Tranxending Vision

C992 Origin of AE capsule

C992 Origin of AE capsule

On the first day of the new year, this day is very important to every Chinese. In the Chinese world, whether one's luck on this day would be good or bad was also related to whether one's luck on the next day would be good or bad. So on this day, the Chinese have a lot of things to hide, such as not arguing, not playing cards, losing money, and so on.    


To Xia Lei, his luck on the first day of the new year was extremely good. Whether his luck would be good for the next year or not was hard to say, but today's harvest was definitely not small.    


In the Peaceful Mansion's study room, Xia Lei opened the top-secret document that was stored in an excellent plate. The file Wilhelm had passed on to him contained a text file and a video file.    


"Could it be that the Americans have obtained the video recording of the AE capsule?" Xia Lei was curious, he opened the video file.    


The video showed a small valley surrounded by mountains on all four sides. There were no plants on the brown mountain, making it look extremely desolate. The cameraman was standing on a hillside. After taking a picture of the valley, he intentionally shifted his camera to another direction. The video showed the Holy Cross Mountain and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the foot of the mountain, but they were still quite a distance away.    


There was no doubt that this place was Jerusalem, and it was in the suburbs.    


The cameraman returned the camera to the valley and walked down. The lens was rather wobbly. It seemed like the camera was mounted on his head. As he walked, he said, "Today is the Christmas of the Millennium, and I work in this damned place. But it was worth it. As an archaeologist, discovering the ninth wonder of the world is the best Christmas gift God has ever given me! "    


A woman's voice came from the boat, "George, don't be happy too early. The information we received was not necessarily correct. Maybe it was just an ordinary cemetery. "    


"Believe me, Elena, I have an intuition that this time we will find something great." George's voice.    


"Is that so? I hope it's as you say. " "By the way, George, when do you think it's supposed to be a tomb?"    


"I spoke with Professor Mark of Israel on the phone. He said that the tomb should have been one from the Crusades. Ah, you know, I'm a medieval fan. When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a knight of the Crusaders, fighting for the Holy God. "    


"Come on, you're not made to be a knight. Then, did Professor Mark tell you about the identity of the tomb master? " H?l?ne's voice.    


"No, we just had a short chat, and then he hurried me and you over. "Well, here we are." George's voice.    


The two of them walked as they talked, and it took them ten minutes to reach the bottom of the small valley.    


Just as the two of them went down the hill, the video showed a rock wall collapse for some reason. Amidst the rubble, there was a cave with a diameter of about three meters and a height of about three meters.    


The two archaeologists entered.    


George turned on the flashlight, which shone forward at the speed of light. The cave was pitch black, and the video footage was filled with cold rocks.    


The two of them continued to walk forward. After about twenty meters, George shouted loudly, "Professor Mark, we are here! I'm George and Elena. "    


A man's voice came from the darkness. He said in English, "George, Elena, I'm inside. You'll see me twenty meters further in. "Hurry up, I can't wait to show you this miracle!"    


"Okay, we'll be right there." George and Elena quickened their pace.    


The two of them walked forward for a distance. After turning a corner, they saw light in front of them and the space in the video suddenly became clear. It was a triangular natural cave, and it was an equilateral triangle, giving the impression that it was a pyramid that was built in the middle of a mountain.    


"Wah!" "Is this the work of nature, or ?" Because of his excitement, George was no longer able to speak normally.    


"How can this be Nature's handiwork?" A white-haired old man appeared in the camera. Behind him, a group of staff were opening a sarcophagus. It was a huge sarcophagus, and it looked like a tank made of stone.    


"Professor Mark, you are right. This is definitely the eighth wonder of the world! She looked like a pyramid built in the middle of a mountain! I really can't wait to know the identity of the owner of the tomb. George walked up to him. The camera mounted on top of his head was slightly moving, and the picture taken was also moving slightly.    


"I'm sorry, dear George, but I also want to know who the owner of the tomb is. He would probably have to open the sarcophagus before he could find any clues. Before that, I suggest you take a closer look at the top of your head. " Mark pretended to be mysterious.    


George raised his head, and he froze, unable to move.    


Not only him, even Xia Lei who was on the screen was stunned.    


The top of the triangle were all human skulls. One after another, human skulls were lined up neatly on the surface of the rock wall. For some reason, these skulls had stuck to the rock wall and had formed a line of bones that climbed around the triangle. At a glance, the densely packed heads were like a gigantic ceiling that enveloped the top third of the pyramid.    


"Oh my god! Who would do such a thing? " Elena's voice was full of trembling. "Is this the lair of a demon?"    


"God knows." Professor Mark said, "Let's go, I'll bring you guys to see the sarcophagus."    


"Alright." George followed Professor Mark and asked, "Professor Mark, who was the first to discover this place? How did he find out? "    


"It was a week ago. There was a slight earthquake. You should have seen what happened at the cave entrance when you arrived. Those rocks were moved over to block the cave entrance. After the earthquake, the rocks fell and the hole was revealed. " Professor Mark laughed and said, "A young man who travels on foot found this place and reported it to the police, so we came. We've been working here for a whole week, and it's all because of that damn sarcophagus. It's so strong, and we can't blow it up with explosives. "    


"You really can't use explosives. That way, the artifacts inside will be destroyed." George said.    


"But your luck is very good. You just happened to be in time for the time limit to open." Professor Mark said.    


"Is it about to start soon?" Elena said excitedly.    


Professor Mark said, "Yes, or else I wouldn't have called you all in such a hurry. It will take at most five minutes. Five minutes later, we will witness a miracle together! "    


While walking and chatting, Professor Mark brought George and Elena to the stone temple.    


George stood on the other side of the sarcophagus. A blurry image appeared in the camera, which was located on the surface of the sarcophagus.    


George moved closer, then used his hands to wipe the dust off it. The pattern became a bit clearer. Astonishingly, it was ? AE!    


Seeing this, Xia Lei suddenly realised what was in the time. Right now, he wanted to see the moment when the sarcophagus opened even more than George did!    


"AE capsule had actually entered the world from this place, and finally swam into my hands. I ate it, and it created the me of today ?" Xia Lei's thoughts surged, and the feelings in his heart became extremely complicated.    


"A ?" George struggled to make out the letter in the pattern. "E!"    


"What are you talking about, George?" Elena leaned over.    


"AE!" George suddenly exclaimed: "Professor Mark! Did you find it? The design was actually engraved with a letter! It's carved AE! "    


"Hehe!" Professor Mark smiled and said, "George, my friend, please do not panic or get too excited. This place is full of the two letters you mentioned. I don't even bother to count them. "    


"Why?" George's tone was full of surprise.    


Professor Mark said, "My friend, don't ask me why, I don't know either. We'll try to unravel this mystery together later. "    


A few minutes later, the workers finally opened the sarcophagus. A few able-bodied workers worked together to push open the lid of the sarcophagus.    


Without waiting for the coffin to open completely, George rushed to the coffin and peeped around.    


Under the illumination of the light, the interior of the sarcophagus was completely visible.    


No corpses, no treasures, no artifacts. At the bottom of the sarcophagus, there was a fist-sized piece of amber. It was sparkling and translucent, like a golden ray of sunlight cutting through the darkness at dawn.    


In the middle of the amber was a pile of glittering substances. They looked like mineral powder, but also like crystals, like the powder in modern pills.    


"How can this be? What's in that amber? " George said in surprise.    


"I've seen a lot of amber, but it's either insect or leaf. How could there be such a strange thing?" Elena seemed very curious as well.    


"Take it back and study it." Professor Mark said as he reached out for the piece of amber.    


At that moment, a bullet suddenly came from behind and exploded his head. His brain and blood spurted out from his severed head, and his life ended in an instant.    


"Who are you, what do you want to do ?" "Ahhh!" With a bang, Qiao Zi fell to the ground as well.    


The camera froze, staring at the top of the pyramid. Tens of thousands of heads looked coldly at the tragedy that was happening below.    


The sounds of gunfire, begging for mercy, crying, and screaming mixed together, reverberated in the space of the pyramid, giving off a feeling of terror.    


Finally, a man appeared in the video, his back to the camera on George's helmet, his face invisible. His back was very large. He reached out his hand and picked up the amber inside the sarcophagus.    


Right at that moment, Xia Lei saw a black tattoo on his arm. It was a king cobra.    


"Chief, that guy has a camera on his hat. He's recording. Are you trying to destroy it?" Someone in the video spoke in English.    


"No, keep it. Nothing here can be destroyed except these corpses. " The man with the King's Snake Mark said, "When we go out, blow up the cave entrance. Anyone who knows of this place will be killed."    


"Yes sir!" Several people answered.    


Someone put a hand over the camera and turned it off.    


The video ended here. Xia Lei was still staring blankly at the screen, and did not stir for a long while.    


He finally knew where the AE capsule came from, but he didn't understand how or how the pyramid in the middle of the mountain was built.    


Also, who was the last person to take away the amber after killing George and Professor Mark?    


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