Tranxending Vision

C1012 Get out of danger and be in danger

C1012 Get out of danger and be in danger

After all, the military knife stuck in the equilibrium point was not exactly compatible with it. It was only 90% compatible with the equilibrium point. If Xia Lei had more time, he would have been able to find or create an embedded object that completely matched him, but Kyoko Tsukino's situation was getting worse and worse, so he simply did not have more time.    


"Boss, let me down. You escape by yourself!" Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Don't talk nonsense! "Just wait!" Xia Lei used his hands and feet to crawl. They had brought him benefits from crawling. However, the hard limestone had already cut through his pants, and his knees had already been scraped open, bleeding profusely. However, he couldn't care so much anymore. He only had one thought in his mind, and that was to carry Kyoko Tsukino at the pyramid. Escape before it collapsed!    


Ka ka ka ?    


There was another sound behind him, and the whole mountain was shaking. From time to time, a rock fragment or a cloud of dust would fall from the downloaded passageway. It gave off the feeling that this place could collapse at any time and bury everything.    


"Put me down, put me down!" Kyoko Tsukino begged to die, but she started to struggle. She felt that she had already become Xia Lei's burden, and she begged to die.    


Xia Lei suddenly waved his hands and hugged her butt. His hand was wearing a rock-climbing glove with spikes on it, and when he embraced his, the stud on his glove immediately stabbed into Kyoko Tsukino's butt.    


"En!" Kyoko Tsukino groaned, it was so painful that she sucked in a breath of cold air. With this thrust, her mind cleared a bit.    


Xia Lei scolded angrily as he climbed. "I won't leave you here alone. Either we leave together, or we die together here.    


Kyoko Tsukino hugged Xia Lei's neck tightly, his leg around his waist feeling even stronger. She did not speak, but this was her response.    


The sound behind him became louder and louder, and the trembling of the mountain became more and more violent. However, it did not collapse all of a sudden. After all, the military knife embedded in the point of balance had a 90% fit, and it was still maintaining its balance. Because of it, Xia Lei finally reached the exit.    


Reaching the cave entrance, Xia Lei took off his belt, bound Kyoko Tsukino to his body, and then crawled down while sticking close to the cliff wall. The inside of the mountain shook greatly, but the outside of the mountain didn't have such a strong feeling of trembling. With his spiked climbing gloves, he climbed down quickly. As his distance from the ground became shorter, the trembling of the mountain became more and more intense. It was as if he was in an earthquake of the eighth step.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The sound of an explosion suddenly came from the inside of the mountain, and the entire mountain collapsed.    


Both of Xia Lei's feet pushed off the rock wall and his entire body immediately broke away from it, falling towards the ground.    




The entire mountaintop suddenly became half shorter!    


The rock that Xia Lei had grabbed just now had directly sunk underground! If they had been even a second slower, both he and Kyoko Tsukino would have been crushed into meat patties by the rocks and buried!    




The two of them fell to the ground. Xia Lei is at the bottom and Kyoko Tsukino is at the top. Originally, it was Kyoko Tsukino who was below, but before landing, Xia Lei twisted his body and switched positions.    


"Pfft!" Under the intense impact and vibration, Xia Lei opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.    


Kyoko Tsukino tumbled down from Xia Lei's body. However, she did not receive any injuries when she fell this time. Xia Lei had used his body to create a "life saving air cushion" for her.    


"Boss, are you alright?" Kyoko Tsukino said anxiously. She grabbed Xia Lei's hand and wanted to help him up, but she was lacking in strength.    


"No need, I'm fine ?" "Puff!" Xia Lei spat out another mouthful of blood. However, this did not increase the severity of his injuries. Rather, it eased the pressure on his internal organs. After spitting out this mouthful of blood, he felt much better. After all, his body had an almost perfect immune system, and his ability to regulate himself was beyond ordinary. Other people would need a few days, or even half a month to recover from the same injury, but he only needed a little bit of time.    


Although Xia Lei felt much better, the sight of him spurting out two mouthfuls of blood in a row scared Kyoko Tsukino. She asked nervously: "Are you really alright? Tell me, what can I do for you? "    


Xia Lei crawled up from the ground. "I'm really alright, don't worry about me ?" He looked around, and his face suddenly changed, "We have already come out, why haven't we seen Sayimu?"    


Kyoko Tsukino also looked around, but she did not see Sayimu.    


This was not normal.    


A trace of alertness suddenly rose in Xia Lei's heart, and his gaze shifted towards the direction of the valley entrance. The mouth of the valley was quiet and barren. Ye Liena should be at the entrance of the valley, but he did not see her at all.    


Following that, Xia Lei shifted his gaze towards the mountain that was shorter by half, but he did not see Yasuya Khan either. Yasuya Khan should be guarding on top of a mountain with a pyramid. After such a strong tremor just now, he would definitely leave. However, when he looked at the two sides of the mountain peaks, he was unable to see Yasuya Khan at all.    


Ye Liena, Sayimu and Yasuya Khan who should have been waiting outside, all disappeared. What exactly was going on? Xia Lei frowned. What happened outside when he was inside the pyramid with Kyoko Tsukino?    


Kyoko Tsukino took out the satellite telephone, but before she could pull it out, the sounds of an engine and a propeller tearing the air suddenly came from the direction of the valley entrance. A black hawk helicopter suddenly appeared in the sky.    


Just as the helicopter revealed its propeller, Xia Lei had already picked up Kyoko Tsukino and ran towards a pile of rocks. That pile of rubble had just been built, and the several hundred meters tall rock wall had collapsed. The fallen rock could easily build a Versailles Palace, and it had become the hiding place for him and Kyoko Tsukino.    


Just as Xia Lei stuffed Kyoko Tsukino into a crack between rocks, the helicopter appeared in the sky above the valley entrance. He followed it into the primitive crevice.    


The black hawk helicopter rapidly flew around the collapsed mountain.    


In the midst of the rocks, Xia Lei gazed from a crack in the rocks at the Black Hawk Helicopter that was circling above the sky. Although the distance was several hundred meters, to his left eye, this distance was no different than a few meters. He saw the pilot in the cockpit, wearing the uniform of the Israeli Army. In the back, in the cabin, were a few professional soldiers, also wearing the uniform of the Israeli Army. Otherwise, it could be assumed that these Israeli soldiers came from Israeli army and air forces.    


But the question is, why are Israeli soldiers here? Could Sayimu, Yasuya Khan and Ye Liena's disappearance have something to do with these Israeli soldiers?    


Kyoko Tsukino called from a crack in the rocks, but no matter if it was Sayimu, Ye Liena or Yasuya Khan, they were all unable to call him.    


"I can't contact them. What happened?" Kyoko Tsukino's heart was filled with worry.    


Xia Lei said: "I don't know about you. How is your situation? Can you still hold on? "    


"There shouldn't be any problems, it's just that ?" Kyoko Tsukino wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"But what?"    


"I should be the one protecting you, but now it has become you protecting me. I have become a burden to you." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Don't say that, we are family. I treat you as my little sister, and protecting your little sister is my responsibility as a brother. " Xia Lei said.    


"Are all men so fickle?" Kyoko Tsukino suddenly said.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Hmm?"    


"You promised. You will fulfill my wish." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The black hawk helicopter circled the sky twice. After completing its aerial reconnaissance, it did not leave but instead descended. It landed on a flat land that was over 100 meters away from where Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino were hiding.    


In addition to the helicopter pilot, six armed Israeli soldiers jumped out of the helicopter and headed in their direction.    


Xia Lei pulled out his viper pistol. His blast assault rifle had fallen into the mountain cave, but Kyoko Tsukino still had another blast assault rifle in her equipment bag. However, the space was very narrow, and it was difficult for her to take it out from her equipment bag to finish assembling it.    


The six Israeli soldiers quickly approached.    


Xia Lei's heart suddenly tensed up. He and Kyoko Tsukino were hidden in the narrow crevices of the rocks, and if they were discovered, they would either be killed or captured. There was simply no third conclusion. Because the enemy was not only these six Army Warriors that were moving on the ground, there was also a helicopter behind the six Army Warriors. The helicopter carried a heavy machine gun and machine gun, and if there was a fight, the viper pistol in his hands would be helpless against it.    


In order to avoid such a situation, even he could not avoid being nervous or even scared.    


The six Israeli army men continued to walk this way, talking in Hebrew as they did so.    


Xia Lei had locked onto their lips in advance and used his lip language to decipher their conversation.    


"What happened here?"    


"It looks like an earthquake."    


"Earthquake? "Go to hell, an earthquake in reality, but I don't think so, because everywhere else is normal, how can there be an earthquake on a single mountain?"    


"If it wasn't an earthquake, then what happened?"    


"God knows."    


"Before, there were three unidentified armed men fleeing towards the Gaza Strip. The Mossad were chasing them and I think what happened here must be related to them."    


"You mean there was a terrorist attack here?"    


"Who would attack a mountain with no one around? There is no such possibility. "    


Reaching this point, Xia Lei was extremely anxious. The Mossad was a famous spy agency in the world, as famous as Krupp of the former Soviet Union. The people of Mossad were chasing after Sayimu, Yasuya Khan and Ye Liena. How could he not be worried!    


"Stop making meaningless guesses. Check this place and report back." One of the leaders ended the conversation. He then gave the order to divide his men into two groups, one to the left and the other to the right, along the rubble.    


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