Tranxending Vision

C965 decisive killing

C965 decisive killing

Walking out of the restaurant, Xia Lei did not see Shentu Tianyin's Rolls-Royce Phantom. He called her, but she did not answer. He was a little worried that she would be too impulsive to take his advice and go to America. However, since Shentu Tianyin did not even take the call now, no matter how worried he was, it would be useless.    


He was slightly depressed in his heart. Who did he offend when he had children with his woman? Whether it was Shentu Tianyin or Tang Yuyan, all of them acted as if he had committed a great sin.    


Sometimes it's hard to love someone. It's hard not to love someone.    


Returning to the Peaceful Mansion, Xia Lei saw Fan Fan and Liang Siyao conversing at the entrance of his study. Seeing him come back, the two women shut their mouths and stared at him. Those eyes were like those of a cat with a broken ear.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Mn, mn, about that... I'll be frank, I went to eat a meal with Shentu Tianyin. The Wanxiang Group is going to be listed in the United States, she's going to the United States, so I advise her not to go. Later, Tang Yuyan also came to negotiate on that matter. We had a little chat, but it wasn't very pleasant, so I came back. "    


Couples needed the care of two people. However, in Xia Lei's case, a couple needed several people to take care of them. As a man, he had to be more proactive.    


As expected, once he said this "confession", Liang Siyao and Fan Fan Fan, the two old granny, could no longer bear to "deal with it strictly".    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "We didn't ask who you went to eat with. You and Shentu Tianyin are husband and wife, it is natural for you to care about her. You are our man. Do we not know your personality? It's very normal for you to think about old friendships when you value them. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Siyao, you are so nice."    


She was becoming more and more magnanimous. This was a very good thing.    


"Then how about me?" Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei walked over and held onto the shoulders of the two pregnant women, "Good, you are also good. Our Xia family's women are good as well."    


Only then did the two women let out a smile.    


Xia Lei said: "Oh right, I haven't eaten at all. I'm still hungry, is there anything to eat?"    


"I'll go get you a bowl of noodles. You and Sister Fan can have a chat. She's here to talk to you about spies." Liang Siyao said, and then went to the kitchen.    


The Peaceful Mansion actually had a chef, but Liang Siyao liked to cook for him.    


Fan Fan led Xia Lei's arm into the living room, then unceremoniously sat on his thigh.    


As Xia Lei enjoyed her gentle squeeze with her plump and soft white jade ball, he joked: "Wifey, are you going to talk about business with me like this?"    


Fan Fan definitely came with orders from the upper echelons, there was no need to guess.    


Fan Fan said, "Wouldn't it be good for me to talk business with you like this?" I'll talk to you like this and check to see if you're talking. " After saying those seductive words, her white jade ball squeezed into Xia Lei's embrace twice. Then, she smiled and said: "A dog can even show its kindness to its mistress by begging for food. It's normal.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Then I'll get down to business." After provoking Xia Lei for a bit, Fan Fan Fan finally said seriously: "The higher ups received the report from the 101 department, so they specifically sent me over to inquire about the situation."    


"What do they want to know?"    


"A lot. They want to know everything. "Who do you suspect, what country is the spy from, and so on? If you know, you can tell me." Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei replied, "For the time being, I don't have any suspects. Tang Yuyan said that she had already checked everyone's information, but unfortunately, he could not find any suspicious person. "    


Fan Fan frowned, "Even Tang Yuyan was unable to find anything. This person is very powerful."    


Xia Lei said: "That's right, he should have been hiding by my side for a long time already, but I didn't realize, this time I met a true expert. Tell the people up there the truth, but tell them not to worry. I can solve this problem. "    


Fan Fan nodded his head, "You have to be careful, he might treat you ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted her, "I can't wait for him to make a move, the moment he makes a move he's already exposed. What I'm most worried about is still you and Siyao. During this period of time, you should be careful of your safety. If it's not convenient for you to have a bodyguard, I'll have those four Knights protect you. "    


"I don't want it. I just want a phone call from the bodyguard. You don't have to worry about me. Take care of Siyao a bit more. She's also in the company. Fan Fan said.    


At this time Fan Fan walked in, smiling, "Hubby, do you want to eat noodles, or Sister Fan?"    


"It's time to eat the noodles." Xia Lei said, he was hinting that Fan Zheng should be getting down from him.    


Unexpectedly, Fan Fan Fan reached out and took the noodles Liang Siyao had placed on the tea table, then said with a smile: "Since you're being so obedient today, I'll feed you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Liang Siyao said: "Don't spoil him, after he eats, you will be the one to feed him. What about you?"    


Fan Fan Fan smiled and said, "I'm not spoiling him. Next time, let him feed us."    


"Yes, that's fine." Liang Siyao laughed.    


What was the standard?    


Xia Lei felt that the noodles were very hot, and the white jade balls of mortal people were also very hot.    


Sending Fan Fan off, Xia Lei and Liang Siyao went to the company.    


After entering the office, Xia Lei hesitated for a moment before using the satellite telephone to call Long Bing.    


Japan, Tokyo.    


"I'm fine, don't worry." Long Bing's first sentence.    


"It's good that you're fine. Where are you now?" Hearing her voice, Xia Lei immediately relaxed a bit.    


"I'm in Tokyo, a safe house in the countryside." Long Bing opened the window in front of her slightly, in her sight was a sword training hall, a few tattooed gangsters were fighting with wooden swords.    


"Stop lying to me, I heard the sound of a blow." Xia Lei's voice sounded, "Is it a warrior training hall?"    


Long Bing sighed, "It's a sword training hall, belonging to a very small gang. Apricots saved their leader once, and they promised us to stay here for a few days. You really don't have to worry about anything. Xingzi is a local tyrant here, she can handle it. "    


Xia Lei said, "Every member of the Zodiac Clan is a local tyrant, I know this better than you. But you need to know that you are facing Japanese intelligence and special forces, as well as members of the United States CIA. "You've already been exposed. Come back, don't take any more risks."    


"My people have been captured by the people from Tecko, and I can't leave them behind. This task is very important to the country, and I must accomplish it. "Don't try to persuade me anymore. I promise you, this is my last mission in the 101st inning. I don't want my last mission to end in failure." Long Bing said.    


"Ah Bing, listen to me ?"    


"That's it. I'm hanging up. Don't call again. This increases the risk of exposure. " Long Bing hung up the phone, without any hesitation.    


In the Sword Truth Hall, a few members of the mafia had finished their combat training.    


A member of the gang glanced in the direction of Long Bing's room and spoke in Japanese: "That woman is a stowaway from Grand China. The president allowed her to stay here for a few days.    


The other one said, "You must have sneaked over to Japan to sell it?"    


"Hahaha!" I bet that's the case. How about we take care of her business first? " Another member of the gang looked in the direction of Long Bing and laughed sinisterly.    


The few gang members quickly reached an agreement and walked towards Long Bing's room together.    


Long Bing closed the Japanese window that was ajar. She frowned: "What are those guys trying to do?"    


Her ability in Japanese was so poor that she was unable to communicate, but this time the Japanese translator was arrested. She also didn't know how Kyoko Tsukino told the leader of the small gang that she was in a passive situation because of the spy. Just now, when Xia Lei told her to return, she wanted to agree for an instant, but her character, which was so deep-seated that she was strong, allowed her to erase the thought of going back.    


Since she was on the battlefield, she definitely wouldn't be a deserter!    


Just as Long Bing was thinking about this, the Japanese wooden door was pushed open with a whoosh, and a few bare-chested, short-pants wearing members of the gang rushed into her room.    


Long Bing subconsciously took a step back and said in Japanese, "You guys ?" She was going to say, "What do you want?" but she didn't know what to say next.    


"Woman from the Grand China, come and play with me." A member of the gang had a vulgar smile on his face.    


A member of the gang twisted his butt and said with a smile, "You will feel good if we come together."    


Although she could not understand what the other party was saying, Long Bing could tell from his expression and body language that her eyes had turned cold.    


"I'll help you take off your clothes!" A member of a gang reached out his hand towards Long Bing's firm chest.    


Long Bing suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pushed the other hand towards his chest. By the time her hand had stopped, the fellow who had extended his hand towards her already had a military knife in his chest.    


Without even a single word of nonsense, he would kill them all!    


A companion was killed in a single move, causing several gang members to be stunned.    


Long Bing pulled out her blade, stepped in, and slashed a few times at a gang member's chest!    


Only then did the remaining gangsters regain their wits, turned around and ran out.    


A cold light flashed from the blade as a head flew up from the neck of the member who was running at the front.    


Before the head could land on the ground, a cold light flashed and in the blink of an eye, several gang members fell to the ground. Fresh blood flowed out from the corpses and stained the floor red in the blink of an eye.    


Crack! Warriors. After sheathing his blade, Kyoko Tsukino bowed to Long Bing and apologized, "Sorry, Madam Long, I was late."    


Long Bing wiped the blood off her blade on a dead body, "No need to apologize, tell me, what did you find out?"    


"The previous actions of attacking us and capturing your subordinates were all commanded by Mei Hattori. She is from an extremely high school, her status is very high." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Where are my men being held?"    


Kyoko Tsukino wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"Tell me!"    


Kyoko Tsukino shook her head, "I can't make the decision for this, I have to ask my boss. We have to get out of here. The bodies of these guys will attract the police. "    


"Okay, let's get out of here." Long Bing did not linger on this topic. As she walked, she asked: "Is there any news about FA?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Not at the moment, but I believe that the people from FA are definitely in Tokyo. Sayimu's information network was useful in Europe and the United States as well as in the Middle East, but it was not useful in Tokyo at all. We have to give him more time. "    


Long Bing sighed in her heart. The thought came again, but she was still unwilling. Was the last mission really going to end in failure?    


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