Tranxending Vision

C961 The Battle of the safe house

C961 The Battle of the safe house

Sayimu's sudden arrival brought about his speculations. If he was not confident and did not realize the severity of the problem, it would be impossible for him to come to the "safe house" Kyoko Tsukino had prepared for him. The fact that he had come, showed the severity of the problem.    


Just then, his colleague from Department 101 called again, causing Long Bing to immediately become nervous.    


There were signs that Murphy's law was being fulfilled.    


Long Bing took out the phone that she used to contact her colleagues in the 101st Bureau, and opened the answer button, "It's me, speak."    


"Head, we ?" The sound suddenly stopped.    


"Hello?" Long Bing said loudly: "Hello? What happened? "Speak!"    


The phone was cut off.    


Long Bing was stunned on the spot with her phone. This was not a normal situation. She also had a bad premonition. Something had happened to her colleague who came to Japan with her!    


"We have to leave!" Kyoko Tsukino also realized something, and her tone was filled with worry and anxiety.    


Long Bing kept her phone, "Let's leave this place, I'll call Xia Lei on the way."    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Are you sure you want to call him? You should know that if you call, he'll definitely come here. "    


Long Bing wanted to call Xia Lei. Her goal was not for Xia Lei to help her, but to tell him that there might be a powerful spy lurking in the Rayma Group. Kyoko Tsukino obviously understood wrongly.    


Sayimu said: "Let's talk about this later. If something were to happen at Yutian Airport, it's very possible that this side ?"    


Du du du, du du...    


Kyoko Tsukino's satellite telephone also suddenly rang. Without any hesitation, she answered the phone and said a single word, "Speak!"    


"Something's happened, quickly leave the safe house!" Yasuya Khan's voice came from the satellite telephone, "The other party has some powerful people in their camp, he might have noticed me, so I have to leave this place. I'll go back to the safe house, and we'll meet there. "    


Kyoko Tsukino hung up the phone, "Something has happened, we have to leave immediately!"    


At this moment, the sound of a car's tires scraping the ground came from outside the door. It wasn't one car braking at the same time, but several.    


The three people in the living room looked at each other with serious expressions. But with just a glance, Long Bing dodged to the side where the window and the door could directly shoot at each other. Sayimu did the same and immediately dodged to the side where the gunner could directly attack.    


Kyoko Tsukino quickly walked to the wall next to the TV and pressed a button that was disguised as an ornament. The TV wall suddenly opened, revealing a hidden space behind it. It was a small arsenal, with rows of gun racks filled with weapons and weapons. Furthermore, they were not ordinary weapons, they were all weapons produced by the Rayma Group, including XL2500 sniper rifles, blast assault rifle s, and even a helldog single-military artillery. Each weapon was worth two.    


Kyoko Tsukino grabbed a blast assault rifle and threw it to Sayimu. She also took a blast assault rifle.    


Long Bing said: "Give me the XL2500 sniper rifle, and that helldog single-military artillery."    


Kyoko Tsukino revealed a somewhat exaggerated expression, but she still gave the weapon that Long Bing wanted to her. Afterward, the three of them each took out their ammunition.    


At the same time, over twenty gunners in civilian clothes, armed with assault rifles and submachine guns, covered each other and approached the fence of the safe house.    


Entering the courtyard, the twenty-something gunners were divided into three teams. One team moved under the window with their waists bent, the other sneaked around the wall towards the back of the house, and the last team arrived at the living room door.    


One of the commanders signaled with his hand, and a gun with a door breaker appeared in front of the door.    


On both sides of the door, several gunners were leaning their backs against the wall, waiting for the moment the door opened.    


The gunman who was holding the door breaker lifted it up and rammed it into the iron door.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Suddenly, the sound of gunfire came from inside the house. The iron door trembled and the gunman with the door breaker fell to the ground. Although he was wearing a bulletproof vest, he did not have a face. A steel bullet that penetrated through the metal door hit him on the forehead and left a red mark on his favorite red spot of the Indians.    


"Attack!" Infuriated, the commander gave the order decisively.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


"Da Da Da ?"    


The sound of gunfire was so loud that it felt as if every household had set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve. Under the intense gunfire, bullets rained down on the room.    


As Japan was a country with many earthquakes, most of the building materials used were light building materials. Thus, it was simply unable to withstand the impact of the bullets. For a moment, televisions, sofas, walls, chandeliers, etc., were shattered by the storm of bullets. Countless fragments flew through the air and bounced on the floor. Even a frog might not be able to survive this level of concentrated shooting, not to mention a single person!    


The round of attacks soon ended, and the gunmen outside changed their ammunition.    


The commander signaled a gunner with his handgun. A gunman holding an 89 assault rifle made by Japan's Fenghe Industries carefully stood up from the side of the door and kicked it open.    


Bang! The metal door that was originally riddled with holes was kicked open.    


There were no targets in the living room and no dead bodies on the floor. The wooden floor was littered with bullet holes and bits of electrical appliances and furniture.    


The gunman who kicked the door made a sign and entered the house.    


The commander waved his right arm, and the gunman at the door hurried into the house, searching every room.    


Doors were kicked open, but the rooms were still empty.    


The house was surrounded. How could anyone in the house suddenly disappear unless they were invisible?    


At that moment, a gunner suddenly pointed at a floor behind the TV wall. The floor was two centimeters above the ground, and if you didn't look closely you wouldn't see it.    


The commander made a silencing gesture, then gingerly approached the floorboard that rose from the floor. He soon discovered that it was actually a tunnel cover disguised as a floor.    


The commander did not lift the cover, but raised the 89 assault rifle in his hand.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


When the commander fired, the gunmen around the floor followed suit. Sawdust flew everywhere, and the tunnel cover that was disguised as a floor was smashed into pieces in the blink of an eye. A circular tunnel entrance appeared, with a woman's shoe in the doorway. The woman's shoes showed one thing, and that was that she had been fleeing in panic.    


"Down!" The commander no longer used sign language.    


A gunman followed him to the entrance of the tunnel. He walked down the iron stairs that were embedded in the concrete wall.    


The gunmen who had come around to the back of the house came in through the back door, and finally the gunmen who were guarding the windows. All the gunners were gathered in the area behind the TV wall, waiting to enter the tunnel and continue their pursuit.    


"Very deep!" The gunner who entered the tunnel looked up and said, "We can't see the bottom, they must have escaped from here."    


"We will split into two teams. One group will search in the direction of the tunnel, while the other will search in the tunnel. Miss Qiaoyi has instructed us not to let any of them escape, especially that woman surnamed Long. We must capture her alive!"    


"Hey!" A group of gunners shouted.    




A grenade suddenly fell from the ceiling.    


A good number of the gunmen saw it, but before they could react --    




Fire exploded and a group of gunners were flipped onto the ground. Several people in the blast center died the worst. They were badly mutilated. A severed arm crashed through the glass and flew into the yard.    


"On the ceiling!" "Shoot!" shouted the commander, who had been hit in the leg by the shrapnel, and at the same time he raised his gun and fired.    


The gunners who were still alive madly fired at the ceiling. Under the concentrated bullets, the wooden ceiling was shattered and fell down. In the narrow space, a wood rain started to fall. There was only wood and tiles. No one had fallen from the ceiling.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


A bullet flew in from the rear window and hit someone, knocking him to the ground.    


The ambush only lasted two seconds. The attacker had hidden himself even before he had finished firing a magazine. When the gunman went to search for him, all he saw was a broken window and a wisp of blue smoke floating by the window.    


There were people on the roof, and there were people behind the house. The gunners, who clearly held the absolute advantage in numbers and firepower, were in a passive position at all times. The feeling they gave off was that they were like a big, clumsy fatty who was currently being madly beaten by a thin, nimble person.    


"Retreat!" the commander shouted. He was afraid. Half of his men were already dead and wounded. If he stayed in this room, he believed that the battle would be over soon, and it would be them who died, not the other.    


However, just as a dozen surviving gunmen were retreating while shooting in the direction of the roof and the back of the house, a shell suddenly flew in from the direction of the door. The cannonball struck the back of the commander who was the first to retreat. The instant the cannonball hit the human body, his entire body was torn apart. The energy shock wave s released by the cannonballs overturned everyone in the house, then the entire house. In just a second, the entire house was razed to the ground!    


The one to fire the cannons was Long Bing.    


The one ambushing Sayimu at the back of the house.    


The one who sneaked an attack on the rooftop was Kyoko Tsukino, so before Long Bing could fire, she left the rooftop and arrived beside Long Bing.    


This house was a safe house created by Kyoko Tsukino herself. A Ninja's house, how could it not have a few safe passages? The group of gunners thought that they were surrounded by Kyoko Tsukino and the other two, but they never thought that they were actually surrounded by Kyoko Tsukino, Sayimu and Long Bing.    


"Who are these guys?" Long Bing put down the helldog single-military artillery that was still smoking.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "The weapons they use are the weapons of the land self-guard army, they are very likely to be the special forces of the land self-guard army, of course there is also the possibility that there are people from the intelligence department."    


Long Bing was quiet for a moment, then continued, "No matter what, I have to give Xia Lei a call. I have to tell him that there is a spy lurking in the Rayma Group, and that he is a very powerful one at that."    


Sayimu said: "Let's go, we'll talk on the way. There's been an explosion here, and the enemy reinforcements will be here soon. "    


The three of them walked to the side of the road.    


Sayimu stepped onto his locomotive, "Ladies, please sit on my bike, I'm riding very well."    


Kyoko Tsukino gave Sayimu a middle finger, and then put it into the Toyota Road Cauldron that the gunner drove away. Long Bing extended her hands out to Sayimu and also went inside the Toyota Road Kui Ze.    


This car might have a set up in it, but it was not difficult for Department Head Long of the 101st Precinct to do so. That was her specialty.    


With a loud roar, Toyota Road Cool Swamp dashed forward.    


Sayimu followed closely behind as fast as lightning.    


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