Tranxending Vision

C907 love rival

C907 love rival

A bright moon rose from the sea. The moonlight was bright and clear as it shone on the surface of the sea. The rolling waves of the sea were like a veil dancing in the wind. But that was only an illusion. The most deceptive thing was a person's eyes.    


Looking at the sea, Xia Lei saw that it extended into the distance from his line of sight. The waves rolled and Xia Lei's heart left his body, passing through time and space to look for something in each and every one of the past events.    


He himself did not know what he was looking for.    


He got the set of armor from the Knights Hospitaller. He knew that it was a set of protective suit, but he did not have the courage to wear it to enter the box world.    


The man in black was somewhere in the world, perhaps in Hainan, lurking in a dark basement, preparing to do something, but he didn't dare face him.    


Zhu Xuanyue was also in this world. What did she awaken completely? Was she a friend or an enemy after the awakening? Whether it was her friends or enemies, she had to prey on humans.    


And now, the Lockheed Martin Corp had entered into a hostile role. Behind it, there was the United States government that led the current world order. Its threat was also fatal.    


Every one of these problems gave him a headache, and gave him a huge amount of pressure.    


A convoy entered Xia Lei's field of vision. Even though they were separated by about a kilometer, he was still able to see them clearly. It was a convoy of troops and agents.    


What was coming had finally come.    


"Tianliang, go back to your room." Liang Siyao's voice came from behind him.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze, turned around and looked at Liang Siyao before opening his arms. Liang Siyao walked over and went into his embrace. Her body was very soft and carried a faint fragrance, a familiar yet warm feeling.    


"Right now, you're very conflicted, very uncomfortable, I don't know how to comfort you ?" Liang Siyao said gently: "But I want you to know that I am with you and our child."    


A smile surfaced on Xia Lei's lips, "Don't worry about me, I won't be knocked down that easily. For you and your child, I will be fine."    


"Yes." Liang Siyao buried her head into his neck, breathing in his scent, feeling his warmth, her everything.    


"And me." Fan Fan Fan stepped onto the viewing balcony, a charming and gentle smile on his face.    


Liang Siyao released Xia Lei, but before she could leave her embrace "give up", Fan Fan Xian had squeezed to her side and hugged her.    


Three people, five hearts tightly pressed together.    


"Hubby, don't worry. I'll talk to the higher-ups and let them know that it's an American conspiracy. They want us to cripple our martial arts." After a sweet and warm hug, Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei said: "Remember, if the higher-ups have made a decision against me, or perhaps decided on what to do, you will definitely stay out of this matter and not fight back."    


"How can that be?" Fan Fan said, "I won't let anyone hurt you. No one can!"    


Xia Lei sternly said, "Fan Fan, listen to me. Do not resist. You have to protect yourself, because you have to protect our child, and you have to make sure that the Rayma Group does not fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives. Do you understand what I mean? "    


Fan Fan bit his lips and nodded.    


How could she not understand?    


If anything happened to Xia Lei, she would become the most important person to Xia Lei. Xia Lei's children, not only her and Xia Lei's children, but also Liang Siyao's and Xia Lei's children, all needed her to protect them. Also, there was the Rayma Group that she had to deal with according to his "dying wish", to ensure that it did not fall into the hands of people or groups with ulterior motives.    


However, the more she understood, the more sorrowful she felt in her heart. Unknowingly, a thin layer of mist unconsciously surfaced in her eyes.    


Liang Siyao's eyes also started to tear up.    


The factors of sadness spread out on the viewing balcony.    


The caravan stopped. Dozens of armed commandos moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the entire yard and surrounding areas were under their control.    


Tang Yuyan walked out of one of the cars, and under the crowd of secret service personnel, she entered the courtyard gate. The four top bodyguards saluted her, and she only nodded once before hurrying past. She already had the air of a Director of Bureau 101.    


Before entering the house, Tang Yuyan looked up and saw the three people hugging each other on the viewing balcony. Xia Lei, Liang Siyao and Fan. In that instant, it was as if a needle had ruthlessly pierced her heart, causing her to bleed profusely.    


On the viewing balcony, Xia Lei released Liang Siyao and Fan Fan, then greeted, "Yuyan, you came so quickly?"    


"If I could fly myself, I would have been earlier." Tang Yuyan said: "Are you going to come down, or should I come up?"    


Xia Lei smiled, "The scenery up there is not bad, you can come up."    


"Alright, I'll come up." Tang Yuyan entered.    


Liang Siyao said: "She came all this way and even brought so many people with her. I'm a bit worried about her ?"    




Xia Lei indicated for Liang Siyao to stop talking.    


Liang Siyao and Fan Fan looked at each other, and the two women's gazes shifted towards the entrance of the viewing balcony.    


Tang Yuyan walked out of the stairs with a smile on his face, "I didn't disturb your family's warm time, did I?"    


"Siyao, go make Yuyan a cup of tea." Xia Lei said.    


"Oh." Liang Siyao responded and laughed: "Chief Tang, you've come, but I forgot to make tea. I'm really lacking in manners."    


Tang Yuyan asked in an indifferent tone: "What are you talking about? Now that you have already addressed yourself to the sisters, what do you think a mere bureau chief like me is to you? "    


Fan Fan Xian wrinkled his brows, "Bureau Chief Tang, why did you drag me into your conversation with Siyao?" As for who I'm sisters with? This doesn't seem to be within the jurisdiction of the 101 Bureau, right? "    


Tang Yuyan snorted lightly, but did not continue to bicker with Fan Xian. She could not put Liang Siyao in her eyes, she could say whatever she wanted, but in the mortal world, she could not. It was for no other reason than that the official status of the mortal world was higher than hers. Behind her was the Tang Clan, a truly wealthy clan. And behind Fan Xian was also the Academy of Sciences with Fan Yiming as its representative. That person's influence was several times greater than the Tang Sect.    


When men fought, women bickered. It was all in terms of strength.    


Liang Siyao brewed a cup of tea for Tang Yuyan. She was not a petty woman, as martial artists were very open-minded, and would not fuss over such a small matter. Moreover, Xia Lei told her to brew this cup of tea.    


Xia Lei invited Tang Yuyan to take a seat, then said: "Yuyan, I know that you have come for the matters of the Boo Forum, but what do you mean by bringing so many people?"    


Tang Yuyan glanced at Fan Fan and Liang Siyao who were standing beside Xia Lei, and said, "There are some things that I can only tell you."    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, "Since we are already so familiar with each other and we are all good friends, you also know that I am family with them, there is no need to be like this right?"    


Fan Fan also asked, "Tang Yuyan, what do you mean?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "Apologies, this is not what I meant, it was what the higher ups said. Everyone, please do not make things difficult for me. "    


Just as Fan Fan wanted to say something, Liang Siyao pulled her hand, "Sister Fan, let's go, let Yu Yan talk to Xia Lei."    


Fan Fan Fan glared at Tang Yuyan, then left the viewing balcony with Liang Siyao.    


Tang Yuyan watched Fan Fan and Liang Siyao leave, and only after Fan Fan Fan had disappeared from her line of sight did she say, "You've gone too far!"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "That can't be, who dares to bully you?"    


"Fan Fan!" Tang Yuyan said angrily: "If it wasn't for her, you would already be my fianc?. She stole you from me and now she is still bullying me, isn't this bullying too much?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


However, she completely understood Tang Yuyan's hostile attitude towards Fan Fan, because if it weren't for the intervention of Fan Xian, he and her would already be a married couple. Taking a knife for her love, this was a huge hatred for a woman.    


"Never mind, I don't want to say these things. Even if I pity you, you wouldn't pity me." Tang Yuyan complained.    


Xia Lei also didn't know what to say. He understood Tang Yuyan's heart, but he couldn't give her what she wanted.    


"Is what she said, Folson, true?" After a brief moment of silence, Tang Yuyan returned the conversation back to proper business.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Do you think that it's true?"    


"I'm asking you, not you asking me." Tang Yuyan said.    


"If I say it's true, will you take me with you?" Xia Lei looked at the special forces standing outside the wall. The fully armed special forces gave off a murderous feeling, giving him an invisible pressure.    


Tang Yuyan suddenly stood up, and punched towards Xia Lei's shoulder.    


Xia Lei did not dodge as he watched her fists land on his body. Immediately, a feeling of pain spread throughout his body. She had hit him really hard, but he couldn't get angry at her. Facing this woman who had almost become his fianc?e, he had actually always felt a little guilty and felt that he owed her something.    


"Why didn't you dodge?" Tang Yuyan's voice was extremely fierce, "Why aren't you fighting back?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "If hitting me will make you feel better, you can continue to hit me until you feel better."    


Tang Yuyan raised her hand, but this time she did not attack. Although Xia Lei was already with another woman, and more than just one, she still loved this man and was unable to extricate himself.    


She dropped her fist, but the tears came.    


Seeing her cry, at that instant, Xia Lei even had the urge to hug her and comfort her. But in the end, he managed to hold it in. His promises to Fan and Liang Siyao, and his responsibilities as a man.    


Tang Yuyan sat down, "The reason why I brought so many people here was not to capture you, but to protect you.    


Xia Lei said apologetically: "I'm sorry. "Please understand that I am bound to have some strange thoughts now that such a thing has happened."    


"Don't I know you? Tell me, is what Folson said true? " Tang Yuyan looked straight into Xia Lei's eyes, "Please don't lie to me, I want to hear the truth."    


Xia Lei nodded, "It's true."    


Tang Yuyan was immediately stunned. Although she already had an answer in her heart, hearing it out from Xia Lei's mouth made her feel very uncomfortable.    


"You have nothing to say to me?" Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan was silent for a moment, "Your trouble will come soon, you need me. Come back with me to the capital. In the next twenty-four hours, you have a lot to do. "    


"What happened?" Xia Lei immediately felt an additional sense of urgency.    


"Let's talk on the way." Tang Yuyan said.    


"Then I'll go speak with Yuyan and Fan Fan, and have them return together." Xia Lei said.    


"You and I will ride in a car. I don't like sitting in a car with them." Tang Yuyan said.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart. Since when was there no trouble on his body? What gave him the greatest headache and helplessness was actually the trouble with women.    


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