Tranxending Vision

C903 Fo Sen's attack

C903 Fo Sen's attack

The fact that the weapons of the Rayma Group walked out of the national gates, and then flowed into the hands of someone was something that Xia Lei was actually unable to control. He sold the legitimate government, the legitimate army, but it was difficult to keep the worms out of the legitimate government and the legitimate army, and he traded his weapons for a high price.    


The Rayma Group's XL2500 sniper rifles, blast assault rifle s and helldog single-military artillery s were very popular on the battlefield in the Middle East. They were extremely long distance and powerful. Looking at it from this angle, the weapons of the Rayma Group had indeed increased the suffering of the land and caused harm to the common people.    


But, was this Rayma Group's fault? Was this Xia Lei's fault?    


"The excellent weapons of the Rayma Group on the battlefield in the Middle East not only caused harm to the ordinary people and increased their suffering, but also caused harm to the United States and its allies. In Afghanistan, in Syria, in Iraq, many of the soldiers of the United States and its allies have died at the hands of the weapons you made. " Folson's tone was overbearing and overbearing, "Mr. Xia, you did succeed personally, but was this kind of success what you wanted? Is this the peace in your hand you speak of? "    


All eyes gathered on Xia Lei's body.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "You said that my weapon has fallen into the hands of a terrorist, is there any evidence?"    


A cold smile surfaced on Folson's lips, "I knew you would say that, I brought a video."    


The moment she said that, a video appeared on the screen behind the two of them.    


In the video, a black robed terrorist was shooting a blast assault rifle towards a group of women, children and elderly people. The bullet passed through a patch of corpses and blood stained the ground. At the end of the group, the bearded terrorist who was shooting at the villagers said that the blast assault rifle was the best rifle that he had ever used ?    


The images changed and a U. S. military convoy on mission in Afghanistan was attacked by terrorist forces. The vanguard armored car was destroyed by one of the helldog single-military artillery's artillery shells, and more than half of the fighting American soldiers were killed by an XL2500 sniper rifle. At the end of the series, a terrifying armed man was showing off an XL2500 sniper rifle, praising it as a gift from God. Then another armed man kissed the helldog single-military artillery and said that with it, he would dare challenge an American tank.    


After about two minutes of video playback, Folson took a deep breath and said with a pained tone: "Mr. Xia, shouldn't you have said something?"    


Xia Lei said: "I also have a video."    


Very quickly, a new video appeared on the big screen behind the two of them.    


In the video, two M1A1 capital tank rushed into a small town in Iraq. They fired their cannons at the fleeing villagers and the Iraqi government soldiers guarding the town. A terrorist who was filming the video appeared at the end, smiling as he thanked the American tanks...    


The scene changed. The Syrian battlefield. An American Hercules transport plane roared through the air. Boxes filled with weapons fell from the sky on parachutes. However, the weapons weren't from the United States. They were from terrorists...    


The video stopped before it could even reach Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Ms. Folson, since you want me to express my views on the appearance of the Rayma Group's weapon in the hands of the terrorists, I would also like to invite you to express your views on the content in the video just now."    


"It was a mistake to drop the weapons by air. As for the tanks, they were left in Iraq during the Gulf War. After Saddam's fall, a portion of those equipment flowed into the hands of terrorist organizations." Folson said: "This is not our wish, and it was not intentional."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Could it be that I did this on purpose? Your tank landed into the hands of a terrorist organization due to a mistake, and your airdrop weapons and equipment went into the hands of that terrorist organization by mistake, so wouldn't it be understandable if my weapons flowed into the hands of that terrorist organization through some channels? "    


"The nature is different! "Mr. Xia!"    


"That's right, your mistakes are legal, and mine are illegal. I will only allow you to make mistakes, not me. Is that what you mean? " Xia Lei asked.    


Folson's eyes flashed with anger, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I have nothing to say to you for avoiding my question this way."    


Xia Lei said, "This in itself is a different treatment for all of you. You can forgive yourselves for the same thing, but you are not willing to forgive others, no matter what the reason is. Actually, none of you are willing to understand why the weapons of the Rayma Group flowed into the hands of the terrorists, right? "    


"Time will prove you're wrong." Folson said.    


Xia Lei said: "Time has already proven that the color revolution in Ukraine and the Arab Spring operation in the Middle East have both failed."    


"Oh!" Folson said loudly: "This is a non-governmental discussion, we should not talk about politics, I do not want to talk about politics with you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then what do you want to talk about?"    


"You." Folson said.    


Not knowing why, Xia Lei suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.    


Folson's eyes were cold and harsh, "Mr. Xia, your father, Xia Changhe, was a member of an illegal secret service organization, FA. He infiltrated the AE Research Center and stole the research results of the United States.    


The entire audience was silent.    


Very quickly, there was another wave of quiet discussion.    


"What is the nature of AEC in the United States?"    


"What's an AE capsule?" It sounds like a drug. "    


"Could it be the kind of medicine that makes people especially strong after taking them?" Just like those superheroes in Hollywood movies, like Hulk or Spider-Man? "    


"That's possible! A lot of the media had told the story of Xia Lei. A few years ago, he was just a laborer who moved bricks on the construction site. Other people would not be able to create his current achievements in ten lifetimes! "    


"Right, I've always thought it was strange, why did he suddenly become so powerful? He's leading the research and manufacture of weapons in the entire world, even Europe and the United States can't compare up to him. This isn't scientific."    


"This is not unscientific, but abnormal. I feel that this lady Folson knows a bit of the situation, otherwise she would not have said it out under such circumstances. "    


"Isn't there a debate on the subject of peace and stability in Asia? Why did they talk about Xia Lei's private matters? "    


"Can't you see? There is no debate at all, this is simply a battle between two arms magnate s! "    


"I think so too, why would the Lockheed Martin Corp sit back and watch the Rayma Group develop at such a slow pace? Furthermore, the United States Government should not want to see the Rayma Group developing and producing excellent weapons for our country, right? "    


Similar discussions could be heard in every corner of the venue.    


Shentu Tianyin stared straight at Xia Lei, her gaze flickering. No one knew what she was thinking about.    


On the stage, Xia Lei was also a silent person. His eyes were filled with anger and worry.    


The thing he feared the most had happened ? his secret would be made public one day, and he would become a monster in the eyes of the world. He didn't really care what others thought of him, but he cared about his family, and what his friends would think of him.    


What was even worse, was that once this secret was made public, it would not be a good thing for him and the Rayma Group!    


Right now, the Rayma Group was at an extremely critical period of development. If this secret was announced to the public, the ones laughing at the end would be the Lockheed Martin Corp, the United States, and the Japanese government. Furthermore, he had taken great pains to overthrow his domestic opponents, paving the way for the development of the Rayma Group. Now that this secret had been revealed, would there be a new opponent? New resistance?    


"Everyone, please calm down." Folson said loudly.    


The venue quieted down.    


Folson once again shifted her gaze onto Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, your father stole the research results from the United States, and you are the beneficiary of this result. We have enough evidence to prove that you have surpassed the current evolution of humanity, and you are using the support of the Grand China's government to build your kingdom. You have had military operations in Germany, India, Afghanistan, Russia, France, Italy, and hundreds of people in your hands. Your achievements in this area are not even comparable to those of a professional killer. Aren't you going to say something after what I've said? "    


At this time, Fan Fan suddenly rushed up the stage.    


From her actions, it seemed that she wanted to forcefully stop Folson from speaking, but Xia Lei gave her a look and stopped her. This was a live broadcast of a meeting that was going to end Folson's speech with her status. The negative public opinion would bring her a whole bunch of trouble.    


Although Fan Xian was furious in her heart, she could see Xia Lei's eyes clearly. She had also forcefully suppressed the urge to pull Folson off the stage.    


"Mr. Xia?" The corner of Folson's mouth quirked into a cold smile.    


Xia Lei clapped his hands a few times, then said with a smile: "Lady Folson, your story is very interesting. I feel that your talent in managing the Lockheed Martin Corp is not as great as yours as a screenwriter. You should change your career to become a screenwriter, or an actor and join the Avenger Alliance. "    


"Mr. Xia, if I had no evidence, I would not say such a thing to you. Since I've already said so, I can give evidence. I can assure you that there will be a lot of media coverage of your story later on. " Folson sneered: "Standing here, I just want to hear your excuses. If you remain silent, I have nothing to say. After all, the last thing we humans want to acknowledge is our crimes. "    


If he avoided talking about it, it would be equivalent to him agreeing to it.    


Facing the problem directly, what Folson said was the truth. They could not even discuss about it here, let alone defend themselves.    


Xia Lei's mood was extremely bad. He never thought that the first debate in his life would be like this.    


"Mr. Xia, are you sure you don't want to explain yourself? Folson pressed on.    


Xia Lei revealed a smile, "Miss Folson, I do not know who guided you, but I want to tell him that one day, he will take responsibility for his actions. You too. "    


Folson immediately frowned. She was a smart person, she could hear the hidden meaning behind Xia Lei's words.    


Xia Lei continued, "Also, based on what you said, the AE Capsules developed by some US AE Research Center, eating them can make a person smart. I only have one question, and that is, is the research center a fool? With such powerful drugs, why not mass produce smarter Americans? Wouldn't that be in the best interests of the United States? Well, last but not least, if that AE research center is still producing that drug, can you buy me some? I want to try. I'm done, thank you. "    


Xia Lei left the stage and walked towards the door without looking back.    


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