Tranxending Vision

C927 Gold in the Sands

C927 Gold in the Sands

Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Are you asking about my work? I work for my father's company, well, mainly in the family business. " After a pause, he continued, "I know that some Americans have some prejudice against us Mexicans. They think of drugs and gangs when they see us, but what I want to tell you is that our family is in legitimate business. Energy, chemical industry, real estate and ?"    


"And what?" Jack asked.    


Xia Lei laughed, "My friend, our family is not related to the drug business, you can rest assured. "It's like this. Our family actually does venture capital as well. As long as we feel that our ideas are good, and that we have a future, we will not be stingy with our money."    


"You guys also did VCs?" Jack looked surprised.    


Xia Lei replied: "That's right, as long as you have the right project, money is not a problem."    


Jack looked at his sister Catelyn, and then looked at Xia Lei. Finally, his gaze landed on the pile of dollars that Xia Lei had given him. In reality, if not for the bunch of US dollars in his hands, he definitely wouldn't have believed what Xia Lei had said. However, Xia Lei unreasonably smashed him with ten thousand dollars, making him uncertain of his next step. Who would have nothing better to do than to throw money around and play for ten thousand dollars? Other than those billionaires, who else?    


Xia Lei was truly a billionaire. Not only was the aura of him spending money number 1 in the world, there was no problem for him to be in the top three.    


"Costa, let's go." Catelyn held Xia Lei's hand, looking very intimate. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the bunch of US dollars in Jack's hands. As long as her Costa left, she would definitely take back that money.    


Jack seemed to have realized something, he immediately stuffed the money into his pockets and revealed a smile, "Mr. Costa, you are our guest, why don't we have a drink?"    


Xia Lei followed: "Okay, let's drink."    


Catelyn glared at Jack, but since Costa wanted to drink, she couldn't force him into her room to do that kind of thing. Would a man like Costa need women? It was impossible to capture his heart and rush to take off his pants. He had to be reserved.    


Jack took a bottle of whisky and three cups from the wine shelf, then poured a cup for Xia Lei, Catelyn and himself.    


"To our acquaintance." Jack raised his glass.    


The three of them clinked their cups and drank as they chatted.    


"Mr. Costa, what is the name of the company your family operates in Mexico?" After drinking two or three cups, Jack asked Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "Why is there so many questions about this idiot? Under normal circumstances, he should have tried to please me, but he just kept testing me. This guy isn't like a normal technician, could it be that he has some other identity? "    


"Mr. Costa?"    


Xia Lei frowned, "Mr. Jack, these questions of yours make me feel like you're talking to the police."    


"Uh, I'm really sorry. I just want to know more about you. After all, you're dating my sister right now. " Jack said, a smooth answer.    


Catelyn unhappily replied, "Jack, you're very rude this way. You should apologize to Costa. "    


Jack said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Costa. I'm really sorry."    


"It's nothing, it's nothing even if I tell you." Xia Lei said, "Sky Group, the name of my family's company in Mexico is Sky Group. You can look it up. You can find out. "    


He was not the least bit worried about what Jack would find out, and he dared to say it because he had been prepared for it, having been hacked into Mexico's commercial administration before coming here, and had planted the empty shell company, Sky Group, in its filing system. Even Google's search engine was no exception, having made the relevant entries long ago.    


"No need, I believe you completely, Mr. Costa. "En, you sit down first. I need to talk to my sister for a while, is that okay?" Jack said.    


Xia Lei replied, "Of course not."    


"Can't you say it here?" Catelyn looked unwilling.    


"Come with me to the study room. I will only delay you for a few minutes. You don't want me to delay you any longer, do you?" Jack said.    


"Okay, a few minutes." Catelyn leaned over and kissed Xia Lei's cheeks, "Wait for me."    


Xia Lei nodded and sent the two siblings into a room at the end of the corridor. It was Jack's study. Just as Jack closed the door, his left eye jumped and the door to the study disappeared from his sight.    


Jack was talking to Catelyn.    


The first one to speak was Catelyn. She was very angry, "Jack, are you a fool? Do you want to ruin my happiness? "    


"Calm down!" Jack said, "The only people who spend money like this are the real rich people. Would a rich person like you? If he wants to play with women, with the money he gave me, he can find over a hundred women to sleep with him! "    


"That's for me. Except for what I owe you, you have to pay me back. And if that's what you're saying to me here, then there's no need for us to talk any further. " Catelyn stretched out her hand, looking like she was asking for money.    


Jack took out that bunch of brand-new dollars and gave it to Catelyn. He didn't ask for a single one.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise and curiosity. He secretly said: "Just now, he acted like he was a greedy person, but I gave him the money. When Catelyn asked for money, he actually didn't leave any for himself. "This Jack is not simple at all ?"    


Not only was Xia Lei shocked, Catelyn was also stunned, "You ? Give it all to me? "    


Jack lowered his voice. "You're my sister, so of course I want you to be well and find your own happiness. But I'm afraid you've been deceived by someone with ulterior motives. "    


"What do you mean? Is there something wrong with your head? " Catelyn ridiculed: "Who would use so much money to deceive me? What am I to deceive? Wasn't it just going to bed? I can give him anything I want. "    


"Be quiet!" Jack's voice dropped even further. "Do you know where this is? This was the free Mary, and the Lockheed Martin Corp was right next to this town. Do you know how many CIA agents are active around here? There were also members of the military. This was the heart of the American army. There are spies here who are arrested every year, and they ask for money to pay for whatever they ask for. You might get some benefits, but once you're found out, it's treason. You don't even need to go to court before you're sent straight to Guant?namo Prison. "    


Catelyn shrugged her shoulders, "I don't have any military secrets for him, so even if he is a spy, what can he get from me? Milk and pressure? If it is, I don't mind at all. "    


"Enough!" Jack was a little angry, but he quickly controlled himself and went close to Catelyn's ear, "You didn't, I did. I have toiled for so many years before finally being able to join Mr. Thompson's team. Thompson thinks especially of me, and he told me to rush to get a predator B. According to his request, predator B's body would not be marked, and she would also need to install a self-destruct mechanism. I don't know why I did it, but I had a feeling it was unusual. Mr. Thompson promised me that once I complete this task, he would give me a promotion and a raise. At that time, I would be able to bring you in. Didn't you always want to enter the Lockheed Martin Corp to work? I can help you fulfill that wish. "    


After Jack finished speaking, Catelyn subconsciously turned her head to look at the door of the study room. Her voice also became softer, "Jack, do you mean that he's a spy?"    


"I'm not sure, but take precautions."    


"Our government often says that Grand China's spies have done something bad, but no Mexican spies have ever done anything bad. Are you being a little too nervous?" Catelyn said.    


"If he was from the Grand China, I would have reported him long ago. I did not do so because he was Mexican. Tell me, why would someone like him fall for you? "    


"Because I look like his mother."    


"Have you seen his mother?"    


"Not really." Catelyn followed up: "You're too nervous, let me tell you, Mr. Costa is one of those big shots who can be used to barbecue with money. Don't ruin the relationship between him and me. You do your job, I fish for my man, we don't interfere with each other. Think about it. If I could marry him, would you still have to go to work? Wouldn't it be better if I bought you a sports car and gave you some money to go into business? "    


"Hmph, just dream on." "I won't interfere with your business. Give me half of the money." Jack held out his hand.    


Catelyn hesitated for a moment, but still gave half of the US dollar to Jack. However, the amount she gave Jack was obviously less than the one in her hand.    


The two siblings had finished their conversation, causing Xia Lei to retract his gaze.    


Before coming here, he had regretted spending so much money and spending so much effort to get nothing, but he had never thought that he would really be able to find gold in a beach full of gold. He didn't think that this Jack was actually the one responsible for creating an assassination attempt on him. Technician of the machine.    


"He's making people who are going to bomb me. The plane was still in that unmanned one. It tried to kill me with a self-destruct device, but no one could kill me. Even the machines were not left for the Grand China. The corner of Xia Lei's mouth rose into a smile.    


He had a new understanding of the siblings, Jack and Catelyn. Jack and Catelyn were siblings, and they relied on each other to survive. In fact, their relationship was very deep. Jack was cautious, worked hard, and fought for a better life. Catelyn was lazy, open-minded, and passionate. She wanted to live a better life.    


To live a better life, this was probably the greatest wish of an ordinary person, right? It was also the wish that he was most willing to work hard for.    


Catelyn and Jack returned to the living room.    


"Mr. Costa, you guys continue chatting. I'm a bit tired, so I'm going back to my room to rest." Jack said.    


Catelyn said: "Let's go to my room, if we continue drinking, we'll get drunk."    


Xia Lei got up and said: "I am so sorry, I just received a call from my sister. She said that she has urgent matters that she needs me to take care of. I have to go back, thank you for your hospitality. "    


"You ?" Catelyn was stunned on the spot.    


"Mr. Costa, are you like this because of me? "If so, I apologize again, really ?" Jack was starting to regret his decision.    


"No, it's really something." Xia Lei said.    


Boom ? ?    


A violent explosion suddenly sounded from the north side of the town.    


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