Tranxending Vision



Night fell and the brown plain turned black. Without the moon and stars, there seemed to be some evil being hidden in the darkness, ready to pounce and tear everything apart at any moment.    


The Land Rover Defender was running along the road in the suburbs, Xia Lei wanted to jump into the gas tank. Time was precious to him every second.    


After some distance, the Land Rover Defender finally left the road near the farm. After travelling for a distance, it stopped on the wasteland. The place to park the car was at least two kilometers away from the farm, but to Xia Lei, it was no different than twenty meters.    


Xia Lei got off the car, and walked to the back of the car to open the trunk. He pulled a military bag from the trunk. It contained the weapons and equipment he had purchased from Mexican drug dealers, an Israeli IMI TAR-21 assault rifle, a Barrett M98 semiautomatic sniper rifle, and a pistol. Whether it was assault rifles, sniper rifles or pistols, they were all equipped with silencers. A machine. There were also a few grenades and explosive bombs. These weapons cost him 200,000 blades and were ruthlessly cut by Mexican drug dealers. However, the money was only a string of numbers to him. 100,000 blades was no different from 10 blades.    


After taking out his weapons and equipment, Xia Lei headed towards the direction of the farm. The wild grass and cactus served as his cover. Under cover of weeds and cactus in the wilderness, he moved quickly. Five minutes later, he was at the edge of the farm.    


Xia Lei entered a field filled with sugar cane and sneaked towards a warehouse.    


The predator B was in that warehouse.    


There were professionals assembling the predator inside the warehouse. Around the warehouse, there were eight armed members of FA. They were carrying AK-47 rifles and one of them was carrying a Russian-made rocket launcher.    


In a wooden building not far from the warehouse, there were twelve armed men from the FA. The farm was guarded by twenty armed men and was impregnable.    


At the edge of the sugar cane field, Xia Lei was staring intently at the predator in the warehouse. Machine. The two professionals had already put wings on it and were loading it at this time.    


Xia Lei's left eye locked onto the two professionals and used his lip language to decipher their conversation.    


"Mr. Yan told us that there would be no one in this villa. "Machine, we're almost done." One of the professionals said, "But until now, we haven't received any orders for it to take off. Could something have happened?"    


Another professional said, "I only know that the CIA is here. It must have happened. But we don't have to worry at all. This is the United States, we are working for the United States government, and the CIA will solve any problems. "    


"That's right. There's really nothing to worry about. We'll load the missiles, and as long as Mr. Yan orders us to come over, we can immediately leave this one unmanned. The plane takes off and completes its test. "    


"The hanging ammunition test is very important, as long as there are no problems, we can leave for the Grand China."    


"Haha, I can't wait to finish this mission. The destruction of Grand China's most important military factory must have had a greater impact on the world than the explosion of Benaden's Twin Towers. "My friend, we will become heroes!"    


"That Grand China brat actually dared to oppose our FA, and even threatened America's strategic interests. She's really stupid!"    


"He's dead for sure!"    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and then sneaked over to the small wooden building beside the warehouse from the sugar cane field.    


He wanted to kill these militants, but even if he wanted to kill them with a pair of men armed to the teeth, it would not be an easy task. He couldn't make a mistake. He had to have a plan, a plan that was smart enough.    


The armed men around the warehouse were on high alert. If he shot one of them, the others would shoot him in the direction of the fire. The moment the gunshot rang out, the armed men in the small wooden building would rush over to support them and join the battle. At that time, unless he had a Mignon multi-barreled machine gun in his hand, he would not be able to suppress the enemy's fire. Under the barrage of more than 20 assault rifles, his target was hiding in a field of sugar cane. Even if they were all blind, he would probably still be the target of the bullets!    


The lights were on in the small building and there were two armed men standing in front of the entrance to the lobby. They were two Mexicans, smoking marijuana and telling yellow jokes.    


There were six armed men in the living room, watching two Mexican teams play football. There were several boxes of beer beside them, and they drank and watched the game, occasionally bursting into cheers at the brilliant performance of one of the players.    


There were four armed men upstairs. One of them observed from the balcony while the other slept in a room, while the other wrote something down in his study. The last one took a bath in a bathroom, humming a Mexican folk song and washing happily.    


After a thorough investigation, Xia Lei went around to the front of the house and hid behind it. Taking advantage of the armed men on the observation deck on the second floor turning around to look in another direction, he suddenly rushed out from the sugar cane like a soundless wind, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed towards the small building's back wall.    


He took out a military knife and held it in his mouth. Then, he bent his legs, gathered his strength, and threw it upward. His body suddenly shot up from the ground, reaching a height of two meters. His body was still in the air, and his right foot tapped on the back wall. His body rose again, and his feet came to a level with the observation balcony.    


The armed man on the viewing balcony suddenly turned around. At that moment, he saw a person and a ray of light. Without waiting for him to react, that ray of light had pierced his forehead.    


It was an extremely sharp saber.    


The armed man on the viewing balcony didn't even have time to hum before his heart stopped. His body fell onto the ground. Xia Lei reached out to support his body, then slowly placed him on the ground.    


Xia Lei took out the military knife that was stabbed into the forehead of the armed men, fresh blood gushing out crazily. In the blink of an eye, the head of the armed men was drenched, and the entire floor was dyed red.    


Xia Lei entered the small building and went straight to his study.    


The armed man in the study seemed to be a leader, writing a report. He did not notice that there was a God of Death outside the door. He was staring at him with a murderous look in his eyes.    


Xia Lei suddenly pushed open the door, and in that moment, the blade flew out of his hand.    


When the leader of the armed forces heard the sound of the door opening, he instinctively raised his head to look in the direction of the door. But before he could see clearly who was standing at the door, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He hurriedly lowered his head and saw a saber that reached all the way to the hilt of his saber. He opened his mouth to scream for help, but no sound came out.    


A second later, the leader of the armed men was lying on his desk, dead.    


Xia Lei walked over, and when he pulled out the blade from the corpse, he glanced at the incomplete report on the desk.    


There was a paragraph in that report: Plan A is going well. We have received the unmanned one. The machine was just waiting to complete its test and transport it to Grand China. Plan B had already started. Yan Fo had already sent out death soldiers to Japan. They were going to hijack a plane there and cooperate with Plan A. If Plan A fails, they will attack...    


The report is not complete, and it is impossible to know whether the FA has a third plan.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "So that Mister Yan is actually called Yan Fo, and he is actually the Commander of the FA Organization. His position should be above Nomosha and that Celita, but he should be below that Augustman. If I can get rid of these three people, then the FA will suffer a huge loss. "    


This idea was very tempting, but to accomplish it was not an easy task. One needed luck.    


"The [FA's] organization's Dauntless Warriors have already gone to Japan. I can't be here, I have to tell this information to Long Bing." Xia Lei secretly thought.    


This matter was very serious, because once he breaks FA's plan A, FA will initiate plan B. If they do not have a guard against Unit 101, then there was a chance that the FA could successfully launch a sneak attack on them!    


Xia Lei left the study and entered a room before heading straight for the bathroom.    


From the bathroom came the sound of the armed man humming a Mexican ballad, and the sound of water. Xia Lei held onto the military knife and slowly approached the bathroom. When he reached the door, he grabbed the door handle of the atomized glass door and suddenly pulled it open. Then he took a step forward, covering the armed man's mouth with one hand and thrusting the general's knife into the man's heart with the other.    


Slash after slash, within a few seconds, Xia Lei stabbed the armed man six or seven times. The armed soldier fell to the floor of the bathroom, blood flowing from the wounds. Even the water had not been washed clean.    


Xia Lei turned around and entered another room. The armed man sleeping on the bed was fast asleep. He had no idea that Death had come to his side and was staring at him with deep eyes.    


Xia Lei's hand raised and his blade fell, one blade stabbed into the heart of the sleeping armed man, then covered his mouth, and the other blade cut open his throat. Even until death, he did not know what had happened, and his dream had become a dream that would never wake up.    


At this point, the four armed men on the second floor had all been cleaned up.    


When Xia Lei arrived at the stairs, he turned his footsteps to its lightest state and carefully walked down.    


From the television came the voice of the commentator explaining the football match in Spanish and the hubbub of the scene. The two Mexican teams had reached extra time and the lagging home team, Blue Cross, was frantically attacking the goal of a single goal. The match scene was very intense. They could score at any time. The six armed men in the living room seemed to be fans of the Blue Cross. They looked nervous, and their eyes remained fixed on the television screen.    


A cruel smile emerged on Xia Lei's face as he came out from the stairs and picked up the TAR-21 assault rifle ?    


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