Tranxending Vision

C1035 Remembrance of the Thousand Army

C1035 Remembrance of the Thousand Army

A blue sky and white clouds. A cargo ship bound for Egypt.    


Qian Jun's narration continued, "I don't know what a crystal skull is, but I know that it must be what my father wants. I started to pay attention to Professor Mark's research. I secretly recorded some important information and sent it to my father. Father told me not to worry, that I should have patience, and that I should continue to stay by Professor Mark's side. Although I am Professor Mark's assistant, I did not receive much trust from him. I am unable to come into contact with the core of the item ? "    


"Later on, Father arranged for a play, he bribed the bad guys to attack Mark's granddaughter who was teaching, and I showed up at the most appropriate time to save his granddaughter when Professor Mark's granddaughter was about to be insulted. Of course, I killed the bad guys I bought. I had to shut them up forever. After that incident, I gained the absolute trust of Professor Mark ? "    


"One night, after Professor Mark's work ended, I poured him a cup of wine and he started to chat with me. He asked me some strange questions. He asked me where I had been a minute before. I said I was still here, but he said, This is me for one minute, not me for one minute. I smiled. At that time, I felt like there was something wrong with his brain ? "    


"He told me that we humans have too shallow a sense of time. One minute sixty seconds, one hour sixty minutes, one day twenty-four hours, one month thirty days, one year three hundred and sixty-five days. In a sense, human time was just a record and a reminder. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, important holidays, hours to work, hours to work, hours to work, and so on. However, the true time is ? " At this point, the Thousand Army stopped. His eyes were a bit empty, as if he was reminiscing something from more than ten years ago.    


Xia Lei asked anxiously: "What is it?"    


"Let me think ?" "He said the real time was a door, a passage." "What?" I asked.    


"Door? Channeling? What did he mean? "Be more detailed."    


"I asked him the same question. He told me that nothing in this world would ever truly disappear, that a stone, weathered by billions of years, would turn into sand. The wind carried away the sand and sank it to the bottom of the river, where it would accumulate in the riverbed and, in a trillion years, become rock again. The same thing happened to time. The past minute, the past hour, the past year, the past hundred years. No matter which minute or second it was, it would not disappear. They're right beside us, and as soon as we find the door and the passage, we can enter the world of the past and see what we were a minute ago, what we were a year ago. He said he was curious to know what the world had been like in the past, whether people were moving or not. "    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of the ancient alloy box. He had done relevant experiments. He had thrown things into the world of the box, and everything that came out was weathered, as if he had spent a thousand years trying. He exclaimed in his heart, "Don't tell me ?" The ancient alloy box is the door and path that Professor Mark talked about? "    


"He talked a lot about time, but I'm not interested in that. Finally, he talked about his research. He said his research was actually a subject that the Mayan people of the classical era had been working on. He found some clues in the literature left behind by the Mayan classics. The crystal skull that the Maya people created were just a replica. The real crystal skull was not a work of art, but a human's skull. It was in this world, hidden in a triangular tomb. The Mayans of classical times believed that finding the crystal skull would solve the origin problem that plagued them, as well as the mystery of time. He said that in the classical era, the Maya people's grasp of time was already equivalent to today's level in the Stone Age. This is unbelievable ? "    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of something he had read before: The Maya people were the first people to invent "0", 800 years and 1000 years earlier than the Grand China and Europe. The Mayan budget for Earth was 365.2420 days, and the current calculation was 365.2422 days, with an error of only 0.0002 days and a difference of only one day in 5,000 years. The Maya adopted a 20-position system, with a maximum figure of 4 billion, and the numbers could be calculated over a period of 4 million years. Using a similar abacus method, the Mayan people used two marks, "dots and lines," and two marks, which were the basis of today's computers. The Mayan calendar, known as the Cho Jin Calendar, is calculated at 260 days a year, but scientists now point out that no planet in the solar system can apply it.    


There were many secrets about the Maya people, but Xia Lei was not very interested in them. The only reason why his brain had such information about the Maya and thought about it was because the Maya had created a crystal skull!    


The ancient alloy, the only person before history with him and his battle armor, Zhu Xuanyue, the black-robed man ?    


These people and objects appeared in his mind again, like a net trapped him in the middle of a net. Now, another element had been added ? ? crystal skull. His thoughts were in complete disarray.    


"Professor Mark said that the Maya people have always been searching for the true crystal skull. The Maya people did not succeed because they would not be able to reach today's Jerusalem. And he was able to succeed because he had already determined a location. He said that as long as we can find the crystal skull, he will be able to unravel the secrets of time and the origin of humans ? " At this point, Qian Jun fell silent.    


Xia Lei said: "Then did he say who the owner of the crystal skull was?"    


Qian Jun shook his head, "No, it's impossible for him to know everything. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken decades of research to find the pyramid located in the middle of the mountain. Shortly after the conversation that night, he hired some people to go to that area. All of the probing equipment are useless. There is a very mysterious magnetic field there, which will point the person who is looking for the crystal skull to the wrong place ? "    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Could it be that the magnetic field is related to the crystal skull? But if it could emit the kind of energy that interferes with modern instruments, how can the freighter I'm on now sail normally? If it wasn't the crystal skull, how did that mysterious magnetic field come into being? "    


"Professor Mark had to spend many months in that area to find the right place. The person he hired cut open a stone wall and found the entrance to the tunnel. I followed him in that day, and I was shocked by the magic of the place. Professor Mark found the skeleton at the top of the pyramid, along with the crystal skull. He had sent two people up, but they were shot to death before they even touched the crystal skull. He gave the families of the two dead people a fee to keep their mouths shut, and then personally dealt with the corpses. Only then did the matter be covered ? "    


Xia Lei cut it open, "Mark is just an ordinary university professor, where did he get so much money from? "Not only do you hire people, but you can also use money to settle any problems that arise."    


"I am also very curious about this question, but I did not ask Mark. I only put a bug in his phone. This question was quickly answered. The one who supported Mark was an American. Professor Mark has always been hiding this from everyone, including me. "    


Xia Lei already had a premonition that Qian Jun would very soon reach the AE capsule, and this was what he wanted to know the most.    


"With someone dead, Professor Mark did not dare to try again, and no one is willing to go up either. He turned his attention to the sarcophagus in the pyramid. He joked with me that Prometheus was lying inside, creating the god of mankind. If he doesn't, I don't see why he would call this place Prometheus's Grave. It was only then that I realized that at that time, he had really entrusted the mysteries of the human origin into the crystal skull and the sarcophagus ? "    


"All the instruments have lost their function and are unable to detect what is inside the sarcophagus. Professor Mark contacted the Americans, and they sent two top-notch archaeologists over. At the same time, Professor Mark had people start cutting open the cracks in the sarcophagus. "He's going to open the sarcophagus when the Americans come here and pay them back for their help..."    


"I know when the sarcophagus will be cut open, but on the day it is about to be cut open, Professor Mark asked me to go to school to teach. He also assured me that he would tell me everything he had found out. The secrets he had unraveled would be shared with me. I know that this is what the Americans are asking for, that he is doing what the Americans tell him to do. "I told him everything, and he sent some people to help me ?"    


"The two American experts came to the mountain and went into the belly of the mountain. I calculated the time and put on the human skin that my father gave me. I entered the belly of the mountain and killed everyone. I found an amber in the sarcophagus. At that time, I didn't know what was inside, but I knew that it was what my old man wanted ? "    


"I let the person with the best skills climb the pyramid to get the crystal skull, and he avoided all the skulls. In the end, he touched the crystal skull. But after just a touch, he fell down from the pyramid. At a height of a few hundred meters, he was reduced to a pile of meat patties. I realized it wasn't that simple. I left the pyramid and went where I could make a phone call. I contacted Dad and told him about the situation. He told me to leave the crystal skull alone. I asked him why, and he said someone would pick it up later. "He even made an appointment with me to meet at a time and place where I could give her to him ?"    


"I blew up the tunnel and killed everyone who knew. I left Israel for Rome. I came to the other side of the rendezvous with Pop, but I didn't know that the Americans had already arranged for me to get in. I had a hard battle, and although I had managed to give my father a signal to escape, I was caught. The Americans took the amber and put me in Guant?namo. They tortured me to tell them where I'd found the amber, but I didn't. Later on, the Israelis and the Americans came to an agreement, and I was transferred to the dungeon in the Mossad ? "    


This was the story of the Thousand Army.    


What happened next didn't need to be described by Thousand Army anymore.    


His father Xia Changhe's prediction had also come true. Someone had entered the pyramid and taken away the crystal skull. This person was his son, Xia Lei. However, his father, Xia Changhe, did not predict that Xia Lei would save the thousand strong army from the Mossad's base.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood why his father Xia Changhe did not tell him the identity and whereabouts of the snake. It was because his father did not want him to risk his life to save the snake and his father had already given up on saving the snake.    


People who did big things had to be ruthless. They had to be this way for the enemy, and also for their own people! His father, Xia Changhe, had calculated this to the extreme.    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei said: "You've surfaced so much, is it worth it?"    


"If not for your father, I would have starved to death in that bridge. When you asked me if it was worth it, my answer was that it was. However, I like your style more than in the old man's. "    


Another way of saying this is: I prefer to work under you than under my father.    


Xia Lei also revealed a smile, "You and Professor Mark found the crystal skull, but you didn't take a careful look at it. I have already brought it out from the pyramid. Do you want to see it? "    


Qian Jun nodded.    


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