Tranxending Vision

C935 fox-like enemy

C935 fox-like enemy

Returning to the free Mary Town, Xia Lei placed the Yamaha 600cc he bought from a Locomotive Gang member in front of the Raging Flames Skeleton Bar's entrance. Then, he left without even drawing the key.    


The gang members who sold him this locomotive were drinking at the Raging Flame Skull bar. When he was almost done and left the bar, he would find that the locomotive he sold for 10,000 knives had returned. At that time, he would not be polite. As for why such a thing would happen? Would the simple-minded members of the Locomotive Gang think of that?    


Xia Lei returned to Catelyn's home.    


Kettering was not at home. She might be in Huasheng at the moment, having received a hundred thousand knives. It was a crazy shopping spree in a large shopping mall. She had gained love and a happy life, so of course she had to celebrate it. For women, shopping is the best way to celebrate.    


Catelyn was in Huasheng. Suddenly, Jack was in the logging field more than 100 kilometers away, along with Thorn. Now, was the time to carry out the second part of his plan, which was to enter the Lockheed Martin Corp!    


The best chance, and the only chance, was right in front of him. He had to seize it. Because, he wanted to enter the Lockheed Martin Corp with Jack's identity and appearance!    


went straight to her room after entering Catelyn's house. He caught the skin on his face in the bathroom. Mask, then modify...    


An hour later, Xia Lei appeared in front of the entrance of the Lockheed Martin Corp's headquarters. His face was Jack's skin. The mask was 99% lifelike. The only flaw was his eyes. He couldn't make them into the blue eyes of a pure white person. Although he had changed a little color with the dye, he could still find the flaw if he looked carefully. However, he also had a solution. The solution was simple, to put on Jack's Ray Bans.    


The armed guard standing at the entrance looked at Xia Lei, but did not make any other movements. Jack's mission was a secret mission, and with the guards' identities, they had no way of knowing where Jack had gone.    


Xia Lei calmly walked past the first line of defense formed by the armed guards. When he reached the entrance, he inserted the ID card he copied from Jack into the recognizer. Safe passage. He kept his identification card and swaggered into the Lockheed Martin Corp. Instead of going to the headquarters building, he walked toward the production area.    


Jack was originally just a normal technician. It was normal for him to enter the production area of Lockheed Martin Corp, and no one would suspect that he had worked here for several years.    


The main building of Lockheed Martin Corp definitely had higher level secrets and military skills, but Xia Lei knew that it was a bait. If he were to enter the headquarters building, the higher ups of the Lockheed Martin Corp would definitely suspect that something was wrong with his plan. Otherwise, why would he appear in the headquarters building when he was supposed to be in the logging field? He was a person who knew how to choose. He knew when to be greedy and when not to be greedy.    


In fact, looking at the current situation, his harvest from strolling around the production area of Lockheed Martin Corp was more than enough to make him unable to eat his fill!    


As he walked past the F16 production line, the whole thing came into view and was stored in his brain. Some of these things were numbers, some were pictures, and some were even 3D images ?    


He had done the same thing in the German Rhine Metal Corp. However, he realized that if he were to compare the German Rhine Metal Corp with the American Lockheed Martin Corp, the former would be like a wild beast on the ground while the latter was like a dragon dominating the sky.    


The Lockheed Martin Corp accounted for 40% of the global arms trade market. It was the number one military technology world, and was also the one that maintained the United States as the global hegemon. From these few aspects, it was easy to see just how terrifying it was!    


Passing by the F35 production line, Xia Lei squatted down to tie his shoelaces.    


When he passed by the Helfa Missile Production Line, Xia Lei was stunned for a moment.    


Xia Lei walked past one production workshop after another, as a huge amount of information swarmed into his brain. Even with his super brain, he found it a bit hard to put so many things in at once. However, even if he couldn't handle it, he had to eat more. He only had this one chance. Even if we do not completely borrow the military technology from the Lockheed Martin Corp, and learn the performance of his products and its related parameters, this is still an extremely valuable intelligence to the nation!    


Time passed bit by bit, and Xia Lei who was immersed in their respective military techniques could not feel its passing. However, its speed did not decrease at all, one second, one minute, one hour ?    


After an unknown period of time, Xia Lei arrived beside a Raptor fighter aircraft, and a Kingdom truck with a container on it drove in. However, Xia Lei did not realise that he was staring at the Raptor Fighter that was parked in the open space with all his attention. However, just as he was about to awaken the ability to perform a three-dimensional 'ingestion', the Myriad Kingdom Truck was parked not far behind him.    


"Jack, why are you here?" A voice came from behind him.    


When the voice reached Xia Lei's ears, he immediately understood that something had happened. He had stayed in the Lockheed Martin Corp for too long, Jack and Thorn had already returned!    


"What are you talking about? I just went out to get something. " Jack's voice.    


"Uh, sorry, I might be seeing things." Someone said.    


Xia Lei did not turn back as he circled around the head of the Raptor Fighter and arrived at the flank. He used the aircraft's body to obstruct Jack's line of sight. At the same time, his left eye pierced part of the body and caught sight of Jack and the black woman.    


A Dodge Ram drove up and stopped beside the Wannsee truck. Thorn got off the car and waved to Jack, "Jack, you did well. Follow me, I will bring you to see Mr. Thompson. You will get your reward. "    


Jack walked towards Thorn, but when he turned back to look at his colleague who was talking to him just now, he looked around again.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "Is this guy born to be so cautious and cunning? If he is allowed to join the CIA, he might become a strong opponent, and I will cause a lot of trouble. "    


Just Jack's action of peeking at them was already enough to move Xia Lei's heart!    


Jack walked to Thorn, "Mr. Thorn, a colleague just said something very strange."    


"What did he say?" Thorn's eyes were full of suspicion and vigilance.    


Jack lowered his voice. "That colleague said I was here and then said I was seeing things."    


Thorn then frowned, "What you mean is ?"    


"Could someone who looks very similar to me have been here?" Jack looked around again. "Or someone pretended to be me."    


"Impersonate you? How is that possible? "    


"Nothing is impossible." Jack said, "Mr. Thorn, I think we should check the access records for safety's sake. If someone really is pretending to be me, with Lockheed Martin Corp's security level, he can only use my identity card to enter. Once he uses it, the security system will record it down. "    


"Then what are we waiting for?" We need to find out. If someone is really using your identity, then we have to shut down the whole company. " Thorn said.    


The two of them walked quickly towards the headquarters building.    


Xia Lei did not linger for more than a second. He had to hurry and leave this place before Thorn found the record and gave the order to seal Lockheed Martin Corp.    


The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Even with his super brain, there was no way he could calculate everything.    


"Jack!" "Yes!" While running, Xia Lei's heart once again had a killing intent.    


When he was near the cargo door, Xia Lei slowed down his speed and walked out with his normal gait. As it was a normal entrance and exit, the guards at the cargo door didn't suspect anything.    


Stepping out of the gate, Xia Lei left the main road and headed towards a small alley.    


Beside the path was a dense forest. After entering the forest, he took out his backpack from a pile of dead leaves. He shouldered his backpack and ran wildly through the trackless woods.    


He did not choose a temporary route. This route was originally the route that he had planned to take to retreat. He knew all the topography in this area through Google Maps! His bag was also hidden well in advance before entering the Lockheed Martin Corp.    


Now, every second counted!    


Jack and Thorn would soon find out his record of entering and leaving. In other words, Jack and Thorn would very quickly find out where he left from.    


The pathway in the forest was rugged. Xia Lei leaned his upper body forward and moved his feet quickly like a piston in an engine. His speed was comparable to a cheetah in the forest. He was not in the mood to calculate his speed. If he were to let an SUV run at eighty yards an hour compete with him, then the SUV with a face would be behind him, not in front of him!    


However, the fastest running speed in history was forced out.    


In the blink of an eye, he had left Lockheed Martin Corp far behind. Just as he was about to step into the fast running, an ear-piercing alarm came from within the Lockheed Martin Corp. Xia Lei did not need to turn her head to see the image of the Lockheed Martin Corp's armed guards moving out at full strength. Of course, it was not only the Lockheed Martin Corp's armed guards, but also the CIA's secret service, the special forces that protected the Lockheed Martin Corp.    


A two meter wide river appeared in front of him. Xia Lei did not slow down, and with a tap of his right foot on the ground, his body flew over it with a whoosh. A very obvious footprint was left on the ground filled with dead leaves. However, he couldn't care less now.    


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