Tranxending Vision

C1028 snake

C1028 snake

The fleeing car moved forward, and there was light ahead. It was the exit of the tunnel, and Jerusalem had been left behind.    


Before the big iron box could get out of the tunnel, there was a figure at the tunnel entrance. They blocked the light from the cave entrance, weapons in their hands. However, Xia Lei could still see it clearly. It was not natural light, but light, just a little brighter.    


Although he did not see the situation on the ground, an image had already appeared in Xia Lei's mind: On the ground, there was a dilapidated courtyard. There was an entrance to the tunnel in his bedroom, hidden by planks and cheap carpets. There were several armed men in the Gaza Strip, armed with guns, standing next to the exit.    


Xia Lei said, "The two people at the end of the tunnel are holding AK-47 rifles in their hands. Don't touch them yet. There are still people on the ground.    


Everyone in the metal box nodded.    


"Then I don't need it for now. When I take it, those guys will be on high alert." The man with the King of Glasses tattoo threw the AK-47 onto the rail behind him.    


From his point of view, if he had an AK-47 in his hand, he would feel more secure, but he didn't hesitate to throw it away.    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile. The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark had actually already trusted him and the other Zodiac Clan members to begin with. This was a good start.    


When the big iron box was near the end of the tunnel, Xia Lei took out two bundles of US dollars from his equipment bag and said loudly in Arabic: "My friends in front, God bless you!"    


The sound was loud and the US dollars in his hands were dancing loudly.    


The money was clearly more useful than he had said.    


As for him, he almost wrote the word "ticket" on his forehead.    


The two Arab fighters at the end of the tunnel raised their guns, but only in a vigilant gesture. Xia Lei's line of sight had already locked onto them, as long as their fingers had any signs of pulling the trigger, he would be the first to make a move. And anyone around him had the ability to do that. In front of the Zodiac Clan, the two Arab armed men were no different from Boy Scouts.    


The metal box stopped.    


One of the Arab armed men said, "Where are our men?"    


Xia Lei said, "One of my boxes fell into the room of the Hilton Hotel in Jerusalem. There are one million dollars inside and five million worth of diamonds.    


Xia Lei did not know if the two fellows that had returned to Jerusalem had contacted the terrorists here, nor did he care about it. The reason he said that was because he did not want to waste his time fabricating a new story.    


"I'll contact our people to confirm. If you're lying, you know the consequences!" The Arab gunman who had spoken pulled out a cell phone.    


Kyoko Tsukino moved her hand from behind him.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, this is a underground tunnel. There won't be any signal from the broken phone in their hands."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded his head once, before putting her hand back to its original position.    


Sure enough, the armed officer who made the call held his mobile phone and moved it to a few different positions, but there was no signal.    


Xia Lei threw the two bundles of dollars in his hands over, "My friend, go up and make a phone call. There will only be a signal from the ground. This is my gift to you, Long live Allah. "    


The two Arab armed men held the money, looked at each other, and smiled. One of them said, "Follow me."    


One of the Arab armed men led the way up the iron ladder that led to the ground, while the other stayed behind. Xia Lei and the rest climbed up the iron stairs.    


When he reached the ground floor, Xia Lei saw a dilapidated house with ten heavily armed Arab soldiers. There was also a bed with a dirty quilt. The bed was the only furniture in the room.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan and the man with the King Glasses-Snake tattoo also climbed out of the tunnel and into the house.    


Xia Lei's face carried a smile, "My friend..."    


"Kneel!" the leader of the armed men suddenly shouted.    


Xia Lei spread out his hands, "What's going on?"    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to finish speaking, the commander suddenly aimed his gun at Xia Lei's head.    


Xia Lei tilted his head, and his right hand cut into the commander's chest. His right hand first stabbed into the commander's heart, then suddenly turned from a palm into a fist, and smashed onto the commander's heart.    


The whole process only took a second from beginning to end.    


A second later, the commander cried out miserably. The huge impact lifted him off the ground, sending him flying two meters away before crashing into the wall and falling to the ground.    


The sound of gunfire could be heard, but it was not the guns fired by the Arab militants, but by the members of the Zodiac Clan. All were muted. The viper pistol s used weapons to quickly harvest lives, and the most exaggerated one was the Kyoko Tsukino who did not use a spear. Just as Xia Lei was about to attack the commander, she suddenly waved his hands, causing four of her Arab soldiers to fall to the ground.    


The man with the King of Glasses's snake tattoo had used a new method of killing. When Xia Lei was making his move, he suddenly retreated backwards, and crashed into the bosom of an armed man behind him. In the process, his finger reached into the trigger of the AK-47, blocking the way of the man's gun. After that, he pulled out a dagger from the man's waist, and stabbed at his chest, stabbing again and again, until the others were done with whatever targets they needed to kill.    


The battle was over, in a second or two.    


Actually, it shouldn't be called a battle, but rather a massacre.    


Only then did the man with the King Cobra tattoo stop. He let go of the Arab armed man he had stabbed, who had at least twenty bloody holes in his body. The frequency of his strike was so fast that no one could follow the trajectory of his blade. In just one or two seconds, he had stabbed them more than twenty times!    


"We should go." Xia Lei said.    


Outside the house was a yard with two Great Wall leather cars. It was surprising that the Grand China's domestic vehicles could still be seen in the Gaza Strip. But trucks on the Great Wall of the Middle East are selling well, because they can be converted into tanks loaded with heavy machine guns and are cheap.    


Xia Lei opened the gate to the courtyard and immediately saw Garsha City in the distance. It was the largest city in Palestine, but it didn't look like a big city at all. There were traces of shelling and bombing everywhere.    


Sayimu came to Xia Lei's side, "Boss, we need to pass through Gaza and enter Egypt, then fly back to Grand China from Egypt."    


"Go to Egypt. We'll take their car and leave." Xia Lei said: "We will set off now."    


A minute later, two Great Wall pickup trucks drove out of the compound gate in the direction of Gaza.    


Kyoko Tsukino was driving in the car that Xia Lei was in, and Kyoko Tsukino sat in the front passenger seat. He was sitting on the sofa in the back with the man with the King of Glasses tattoo on his body. Such an arrangement was not that he wanted to avoid Sayimu and Yasuya Khan on purpose, but that he needed a place to talk.    


"Can you tell me your name?" Xia Lei broke the silence in the car as they were driving, "I'm talking about the real name, not a fake one."    


The man with the King Glasses and snake tattoo was silent for a moment. "What's your name? Also, put the human skin on your face. Take off your mask. I want to see your true appearance. "    


Kyoko Tsukino turned her head and looked at the man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark on her body coldly. She was very dissatisfied with his attitude.    


Xia Lei did not want to comply with his request, but he knew that this fellow in front of him was not an ordinary person. Mossad had tortured him in the dungeon for so many years without being able to pry open his mouth. If he did not show the slightest bit of sincerity, he would not open his mouth.    


Xia Lei stretched out his hand and kneaded his face a few times, after which he peeled off the skin on his face. He took off his mask and revealed his original appearance.    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark was startled when he saw Xia Lei's real face. His eyes were very special as well.    


His reaction also touched upon Xia Lei's sensitive nerves, because his observation skills were the best in the entire human race. He had some conjectures in his mind, "This guy was the first to get AE capsules, and then AE capsules fell into the hands of the Americans, and my father stole them. Also, this guy obviously knows the structure of the pyramid. My father left me a message, and he knows all about the pyramid. It was the first time he'd seen me, and his eyes were strange. Had he seen me somewhere? Did he know my father? What's he got to do with my father? "    


Just as Xia Lei was thinking about these questions, the man with the King Glasses-Snake tattoo suddenly spoke out, "Your surname is Xia, and your name is Xia Lei."    


With just that one sentence, a "boom" resounded in Xia Lei's head, as if someone had tossed a grenade into his head.    


"Alright, I'll answer your question." The man with the King of Glasses' snake tattoo said, "My surname is Qian, Qian Jun."    


Thousand-army. This name was very impressive.    


He was a Chinese, and the surname Qian was a very rare surname in the Grand China.    


"You ? "How do you know my name?" Xia Lei finally regained his senses from his shock.    


"I know your father. I've been to your house once. I've seen you, but you haven't seen me." Chivalry said.    


For some reason, Xia Lei suddenly thought of a person his father Xia Changhe had always been unwilling to tell him ? ? Snake.    


He thought of snakes, but that was definitely not because of the king cobra tattoo on Qian Jun's arm. Even though they were both members of the Zodiac Clan, as a mouse, Kyoko Tsukino's body didn't have a mouse tattoo, and Ye Liena's body didn't have a chicken tattoo either. Therefore, tattoos were definitely not the reason for his speculation. The reason for his speculation was that Qian Jun was the first person to receive AE capsule, and his father Xia Changhe was extremely knowledgeable about the structure of that pyramid!    


"Are you guessing my relationship with your father?" Qian Jun also looked straight at Xia Lei. There was no longer any wariness in his eyes, only excitement.    


Xia Lei said: "You are... A snake? "    


Qian Jun nodded.    


Even Ye Liena who was driving couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qian Jun.    


Kyoko Tsukino was also very surprised. No one else in Zodiac Clan had ever seen a snake, but they never thought that the one who would save them in Jerusalem would be a snake!    


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