Tranxending Vision

C1003 Gender of the child

C1003 Gender of the child

Spring Festival is over, and will come back.    


Time was gone, but time would not come back.    


What people could never keep was time.    


As the morning sun rose, the sky was suffused with a bright red glow. Standing in front of the office's window, Xia Lei gazed at the sun that was rising from the east horizon, he could feel its vigorous energy. However, even if it were to be extinguished and collapsed one day, what was eternal about all living things in the universe?    


He looked away. A church stood under the sky, looking majestic, in the style of the Cathedrals. At the entrance of the church, Long Bing was conversing with the women of. Beside the five women stood a large group of believers from all over the world. An armed force that belonged to the Rayma Group was taking shape.    


In the courtyard of Peaceful Mansion, Jiang Ruyi was knitting a woolen sweater for her child with a big stomach. She was not the kind of woman who could accompany to the battlefield to kill enemies. She was also not the kind of woman with a high position and authority like the others. But it was her ordinariness and commonness that made him feel real, kind, and lovely. She was like a mirror with the Time Attribute, allowing him to see his past appearance, making him cherish everything she possessed even more.    


A long line of heavy trucks rolled out from the entrance of the Rayma Group. On each of the trucks was a ZTZ100 capital tank or Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle. After these two types of heavy equipment entered mass production, the military began to change the chariot equipment as well. In the future, no country would dare to fight the Grand China in a land war, including the United States.    


It was as if the rising sun also had the power to be vigorous.    


The sound of footsteps came from behind him. It was soft and inaudible. It came from the direction of the door, deliberately concealing itself and moving closer to him. However, he did not need to turn his head to know that Liang Siyao had arrived.    


Liang Siyao walked over from behind as she covered Xia Lei's eyes with her hands and mischievously asked: "Guess who I am?"    


"You're a pig." Xia Lei said with a smile.    


Liang Siyao hit him, "You're so annoying, now that you have a big stomach, if you grow fat, you would call me a pig. You really have no conscience."    


Xia Lei turned around and hugged her, "You're a pig anyway."    


Liang Siyao said with flirtatious eyes. She was originally a pig in Zodiac Clan, and Xia Lei was not wrong about this. However, she, the pig, had already lost all meaning, because she could not participate in any of Zodiac Clan's operations.    


"What did they say?" Xia Lei changed the topic to the main topic.    


Liang Siyao sighed, "I just read their report, and the result is..." After a pause, she said, "European equipment suppliers will not sell us the equipment, even if we offer twice the market price."    


Xia Lei said: "There must be an American meddling in this, the Americans know that I am about to create the X Secret Gold and no one else. "Machines, they won't let us import equipment from Europe."    


Liang Siyao said, "There are no problems on the Russian side and on the Ukrainian side, but their equipment is not much more advanced than ours. In my opinion, it would be better to choose our own domestic suppliers. You can actually do this, you have to draw up the blueprints for those equipment, and also relevant standards, we will order suppliers from all over the country to produce parts and then bring them back. After we finish processing a bit, we will be able to get the equipment we want. "    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Even though it will be a bit more troublesome this way, it won't miss a solution to the problem when there isn't a choice. "Give me three days and I will draw the blueprint."    


"Three days? So fast? That's a very complicated matter. How could you possibly accomplish it? " Liang Siyao looked very surprised.    


"Trust me, no problem." Xia Lei seemed very confident.    


"Hubby, don't be too tired. If there's no one urging you, don't be in such a hurry. " Liang Siyao's eyes were filled with concern.    


On the third day, drawing the blueprints of all the equipment in a workshop, even a super brain wouldn't be able to complete it. Because even if his mind was filled with all the diagrams and data, his hands couldn't reach that speed. It was impossible to draw on a computer, much less on paper. This was Liang Siyao's view.    


However, Xia Lei had his own ways to solve this problem.    


"Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing."    


"But, in three days, the workshop needs so much equipment, I just can't believe that you can complete this task in three days." Liang Siyao stared straight at the man, as if testing if her man was joking with him.    


But Xia Lei laughed and said: "Not only the material production workshop, there is also no one else. Machinery workshop, all the equipment, all the drawings, three days. I'll give them all to you in three days. You take them and sift through the country for the right equipment suppliers to make our parts and components. We have Raylong intelligent machine tool s, and we can turn them into the best spare parts. "    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "Hubby, can't you tell me all of this at once? "Since you want to keep me in suspense, tell me, what are you planning to do?"    


Xia Lei just pointed at the computer on the desk.    


Liang Siyao was startled, but she was an intelligent woman, and quickly understood, her face revealed a "bad woman" smile, "So you were not talking about paintings, but stealing."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: What steal? It sounds so bad, but it's a copy. "    


"Right, right, right. It's a copy. I was wrong. Hubby, I'll make you a cup of tea and move a stool over to see if you can copy it. " Liang Siyao came to please her man again.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, no problem."    


Liang Siyao went to make tea for Xia Lei while Xia Lei turned on his hacker and started preparing his "copy" job.    


Americans could send Li Youdun to steal the secrets of the Rayma Group, and he could also use the same method to repay them. Only this time his attack was not limited to the United States, but the United States and Europe. Using hacking methods to attack places like the CIA and Lockheed Martin Corp were extremely difficult, there was no possibility of opportunities not being discovered. However, attacking certain equipment suppliers and materials manufacturers was as easy as visiting a supermarket to him.    


Spying is happening every second of the time in the world. It cannot be measured in terms of justice and law, but it has existed since the birth of human civilization, and it still exists today. Who can judge such an existence from the standpoint of law and justice?    


By the time Liang Siyao had placed Tie Guanyin's cup on the desk, Xia Lei had already started working. Within five minutes, he had entered the filing system of a French equipment supplier. He then searched the files of several equipment he needed and found them and copied them. It was that simple.    


"I wish I could be as powerful as you." Liang Siyao envied Xia Lei's ability in the field of hackers.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm afraid that you won't be able to, but your son will definitely be able to. In the future, wouldn't you be able to nurture him into a very powerful hacker to fulfill your wish?"    


"My father will beat me to death. He is already making plans for the child to learn Wing Tsun. I was worried that if I gave birth to a daughter, he would die of anger. " Liang Siyao said.    


Xia Lei looked at her big belly and laughed: "Don't worry, it's your son."    


Liang Siyao leaned her head against Xia Lei's shoulder, with a blissful expression on her face, "Mn, I believe you. I'll believe anything you say."    


Not only did Xia Lei know that Liang Siyao was pregnant with a son, he also knew whether the other three women were pregnant with a man or a woman. After all, he only needed to take a deep look to be able to see through it. Previously, he didn't dare to carelessly poke his nose into his four wives' stomachs. That was because the child was very fragile, and he was afraid that his action of poking through would harm the child. The worry faded as the children grew up, but he didn't dare to do it often. He only looked at them once to see if they had a man or a woman in their stomachs.    


Out of the four pregnant women, Liang Siyao was carrying a boy, Long Bing was carrying a boy, and Jiang Ruyi and Fan Fan Fan Fan were carrying a daughter. Two males and two females, two pairs of dragons and phoenixes. Long Bing and Long Bing could be compared to "Wu", while Fan and Jiang Ruyi could be compared to "Wen", "Wu Shengzi", Wen Shengzi, and Wen Wu. This was truly a perfect result.    


While talking about the child with Liang Siyao, Xia Lei continued to revise the information he had copied from the map. His attack on French equipment suppliers was equivalent to a pile of blank materials, many of which fell short of his expectations. However, with his modifications, it was like the finishing touch of a dragon. He was suddenly stunned and became perfect.    


Attacking and stealing only took a few minutes, but the modification seemed very slow. It took them a whole hour to finish modifying the blueprints. However, once completed, they would undoubtedly become the highest level of existence in the same product.    


Liang Siyao was still in high spirits from the start, after an hour she lost all patience and interest, "Hubby, I will go to the workshop to take a look. You should also take care to rest, and not be too tired. "    


However, Xia Lei stopped her, "Siyao, I have something to tell you."    


"What is it?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei curiously.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "Help me prepare a funeral."    


"Huh?" Liang Siyao was stunned on the spot.    


"You didn't hear wrong." Xia Lei said in a serious tone, "Help me prepare a funeral instead of the most serious one, it'll be fine as long as it's lively."    


Liang Siyao suddenly smashed her fist on Xia Lei's head, her eyes became misty, "What nonsense are you spouting? I don't want to hear that, and I forbid you to talk nonsense. If you leave, what will happen to our children? What about Fan Fan, Ah Bing, Ru Yi, and the others? What about their children? "    


"Idiot, let me finish." Xia Lei pulled her hand, and pulled her onto his thigh, then moved close to her ear. "It's like this ?"    


Liang Siyao's eyes were originally filled with tears, but after Xia Lei told his the truth, the tears in her eyes disappeared.    


The plan S made by the CIA and the five big arms companies worked together. Li Youdun was the executor, and the ultimate goal of this plan was to assassinate Xia Lei. The other party's kindness was hard to refuse, so how could Xia Lei not act along?    


"Why are you cooperating with them?" After hearing Xia Lei's words, Liang Siyao said in confusion: "You can completely ignore them, you can even directly take care of the CIA's Information Station in the capital."    


Xia Lei said, "After they eliminate the Information Station of the CIA in the capital, they will create another one. "I'll cooperate with them. If I die, I'll show them. If I die, they'll let down their guard, and at that time ?"    


"What do you want to do?"    


"We'll talk about it later." Xia Lei said. He actually already had a complete plan in his heart, but he didn't want to say it out loud, because Liang Siyao and the others would be worried.    


"Then when do you plan on ?" Liang Siyao could not say the word "dead".    


Xia Lei said: "In a week, once I have settled everything, I will be able to..."    


Liang Siyao suddenly covered Xia Lei's mouth, "I won't allow you to say that."    


Xia Lei laughed, his heart feeling warm.    


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