Tranxending Vision



Senior Sister has it?    


ZTZ100 main fight Tan Ke has been fixed, the improvement has been improved, and the improvement has been perfected. Compared to when he was in Russia, it was more perfect and powerful. Using it as a model, the Rayma Group started the production plan for Tan Ke, the main fighter of ZTZ100.    


As for the orders, the current Weapons s did not need to consider about the orders, they only needed to consider the production capacity. The superior had given Xia Lei a sentence, "You can produce as much as you want. Money is not a problem, and resources are not a problem either. Whatever you want, I will give it to you!"    


These words seemed to be a turning point, as the Rayma Group flew out after it.    


As the technology of ZTZ100's main fighter, Tan Ke, matured, A Ninuo and Xi Erweiya could finally let out a sigh of relief. The two Germany women finally welcomed their journey to Greece. But before they left, Liu steeled two exquisite pieces of human skin for them. The mask had turned them into two unfamiliar women. For the sake of the Insurance, he even sent A Leixiou and Ye Lienuo to protect them. A Ninuo and Xi Erweiya were the most important people in Rayma Group, he had to protect them well.    


The day after A Ninuo and Xi Erweiya left, an unexpected visitor came to Military Plant.    


The visitor was Fu Buyayi.    


A black OL uniform with rimless glasses appeared in front of Xia Lei. Fu Buyayi had the image of an elite in Workplace. But in Russia, she was dressed in a gorgeous kimono, which made her look extremely charming and sexy.    


Qing Caiyue brought Fu Buyayi into Xia Lei's Office to make tea, but Xia Lei told her to leave.    


"I didn't expect you to come to my place." Xia Lei sneered. To this woman, he could only describe her with one word, and that was — as poisonous as a snake or a scorpion.    


Fu Buyayi pursed her lips and smiled, "Yeah, I came to your place. What are you going to do with me? Kill me? Or sleep with me? "    


Her people were full of temptation, and her words were full of temptation.    


"Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?" Xia Lei's voice was very cold.    


"Why are you so hostile towards me?" Fu Buyayi had an aggrieved expression on her face. "Am I that detestable in your heart?"    


"I don't hate you for telling three Tan Ke to kill me. Do you think I should like you?"    


"That's the reason?" Fu Buyayi shrugged her shoulders, "You should know very well that I am only a person who executes Commands s. If I don't execute this Commands, there will be others who will execute this Commands. "You've already threatened the strategic interests of the United States. How many people want to kill you?"    


Although Xia Lei hated her in his heart, he had to admit that what she said was true. Right now, he was affecting the balance of the Asia, which could be considered as threatening the strategic interests of the United States to return to the Asia. The United States wants to get rid of him now more than anyone in this world. Under the current circumstances, would the people who came to kill him still do so?    


"Xia Lei, although you hate me to death in your heart, but I still have to give you a piece of advice."    


"What are you trying to say?"    


"Don't go abroad in the future. Next time, they might send no one." "The machine will kill you."    


Xia Lei sneered and said, "Thank you, but you did remind me of a possible way to get rid of you and your father."    


Fu Buyayi was slightly taken aback, "Rayma Group has already started producing more people. "Is the plane ready?"    


"This is a military secret. If you have the ability, send your spies here to steal it." Xia Lei said. The Rayma Group had not been produced yet. But there will be.    


Fu Buyayi laughed again. "Don't kill me, really, please. I am a woman who has slept with you since the beginning. Don't you care about your old relationship at all? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Not only was this woman as poisonous as a snake or as shameless as a scorpion, but when these two loathsome traits were combined with her body, the strangest thing was that it did not attract any kind of hatred from others.    


"Fine, you want to kill my father. After you do that, remember to tell me so that I can send him off." Fu Buyayi said.    


Xia Lei was moved, "India, that time, you did it on purpose, right? At the critical moment, you ran away and left your brother behind. You know exactly what happens when you do it, but you do it anyway. Now that you've said such words, your goal is … "    


"You obviously guessed it. Why did you still need me to say it?" Fu Buyayi had a charming smile on her face.    


Xia Lei felt a chill in his heart. First, this woman had killed her brother, the crescent moon blade. Now, she actually didn't mind showing that she wanted to kill her father in front of him. To use a venomous snake or scorpion to describe her was clearly not high enough. She should be a venomous spider that ate its mate in the animal kingdom!    


"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell your father?" After a brief moment of silence, Xia Lei probed.    


"If I were afraid, would I say it? "Sometimes, an enemy is not always an enemy. At critical moments, an enemy can cooperate as well." The crescent moon blade blinked its eyes towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei understood what she meant, but he didn't show it on the surface, "You came here to say this?"    


"Of course there are official matters. I just want to catch up with you." Fu Buyayi used her hand to untie one of the button and then stuck one of her hands into her chest.    


In Xia Lei's line of sight, she pushed her black bra down along a white ditch and took out a milky white card.    


Fu Buyayi handed over the card that was only the size of a business card to Xia Lei with both hands.    


The milky white's card still had a faint aroma of milk.    


Xia Lei did not extend his hand to take it, but saw the words written on it: Xia Lei mister, Boo Forum Asia Annual Meeting, looking forward to meeting you.    


The signature on the card was Fo Sen, the CEO of Lockheed Martin.    


After looking at the contents of the card, Xia Lei eventually extended his hand to receive it. This was the equivalent of an invitation letter Fo Sen sent him. Out of politeness, he was going to accept it. However, he could not understand why Fu Buyayi would hide such a card in her bra.    


Seemingly having guessed Xia Lei's thoughts, Fu Buyayi raised her hands and turned around in front of Xia Lei, "I know what you're thinking, but I have to tell you, I don't even have a bag on me. I can only put it in my bra. I don't think you'd mind, because you've tasted what's inside the bra, too. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"This year's Boo Forum will be devoted to peace and stability in the Asia. More than twenty Asia s will be represented. As a special guest, Ms. Fawson will meet you at this year's annual meeting. " Fu Buyayi said.    




"You actually don't know where the Headquarters is at? You should really care about these things. " Fu Buyayi said, "Boo's Headquarters is located in Hainan of China. Beale Gates and Ma Yun have both participated in the Boo's forums."    


"I'm not a member, why would I participate in the annual meeting of the Boo?" Xia Lei's interest was indifferent. He wanted to do something in peace rather than talk at a big annual meeting.    


"You are not a qualified Trader after all. Other people might not even have a chance to show their face, but you are not interested."    


"I never thought I was a qualified Trader. I'm more skilled at creating Weapons." Xia Lei said.    


"You mean not to?"    


"No, she wants to see me. Should I fly to Hainan to see her?" Xia Lei snorted, "What a joke."    


"But …" Fu Buyayi wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei said, "I've received Ms. Fawson's invitation letter. You can leave now. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, if I change my mind, you might die here. "    


Fu Buyayi smiled bitterly and turned around to leave. When she reached the door, she looked back at Xia Lei and said, "It doesn't matter if you go to the Boo's forum or not, Lili will still be there waiting for you. And don't forget what I just said to you. "    


Xia Lei just looked at her and didn't say anything. However, he was very clear on what Fu Buyayi meant by that sentence. Enemies are not always enemies, and sometimes enemies can cooperate as well.    


Fu Buyayi left.    


Xia Lei revealed a disdainful smile, "Cooperating with you? What good can you do me? You want to borrow my hand to take sole control of Department of Clothing Family? This plan of yours is very good, but I just want to see how you plan it, so I won't buy it. "    


With the death of the crescent moon blade, only Fu Buyayi remained as the successor. But she was a woman after all, and there was a strong tradition in the Japan society. The majority of their family's businesses were passed on to their sons only, not their daughters. So there was no guarantee that Fu Buzhengxiong would not be pressured from within the family to create a new heir to Xiao An Drew. At that time, her beautiful dream had come to nothing. And the easiest way for her to solve the problem was to kill Fu Buzhengxiong. With her personality, why wouldn't she be able to do that?    


Not long after Fu Buyayi left, Liang Siyao walked in with a face full of smiles. Her pretty face was like a peach blossom.    


"What's making you so happy?" Seeing Liang Siyao, Xia Lei's mood immediately became better. His thoughts also shifted to Liang Siyao.    


Liang Siyao walked over with a mysterious look. "Guess."    


Xia Lei guessed for a bit, but then shook his head, "If you can't guess, then just say so."    


"Guess again, you will." Liang Siyao had to be suspenseful.    


Xia Lei pulled her into his embrace and then pressed her onto his leg. He waved his hand and slapped her butt twice. Then, he said with a threatening tone, "Are you going to say?"    


"If you don't say it, even if you beat me to death, I won't say it." Liang Siyao chuckled.    


Pah pah pah …    


Xia Lei's palm was like a drum as it slapped towards Liang Siyao's butt. That plump butt rippled a bit, causing waves of Ripple s to appear. Under her slightly opened OL uniform skirt was a pair of beautiful black filament legs. Senior Sister's legs were the legs of Yong Chun, the most beautiful legs.    


"You really can bear it. You hit him, you hit him. If your son beats him up, it's all yours." Liang Siyao turned her head and glared at Xia Lei. There was a hint of displeasure in her eyes, but also a hint of seduction. His pair of big, black eyes were filled with Xia Lei, not a single thing was contained within them.    


Xia Lei's slap suddenly stopped in the air. He was stunned for a moment before a sentence came out, "You have it?"    


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