Tranxending Vision

C1033 The hardest thing to do is to get away with it

C1033 The hardest thing to do is to get away with it

A search party consisting of more than ten armed men appeared on an empty street. They had AK47s in their hands and rocket launchers, which were very powerful. They walked along the shops on either side of the street, searching for targets they wanted to shoot.    


The boss of a bakery was pulled out. The leader pointed his gun at the boss of the bakery and viciously asked, "Tell me, have you seen anyone suspicious?"    


The boss of the bakery was so scared that he was trembling. His voice was intermittent, "Just now ?" A team just passed by! "    


"What team?"    


"Like, like you, I saw no one suspicious except your people." The owner of the bakery said, and then he whined, "I swear to God what I said was true. I don't know anything. Do you want some bread? Take it, I don't want your money. "    


The owner of the bakery was already scared speechless.    


"If you find any suspicious people, especially Indians, report to us immediately!"    


"Yes yes yes, I will, I swear, I will." The owner of the bakery nodded his head.    


The young leader pushed the boss of the bakery to the ground and led the group in the opposite direction.    


It seemed to the little leader that since they had their own people ahead of them, there was no need for him to go to the same place. He was going to search for a new area, and he hoped to find the target there before killing everyone except for the potential customer.    


"Chief, isn't that one of ours?" As they were walking, an armed man suddenly pointed to a side alley.    


The leader looked over and saw a tall and well-built armed man. He was stunned for a moment. When did the organization in the Gaza Strip have female soldiers?    


"Catch her!" The leader came back to his senses in a blink of an eye. He raised the AK-47 in his hand and shot at the armed woman.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The AK-47's aim was extremely poor. The bullet did not even manage to hit the woman in a one meter radius.    


The armed woman ducked behind the corner of the alley, out of sight.    


More than a dozen armed men rushed up like a swarm of bees. Some of them opened fire, some shouted, and some of them started to intimidate.    


However, just as they all dashed into the alleyway, six people suddenly appeared behind them.    


Puff puff puff ?    


The blast assault rifle released a wave of gunfire, and a dozen armed men fell into the alleyway. The blood that flowed out from their bodies dyed half of the alleyway red.    


The recently disappeared armed man walked out from behind the corner. She was Ye Liena from Zodiac Clan.    


Ye Liena walked towards Xia Lei and the others, walking briskly while tightening the belt on her chest. It was only when she was bait that she would untie the cloth around her chest, exposing her to the enemy as a woman's weakness.    


"This is the last search party in the north, but this is the center of Gaza City. There are too many people in that place, so it's hard for us to fight like this again. " Sayimu said to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Then let's kill our way back to the east, break out from the east side, and then head to the port."    


The armed groups in the Gaza Strip would definitely think that he would bring his men from the north and enter the central area of Gaza City, but it was hard to imagine him bringing his men to the east once again.    


In the face of such an enemy, the commanders of the armed groups in the Gaza Strip would be blinded even if they had ten heads, because the enemies he faced were cheating.    


The terrifying thing about street fighting was that it could hide in any corner of the city, making it impossible to guard against. But now, no matter where he was hidden, he would be discovered within a two kilometer radius. How could he continue to fight in the streets under such circumstances?    


There were more than a hundred armed men in the northern region, but when Xia Lei and his men left the northern region, the hundred over armed men had all become corpses. Most of them were killed by ranged snipers, so they didn't even see the face of the enemy. A portion of them were ambushed and shot to death.    


There were no enemies in the north, so the retreat was an easy process. Xia Lei's human form radar provided the members of the Zodiac Clan with a 100% safety route. Within a two kilometre radius, not to mention the armed men with guns, even the dogs with chains around their necks were unable to hide.    


"You ?" Qian Jun who was walking on the left of Xia Lei, finally couldn't hold back the curiosity and excitement in his heart. He asked Xia Lei another question, "Xia Lei, can you tell me, those medicine ?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I know what you want to know, that's true."    


"Right now, you ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted Qian Jun, "Now is not the time to talk, have you forgotten? Our previous conversation was not pleasant. You have reservations about me, and you expect me to tell you everything? "    


Qian Jun suddenly moved closer to Xia Lei, "If we can leave this place alive, I will tell you everything."    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned for a moment before he smiled. His father, Xia Changhe, had conquered him through kindness, and he had conquered him through strength. However, he had to admit that if he wasn't Xia Changhe's son, even if he was a Superman, it would be hard for him to subdue someone like Thousand Army.    


The group quickly entered the eastern region.    


The armed men who had survived from the previous battle had lost their patience. They walked out from their hiding spots, and prepared to attack the members of Xia Lei and Zodiac Clan from the north.    


They drove quickly through the wide streets in unblown armed pickup trucks. The machine gunners on the trucks were on high alert. Any slight movement in the wind could cause them to pull the triggers and use the heavy machine guns in their hands to crush any threats!    


Five minutes later the convoy crossed a street and turned north from a crossroads. At this moment, a rain of bullets suddenly flew out from the houses around the crossroads. The bullets came from all four directions, and the armed men in the car had nowhere to run, let alone a chance to fire back. What was even worse was that their armed truck obviously did not have bulletproof capabilities. Not to mention the XL2500 sniper rifle and the blast assault rifle bullets, even the viper pistol bullets could pierce through it and kill the person inside the truck.    


This was actually not a battle, but a massacre. The convoy entered the ambush set up by Xia Lei and the Zodiac Clan members, and within five seconds, all of them were killed.    


Caught off guard, the truck crashed into a building on the side of the road, smashing its walls and burying itself beneath them. Some of them even knocked into trees and their front row corpses were thrown to the ground a dozen meters away. There were also those that were flipped over by the road pillars. The wheels of the carriage were still spinning.    


Xia Lei walked out of a building, opened the door of an armed truck that had crashed into a tree, and took out a communication device from the driver's body.    


A man's angry voice came through the communicator, "Where are they? Who are they! No matter what price we have to pay, we must definitely get rid of them! "    


Xia Lei turned off the communication device, "Sayimu, do you know who this person is?"    


"This sound ?" Sayimu recalled, "It should be the second leader of the armed groups in the Gaza Strip, Guriasa. Do you want to kill him? If you want, I can do it. "    


Xia Lei shook his head, "The conflict between us and them is only because of the kidnapping they failed to accomplish. We have already killed so many of them. I hope that the conflict between them and I has ended and will not go in a worse direction. "    


"And if they find out it's us?" Sayimu asked.    


Xia Lei said: "The possibility of that happening is very small, but if it does happen, I want to use my own method to solve the problem. You have your informants gather their information and observe their movements. If they know it's us and they're going to escalate the conflict, then negotiate with them. I'm willing to settle it with money and weapons. If that doesn't solve the problem, we'll kill them. "    


"I know what to do." Sayimu said.    


"Alright, we should leave this place now ?" After saying that, Xia Lei suddenly raised his head and looked towards the direction of Jerusalem.    


Two kilometers away, a heron 2 was unmanned. The plane was flying towards them at high speed. It was three thousand meters tall and carried four air-to-ground missiles under its belly.    


Xia Lei could see that there was no one here with a missile. The rest of the members of the Zodiac Clan could not see it. They also looked in the same direction, but that was just the sky.    


"Get down!" Xia Lei suddenly roared.    


Although the other members of the Zodiac Clan didn't know what was happening, due to their absolute trust and reverence for Xia Lei, they kneeled on the ground.    


"Everyone, don't move!" Xia Lei warned his again.    


Other than the thousand soldiers, all the other members of Zodiac Clan were lying on the ground, pretending to be dead.    


After a moment of hesitation, Qian Jun also laid down on the ground.    


He had just laid down, the one with the air-to-ground missile. In the blink of an eye, it had dropped to a height of 900 meters or so. After two seconds, even he could see that no one was around. Four air-to-surface missiles carried by the aircraft.    


For Israel, the air raid on Gaza was as casual as drinking water or eating food. The armed groups in the Gaza Strip simply do not have the ability to shoot down their aircraft. However, their target this time was clearly not one of the important people within the armed groups in the Gaza Strip, but was instead Xia Lei, Thousand Army and the other members of Zodiac Clan.    


Although the Mossad wasn't sure if Xia Lei was the one who saved the thousand troops, they still wouldn't let him go as long as there was a one in a hundred chance of success. After all, the United States was their strategic ally, and protecting the interests of the United States was equivalent to protecting their own interests. For that reason and for that purpose, the intense fighting in the Gaza Strip is certainly a matter for the Israeli side to reconnoiter.    


There was no one there. The plane flew through the air, then turned back and circled around the dead body, then headed north.    


After the danger was resolved, Xia Lei crawled up from the ground.    


"Haha!" Sayimu laughed and said: "Boss, fighting with you is a type of enjoyment, even more enjoyable than playing with women!"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. After he and Xingzi had gotten to know each other a little, Sayimu revealed his true appearance.    


Du du du, du du...    


Sayimu's phone suddenly rang, he took out his phone and said exaggeratedly: "Women are really troublesome, they can't even leave for a while."    


Xia Lei said: "Don't be complacent, hurry up and pick up the phone. Your woman might have already solved the problem on the boat."    


Sayimu then picked up the phone, "Hello? "Hmm ?" I understand. Be careful, we will be here very soon. "    


Kyoko Tsukino walked over to Xia Lei's side and wiped a drop of blood off Xia Lei's neck. Her actions were very gentle, as if she was a completely different person from when she was killing someone earlier.    


Xia Lei faintly smiled.    


The hardest thing to accept is a beauty's kindness.    


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