Tranxending Vision

C923 Lockheed Martin

C923 Lockheed Martin

The light of dawn lifted the curtain of darkness, and the world went into daylight mode.    


The owner of the house was busy in the kitchen, frying eggs, making coffee, and making fruit and vegetable salad. His name was Hornick, and he was a white man who was thirty years old this year. This is a very young age for a securities manager. But he has great skills in this area, and that's why he's established himself on Wall Street.    


Hornick wanted to make three breakfasts, one for himself and two masters.    


"Is he okay?" In the living room, Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the kitchen and asked Zhu Xuanyue who was watching a cartoon program beside him.    


"Uncle Xia, what do you mean a problem?" Zhu Xuanyue said.    


"When I told you to hypnotize him and make him work for us, I meant, of course, that there was nothing wrong with your hypnosis." Xia Lei said. He was a little worried about the ability of this kid who wasn't even ten years old. She had messed things up last night, so he tried to avoid her making the same mistake again.    


Zhu Xuanyue curled her lips, "This morning, the moment I woke up, you instilled so many things in me. I did as you said, do you still think I would do anything wrong? I doubt if you are my uncle. "    


"I'm not your real uncle, okay?" Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "I just want to clarify it, this matter is very important."    


He had taught her the theories and techniques of modern hypnosis, and he wanted her to hypnotize a target deeply without turning a person into a lunatic or a fool.    


Zhu Xuanyue did as she was told. From the looks of Hornick's reaction, she had succeeded. However, he still wanted to confirm it.    


Zhu Xuanyue turned her head and whistled towards the direction of the kitchen.    


Hornick then ran out of the kitchen and without saying a word, he knelt in front of Zhu Xuanyue.    


Zhu Xuanyue raised one of her feet, "Little servant, clean my shoes."    


On her feet was a pair of dirty shoes.    


When Hornick just finished speaking, he grabbed her feet, and used his face to wipe her shoes with his tongue.    


Without waiting for Hornick to wipe her shoes, Zhu Xuanyue said, "Wipe Uncle Xia's shoes clean."    


Hornick crawled in front of Xia Lei on his knees, wanting to rub his shoes.    


Xia Lei hurriedly moved his feet away, "Alright, alright, I believe you, let him go cook."    


Zhu Xuanyue stared at Xia Lei, "Have you forgotten? You taught me the usage of keywords in the field of deep hypnosis, so you can still command him. "    


"Did you set the keywords?"    


"Yeah, I set up a keyword." Zhu Xuanyue looked very serious.    


"Tell me, what key words?" Xia Lei said.    


Zhu Xuanyue said as she lifted a finger, "Uncle Xia, I'm sleeping, Uncle Xia is sleeping with his ass naked, Uncle Xia is a bad guy."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"I don't need these keywords, but Uncle Xia, if you tell him these keywords, he will enter the deep hypnotic state that you described, and have him listen to your commands. If you don't believe me, you can try. " Zhu Xuanyue held back her laughter. She really wanted to hear Xia Lei personally say out the key words she had set.    


Xia Lei scratched his nose with his finger, then said to Hornick: "Uncle Xia, go to sleep, Uncle Xia will sleep with his ass naked, Uncle Xia is a bad guy."    


These keywords seemed to have activated some sort of switch in Hornick's brain, the expression in his eyes instantly changed. He looked a little dazed, but he would need to observe very carefully to discover it.    


Xia Lei said again: "Get lost."    


Hornick then laid down on the carpet and rolled over.    


Xia Lei said: "Two of you, scram."    


Hornick's body rolled twice on the carpet, and when Xia Lei told him to roll, he did it. When Xia Lei told him to roll twice, he rolled twice. One wasn't too many, the other was not too few. The current him was equivalent to a highly intelligent robot that would carry out Xia Lei's orders like a computer.    


In the future, even if Xia Lei was not in the United States, he only needed to say the key words to activate Hornick. Then, Hornick would follow his instructions.    


With such a puppet working on Wall Street, his first step into the Second Battlefield was a very successful one.    


"Go cook." Xia Lei said.    


Hornick turned and entered the kitchen.    


Zhu Xuanyue removed both of her feet from the leather shoes, placed them on Xia Lei's thighs, and said in a spoiled manner: "Uncle Xia, I'll do whatever you tell me to do. I'm so obedient, how can you reward me?"    


Xia Lei was alarmed: "What kind of rewards do you want?"    


"How about we take a hot bath and go to bed?" Zhu Xuanyue's eyes were filled with a divine light of yearning.    


Xia Lei said snappily: "You just woke up early in the morning and went to sleep again, are you a pig? Stop messing around, after eating breakfast, we still have to go to Lockheed Martin Corp's headquarters. "    


Zhu Xuanyue immediately pouted, looking very unhappy.    


Xia Lei hit her on the head, "Take a shower tonight, okay?"    


Zhu Xuanyue threw herself onto Xia Lei's body, and slipped into his embrace like a little kitten. "Alright, it's dark now, quickly get dark."    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, but even he himself did not know why he sighed. Anyway, he had a headache.    


After breakfast, Hornick left his house and drove to New York. His holiday was supposed to be two days away, but Xia Lei didn't want him to stay in Huasheng. Suddenly, in the Second Battlefield he established, Hornick played a very important role. After Hornick left, Xia Lei also took Zhu Xuanyue and left Hornick's house.    


He went to the used car market, bought a Ford pickup truck, and drove to Huasheng. Bethesda, in the northwest, the headquarters of the Lockheed Martin Corp was there. There was also the National Naval Medical Center and the headquarters of the Discovery Channel.    


With Folson dead, the Lockheed Martin Corp Board would select a new CEO. The plans between the Lockheed Martin Corp and the FA will not stop either. Xia Lei wanted to see what kind of people the Lockheed Martin Corp gave to the FA. There was also the appearance of precision-guided missile s.    


After a night of settling down, he had a plan.    


The Ford pickup left the city and headed northwest.    


In the car, Zhu Xuanyue looked in the mirror and pouted, "So ugly, Uncle Xia, you made human skin. Aren't the craftsmanship of a mask too terrible? Can't you just squeeze my face? "    


Xia Lei said: "For the time being, after you finish all the things that you need to do, you can become your original self."    


"How much longer?"    


"I'm not sure." Xia Lei said.    


His purpose in coming to the United States was to use Zhu Xuanyue to eliminate his opponents. He had already eliminated Folson, giving herself and the Rayma Group some time to catch their breath. The only thing he wanted to clear out was Mei Hattori, who had escaped. However, that was an accident, and could not be considered as an unbearable failure.    


Next, his goal was the FA.    


Directly going to Mexico and using Zhu Xuanyue to exterminate FA was a choice. This choice was the easiest, but also the most dangerous. The FAA was headquartered in the state of Halik, Mexico, and the land was the territory of the drug lords. Not even the Mexican army dared to venture into it. If there was a fight in Mexico, Zhu Xuanyue could come back to life from the dead, but he could not. She needed a thorough and safe plan, so she could not rush things.    


The other option was to make use of the cooperation between the Lockheed Martin Corp and FA, and hand over to no one in the Lockheed Martin Corp. On the machine and on the precision-guided missile.    


Of course, this wasn't all of his plan. He also had a backup plan, which was to hire armed groups with money. However, with the previous example of the Knights Hospitaller, he did not want to use this plan.    


After a two-hour drive, the Ford pickup arrived in Bethesda.    


Through the window, Xia Lei could see the headquarters of Lockheed Martin Corp. It was an eight-storey brown building with blue glass inlaid. The Lockheed Martin Corp's insignia shone on the walls of the building.    


In terms of the Lockheed Martin Corp Headquarters building, it looked too ordinary, it was not even as beautiful as the buildings of some of Grand China's real estate companies. But it was the headquarters of the world's number one arms magnate. It was plain and simple, yet its voice resounded throughout the world!    


At the back of the building was the vast factory district, where the famous F35, F16, F22, F117A, and other aerial weapons came from. It was also the Lockheed Martin Corp that allowed the United States to have invincible military power. Without it, the United States would never be able to open up a battlefield and build a military base worldwide.    


With a single look, Xia Lei was stunned. Rayma Military Factory did indeed achieve an eye-catching result, but compared to the strength of Lockheed Martin Corp in front of him, he was still lagging far behind. The weapons of the Rayma Military Factory could be invincible on land, but the aerial weapons of the Lockheed Martin Corp could win the war thousands of kilometers away.    


If he wanted to catch up with or even surpass Lockheed Martin Corp, then Rayma Group must first research and manufacture aerial weapons!    


"Uncle Xia, is that where you want to go? Lockheed Martin Corp? " Zhu Xuanyue also saw it. She pointed at the vast factory area behind the Lockheed Martin Corp Headquarters and said, "I see a lot of planes!"    


Xia Lei said: "Yes, we have already arrived at the place I am heading to."    


Zhu Xuanyue said: "Uncle Xia, then let's kill our way in, kill everyone inside, and blow up all the planes!"    


Her eyes flashed with excitement, but Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Ah, Xuan Yue, that's the Lockheed Martin Corp, the world's largest arms magnate. Even if it's you, you can't force your way in. "    


"I don't believe it!"    


"You don't believe me? Lockheed Martin Corp was the heart of the American army, how could the United States not defend? If you attack, a precisely guided missile will come and blow you to pieces. " Xia Lei said. Once it was confirmed that Zhu Xuanyue was an extremely dangerous enemy that ordinary soldiers could not kill, then the heavy weapons would definitely appear. In front of these weapons, even Zhu Xuanyue would be smashed into smithereens!    


"Then what should we do?"    


Xia Lei said: "Let's first find a place to stay in the vicinity, and familiarize ourselves with the environment before making our decision."    


"Alright, let's go to sleep!"    


"You must have turned into a pig!"    


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