Tranxending Vision

C894 True Battlefield

C894 True Battlefield



With the sound of a cannon, the target that was 1 km away was smashed into smithereens by the cannonball shot by the ZTZ100 capital tank. A 150-mm main cannon. This was the biggest caliber of a tank's main cannon, so its power didn't need to be mentioned. With the same armor, the ZTZ100 capital tank's artillery shell could rip apart the opponent's defensive armor, but the opponent's artillery shell would have a hard time ripping apart the opponent's armor.    


Moreover, its ceramic reactive armor can withstand a 155-millimetre main bombardment one kilometer away. Even the American M1A3 capital tank's main cannon was only 140 mm, and the M1A3 capital tank's ceramic reaction armor could only defend against a 144-mm main cannon's attack. In other words, even if the A1A3 capital tank were to clash with the ZTZ100 capital tank, a ZTZ100 capital tank would be able to overturn the opponent with a single cannon, while the opponent would be unable to tear apart the ceramic armor of the ZTZ100 capital tank!    




Four consecutive gunshots rang out, and the ZTZ100 capital tank fired five cannonballs in almost thirty seconds, hitting five targets that had to be hit. Moreover, this also included the time needed for the turret to adjust!    


As for locking onto the five targets that had already been destroyed, it was a piece of cake. Xia Lei wasn't worried about that at all.    


Before the smoke and dust from the explosion had dispersed, the viewing platform was already filled with heated discussions.    


"How is that possible? If a single person were to operate it, even with an automatic bomb supply device, it would be impossible to hit five targets in thirty seconds, right? "    


"Two thousand meters away and accurately hit the target. What's the difference between that and a sniper rifle?"    


"I suspect that even the American M1A3a capital tank would not be able to defeat the Grand China's ZTZ100 capital tank!"    


"Does this mean that the new King of Tanks has been born?"    


From the initial doubt, to the shock of the first stage, to the second stage, these people had already been subdued. Although they were unwilling to accept it, but the ZTZ100 capital tank was right in front of them, extremely powerful. The iron-like truth was right in front of them, and they had no choice but to accept it!    


These comments were translated into the Yellow River's ears, and the Yellow River was very proud.    


In the past, only Grand China could ask her father to tell her that he was willing to buy weapons from Russia. Furthermore, they would only sell weapons and technology that they did not need anymore. Why? It was just that he did not want the Grand China to become stronger. When Grand China bought the backward weapons, equipment and technology, he modified them to upgrade his own. He also said that Grand China copied his own technology. All kinds of grievances, all kinds of grievances. But now, it was different. A Rayma Group allowed the military power of the Grand China to soar. Let alone Russian technology, even American technology had to stand aside!    


With such a fact in front of him, with such glory in his hands, how could he not be proud!    


Rumble, rumble ?    


On the shooting-range, the other countries' tanks were also shooting at the target, but the strength they displayed compared to ZTZ100 capital tank was like a child and a professional fighter, it was completely incomparable.    


Masao Hattori looked at the ZTZ100 capital tank on the shooting-range with a gloomy expression. As the enemy kingdom, he did not wish to see the Grand China having such an excellent tank.    


At this time, the ZTZ100 capital tank that had finished moving its target stopped.    


Masao Hattori suddenly shifted his gaze to look at Mei Hattori behind him.    


Mei Hattori nodded her head, then raised her wrist, and said to the watch in her hand: "You may begin."    


On the shooting-range, three Type 10 tanks intentionally or unintentionally moved towards the stopped ZTZ100 capital tank s, quickly forming a triangular shape that surrounded the ZTZ100 capital tank s. Just as the siege was completed, three Type 10 tanks pointed their cannons towards the ZTZ100 capital tank.    


Inside the tank, the alarm suddenly sounded and the system's voice sounded, "You have been locked down! You have been locked on! "    


A 3D image appeared on the radar terminal at the same time. Three Type 10 tanks appeared on the display, each one dyed red by the system's display.    


In the cockpit, the image of the white tank soldier's face suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. He stomped on the gas pedal, and the ZTZ100 capital tank suddenly went from its stationary state to its sprinting state. The colossal body of the car was like an athlete starting off. It kicked up a large amount of dirt before leaping forward!    




Just as the ZTZ100 capital tank entered the sprinting mode, three Type 10 tanks fired at the ZTZ100 capital tank.    


BOOM! One shell hit the left side of the ceramic reactive armor of the ZTZ100 capital tank and one shell hit the right side of the ceramic reactive armor of the ZTZ100 capital tank. One hit nothing but earth and rock.    


When the ZTZ100 capital tank was struck by the two cannons, it did not stop. It did not even slow down!    


If it were any other tank, once they were struck by the two main cannons of the tank, they would definitely be destroyed!    


Raging flames were ignited on the ZTZ100 capital tank, but after a few seconds, the ZTZ100 capital tank's automatic fire extinguishing system extinguished the flames.    


On the observation stage, with the exception of a few Japanese, everyone was stunned.    


"Damn it!" What do you guys want to do?! " The Yellow River suddenly jumped up, and he rushed towards Masao Hattori.    


A few Japanese military officers then stood in front of Masao Hattori.    


The translator also hugged the Yellow River.    


"Something must have gone wrong!" Mei Hattori came out to explain, her expression extremely anxious.    


"Yes!" It must be a mistake! " Masao Hattori gave the same explanation.    


"Misunderstanding your mother!" The Yellow River burst out, "You are declaring war! This is a declaration of war! We will follow you to the end! "    


"General Huang, please allow us to investigate carefully before we give you a satisfactory explanation!" Russian officials came forward to explain.    


On the shooting-range, the three Type 10 tanks did not chase after the ZTZ100 capital tank, nor did they fire a second shot at the ZTZ100 capital tank. The hatch of one of them opened and a Japanese tank soldier climbed out of the cockpit, waving his helmet.    


There were all sorts of indications that this really was an accident and that there was a possibility of a fire going off. As for why three tanks went off at the same time, who cares?    


"Look, our tank soldiers are using sign language. This is really a misunderstanding." Mei Hattori braced herself and explained. She did not realize that her forehead was already covered in cold sweat.    


"Good!" Good! Fire! Let our soldiers into the tanks! Give them an even bigger misunderstanding! " The Yellow River roared.    


"Please don't!" Russian officials panicked.    


"I won't listen to anyone's explanation!" The Yellow River had already lost control of its emotions, a ZTZ100 capital tank was nothing, the most important thing was Xia Lei who was inside the tank. Xia Lei was the flying wing of the Grand China, what the Japanese did was tantamount to breaking the flying wing of the Grand China Army, it was intolerable!    


A Russian officer suddenly bellowed: "This is our Russian territory! If you want to fight, then please go to your own territory! If you don't listen, it's a declaration of war on us Russians! I'll send the anti-tank troops in right now! "    


"It's not like we haven't fought before!" The Yellow River roared.    


"You ?" The Russian officer was instantly livid.    


War with the Grand China? Even the United States does not have such a temper, let alone Russia, which is suffering from sanctions. Without the Grand China's support, Russia's current situation would be several times more difficult.    


However, after venting his anger, the Yellow River gradually calmed down and did not give the order for its soldiers to board the tanks for revenge.    


A person in his place must be held responsible. He was the general of Grand China, he had to ask for permission no matter who he shot at!    


Seeing that the Yellow River had calmed down, Masao Hattori quickly replied, "Yes, yes, yes. "I guarantee that I will investigate this matter clearly and give you a satisfactory answer."    


The Yellow River looked at Masao Hattori coldly, and did not say anything.    


Only then did Mei Hattori heave a sigh of relief. She extended her hand to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead. Her line of sight landed on the shooting-range, and at that moment, the ZTZ100 capital tank that was struck by the two artillery shells had already circled around and returned.    


The Japanese soldier standing on the Type 10 tank waved his helmet towards the ZTZ100 capital tank and also shouted loudly. Even without hearing his voice, they could already guess that he was explaining to the people of the ZTZ100 capital tank that what just happened was a misunderstanding.    


"Xia Lei, why aren't you dead?" Mei Hattori said hatefully in her heart.    


Just as her words came to a stop, the ZTZ100 capital tank suddenly trembled.    




A shell shot out from the 150-mm barrel of the main cannon.    




As the flames exploded, the tank soldier standing on top of the Type 10 tank was immediately torn to shreds. He could not even find a palm-sized piece of flesh. The Type 10 tank turret beneath his feet was lifted up and sent flying. Following that was the implosion of the tank's interior. There was a deafening explosion that shook even the ground!    


"He ?" Masao Hattori instantly jumped up, "He actually dared to fire cannons at our tanks and soldiers!"    


Just as he finished speaking ?    




Another gunshot rang out, and the second Type 10 tank that had fired at the ZTZ100 capital tank was struck. The furious armor-piercing artillery shell broke through the front armor and steel plates of the Type 10 tank and smashed into the cockpit before exploding.    


The remaining car hurriedly started up and fled to the side.    


"Quick!" Quick, tell him to stop! " Masao Hattori roared at the Yellow River.    


The Yellow River shrugged. "He's not my soldier, so I can't order him to do anything. What are you nervous about? I feel that this was only an accident. Don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. "    


Mei Hattori rushed to the front of the observation stage. She wanted to do something, but just as she was about to step down, she withdrew her steps.    


If she appeared in Xia Lei's field of vision, what would Xia Lei do?    


The answer did not even need to be imagined. It was just a cannonball!    


Running away from the range was the enhanced Type 10 tank, which was better than the other two Type 10 tanks. But compared to the ZTZ100 capital tank, it was far inferior. It wanted to escape, but the ZTZ100 type capital tank caught up to it in two minutes.    


The turret on the ZTZ100 capital tank moved and its turret locked onto the fleeing Type 10 tank.    


"Tell him to stop!" Masao Hattori roared.    


The Yellow River looked at the tank on the range calmly, not even sparing Masao Hattori a glance.    


Boom ? ?    


The Type 10 tank exploded, and raging flames shot up into the sky.    


The ZTZ100 capital tank stopped.    


Xia Lei took out the communication device that the Russians had equipped for the tournament. He first cleared his throat before saying: "This is a misunderstanding."    


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