Tranxending Vision

C1011 The Last Wish of Apricot

C1011 The Last Wish of Apricot

The sound of pants being put on could be heard, and Xia Lei couldn't help but think back to her big white ball. Men, men always had to fight with their other half at this time.    


"Ying ?" With a groan, Kyoko Tsukino suddenly lied down on Xia Lei's back. Her body was so soft and attractive.    


Xia Lei immediately became nervous, "Xingzi, you ?"    


"I'm dizzy." Kyoko Tsukino's voice lacked strength.    


Xia Lei hurriedly turned his head to look at her, only to realize that her pale face had lost all color. He grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse. Her pulse was disordered, a manifestation of arrhythmia. This made him even more nervous. "Are ? are you feeling very uncomfortable?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said weakly: "It's not that bad, it's just that my heart is beating really hard, and I don't have the strength."    


"I'll take you out now. We'll go to the hospital. You lie on my back, I'll crawl out with you on my back. " Xia Lei released her and laid on the ground, waiting for her to climb onto his back.    


However, Kyoko Tsukino said: "No, you have to think of a way to get that crystal skull. I can see that it is very important to you."    


"No matter how important it is, it's not as important as your life. Stop talking nonsense and quickly climb onto my back!" Xia Lei was a little angry.    


Kyoko Tsukino replied: "No, I'm really fine. I can hold on."    


Xia Lei had a very serious expression, "Even though I absorbed most of the poison in your wound, it's impossible to absorb all of it using this primitive method. "We don't know much about that poison, just in case ?"    


"Don't waste time, boss." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"You really are ?" Xia Lei sighed gloomily. He took out an engineering plastic box from his backpack, and then took out the blast assault rifle's accessories from the engineering plastic box. He assembled the blast assault rifle, climbed up to the entrance of the passage and opened fire at the skull above.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The skulls shattered one by one. The dense mass of needles and concealed weapons also formed a killing net at the top of the pyramid that even flies couldn't fly through.    


Xia Lei emptied the five magazine on his equipment and forcibly carved a path out from the cliff.    


The needles stopped. Xia Lei brought along the rope and the special climbing gloves that Kyoko Tsukino had given him, and carefully climbed towards the crystal skull at the top of the tower. During the process of crawling, his body was almost completely hanging in the air, supported by the strength of his arms. At the same time, he had to be on guard against the attacks of the hidden weapons of the steel needles; this was like walking on a tightrope on a cliff.    


Ten minutes later, Xia Lei approached the crystal skull at the top of the pyramid. At such a close distance, the crystal skull was clearly visible to him. It was indeed not the crystal skull found in the Maya Ruins, nor was it the crystal skull found in the British Museum. The Mayan crystal skull was carved from an entire piece of crystal, but it looked like a natural skull, without any traces of being artificially carved!    


"True skull? Whose skull could it be? Is it a god? " Xia Lei's heart was filled with shock.    


"Boss ?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice came from below, "Hurry!"    


Although her voice was weak, it was extremely quiet. Xia Lei could still hear her voice immediately. He recovered from his shock and said, "It will be done soon. Persist a bit more."    


Although he said that, he did not reach for the skull immediately. Instead, he tied the rope to the rock. The rope dropped down, and the other end was just at the entrance of the passage where it had come from. This was his only way to escape after an accident occurred.    


After resolving the problem of retreat, Xia Lei awakened his ability to look through. However, he did not dare to look through the crystal skull, as he only looked at its surroundings and the situation inside the rock. The surrounding rocks of the crystal skull had a very complicated structure, and it did not look like a natural structure. There were no concealed mechanisms or weapons behind the crystal skull, and there were no tunnels or gaps leading to the ground that were illuminated by the light. It was just embedded in the rock, and if he wanted to take it down, it wouldn't be difficult.    


"Why is the structure of the rock at the top so strange? Is there any danger? " Xia Lei pondered this question in his heart.    


On the other hand, Kyoko Tsukino didn't know how much longer she could endure, nor did she know if her situation would continue to worsen. On one side was the crystal skull that was just inches away from him. However, the more this kind of thing happened, the more vigilance he had in his heart. At this critical moment, his heart also strangely calmed down.    


The internal structure of the rocks at the top of the pyramid appeared in Xia Lei's mind. Rocks after rocks, in terms of size, size, and even approximate weight, were all constructed in his brain and stacked to the top of a triangle. Following which, his brain simulated removing the crystal skull at the top. Once the crystal skull was removed, the top of the pyramid would collapse. Massive blocks of stone fell down, followed by the collapse of the entire pyramid!    


"Phew ?" Although it was a simulated scene, Xia Lei was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.    


From the time it took to remove the crystal skull, to when the top of the pyramid would collapse, it would take at most two seconds. In two seconds, he would not be able to escape into the passageway. Even if he succeeded in escaping into the passageway, the subsequent collapse of the entire pyramid would make him and Kyoko Tsukino die in the belly of the mountain!    


No one could take away the crystal skull at the top of the pyramid with such a design.    


When he first came in, he had a guess as to why this crystal skull was not taken away, but the only thing he did not guess was that this was not the level that it could be taken away from.    


No, of course it's here.    


No matter if it was the man with the King Cobra tattoo or his father Xia Changhe, both of them probably knew a little about the situation. Otherwise, as long as one of them had the thought of taking it away, the pyramid would have collapsed and wouldn't have waited for him at all!    


"The person who built this pyramid was the only one in history. From the message he left me, he did not seem to be my enemy. He even treated me as his successor and wanted me to kill Zhu Xuanyue. Then, this crystal skull was placed on top of this pyramid by him. If he was waiting for me to take it away, then continue his uncompleted journey to find the answer ? Would he leave me with a way to take the crystal skull away? " With a flash of his thoughts, Xia Lei's brain suddenly entered the extraordinary mode.    


This time, his brain was no longer imitating the scene of the crystal skull being taken away and the pyramid collapsing. Instead, it was calculating where the balance of the stone structure was located. In his mind, the size, weight, and position of each brick were used in calculations.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei's line of sight suddenly shifted to a rock. He moved over and blew through his mouth. The dust on the surface of the rock was blown away and an AE pattern was revealed. His left eye jumped slightly and pierced through the picture. Only now did he realize that there was a crack beneath the pattern, and it, was the entire pyramid's peak, and even the entire pyramid's balance!    


"You have indeed left me a safe channel. I don't know why, but I feel that there are many similarities between us. I promise you, if you don't finish the journey, I will definitely finish it. I will unravel all the mysteries. On that day, I will tell you the answers I have found. " Xia Lei said to himself. He drew his military knife and fiercely stabbed it into the 'AE' pattern.    


Ka-cha! * A crisp sound rang out. The surface of the rock with the "AE" symbol cracked, and the military knife stabbed into the crack. The knife's body and the crack reached a 90% fit.    


Without hesitation, Xia Lei extended his hand and grabbed the crystal skull at the top. He shook it a few times and then took it off. Grasping the rope, he slid down, reaching the entrance to the passageway in the blink of an eye. He lightly swayed in the air and the rope around his body landed at the entrance of the passageway.    


"Did you get it?" Kyoko Tsukino looked very excited, and her face became even more pale.    


"We've got it. We have to leave this place now." Xia Lei put the crystal skull into his equipment bag and then laid on the ground, "Quickly, come over here on my back."    


Kyoko Tsukino climbed onto Xia Lei's back, and wrapped his arms around his neck, his legs also holding onto Xia Lei's waist.    


Xia Lei crawled through the entrance as he passed by, a glowing rod in his mouth. It was a good thing that he had carved a mark on the way here. Otherwise, he would have easily gotten lost in the winding tunnels of the karst cave.    


"Boss, if I ?" If I die, would you be able to bury me in the backyard of Peaceful Mansion? " Kyoko Tsukino whispered in Xia Lei's ear.    


"Don't be silly, you won't die!" Xia Lei said as he crawled around.    


"I'm serious, okay?"    


Xia Lei blanked for a moment, and said with a heavy tone. "Of course."    


"Can you plant a cherry tree next to my tombstone?"    


"Yes. Let's not talk about this anymore, shall we? " Xia Lei's mood became worse. If the price of obtaining the crystal skull was to sacrifice Kyoko Tsukino, he would rather not have the crystal skull.    


Nothing was more important than life, not to mention the life of a woman who could die for him at any time.    


"Then I am relieved." Kyoko Tsukino laughed, then sighed, "What a pity ?"    


"What?" Do you have any wishes? "Tell me, I'll definitely help you finish it." Xia Lei's eyes were already filled with tears.    




"Of course it's true. No matter what wish you have, I will help you achieve it." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I haven't even talked about boyfriends, and I'm still a ? It was a pity that a woman who had never experienced anything like that would die just like that. Are you really going to help me fulfill this wish? "    


"I ?" Xia Lei's tongue was suddenly tied.    


Buried in Peaceful Mansion's backyard, planted beside tombstones with cherry blossom trees, there was no problem with these wishes. He could fulfill other wishes, such as wanting a sports car and a mansion that he would never be able to spend his entire life on. However, it was this desire that troubled him.    


"Thank you." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Thank you? Thank you... "Thank me for what?" Xia Lei really wanted to slap himself.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "You promised me that you would fulfill my wish, I am truly too grateful, no, too moved. Let's talk when I'm better. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Didn't she want the cemetery and the cherry trees? Now you're saying we can talk about it when she's better?    


What was going on?    


Cha cha-cha...    


An ear-piercing sound suddenly came from behind him.    


"Crap!" Xia Lei's face instantly paled. He once again increased his crawling speed, and at that moment, he wished that he could turn into a dog and run forward with his four legs!    


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