Tranxending Vision

C1022 CIA Divinity system

C1022 CIA Divinity system

Half an hour ago.    


An Indian couple entered from the corner of Holy Cross Road and walked slowly along the sidewalk. The petite Indian girl took the Indian boy's arm affectionately, not at all bothered by the intimate contact between his arm and her chest.    


"He went in." Kyoko Tsukino said: "He probably bought the same food, sour olives and hard bread."    


Xia Lei replied, "It's indeed the same food. That guy's name is Khader. He's using this method to torture that prisoner."    


"I'm curious to know who the prisoner is, but I can't guess." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei said: "What do you mean at this time?"    


"After the pyramid collapsed." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "You forgot one thing."    


"What did I forget?" Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei curiously.    


"I'm dead." Xia Lei said: "I'm dead, but the CIA will not give up. Their target is no longer me, but the source of the AE capsule. They wanted to find out what had happened that year and then find out. So the FA is here, and the FA is now a dog owned by the U.S. government. "    


"You're right, I overlooked that." Kyoko Tsukino said. She ignored one point, but gave Xia Lei another. She held Xia Lei's arm tighter.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, but he could only bear it. This was the result of his impulse that night. Although it was only two centimeters, it was enough for the Japanese woman to confirm a certain relationship. Moreover, he was still playing the role of a couple with her.    


They entered the restaurant opposite 48 St. Cross.    


Xia Lei ordered his meal, then ate breakfast with Kyoko Tsukino. He ate very slowly as he took a closer look at the situation in the building.    


Kyoko Tsukino then used the corner of her eyes to observe the situation in the restaurant.    


A waiter came over with two tarts.    


Kyoko Tsukino used her foot to kick Xia Lei under the table.    


Xia Lei smiled, showing that he understood.    


"Hello, Mister and Miss." The waiter said politely, "Thank you for your support. This is the second time you've come to our restaurant for breakfast, and we've given you the egg tart. I hope you can hope for that."    


Xia Lei nodded his head and replied in English: "Thank you."    


The waiter placed the two egg tarts next to Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino's plates, then casually asked, "Sir, Miss, are you from America?"    


Xia Lei said: "Yes, we are from the South Dakota, Pine Ridge. We are from the Su Family."    


"I've never been there, but I think it must be beautiful." the waiter said.    


At this moment, Kyoko Tsukino suddenly leaned over, kissed Xia Lei on the cheek, and said: "Dearest, hurry up and eat, otherwise the food will get cold."    


"Yes." Xia Lei replied and no longer spoke to the waiter, but he gave the waiter a tip of five dollars.    


The waiter left with a wide smile on his face.    


Xia Lei examined the server's body, but did not find any weapons or spy equipment. He had to be careful, because this restaurant was right across from the Mossad base. Who could guarantee that there were no Mossad agents in this restaurant?    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again shifted to the 48th ancient building across the road. Activating his perspective, he searched for Yan Fo and Augustman in the FA Organization.    


This time, he finally found Yan Fo and Augustman in an office on the third floor. When he saw them, someone had just entered the office with an Israeli man.    


Xia Lei's left eye pierced through the thick curtain and locked onto the three people's faces, ready to use his lip language to decipher their conversation.    


The language used by the trio was English.    


"Mr. Corns." When the office door closed, Yan Fo went straight to the point, "We obtained information that a mountain in the outskirts of Jerusalem has suddenly collapsed.    


Corns was startled, "Who told you that?"    


"We're all colleagues, why ask such meaningless questions?" Yan Fo said.    


Corns shook his head, "Maybe there's something like that, but I haven't received any relevant information. I'll go investigate and verify it later. Mr. Yan, can you tell me why you're so interested in this matter? "    


"You know what our purpose is, we represent the interests of the United States, we are also working for the United States Government. We are here to carry out Mr. Williams's orders to investigate this matter, so we ask for your cooperation. " Yan Fo said.    


"Are you trying to use the CIA to pressure us?" A trace of anger flashed past Corns's eyes.    


"Mr. Corns." Augustman, who had always been a quiet person, spoke out, "We definitely did not mean that. You all know what the United States wants, and that is what you all want as well. You've done all these years without success, and so has the U.S. government. We should work together and cooperate in good faith so that we can solve the problem. "    


"Xia Lei is dead." Corns said: "All of you extended your hands into our pockets, yet still wanted us to sincerely cooperate with you all. You all really ?"    


Yan Fo interrupted Corns and said, "Mr. Corns, I have something to show you."    


"What?" Corns said.    


Yan Fo took out a few photos from the inside pocket of his suit and handed them over to Corns.    


Xia Lei was able to see everything from top to bottom, and even though his palm was blocking half of the picture, but even the incomplete half of the picture was causing him to be stunned on the spot.    


In the photo was a corpse. The victim was a very strong black youth with tattoos all over his body. He looked very fierce. His brain was cut open, exposing the brain tissue within. However, it was not the brain of a normal person. His brain tissue was shriveled, only the size of a fist. There was no water and there was also decay. The other parts of his body did not have any signs of decay.    


Corns looked at the remaining photos. Different corpses, the same withered and rotten brain.    


There was no need to think about it; Xia Lei also knew who did it, and his heart was filled with excitement. "Zhu Xuanyue is still alive! She was eating! She's still in the United States! "    


From a human point of view, he wanted her dead, but from his own and his own emotional point of view, he wanted her alive. In short, every time he faced something related to Zhu Xuanyue or Zhu Xuanyue, his heart would be filled with contradictions.    


Inside the office, Corns placed the photo on the desk, "What do you mean by showing me the pictures of the corpses?"    


Yan Fo said: "Mr. Corns, didn't you notice that the cause of their death is very special?"    


"It is indeed special, but what does it have to do with me? What does it have to do with Israel? " Corns said.    


Yan Fo said, "Recently, there have been hundreds of deaths in the United States. Initially, experts thought that it was a rare type of parasite that ate the human brain to survive. But then they overturned the judgment, for the dead were criminals, villains, and drug dealers. Parasites do not eat only bad people's heads. Someone murdered those people. "    


"Using such a method to kill someone?" Corns was surprised: "What weapon does the killer use?"    


"I don't know." Yan Fo said: "But the CIA used the Celestial system to analyze a clue and the clue went straight to Xia Lei."    


"Isn't that person dead?" Corns was even more surprised.    


"He did die, but it was just after the time he appeared in the United States. He is the only human in this world who has undergone a strong evolution. The Celestial system suspected that he had created some kind of virus, a completely new virus. Even the United States could not find out what it is. "    


Corns frowned.    


In the restaurant on the opposite side of Floor 48, Xia Lei also frowned. He thought in his heart: "Celestial system? Never heard of it. For it to be able to analyze such a clue and drag me into it, that has already proven its value. Does it know that I placed Xiaoqian in the CIA? "    


His heart was full of worry.    


At this time, Yan Fo spoke again: "Mr. Corns, the Celestial system has also given you a conclusion, I believe you are interested to know about it."    


"What conclusion?" Corns said.    


"Xia Lei's evolution and ability came from the AE capsule, and the AE capsule came from Israel. Its source is here. Who can guarantee that the new virus will not be in Israel? Don't forget, he was in Israel and had a firefight with the CIA. If you do not cooperate, you will not be able to share the information provided by the Celestial system. When that new virus breaks out in Israel, it will be too late for you to cry. " Yan Fo said. It was undeniable that as a strategist of the FA Organization, his mouth was very good, much more useful than the guns in many people's hands.    


Augustman said: "Cooperation is the right choice. Take us to the mountain and share all the information you have over the years. "    


Corns was silent for a moment, then said, "Please wait a moment, I will report this to Mr. Ibora." He left the office.    


Yan Fo and Augustman looked at each other, but did not say a word. In the office of the Mossad's Senior Intelligence Officer, if she were to carefully clean up, she would probably find a few bugs and cameras, right? Both of them were old foxes. They would rather communicate through their eyes than through their mouths.    


Xia Lei rested his eyes for a while, then picked up the free egg tart, eating while pondering about the next step of the plan, "Israel doesn't have the ability to fight against the United States, the Americans will definitely fulfill their wish if they use some new virus to force the Mossad to cooperate. Yan Fo and Augustman will go to that mountain, should I give them a present? "    


Kyoko Tsukino lowered her voice, "Boss, we have stayed here for too long. It's time for us to leave, otherwise we would all face off against each other."    


Xia Lei hesitated, "Stay for another three minutes."    


Within three minutes, if Corns did not return, he and him would leave.    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded.    


Two minutes later, Corns returned to his office, "Our leader has agreed, follow me, I will bring you guys to that mountain."    


Yan Fo laughed, "Thank you."    


In the dining hall, Xia Lei stood up and said, "Let's go."    


Kyoko Tsukino held onto Xia Lei's arm.    


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