Tranxending Vision

C1021 The Beast in the Prison

C1021 The Beast in the Prison

It had rained a little early in the morning, the dry city of Jerusalem was moistened, and the ancient city had gained some of the scent of spring.    


Khader came out of the restaurant carrying a food bag filled with sour olives and a piece of hard black bread. He crossed the street and entered 48 Holy Cross.    


The two special forces guarding the gate greeted him, and he smiled.    


He crossed the hall and entered a corridor. At the end of the corridor was a flight of stairs made of stone. He walked down the stairs and entered another corridor. The corridor was dimly lit and the air was humid. The stone floor also gave off an uncomfortable feeling.    


On both sides of the corridor were cells, very old cells. Some of the stone walls were carved with Arabic characters that meant "God be eternal, God be eternal" and so on. There were also some things he wished for, such as regaining his freedom, obtaining love, or a piece of land. Judging from the words carved on the walls, this place was probably a prison for prisoners from the Arab world during the Crusades. It was a chaotic time when gods fought against another.    


Khader walked on, and at the end of the corridor appeared a wooden door made of mixed wood. It was made of thick planks of wood, and the iron was made of thick iron, which looked very strong. There were two braziers on either side of the door, made of copper with the emblem of the Crusaders on them. They looked very old. But they were no longer in use. They were hung on the wall as ornaments, replaced by an LED ceiling lamp. The white light illuminated the space, making it look especially cold.    


Khader went to the ironwood door, opened it with his key, and went in with the bag.    


Behind the ironwood door was a cell about 20 square meters. There was no bed, only some weeds on the ground. A man lay among the weeds, his clothes ragged and his body gaunt, his unkempt hair hanging down to his waist. It was easy to tell from his hair that he had been locked up here for a long time, possibly years, perhaps even ten years.    


In the corner of the cell was a wooden bucket filled with excrement. The smell was very unpleasant. The long-haired man, however, slept soundly. He did not even raise an eyelid when Khader entered the room.    


Khader threw the plastic bag of food on the grass, then kicked the longhaired man in the thigh. Bastard! Here's your food, damn it, get up and eat! You have visitors today. "    


"Who?" The long-haired man finally opened his eyes.    


"Cut the crap!" Khader snapped.    


The man suddenly jumped up from the pile of grass and kicked the vital point between Khader's legs. When he was lying on the ground, he was like a dead dog. His tendons were pulled, his bones were broken, and he didn't have any strength to move. However, when he was attacking, he was like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass.    


Khader jerked back.    


Ka-cha! * The long-haired man's leg was suddenly caught by the chain, the tip of his foot barely two centimeters from Khader's vitals. But those two centimeters, he could no longer kick. The chain holding him was only that long, and an extra centimeter wouldn't do.    


But even so, Khader was frightened by him, and angry, he pulled out a handful of desert land. Hawk, then point a gun at the long-haired man's head, "Bastard! Do you really think I don't dare to kill you? "    


The long-haired man lifted his hand to push aside the dirty hair covering his face, revealing his face. It was a thin face with a long beard. It made him look like he was in his late forties, but there were no lines at all at the corners of his eyes. It was a sign of youth. He looked terrible, but his eyes were sharp, like those of a bloodthirsty beast.    


There was a king cobra tattoo on his raised arm. He had a green body, red eyes, and a tongue. He looked especially ferocious.    


"If you dare kill me, you won't need to bring me food. "You're just a errand runner, what kind of big shot are you pretending to be?" The long-haired man finally spoke. His voice was hoarse and cold, filled with disdain.    


Khader suddenly stepped forward and struck the long-haired man on the head with the butt of his gun.    


The long-haired man looked at Khader without moving, a cold smile on his face.    


Khader suddenly realized something. He stopped his attack and retreated to a safe area. He smiled and shook his head, "I won't fall for your trick. How long did you take to anger that guy you killed three years ago?"    


"Two years." The long-haired man said, "You're smarter, but I think that's only temporary. One day I will kill you. If I can escape, I will imprison your wife and children. I will give them sour olives and hard bread every day. I will let your wife have a taste of my bird, and she will love it. "    


"You were dreaming. You will never be able to escape in your life. This is your final destination. I advise you to tell me everything that you know earlier. As long as you say it, you will be able to end this pain and you can also go to hell sooner rather than later. "    


The long-haired man glanced at the food bag that Khader had thrown on the ground. A trace of hatred flashed across his eyes, then he lifted his foot and stomped on it.    


The plastic bags were broken, the hard bread flat, and the sour olives broken.    


Khader sneered, "Don't do such a silly thing. It's not like you haven't done it before. You're wasting food now, but you'll eat it up before nightfall. "What I brought you is your whole day's worth of food. Normal people can only eat one meal and you will always be hungry. Not to mention this kind of junk food, even if I gave you a dead mouse, you would still eat it."    


"Scram." The long-haired man was once more lying down in the grass, not even bothering to look at Khader.    


Just then, the ironwood door opened again, and three people walked in. Khader only recognized one of them, the one he recognized. He immediately stood at attention and saluted, respectfully saying, "Mr. Corns."    


He said that the person he recognized was Corns, he was tall, in his forties, and looked extremely vigorous. He was the senior intelligence officer of the Israeli Mossad, second only to the director of the "Israeli Intelligence and Special Missions Agency", who was also the leader of the Mossad.    


Of the two people who followed Corns in, one was Yan Fo while the other one was Augustman.    


"Khader, you can leave." Corns said with an commanding tone.    


"Yes." Khader turned and left the cell.    


After Khader left, Corns said, "It's this house fire. It has no name, we call it hyena. He spent five years in Guant?namo prison and five years here, but neither the Americans nor we could get him to talk. "    


"He's the one who found the AE capsule?" Yan Fo asked.    


Corns nodded his head, "It's him. But even now, we still don't know where he found the AE capsule, and how he knew about the existence of the AE capsule. He killed everyone who knew, he knew the truth, but he just wouldn't say it. "    


"I think I have a way to get him to talk." Yan Fo said.    


At this time, the long-haired man lying on the pile of weeds opened his eyes. He glanced at Yan Fo, and a disdainful smile surfaced on his face.    


The Americans at Guant?namo Prison could not make him speak, and neither could the people from the Israeli Mossad. Why was this fellow in front of him so confident?    


Yan Fo also looked at the long-haired man, and a cold smile surfaced on his lips, "I know that the Americans and Mossad are unable to make you speak, but I want to tell you that I am not them. Have you ever heard of FA? That's what I do in FA. No one has ever failed me since I first interrogated him. I think you are no exception. "    


The long-haired man suddenly stood up and reached out to grab Yan Fo's neck. His fingernails were long, like the claws of a wolf made of engineering plastic.    


Yan Fo did not move, but instead, threw out a punch.    


Bang! Augustman's fist was like a cannonball that struck the long-haired man's palm. With a dull thud, the long-haired man's body was lifted off the ground and hit a stone wall. His right arm hung down. Just earlier, when Augustman's fist had struck his right palm, the sound of bones shattering came from both his right palm and his arm!    


The chief instructor of the FA, as well as top assassins like Night Demon Sha and Celita, were all his disciples. One could imagine just how strong he was.    


The long-haired man looked at Augustman in surprise, "Who are you?"    


Augustman said lightly: "You're a person who's about to die, yet you asked me what my name is, does it have any meaning to you? What you need is a release, not an answer. "    


The long-haired man said, "People from the FA Organization, I know of your existence. You want to know from me what you want to know, so stop dreaming. "    


"Then we'll have to try." Yan Fo said, his eyes filled with confidence. It was a very demonic type of confidence, and it looked very abnormal. However, this gaze only lasted for about a second, and then returned to normal after a second.    


Corns said: "This guy has really troubled our brains, when are you going to start?"    


"We are waiting for Mr. Williams's orders." Yan Fo said: "He will probably find us a military base and we will do this within his control."    


Corns frowned his eyebrows for a moment, "This is not what we agreed upon previously. The secrets this guy knows are extremely important to us, do you all want to enjoy these secrets alone?"    


"That won't happen. No matter what I ask, Mossad will always get the same share. I don't need to talk about the relationship between the United States and Israel, right?" Yan Fo said.    


Corns thought for a moment, then said: "I have to watch it myself."    


Yan Fo said: "No problem, when will we be able to take him away?"    


"I have to report to Mr. Ibora. You'll have to wait for his specific time." Corns said.    


Yan Fo and Augustman looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.    


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