Tranxending Vision

C1026 Great Retreat

C1026 Great Retreat

The manhole in the backyard of the small building on Holy Cross Road shook once, then rose from the ground. Xia Lei crawled out from underneath the well, followed by Kyoko Tsukino and the man with the King of Glasses tattoo. Xia Lei kicked the well lid back to its original position and then walked toward the entrance of the backyard. At this time, there were still two minutes until the agreed retreat time.    


The three of them had just walked out of the building and were walking towards the corner of Holy Cross Road when an ear-piercing alarm suddenly rang from 48 Holy Cross Road behind them. Xia Lei turned his head to take a look, just in time to see the two special forces guarding the entrance run towards the base. In this situation, it was obvious that someone had gone to the dungeon and discovered that the prisoner had run away. There were still traces of blood on the ground. That was why the alarm was sounded. But with Corns taking away the majority of the field agent, there were less people in the base who could participate in the search. Even the special forces guarding the entrance were called in.    


However, this situation would only last for a few minutes. The rapid reaction unit stationed in Jerusalem would arrive in five minutes. At that time, it would definitely not be a small-scale capture operation. It would be an operation to seal off the entire city!    


"Faster!" "Fast!" Xia Lei urged.    


Kyoko Tsukino and the man with the King Glazed Snake tattoo followed them quickly. The man with the Eye King Snake Mark was draped with the clothes that Xia Lei had taken off previously, if not he would become an eye-catching target.    


Just as the three of them reached the street corner, a Ford Raptor pickup truck stopped in front of the three of them. The car door opened and the three of them got in. Yasuya Khan who was driving the car started up the car and unhurriedly entered the road. Then, he accelerated and drove forward.    


The Ford Raptor was crowded with six people, making it a bit crowded.    


Kyoko Tsukino gave a seat to Xia Lei as she squatted in the middle of the sofa. Her full, perky butt was resting on Xia Lei's knee. Maybe she wanted to continue doing it, but it was inconvenient for the others in the car to do it.    


Xia Lei said: "Squatting like this is hard for you, being discovered by the traffic police is also a problem, how about you sit on my lap?"    


Once Xia Lei said this, how could Kyoko Tsukino be polite? She sat on Xia Lei's thigh.    


The soft, big white ball was pressed on his thigh, his thin and sexy waist was pressed against Xia Lei's lower abdomen, the sensitive areas were also being invaded, and for a moment, all of his senses were in a mess. However, the big white ball Kyoko Tsukino was in still had some traces of restlessness. It continuously squeezed backwards, squeezed, released, and squeezed again. It was just that Yasuya Khan's Ford Birdy Truck had entered an ancient alley. The road in this alley was neither oil nor cement, but rather pieces of old stone bricks, bumpy and bumpy. Under such circumstances, before the car could even pass through the alleyway, he stood up and angrily glared at his.    


Kyoko Tsukino was obviously aware of the subtle changes on Xia Lei's body, and the corner of her mouth secretly quirked into a smile. However, she quickly concealed her secret glee. This secret was known only to her and she would not tell anyone else, nor would he be willing to be discovered.    


The Ford Raptor truck crossed the alley, and the road was finally level. Ahead of him was a winding road with eight lanes and cars coming and going.    


Just as Yasuya Khan drove his car onto the Winding Road, a long line of army SUVs and armoured vehicles whizzed over from the opposite side. Several helicopters were flying in the sky in the direction of the Holy Cross. The height of these helicopters were not high, so it was clear that the Israeli soldiers were on board. The quick reaction troops that were stationed in Jerusalem finally made their move, which was pretty much the same as the five minutes that Xia Lei had predicted.    


"Sayimu, have you decided on a way to retreat yet?" Xia Lei asked out loud, his voice interrupting the silent atmosphere of the carriage.    


Sayimu said: "Boss, everything has been arranged. The quick troops stationed in Jerusalem needed ten minutes to seal off the city, and by that time we had already left the city. The people of Gaza will meet us outside the city. "    


"Do they know who we are?" Xia Lei asked.    


Sayimu said: "Rest assured boss, they only recognize money, they will not recognize others. Didn't you say before, that the enemy of the enemy is their friend, and in their eyes, we are their friends? "    


"That's good." Xia Lei said. He saw that Sayimu was looking at Kyoko Tsukino from the corner of his eyes, and his eyes contained sadness and disappointment. He sighed in his heart and thought that after this matter was over, he would have a good talk with Sayimu.    


Sayimu liked Kyoko Tsukino, but Kyoko Tsukino didn't like him. She was already the husband of four wives and the father of four children, so this relationship was more than just a simple three-way relationship, it was simply a seven-angle relationship. But the problem was that she and Kyoko Tsukino only had a muddled "wish account", he didn't have any sort of love for Kyoko Tsukino at all.    


A few minutes later, Yasuya Khan drove out of the Winding Road, walked out of the intersection, and headed towards the suburbs. A minute after the Ford Bird Truck left the highway, the Jerusalem police blocked off the road and set up a checkpoint. The plan that Xia Lei had formulated was flawless. Even a minute of delay would mean that he would fall into a situation where he would never be able to get out of it.    


After entering the suburbs, everyone's mood immediately relaxed.    


Sayimu made a call, then said: "They are already waiting for us at the village in front of us, we have ten minutes to get there."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "In a while, everyone should be more quick-witted. If they have any ulterior motives, you all should know what to do."    


Yasuya Khan laughed and said: Then let's get rid of them! Save your money. "    


Sayimu did not speak, he obviously did not want that kind of thing to happen, because he was the one who sought them out. If those people had ulterior motives, he did not know how to explain himself to Xia Lei.    


Whether or not Xia Lei knew Sayimu's thoughts, he said: "Sayimu, don't think too much, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with you. "Alright, we'll have a good talk sometime."    


Sayimu smiled at Xia Lei, as if he knew what Xia Lei wanted to talk about.    


A few minutes later they were on a country road and the road began to jolt again.    


Xia Lei's worries resurfaced. He had now become Kyoko Tsukino's human flesh sofa, and the more uneven the road, the more Kyoko Tsukino's white ball would squeeze and harass him. And in his place, from the moment Kyoko Tsukino sat on his body, he had not lowered his head at all.    


Sometimes, the bespectacled man would not speak since the moment they got in the car. He would observe everyone in the car with a preoccupied look, as if he was thinking about something.    


Xia Lei had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but now was not the time to ask, so he did not go and talk with the man with the Eye King Snake tattoo.    


A few minutes later the car entered the village, an Arab village. Not everyone in Israel was Jewish, and there was a small portion of the Arabs. They live in the crevices.    


Under Sayimu's guidance, Yasuya Khan drove the Ford Fierce Bird Truck into a farmyard. Before the truck could stop, four Arab men walked out from the room. They had AK-47 in their hands, and they had thick beards, and they looked like the kind of people who didn't fear death.    


Kyoko Tsukino pulled out her spear.    


However, Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "Don't be rash, let's observe for a bit first."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded his head, then kept her viper pistol.    


Sayimu got off the carriage and went to negotiate with the four armed men.    


At this time, the man with the snake tattoo on his glasses said, "These guys are militants of the Gaza Strip. They are not moderate and should be on guard against them."    


Xia Lei said: "You have been in charge of this for such a long time, do you still recognize these people?"    


The man with eyes like a snake said, "Of course I don't know them, but their weapons have their insignia, I know their insignia."    


Xia Lei took a look around. Indeed, he saw it on the Mr. AK-47 of an Arab armed man. It was a pattern formed by a star and a moon. In his heart, he gained a new understanding of the man with the Eye King's snake tattoo. Although this guy had been locked up in the prison for a long time, he had never given up. One thing was certain, if he was given a gun, he would instantly become a cold-blooded killer.    


Very quickly, Sayimu finished his negotiations with the four Arab personnel. He turned around and said: "Get out of the car, it's done."    


The man in the car opened the door and got out.    


An Arab garment worker waved his hand and said in Arabic, "Come with me. You are not allowed to speak, you are not allowed to ask questions, or you will bear the consequences!"    


Xia Lei and his men followed the four Arab militants into a room. It was a very simple room. The gunman who had spoken earlier lifted a Persian rug and revealed a wooden board. He lifted up the plank. Beneath it was the entrance to a tunnel.    


The total blockade of Palestine by Israel and the lack of medical supplies in the Gaza Strip have also allowed the people of the Gaza Strip to develop their ability to dig tunnels. It was not surprising that the people of the Gaza Strip could dig their way into Egypt, but it was a first for them to dig their way into Israel. If he did not personally witness it, Xia Lei would definitely not have believed it.    


"Wear a hood!" An Arab armed man threw several black hoods on the ground. His expression was fierce, and his tone was fierce. "And take out your weapons!"    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, and asked with Arabic: "What do you mean? We're paying you 4 million dollars for that kind of service? I can hire 4,000 people like you. "    


"Bastard!" The Arab armed man raised the rifle in his hand and swung it down.    


Xia Lei did not move, but had already slashed horizontally in front of him. Although she did not have a gun in her hand, she had a shuriken.    


"Stop!" At this critical moment, the leader of the Arab armed men reached out and grabbed his men's guns. "They are not our enemies!"    


People in the Middle East hated Americans, and the Indians were lying on their backs. Anyone who knew anything about American history would know that Americans killed Indians more fiercely than anyone else and almost caused the Indians to commit genocide.    


The leader of the Arab armed forces said, "Sir, I'm sorry, but this is our strategic route. We have our rules, so please cooperate with us. You may not hand over your weapons, but please bring your hoods. "    


Sayimu glanced at Xia Lei. He couldn't make such a decision. In fact, he was already a little ashamed. Xia Lei had given her 4 million dollars to help her with this matter, but Xia Lei obviously did not get the type of service that he wanted.    


Xia Lei replied: "No problem, we can wear hoods."    


Xia Lei took the lead and put on the hood, and then pretended to grope inside the tunnel. Following him, Kyoko Tsukino, Sayimu and the others also put on their hoods and went into the tunnel.    


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