanced. Furthermore, the current Type 99 capital tank s were heavily armed with troops. Even if the army wanted to change their capital tank s and change the Type 99 capital tank s into the ZTZ100 capital tank s, completing this task would be something that would happen in at least a few years time.    


"I know what you're thinking." Two dimples appeared on the corner of Fan Fan's mouth, "The reason I understand this is not because of the change of tanks with the army, but because of the Russian Tank Biathlon."    


"Tank Biathlon?"    


"Don't you know? It was a tank race. The U. S. and Europe disdain to participate, but in Asia and the third world it has a great influence. Looking at it at the strategic level, it is also a platform for displaying force and intimidating hostile countries around it. " Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei replied: "This is really a big matter."    


"Yeah, it makes a lot more sense than the weapons exhibitions you've attended, because it's a direct confrontation between tanks." At this point, Fan Fan sighed, "But we've never won before."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Tanks were the kings of land war, and the strength of a country's tanks greatly depended on the strength of that country's land war. If you can't even beat the opponent's tank, why would the opponent be afraid of you?    


"They probably want to come over to take a look, and want to bring your ZTZ100 capital tank to participate in the competition. Never won, even India was ahead of us, and that was hard for our soldiers to accept. " Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "My tank is only half finished, how can I take it to the competition?"    


Just then, the Yellow River jumped down from its turret and waved at Xia Lei, "Comrade Xia Lei, come over here for a while." He looked excited, not only in his voice but also in his body language.    


Xia Lei walked over and smiled: "Chief Huang, is there anything I can help you with?"    


However, the Yellow River came closer, gave Xia Lei a firm hug, and then said with a smile: "Amazing! Powerful! I like you so much! "    


"Ugh ?" Xia Lei laughed awkwardly.    


Fan Fan Fan said mischievously, "Chief Huang, you like this tank, right?"    


"Yes yes yes, I like this tank too much, but I also like comrade Xia Lei." Yellow River laughed and said, "It's our country's greatest fortune to have such a talent like you."    


Xia Lei said politely: "Chief Huang, you flatter me."    


"Not at all." Huang Xiaolong pointed at the ZTZ100 capital tank and said excitedly: "Although it is not completed yet, with my experience and intuition as a tank fighter, it will become the King of the Tank World!"    


Fan Xian could not help but smile, and when the corner of his eyes landed on Xia Lei's face, he could not help but rejoice.    


Facing such praise, Xia Lei did not have any special feelings in his heart, because he knew that his ZTZ100 capital tank was a tank that left the American M1A3 capital tank behind.    


"Among the top ten tanks in the world, the United States' M1A1 is ranked first, and it is not even the most advanced M1A3 capital tank. To our army, such a tank would be a weapon for the future. But that ranking actually put India's Arjun Tank in front of us, and then Japan's Type 10 Tank. " The Yellow River sighed, "We have never fought against Japanese Type 10 tanks, but in the Russian Tank Biathlon, we have fought against Indian Type 10 tanks, but we actually... Unexpectedly ? "Sigh!"    


He could not say the result.    


"Some people think our 99 tank is the most advanced tank in the world, but that's wrong. For example, the tanks in Europe and the United States were all automatic. They used gas turbine engines and did not burn diesel for a long time. Tanks equipped with gas turbine engines were not only faster, but also more agile. Their wear resistance was three times that of diesel generators, and the number of hours of maintenance was reduced by several times. But our Model 99 is still using the outdated diesel engines. Just based on this, how can it be called the most advanced tank? " The Yellow River said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "That is a fact. We have made improvements, but we are still lagging behind Europe and America by too much. However, the tank page would soon be turned. The ZTZ100 capital tank uses a gas turbine engine, 2,500 horsepower, which is one-third stronger than the American M1A3 capital tank engine. The ZTZ100 capital tank is also automatic blocking. Although it is 12 times heavier than the M1A3 capital tank, it is faster and more agile. "    


"Yeah, that's why I can't help but get excited. We dream of having an automatic tank, and you've made it a reality. " The Yellow River patted Xia Lei's shoulder, "Comrade Xia Lei, please help me out."    


Xia Lei said: "Chief Huang, feel free to say what you want to do. You're welcome."    


"Give me this ZTZ100 capital tank in half a month's time. I will bring it to Russia to participate in the Tank Biathlon." The Yellow River said, its eyes filled with anticipation.    


"This ?" Xia Lei said with some difficulty: "To finish the assembling would require half a month's time, and after that, there would be a comprehensive test. Half a month's time simply isn't enough."    


Yellow River said, "I know that this is a little difficult for you. A brand-new tank entering the competition without a comprehensive test is equivalent to entering the Tank Biathlon, which also carries a great risk." This time, however, the Japanese will attend. Their latest improved Type 10 tank will compete, and I dream of defeating the Japanese tank. "    


"Why would Japan participate?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.    


"It was also a gesture of goodwill because Japan and Russia started negotiations on the four northern islands. As you know, Russia is in a very difficult situation. It needs Japanese investment. I don't care about that. All I care about is not losing to Japan. " The Yellow River said.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Alright, I promise you. Immediately after completing the assembly, send the ZTZ100 capital tank to Russia, I will test it on the way. "    


"You want to go as well?" Fan Fan touching Xia Lei with his arm seemed to be a hint.    


She was worried about Xia Lei's safety.    


The Yellow River opened his eyes wide, "Comrade Fan Fan, what is the meaning of this?" I know that comrade Xia Lei is a national treasure of our country, leaving this country will bring about a certain amount of risk, but aren't you looking down too much on our Northern Tank Corps? I'll send a thousand elites to protect him. If he loses a hair, you can punish me. "    


"Ugh ?" An awkward blush appeared on Fan Fan Fan's face.    


However, the Yellow River loudly said, "Did I say something wrong?" You are Comrade Fan Fan, and you are Comrade Xia Lei's fiancee. I can understand how worried you are about him, but is my promise to the Yellow River not enough? "    


"Enough is enough." Fan Fan Fan followed, "If he wants to go, I can't stop him."    


Yellow River grinned, "That's right." Comrade Xia Lei, you have a virtuous wife to help you. "    


Fan Fan Fan revealed a smile on his face, but inside, he was sighing. "Yes, one of them. He really is a virtuous person and is helping in the office. My surname is Liang." Who the hell am I? "    


In the past, she didn't think of being Xia Lei's only woman, but as time went by and love developed, with the addition of the little monkey in her stomach, she couldn't help but have this kind of imagination. It was inevitable that no woman would ever want to share the man she loved with another woman. But, could Xia Lei only have one woman? This was obviously unrealistic.    


"Chief Huang, it's decided then. In half a month, we will go to Russia and show them the real King of Tanks! " Xia Lei said.    


The Yellow River once again held Xia Lei's hand, "Raise the might of our country!"    


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