Tranxending Vision

C1031 Most Powerful Warriors

C1031 Most Powerful Warriors

The living room was silent.    


Xia Lei was a little nervous in his heart. Using the method of provocation to force Qian Jun to reveal the secret in his heart, was equivalent to forcing him to go against the will of his father, Xia Changhe. For a character like Thousand Troops, this was really difficult. He was worried that Qian Jun would give up in the end and choose to leave. However, after Qian Jun told the story between him and his father Xia Changhe, there was already a hint that he would give up.    


That was normal.    


Thousand Army Recall from the past, the kindness Xia Changhe gave him when he was reborn surfaced in his heart.'s kindness towards him would change his decision.    


"Forget it ?" Qian Jun sighed.    


In the end, he still made the decision that Xia Lei did not want to see.    


At this moment, a sound came from the back of the living room. It was the sound of an emergency brake from a car.    


Xia Lei's heart stirred. He clearly remembered that the house was located in a rather remote area. However, the sound of the emergency brakes would only appear when the car was running at high speed and the brakes were stepped on.    


Who would drive fast and rampage on narrow residential roads for what reason?    


Xia Lei then shifted his gaze to the direction of the wall behind the living room, and in that instant, he awakened clairvoyance from his left eye. A Great Wall leather car came into view. Armed men in black scarves and green strips of cloth on their heads were getting out of the car, AK-47 in their hands. In the car where Pi drove was a famous Russian 12.7-millimeter "curtain machine gun," the machine gunner in the car was adjusting the direction of the gun and aiming it at the back wall of the house!    


After the car drove, several more armoured vehicles painted in colorful colors drove over. The vehicles were loaded with armed men and equipped with heavy machine guns.    


The armed groups in the Gaza Strip had arrived, and it seemed like they were looking for elites!    


Actually, crossing the Gaza Strip is a very dangerous thing to do, because this is after all Hamas territory.    


In the short time he saw the armed groups' members, Xia Lei's brain had organized the entire incident. How could Hamas not know that Israel is taking large-scale action? The blockade is all over Israel, and the people they are capturing are the same people they smuggled in from Jerusalem. He ran away, leaving behind a trail of corpses, and then found the two abandoned pickup trucks in Gaza City. Therefore, it was easy for them to determine that he and his men were still in the city. In Gaza, every radical person is a spy. There were two Indians and a Chinese man with waist-length hair. This in itself was an eye-catching existence! It wasn't a strange thing for the armed groups to find their way here.    


However, the other party had arrived a bit too quickly. Xia Lei had to admit that he had underestimated his opponent's ability. How can the armed groups in the Gaza Strip stand up to Israel for so many years?    


Qian Jun's ears moved too, but he could not see the situation outside like Xia Lei, and at this time, there was no sound from outside. But Xia Lei's actions still made him wary, "Is there a situation?"    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up, using Chinese to shout: "Get down!"    


With a loud roar, Xia Lei's body suddenly dropped to the ground.    


Qian Jun's reaction was slower by half a beat, but very quickly, when Xia Lei fell to the ground, he also fell down.    


Just as the two of them laid on the ground, the machine gunner in front and behind started firing.    


Thump thump thump! Thump, thump, thump ?    


The unique sound of heavy machine gun fire was like a hammer striking a person's eardrums. Bullets of the 12.7x108mm machine gun rained down on the house, each bullet containing more than one or two bullets. They hit the wall at a speed of 1500 meters per second. Within a second, the entire back wall of the house was torn apart!    


The smoke was so thick that no one in the room could see what was going on outside. Under the barrage of the heavy machine gun, no one dared to raise their head because even if they weren't shot in the vital parts, even if they were in the limbs, they would still be fatal!    


However, Xia Lei was an exception. The thick smoke could not obstruct his line of sight, and the machine gunner could not avoid his left eye when he adjusted the direction of the machine gun.    


Just as the machine gunner slightly adjusted the direction of the heavy machine gun's shot, which could be ignored, Xia Lei who was lying on the ground had already finished drawing his gun and shooting.    




A bullet from the viper pistol pierced the machine gunner's forehead, causing his body to fall backwards, falling under the car.    


As soon as the machine gunner died, the few remaining armed men who had been preparing to rush into the house through the gap in the rear wall immediately lost their firepower support.    


Xia Lei's fingers moved consecutively, and in a second, he fired four consecutive shots. The four armed men also fell to the ground after that one second, and each of them had a bloody hole torn in their foreheads by a warhead.    


Qian Jun was stunned.    


From Xia Lei shouting in warning to him shooting back, this process only took three to five seconds. But in this short amount of time, he had actually killed off five of the enemy's armed men, including the machine gunner!    


If it was said that Xia Lei saved him from Mossad's Jerusalem base through meticulous planning and luck, then the terrifying power Xia Lei had displayed now had already made him, the most powerful warrior of Zodiac Clan, embarrassed. In that previous crisis, he did not even dare to raise his head to attack the machine gunner behind him in that smoke covered area, yet Xia Lei ended the battle in two seconds!    


"The thing in the amber ?" The Thousand Army thought back to the pyramid that was located in the middle of the mountain.    


"Now is not the time to talk about such things. Someone else is coming over. We have to leave this place!" Xia Lei crawled up from the ground, carried his equipment bag and ran out. He knew very well what Qian Jun wanted to know from him, but now was definitely not the right time.    


Kyoko Tsukino, Ye Liena and Yasuya Khan also ran out from the same room, along with Sayimu and his woman Yada. Sayimu's upper body was naked, but for his female lower body, there was only a triangle in between. The two of them were wearing their clothes in a panic. It was not hard to guess what they were doing just now.    


"Damn it! I will kill them all! " Sayimu roared.    


No one paid him any attention because they had important things to do. Kyoko Tsukino, Ye Liena and Yasuya Khan all opened their equipment packs, taking out their weapons and ammunition, preparing to fight. Kyoko Tsukino and Ye Liena used blast assault rifle, while Yasuya Khan quickly assembled his XL2500 sniper rifle.    


Xia Lei's blast assault rifle fell into the passage of the pyramid. He only had one viper pistol on him.    


"Use mine." Kyoko Tsukino threw her blast assault rifle to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei smiled at her. Kyoko Tsukino's greatest skill was never the spear, but the blade and concealed weapon. She had her own way of fighting, so it didn't really matter if he had blast assault rifle s or not.    


Receiving the blast assault rifle that Kyoko Tsukino threw at him, Xia Lei threw the viper pistol in his hands towards Qian Jun, "It's yours now."    


Just when everyone was arming themselves, Sayimu was already prepared to fight, and the weapon he used was also a blast assault rifle. He was bare-chested and had dense chest hair. The blast assault rifle and his chest hair constituted a sturdy picture. His woman looked at her excitedly, while Kyoko Tsukino curled his lips in disdain.    


After everyone was ready, Xia Lei took the lead and rushed to the front door. In his line of sight, the armed vehicles that had come to reinforce the house had spread out in an attempt to surround the house.    


"12 o'clock direction, armed truck, five enemies. 10 o'clock direction, armed truck, five enemies ? " When they were running towards the door, Xia Lei was like a spy satellite that reported the positions and numbers of all the enemies.    


BOOM! Xia Lei kicked the door open, and the blast assault rifle in his hands shot out without aiming.    


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!    


Five shots were fired consecutively, not at a target, but at a target. However, after five gunshots, the machine gunner and the four armed men who had just alighted from the truck at 12 o'clock fell to the ground. Every single one of them had a headshot!    


Just like that, the enemy's fire point at 12 o'clock was cleared out.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The Zodiac Clan that was rushing out of the door started to retaliate.    


Qian Jun was the only one who did not shoot or kill the enemy. His gaze was not even on the enemy, but Xia Lei. He was different from other members of the Zodiac Clan. He had never fought with Xia Lei before, so he had no idea how strong Xia Lei was. But now, in his eyes, Xia Lei was already an undefeatable person, just like ? God!    


There were a lot of people from the armed groups. After all, there were many armed trucks, but the Zodiac Clan had never been afraid of battles between enemies. After all, they were the most powerful warriors in the world. After Xia Lei cleared out the fire point in the 12 directions, they also used the same method to kill the sniper who posed the greatest threat, and then clear out the sniper who carried the AK47. Although AK47 and blast assault rifle were both members of the rifle world, the latter was the king of the rifle world. They were simply not on the same level!    


A lot weaker and their weapons and equipment were much weaker, but a battle was a one-sided massacre. Amidst the sounds of gunfire, all of the armed men fell to the ground. They were experts in street fighting, but they had no idea what kind of enemies they were facing.    


When the battle was almost over, Xia Lei suddenly shouted: "11 o'clock direction, inside the crack in the wall, sniper!"    


The members of Zodiac Clan instantly found their hiding spots.    


The snipers were hiding in a crack in the wall. Even if they were powerful, they still had to dodge!    


However, at this moment, the thousand troops finally made their move. His feet pushed off the ground, and his body shot forward like an arrow released from a bow.    


Bang! A hundred meters away came the sound of gunfire.    


Before the gunfire could break out, a bullet grazed past Qian Jun's body and struck a telephone pole on the roadside. Sparks flew as a piece of the cement broke apart!    


Without any hesitation, Qian Jun sped up.    


Another bullet flew towards him. However, before the bullet could reach him, he had already changed his trajectory and dodged the bullet!    


Naturally, he could not see the bullets fired by the sniper rifle. That was only his prediction!    


"That guy ?" Sayimu suddenly said, "That's right."    


Every member of the Zodiac Clan was a strong warrior of their side, they rarely submitted to anyone else. For Sayimu to praise this "not bad" was already very impressive.    


Within five seconds, the thousand man army had entered the building where the sniper was hiding.    


The world record for a hundred meters was 9.58 seconds for Bolt, but the time for a thousand soldiers was five seconds.    


There were no gunshots, but Xia Lei knew that the sniper's head had exploded at a distance of one metre.    


The strongest warrior in the Zodiac Clan?    


That's true.    


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