Tranxending Vision

C1015 Information from the crystal skull

C1015 Information from the crystal skull

The process was extremely painful. It was as if a needle was stabbing at the eyeball. Accompanied by the piercing pain on his nerves, Xia Lei felt as if his head was about to explode. In this kind of painful sensation, Qian Jin didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he saw a lot of light emitting from the white light, which was similar to the Gemstone Powder. They poured into his brain in a flood of light, but that was not true, and he knew it was only an illusion.    


Why did he have such a hallucination?    


He did not know.    


An even stranger illusion appeared. He could vaguely see a person walking in the white light. He could only see his figure, not his face. The man stepped forward. There seemed to be a door in front of him. Or maybe it wasn't a door, just a vortex of light.    


Who is he?    


Where was he going?    


Xia Lei still couldn't understand. This seemed to be a message stored inside the crystal skull, it seemed to be hinting at something.    


After an unknown period of time, all the illusions disappeared. The stars in the sky were still as clean and beautiful as ever. The bright moon and stars scattered down, causing everything to be shrouded in a layer of mysterious and hazy color. There were no changes to the crystal skull in his hands, it was still ice-cold and mysterious.    


"Phew ?" Xia Lei let out a long sigh. He realized that his hands and feet were ice-cold, and his back was drenched in cold sweat. He did not move at all and maintained the position of holding the crystal skull, but his mind had already left his body and flew very far away.    


He thought of many things.    


ancient alloy, silver metal, crystal skull, and even the statue of the Faceless Warrior in the pyramid, they were not things from this world. Although he had yet to solve the final mystery, the combination of these things gave him a very clear hint that these things did not belong to Earth civilization. They came from another civilization outside of Earth.    


That mysterious civilization had set foot on Earth before the Ice Age, and the world had left their mark. They may be dead, in the past. They may still exist, but on distant planets, humans have no access to them at all.    


"Yes, that must be it! These things don't appear out of nowhere. Someone has to make them. Humans obviously do not have this ability, so they can only choose a higher level civilization. " Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "I assume that there is an even higher level civilization, that it might have already perished, that it might still exist. But no matter if it is already dead or still alive, Zhu Xuanyue and the black-robed man are still likely to be survivors of that civilization.    


This conjecture was something that had long been proven a long time ago, namely that Zhu Xuanyue took a human's brain as food. She was a hunter, and the people in this world were only her prey. To her, the humans of this world were the same as the fishes of chickens and ducks in her eyes. This was food that was reared and could be slaughtered at will.    


Of course, he was the only exception.    


"I wonder how Zhu Xuanyue is doing now. Is she still in the United States? If the black gowned person was one of her kind, then why would she and the black gowned person kill each other? " Thinking about Zhu Xuanyue, this question appeared in Xia Lei's mind.    


One question after another. Some seemed to be able to understand it, but there were also some that could not be comprehended no matter how one looked at it. A few minutes later, Xia Lei wrapped the crystal skull well and put it back into the equipment bun. He carried his own equipment bag, Kyoko Tsukino's equipment bag and walked towards the Jewish settlement.    


He had just reached the settlement when a number of cars approached from the road that led from Jerusalem. The cars were moving fast, with snowy lights.    


"It's already so late, who would rob a remote settlement so remote to a boy?" Xia Lei's heart immediately became vigilant. His left eye slightly jumped, awakening his ability to see far away.    


The first car or two was a military SUV with a heavy machine gun mounted on its roof. Even in a safe environment, the machine gunner remained in a shooting position. Inside the car sat a few fully armed Israeli soldiers. Their equipment was completely equipped with the equipment of the Israeli special forces, and they were extremely well-equipped.    


Behind the military SUV were two black sedans and a police car. The roof of the police car was loaded with police. The lamp was not on.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and started running towards Doctor Er's home.    


The special forces, police, and the people sitting in the car had arrived at the settlement at this time for some unknown reason, but Xia Lei was very clear that he and Kyoko Tsukino had to leave this place.    


It was pitch black in Dr. H. 's house.    


Xia Lei stopped in his tracks. By the time he left, Dr. Harper and Mina were clearly asleep, and the light in the living room was on when he left. Kyoko Tsukino obviously would not get up and go to the living room to turn off the lights. So who else would turn off the lights except for Dr. Honor and his wife, Mina?    


The wall that blocked his view disappeared from his left eye without a sound. He could see everything in the house.    


There was no one in the living room.    


There was no one in the room either.    


But when he shifted his gaze towards Kyoko Tsukino's room, he saw three people in an instant, Kyoko Tsukino who was lying on the bed, and Doctor Hong and Mina who was standing behind the door. The couple held an assault rifle in one hand and a desert in the other. The safety on the gun was also turned on, so it could be fired at any time.    


Xia Lei gently grabbed the doorknob, opened the door, and then tiptoed in. He took out his pistol and turned it off. The viper pistol s of weapons. He slowly snuck towards Kyoko Tsukino's room, while maintaining his perspective on the three people inside the room.    


At this time, Kyoko Tsukino said out loud: "It's useless, he will kill you all."    


"What are you talking about?" Mina said coldly, "Do you know English?"    


"I understand. "I say, why are you doing this?" Kyoko Tsukino spoke in English: "We are not bad people, why would you do that?"    


"Don't try to deceive us. You must be spies." Mina said.    


"Why do you say we're spies?" Kyoko Tsukino struggled to get up from the bed.    


"Lie down!" "You'd better be honest with me! Otherwise, I would have killed you before! "    


Kyoko Tsukino laid down, "You are not a doctor, and you are not some woman from the family, who are you?"    


"Shut up!" Mina walked towards Kyoko Tsukino and punched him in the head.    


Kyoko Tsukino who had just gotten up fell back on the bed. Her body was still weak and she had no way of fighting. Otherwise, with her abilities and her attainments in killing, it wouldn't be difficult for her to get rid of this couple.    


"Are you people from the Mossad?" Kyoko Tsukino did not shut her mouth, nor did she take the threat of the two girls seriously.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth rose into a cold smile. He had already understood that Kyoko Tsukino had sensed his return. She had tested and infuriated the Jewish couple in such a way that it was no more than a ruse and a chance for him to make his move.    


Mina punched Kyoko Tsukino on the head again, and said coldly: "I know what you want to do, but so what if you do? You and your companions will be finished tonight! "    


"You have been hiding here all this time, what is your mission?" Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Kill her!" "She's talking too much. That guy will be back soon. We can keep him alive."    


Mina nodded her head once, suddenly lifting the desert in her hand. Eagle.    




The door vibrated, and a bullet pierced the wooden door and struck Mina in the head. She was holding the money to shoot Kyoko Tsukino, but before she could pull the trigger, she was shot herself.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


He pulled the trigger and the wooden door was instantly torn apart by the rifle's bullets.    




A gunshot rang out and he fell.    


However, he had forgotten about one person, and that was Kyoko Tsukino who was lying on the bed. He did not know what a cold-blooded and terrible killer the woman in the bed was, though she lacked the strength to do so. The Eagles shot and killed him, but there was no problem at all.    


Xia Lei opened the door, and shot a bullet into the man's head, "Let's leave this place, they called for reinforcements. I expect their reinforcements to be here in five minutes. "    


Kyoko Tsukino crawled up from the bed, but when her feet touched the ground, she swayed and almost fell back.    


Xia Lei hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "It's better that I carry you. We'll use their car to leave, we're going to Gaza."    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "You drive their car and leave, I will cover your back."    


However, Xia Lei did not seem to hear what he was saying, he very quickly received a car keys from the corpse of the old man.    


"Boss, did you hear what I just said? I'm serious!" Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Just as she finished speaking, Xia Lei slapped her on the butt, then swallowed her in front of her, "Hurry up!"    


Kyoko Tsukino froze for a moment, then climbed onto Xia Lei's back. Xia Lei carried her on his back and walked outside. As he walked, he took out the set of explosive devices from her equipment bag and activated one by one, casually throwing them into a corner that was very hard to see. The time limit for the explosive devices that he activated was set to be five to thirty seconds.    


After leaving the room, Xia Lei went to the garage. He placed Kyoko Tsukino on the passenger seat, started the car, and drove out of the garage. He didn't have a light.    


The two cars were a desert raider made by an Israeli car company, a powerful off-road vehicle. Although it was a civilian version, the military version only lacked a few weapons and equipment. It could travel unhindered in the Gobi Desert and go to Gaza without a problem.    


As soon as the desert raiders left the settlement, the convoy of vehicles entered the settlement.    


Xia Lei drove the desert assaulter out of the road and up a hill, then turned around to look at the direction of the settlement. In his line of sight, a couple of Leit's bell soldiers and police officers got out of the car and quickly surrounded the house.    


The doors of the two black sedans opened and several men in black suits got out. In their hands were heavy weapons like assault rifles and submachine guns. One of the middle-aged men pointed at the door and an Israeli special forces soldier suddenly slammed it open with his shoulder. The moment the door opened, a few armed men in black suits rushed in, followed by the special forces and police.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "Could it be that those fellows are from the Mossad? Mossad had set up spies in the vicinity. Was it to keep the secret of the pyramid? Or is there some other reason? "    


However, before he could figure out these questions, he heard a loud rumble. A violent explosion tore apart the tranquility under the night sky. Flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the night sky for miles.    


The desert defenders started up again, heading in the direction of Gaza.    


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