Tranxending Vision

C929 Jack's Treasure

C929 Jack's Treasure

After a few cups of wine, Catelyn fell into Xia Lei's arms and Jack laid on the floor. Xia Lei also fainted on the sofa for about two minutes before he woke up under the effects of the extremely strong immune system.    


He had drugged a bottle of wine, and he had also drunk the alcohol that he had drugged. Naturally, the drug had been poured into the bottle as well. Jack was a very cautious person, and he didn't want to arouse Jack's suspicions by drinking a different kind of wine.    


After waking up, Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, trying to expel the last bit of dizziness from his mind. He placed Catelyn on the sofa, then shook her shoulders and probed: "Catelyn? Catelyn? "    


Catelyn did not react at all.    


Xia Lei followed him to Jack's side and patted Jack's face, "Jack? "Jack?"    


Jack didn't react at all.    


After confirming that the medicine had already used its effect and that the siblings would not wake up, Xia Lei headed straight for Jack's study. He entered the study and closed the door.    


There was a computer desk in the study and a large bookcase. There were a lot of specialized books on the shelves, and a lot of them were about aircraft, electrical engineering, and programming. It wasn't hard to see that Jack was a very hardworking person. He wanted to change his life through his hands.    


It was common for him to do this in the Grand China. If a normal 100 year old child wanted to change their fate, they would have to walk the path of a scholar. However, there were very few people who could change their destinies in the end. Even so, there was still a lot of competition on the road.    


Xia Lei woke up his left eye and quickly scanned Jack's study room. The result was out very quickly. There was no hidden space here, nor was there any kind of safe deposit box.    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly moved to an apple computer on the computer desk. He had a preliminary judgement in his heart, that a young man like Jack did not like printing secrets on paper and then locking it into the safe. Jack's secret should be on his computer.    


Xia Lei sat in front of the computer desk and awakened Jack's computer. Jack's computer needed a password to log in. However, this was not difficult for him who had mastered the art of hacking. He only needed two minutes to decode Jack's landing code and enter his computer.    


Upon entering Jack's computer, Xia Lei was surprised to find that Jack's computer was practically a treasure trove.    


Jack is no one in the Lockheed Martin Corp. The technician on the machine line, though just an ordinary technician with a position only slightly higher than that of an average worker, was a studious, up-and-coming young man who wanted to change his life through his slaves. His computer was full of people and people. There were also blueprints that he had designed that were very detailed and perfect. There was even a precise standard for the dimensions and progress of the components as well as for the material requirements. There was also him against no one. Some original understanding and views of the machine technology, and no one for the future. Some prediction of the machine's development trend. There were also some work records, which included records of production of R-170 sentries, and records of production of Global Hawk s. In these records, there were even some suggestions for improvement. Finally, there were some maintenance records, which were equivalent to an empirical summary and were very valuable.    


This was truly a treasure trove, especially since no one would be willing to research and produce it. Xia Lei spoke of the aircraft, but he was also a little disappointed. That was, Jack's computer did not have any higher level content, which was the content of the Lockheed Martin Corp's fighter aircraft and missile technology.    


Although this was a pity, it was a very normal thing. After all, Jack was just a normal technician in the Lockheed Martin Corp. Working on an aircraft production line, he had no access to fighter planes or missile fields at all.    


Finally, Xia Lei found an encrypted file on the computer.    


Xia Lei quickly deciphered the encrypted file and saw the contents inside.    


This encrypted file was actually the file that the predator B did not leave any mark on. The person who signed the document was the "Thompson" that Jack had mentioned before.    


The document mentioned that GM had provided all the required originals, but the missiles were the Lockheed Martin Corp's specially made precision-guided missile s with immense power. In this document, the predator B who was about to be born in Lockheed Martin Corp would carry two of these precision-guided missile. One was named "A Skunk's Gift" and the other was named "A Key to Hell". According to the parameters of the two missiles, they were powerful enough to flatten the entire Rayma Group.    


that the two missiles were heavier than the average man. The functional aerial missiles were many times larger, which also meant that the special predator B was required to increase the weight of the missiles. In addition, the launching equipment had to be modified accordingly.    


In fact, no one talked about it with Catelyn. When he was planning it out, Xia Lei was actually wondering about one thing, that was, the fact that there was no one in the predator. The machine was not manufactured by the Lockheed Martin Corp, it was a product of GM. No one from Lockheed Martin Corp. The planes were more sophisticated, such as the R-170 sentries or the Global Hawk, all of which were America's most sophisticated no-man's land. Machine. However, as far as the R-170 sentries were concerned, its wingspan was twenty meters, and its take-off weight had reached an astonishing four points. It was undoubtedly a huge monster, and was simply unable to sneak into the Grand China's territory, avoiding the Grand China's air defense network and launching a sneak attack on them. Now it seemed that the four arms magnate s had formed an alliance to share resources. In order to get rid of him, the four arms magnate s gave whatever they wanted!    


"A skunk's gift? The Key to Hell? " Xia Lei laughed coldly, "Make it, wait until you make it, I want to see if you can destroy my Rayma Group, and if you can kill me or not."    


Xia Lei looked at the document again, and then exited the encrypted file. He read it twice, and every word of it was stored in his brain. Not only the encrypted file, but the contents of the computer that Jack had left behind were stored in the same way in his mind. In his case, he didn't need to use an excellent copy, let alone print it.    


After keeping the "treasures" from the computer, Xia Lei clicked on the photo folder in the computer. He wanted to see who Jack was dating.    


Inside the photo folder, there were many pictures of Jack and Catelyn's childhood, Jack's graduation, and some of his co-workers. Jack didn't have a girlfriend, so Xia Lei didn't notice that he had an intimate photo with a certain woman.    


In the end, Xia Lei's gaze landed on a photo. In the picture, Jack was standing with a white man, and behind them was an unfinished F35. Jack was wearing his work clothes while Thorn was wearing a suit. Inside the shirt was a white shirt, revealing a corner of the card between the shirt and the suit.    


"Isn't that... Thorn? " Xia Lei immediately recognized the Caucasian man. He was the middle-aged Caucasian man who had befriended him in front of the Raging Flames Skull bar and made friends with him. At that time, Thorn was still loyal to him and wanted to solve the problem that Catelyn had gotten into together with him, saying that the Chief Officer was his good friend.    


Xia Lei clearly remembered that Thorn said that he worked in the Lockheed Martin Corp and from his tone, it seemed that his salary was not high. But in this photo, Jack was wearing a dirty work shirt, but Thorn was wearing a clean and straight suit.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, and his line of sight moved towards the spot between Thorn's shirt and suit. The card was a little bit dark blue with a little white pattern on it, but it couldn't be seen clearly in the photo.    


Xia Lei's left eye moved slightly and the white pattern on the card enlarged and became clear.    


It was a picture of a White-headed Eagle.    


Xia Lei was immediately shocked, "He ? It turned out to be someone from the CIA! No wonder Jack was so cautious and had some ability to counter espionage, it turned out to be related to this person! Jack was probably one of his informants in this town, right? Jack may be making extra money in his hands or something. "    


Thinking about it, Xia Lei suddenly laughed. So what if it's CIA? So what if they were CIA informants? This place was considered a forbidden area for world spies, but he still had what he wanted!    


Xia Lei wiped away all the traces on the computer. Then, he backed out and closed the computer. When he left the study room, he even carefully wiped the chair and the mouse twice with his sleeve.    


Returning to the living room, Jack and Catelyn were still unconscious, without any signs of waking up.    


Xia Lei took the rest of the poisoned whiskey and poured it into the sink, and then rinsed it out with water. The wine bottles and glasses had also been cleaned by him. He went back to the liquor cabinet and took a portion of another bottle of whisky and put it in the bottle he had already cleaned. Then he put the bottle on the coffee table.    


After dealing with the problem of the wine, he carried her into her room. Then he took off her clothes, and then his own. He brought out the clothes between him and Catelyn, threw two pieces in the living room, threw two pieces in the hallway, and finally threw the rest of the underwear in Catelyn's room.    


After taking care of the clothes, he went to the kitchen and took out a box of milk from the fridge before returning to Catelyn's room. He sprinkled some milk on a spot on Catelyn's body, then sprinkled some on the bed sheets and even dripped a few on the floor as he worked hard to create a place where one could spit fire at.    


After he was done, he crawled into bed and opened his eyes wide, waiting for Jack and Catelyn to wake up.    


Time passed slowly, without a sound.    


Xia Lei who was lying on the bed was unable to control his brain to think about something.    


"Zhu Xuanyue is gone. Should I contact the Zodiac Clan and have them come over? "No, I can't do that, it's too dangerous ?" There was no clear answer to this question, but his brain was moving back to the drawings Jack had made. R-170 sentries and Global Hawk, predator, I am seeing the most advanced three kinds of people in America. A nude picture of a plane, while I, from what angle should I study the Rayma Group's people? "Where's the machine?"    


This is more than just a matter of careful deliberation.    


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