Tranxending Vision

C1014 Settlement Night

C1014 Settlement Night

As night fell, the distant city of Jerusalem was brightly lit. The combination of ancient and modern elements in that city, and its strong religious aura, made it different from all the other cities in the world.    


The atmosphere in the settlement was peaceful and serene.    


His wife, Mina, had cooked dinner, a classic Israeli cuisine of Homs and the pagoda, with sardines and red wine. Kyoko Tsukino was still weak and was unable to get up to eat. After eating dinner with him and Mina, Xia Lei brought a plate of Israeli food to a room. This room was the guest room Mina had prepared for him and Kyoko Tsukino, the "couple".    


When Xia Lei opened the door, he saw that Kyoko Tsukino's hand had retreated into her blanket and there was a fruit knife hidden in her hand.    


Xia Lei said, "Don't be nervous."    


When Kyoko Tsukino saw that it was Xia Lei, she reached out her hand from under the blanket and placed the fruit knife that she had hidden away on the bedside table.    


Xia Lei walked over, "Eat something. Your body is still very weak; We'll leave here tomorrow morning. "    


"Help me with the wound. I feel like it's inflamed and might be festering." Kyoko Tsukino said. She knitted her eyebrows and looked to be in pain.    


Xia Lei felt a headache, but he braced himself and said, "You should eat something first. I will go to Doctor Honor's medicine cabinet and bring some medicine and gauze over."    


"Mm, alright." Kyoko Tsukino took the plate from Xia Lei's hand.    


Hong Kong and Mina had already returned to their rooms. Xia Lei did not greet them either and went straight to the room that was used by Hong Kong to treat patients. He found some amoxicillin capsules and a slice of aspirin in the medicine cabinet, along with hydrogen peroxide and gauze and tape. When he returned to his and Kyoko Tsukino's room, Kyoko Tsukino had already eaten some sardine fish pieces, as well as a little bag of bread and a turret. She ate only a little before placing the plate of food on the bedside table.    


"Why don't you eat more?" Xia Lei walked towards her.    


"I don't want to eat anymore, my appetite is not good." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei sat down on the side of the bed and then gave Kyoko Tsukino a cup of water, as well as the amoxicillin capsules and aspirin he had prepared for her.    


Kyoko Tsukino swallowed the medicine, and then turned her body. Before Xia Lei could do anything, her face already had a bit of a bashful blush on it. She was quietly waiting for something, but he did not dare to look into Xia Lei's eyes.    


"I have to heal that place again, aiya ?" Xia Lei sighed in his heart and then braced himself to grab hold of her tight pants and carefully took it off.    


The top of her pants stopped at her thighs, and the white blob, wrapped in the key material, was exposed to the light. It was plump and sexy. Her tightly closed legs were white and delicate, with no gaps between them, but there was also a bit of a mysterious yet mature view. It was like a hill shrouded in morning mist, hazy and indistinct, but its outline was very clear.    


She wasn't lying. Her wound was truly terrible. The blood that flowed out from the wound dampened a portion of the vital fabric and left behind a bloody scar. The bit of cloth covering the wound was moist, and the white pus had seeped out, but not much.    


Xia Lei tried to pull it out, but the cloth was already sticking to her wound and could not be pulled out. When he pulled it out, Kyoko Tsukino frowned, "Pain, pain ?" "Right."    


"Are you afraid of pain?" Xia Lei felt that it was very strange. A woman like Kyoko Tsukino, not to mention this small injury and illness, even if she was shot or cut, she wouldn't cry out because of the pain. But now, this little treatment from her was enough to make her feel pain. Her behavior was like that of a delicate and charming young girl.    


"Of course I'm afraid. I'm a woman." Kyoko Tsukino said, then added, "I am a woman."    


There seemed to be a hint of obscurity in his words.    


"I have to cut it off, all right?" Xia Lei asked.    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded his head, "No problem, you can do whatever you want, no need to ask for my opinion."    


Xia Lei picked up the scissors and carefully cut open the wound. Then, he cut down the wound with a "kacha kacha" sound. It was so white that it was almost exposed. It really did feel like the white noodles before the steamed buns were made. Furthermore, it was the kind with yeast powder added. But there were dirty places, too, where the blood and pus made that part of the triangle look bad.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze, then carefully pulled at the fabric that he had cut apart. He didn't dare watch the process because it gave him the feeling of being a male lead in a movie. When it was completely out of her body, he threw it to the ground. Then, he had to look away and watch. If not, how would he treat his wounds?    


Sometimes, people couldn't help but try to cover their ears.    


"There's no need to avoid a doctor, I'm a doctor." Xia Lei thought in his heart, then took out the Hydrogen Peroxide Spray and sprayed it on her wound.    


"Hiss ? ?" Kyoko Tsukino inhaled a breath of cold air.    


"Just endure it." Xia Lei comforted her, and at the same time, transferred her attention back to his wound, "That's right, what do you think they are like now?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "I don't know, I hope they are fine. They must have been in some kind of trouble and had to leave. When they are out of trouble, they will definitely come back to us. "    


Xia Lei thought like this in his heart. If Sayimu, Ye Liena and Yasuya Khan did not run into some big trouble, it would be impossible for them to leave that place at that time. For some reason, the image of the man with the King of Glasses tattoo appeared in his mind once again. If the man was still alive, where would he be now?    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei finished treating Kyoko Tsukino's wound. There was an additional gauze scar on her big white ball. He pulled up his pants. "Alright, there should be no problem. We'll take some amoxicillin capsules with us when we leave. They can help you with your inflammation. "    


"Where are you going?" Kyoko Tsukino suddenly crawled up, and grabbed Xia Lei's hand.    


Xia Lei stiffened for a moment, "I'm going to the living room's sofa to sleep. Right now, we have not escaped from the danger zone, there should be someone standing guard there."    


Kyoko Tsukino used a bit of strength and wanted to pull Xia Lei onto the bed. But even her strength was not as strong as Xia Lei's behind her healthy back, let alone now when she was in such a weak state. She pulled Xia Lei's arm straight, but Xia Lei's legs did not move at all.    


"Yes." Xia Lei awkwardly coughed, "Sleep, you need to rest."    


Kyoko Tsukino hesitated for a moment before she let go of Xia Lei's hand and said: "You ? "He promised me."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "About that ? "Wait until you're better, you're not the type to satisfy that desire."    


Kyoko Tsukino's face reddened again. She did not say anything and only nodded slightly.    


Xia Lei left her room and let out a long sigh of relief, "When did I ever promise to fulfill that kind of wish of hers? I don't think so, do I? "    


Playing around irresponsibly was actually nothing much. Many men loved to do that sort of thing. But he wasn't that kind of man, not to mention that he was now the husband of four women and the father of four children. He had to control his lower body. Although he had promised her that he would fulfill her wish, the situation at that time was very complicated, so he decided to use the "drag and drop" technique to solve this problem.    


He and Mina were already asleep, and there were no lights on in their room.    


Xia Lei sat in the hall for a while, then left the house. He made his way out of the settlement by the path and ran to where the weapons and ammunition were buried. Tomorrow morning, he would bring Kyoko Tsukino and leave this place. What he wanted to take back was not only the weapons and ammunition, but also the crystal skull.    


His plan was to take Kyoko Tsukino to the hospital in Jerusalem for treatment. He didn't dare to bring any weapons or ammunition on him or the crystal skull s.    


He quickly found the location of the hidden items. Putting aside the soil, he took out the two equipment packs from within. Kyoko Tsukino's equipment bag contained weapons and ammunition, and he also had the crystal skull inside her equipment bag. He opened it and checked. There were no less weapons or ammunition, and the crystal skull was still in his equipment bag.    


He looked around. There was no one anywhere within four thousand meters, except for the lights of the settlements. After confirming this point, he took out the crystal skull from his backpack and held it in his hands as he stared at it.    


Under the moonlight, the crystal skull faintly glowed with an ice-cold and gentle radiance. It had no temperature at all, just like a block of ice. Xia Lei had discovered this the moment he had touched it within the pyramid, but he didn't have the time to analyze it at that time. Now he had time and space.    


He quickly found what surprised him was that the crystal skull seemed to have a lot of weight, but its actual weight was only around one catty. A normal human skull should weigh about half a pound, which is about twice the weight of a normal human skull. However, it was definitely not made of crystal, because according to the density of the crystal, a crystal the size of a human head would weigh at least several times more!    


If it wasn't a crystal, then what was it made of?    


Could it really be the skull of some creature?    


What kind of creature would have such a skull forever? If the skull was made of a crystalline material, what about the other bones of the creature?    


These questions are unimaginable.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, as he woke up the clairvoyance in his left eye. The transparent line of sight penetrated into the right eye socket of the crystal skull. Right at that moment, Xia Lei's brain suddenly shook greatly. It was as if he had stayed in a dark dungeon for a month and was suddenly thrown into an environment that was scorched by the sun. His eyes became completely white, and he could not see anything!    


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