Tranxending Vision

C902 Black Humor

C902 Black Humor

The annual meeting, on the theme "Peace and stability in Asia", was opened by a political dignitary. Heavyweight guests from all over the world gave lectures on the subject. These heavyweight guests included representatives of the Japanese consortium, South Korean politicians, and influential politicians from the Philippines and Europe and the United States.    


Other people were talking big on the stage, but Xia Lei appeared to be bored. He didn't like such occasions at all. His gaze wandered off the stage, and finally stopped on Shentu Tianyin's body. Shentu Tianyin was also looking at him, and she smiled at him. He also smiled at Shentu Tianyin, but felt a headache coming on. His IQ was heaven-defying, but he couldn't figure out the entanglement of his emotions.    


Intelligence and EQ were always in two different worlds.    


Shentu Tianyin wrote a few words on her notebook with the brush, and then stood it upright. The side with words was facing Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei saw the words that she wrote on his notebook: Come to lunch with me.    


Just as Xia Lei wanted to nod his head, he remembered that Fan Xian had warned him before to not meet Shentu Tianyin secretly, otherwise she and Liang Siyao would have let him sleep on the sofa. He had to pay attention to the warnings of the two big-bellied women. He didn't want to get them angry and get thrown off the bed to sleep on the couch.    


There was also another reason that he couldn't nod his head. Fan and Liang Siyao being pregnant with his children was already a very precious thing for them to be able to accept each other. As men, he should also take on the responsibilities of a husband and father. With a child, he could no longer be as romantic as before.    


This seemed to be the reason why he did not touch the four female Knights. If it was in the past, when Fan Fan Fan, Liang Siyao, and Jiang Ruyi were not pregnant with their children, when the women of Gray's and Gray's had seduced him, he might have been able to do it.    


Shentu Tianyin stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei shook his head, and then pointed at his eyes, as if saying that he couldn't see such a small word on the notebook. Shentu Tianyin put down his notebook and was about to write an even larger word, but suddenly he turned his head to the side in alert.    


Right at this time, the host's gaze turned towards Xia Lei. With a smile on his face, he said, "Mr. Xia, can you please talk about your expectations for the future of Asia?"    


Xia Lei concentrated and spoke into the microphone in front of him: "My expectations for Asia are very simple, it is peace and stability. Only those who have experienced war will understand the value of peace. Asia needs a peaceful and stable space for development. "    


"Mr. Xia." A representative from the Japanese consortium said, "I know you are an arms dealer who manufactures weapons. Your Rayma Group has been developing very ferociously these past two years. Your weapon is in the limelight on the battlefield of the Middle East. "You, a person who makes weapons of war, actually said that only people who have experienced war would understand the value of peace. Are you joking with us?"    


Normal people did not stop it. This was an annual meeting of an open nature. Even more gazes were gathered on Xia Lei, waiting for his reply.    


Xia Lei thought that the one who would make things difficult for him was Folson, but he never expected that it would be a Japanese person. He smiled, "Alright, since you have such doubts, I'll have a talk with you. Until now, mankind has never stopped researching and manufacturing weapons. In the primitive world, we fought with stones and sticks, and powerful tribes went back to plunder the weak tribes and steal their food and women. In modern times, powerful countries also plundered weak countries through war, robbing weak countries of their resources. I won't mention it here, I'm afraid you won't like it. "    


The representative of the Japanese Consortium had an ugly expression on his face. He knew that Xia Lei was hinting at his homeland, Japan. During the Second World War, Japan brought a huge disaster to all of Asia, especially to the Grand China. The crimes committed by Japan were untold and incomparable to those committed by beasts.    


"History is history, and this is a time of peace. While countries are cutting military spending and nuclear arsenals, you are working on more advanced weapons of war. Your answer is simply to change the subject, isn't it? " The representative of the Japanese consortium retorted.    


Xia Lei said indifferently, "On the contrary, the reason why I research and manufacture weapons is not for war but for peace. Our country had a very dark time in recent history, when we were almost rebuilding on rubble. We've been bullied and exploited, and we have to be strong to avoid a repeat of history. When we get stronger, when others don't dare to hit us, isn't that the same as peace? "    


"You are trying to force the truth out of me."    


"Well, I'll give you Japan as an example. You have invaded us, robbed our lands and mines, insulted our women, and destroyed our historical relics. We have neighbors like you in Japan, how can we not be on guard? Right now, you have powerful American troops stationed on your land, aircraft carriers, submarines, and the world's most advanced aircraft, B2 and F35. If you insist that weapons represent war is not a peaceful subject, then you, Japan, should let the American army leave Asia. Do you dare? Didn't you also change your peaceful constitution? to give your troops more freedom to fight. "    


The representative of the Japanese Consortium turned pale. He choked on Xia Lei, unable to say a word.    


"Japan is no longer the Japan of World War II, and you all know that asking the American army to protect you and build our own national defense is no longer an obstacle for you?" Xia Lei said.    


The representative of the Japanese Consortium snorted lightly, showing his dissatisfaction. However, he did not dare to continue arguing with Xia Lei.    


If you likened Japan and the Grand China to two men in the Asian village, Japan would have mercilessly beaten the Grand China up when he was sick. At that time, the Grand China would not be a match for the sickly and weak Grand China, and he would almost be beaten to death. But now that he was cured, he, who was bigger than Japan, became stronger and stronger. Japan started to worry that he would have his revenge someday, so it started to advocate for peace. Every advanced weapon that the Grand China came up with would definitely have a lot to say, and he even had to ask the United States to come together to stop the development of the Grand China. This was the attitude of Japan. It was evident from the representative of the Japanese consortium.    


When the other party shut his mouth, Xia Lei did not pursue. He changed the topic, "Weapons have never been an obstacle to peace. Let me give you an example. A thug cut a man with a kitchen knife. Was it the fault of the man who made the knife? War has always been the result of conflicts of interest. We want peace, but what we want is peace not in the hands of others. What we want is peace in our own hands. That is why the Rayma Group will research more advanced weapons to help our country secure peace in its own hands. "    


There was actually a more straightforward interpretation of his words, which was ? If you don't violate my interests, then we will be at peace. You invade my interests, and we have no peace. If you don't want to fight, then go ahead. If you fight, I will beat you until your teeth are all over the ground!    


The higher-ups wanted him to show his face at the annual meeting, and Fan said it very clearly, and that was to borrow his mouth to send such a message to the outside world. He was unwilling to give in to kindness!    


"Well, I'm done. Maybe someone thinks I'm right, maybe someone won't agree with me, but that doesn't matter. Here I conclude my statement with a sentence that history is moving forward, not backwards. "Thank you." Xia Lei finished his speech and nodded to pay his respects.    


Pah pah pah!    


Shentu Tianyin clapped the first as she looked at Xia Lei with excitement and respect. The current Xia Lei was no longer the same Xia Lei as before. With his height now, even she could only look up at him!    


A round of warm applause suddenly rang out in the main hall.    


"This is a wonderful speech." The host said with a smile, "Mr. Xia, this year's annual meeting has a very special topic. It is the debate between you and the CEO of Lockheed Martin Corp, Ms. Folson, on the theme of peace and stability in Asia. I am looking forward to it. "Please."    


The host made an inviting gesture.    


Xia Lei glanced at the two individual speakers on the stage, and then looked at Folson. In his heart, he knew: "That Japanese person just now was probably the vanguard right? "Debate again, what a headache. I just want to go to the beach with my two grandpas and bask in the sun ?"    


Although he was complaining in his heart, Xia Lei still walked towards the stage where his nameplate was placed.    


Folson also left her seat and walked towards her stage.    


The arms magnate from the United States and the arms magnate from the Grand China were already in position, and there was going to be a debate on "Peace and stability in Asia".    


The main venue quieted down.    


Folson spoke first. He spoke in fluent English: "First of all, I would like to thank you very much for being invited to this gathering. Asia has a very important place in the world. As a defender of peace, the United States sincerely hopes that Asia will have a peaceful and stable environment for development that will contribute to the development of humankind. "    


A round of applause.    


Folson made a gesture to invite Xia Lei to make a statement.    


Xia Lei supported himself with both hands, "Welcome to Asia, Lady Folson. I have also the honor of standing here and conversing with Lady Folson. I hope that it will be a pleasant exchange. "    


Folson said, "Thank you. A few years ago, the Rayma Group did not exist in this part of Asia, but now, it was the biggest military enterprise of the Grand China. As the owner of the business in Rayma Group, Mr. Xia's career is undoubtedly very successful. Many media even use the word 'miracle' to describe you and your rise, and I personally admire you. "    


Xia Lei smiled, "Thank you."    


Folson's words suddenly turned around, "Mr. Xia, although you have made impressive achievements, some of your actions have made me feel regret. The weapons of the Rayma Group flowed into the battlefield of the Middle East, as well as into the South American region. Before I came, I did an investigation. I discovered that Rayma Group's XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle and helldog single-military artillery were all playing a disgraceful role in the battlefield of the Middle East. A certain number of Rayma Group's weapons had fallen into the hands of the terrorists. For the sake of the rapid development of your company to get money and customers, you sold your weapons to terrorists and made the people there suffer. Think about those crying women and children. How do you feel? "    


As expected, those who came with ill intentions did not come with good intentions.    


This would not be a friendly debate.    


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