Tranxending Vision

C1050 Big Sixi

C1050 Big Sixi

The night was hazy, and carried the scent of spring. That was the scent of the cauliflower, coming from the fields around the White Deer Town.    


Xia Lei took out his phone and made a call.    


"Why are you still up so late?" Tang Yuyan's voice came out of the phone, carrying a sense of laziness. She seemed to have fallen asleep and was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone. On the contrary, she was very happy to receive a call from Xia Lei.    


"I was going to bed." Xia Lei said: "But I have two good news to tell you, if I don't tell you, I won't be able to sleep, you will definitely be interested."    


"What good news?"    


"First good news, I've found the CIA safe house."    


"Ah?" You sure are capable. Quickly tell me where that place is. "    


"Before I tell you, I have a request."    


"Tell me quickly." Tang Yuyan urged.    


"I want to move with you and capture Yang Shan and Sebelly. We'll do it tomorrow night. For the time being, don't send anyone to keep an eye on the place, so as not to alert the enemy. " Xia Lei said.    


"No problem, I've pretty much recovered by tomorrow night, I can lead the team." Tang Yuyan said, and then she impatiently asked: "What's your second good news?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "This good news is incredible, you better be mentally prepared."    


"Aiya, seriously, quickly tell me, don't keep me in suspense. You know I'm an impatient woman and I can't stand your teasing. " Tang Yuyan said.    


It was business, but it made people want to go somewhere else.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, "Yuyan, let's..."    


Tang Yuyan did not speak, she just listened quietly.    


"Forget it, let's get down to business." Xia Lei really didn't want to talk about emotional matters with her, so he changed the topic, "I obtained a CIA list. The people on the list are all American spies sent to our country."    


"Huh?" Tang Yuyan exclaimed and said excitedly: "Is this list true?"    


"Of course it's true. How could I joke around with you about such a thing? Some of the people on the list had been lurking there for more than twenty years. Some of them were high-ranking officials, some were soldiers, and some had even mixed together to become the big bosses of the business community. These are all people with a certain amount of reputation and social status. Do you think I would make fun of them? "    


"No, no, I definitely didn't mean that. I'm sorry." Tang Yuyan apologized.    


Her apology stunned Xia Lei for a moment. In his impression, Tang Yuyan was a woman who would never apologize. However, her apology today came easily. It seemed like a signal that she had changed.    


"Yuyan, why are you being so polite with me?" Xia Lei returned to the main topic at hand, "This name list is very important to us, I will pass it to you, you can submit it. This will be a great contribution. It will help you to maintain your position as the director of the 101st Bureau. It will also bring great benefits to your Tang Family. This can be considered as me repaying you for saving Ah Bing and the others. "    


"You ? "You think so?" Tang Wen was originally very excited and happy, but Xia Lei's words were like a bucket of cold water being poured over her head, extinguishing all of the fantasies in her heart.    


"Yuyan, I know you're good to me, but I can't give you the things you want. We ?" There is no such thing as fate. "    


"I don't believe in fate!" Tang Yuyan's voice was filled with sorrow and pain, as well as faint anger. "I can understand and accept that you're together with Long Bing. I can understand and accept your being with Jiang Ruyi. Even if you're together with Liang Siyao, I can still understand and accept it. But you and Fan together, do you have fate? Do you really love her? You're with her to get rid of me, don't you think I don't know? Why are you lying to me now? Tell me, why? You always say what I want, and you can't give it to me. I ask you, have you ever asked me what I want since we realized it? Did you ask me? "    


She cried.    


Xia Lei also felt very uncomfortable, he really hadn't asked anyone before.    


"Let me tell you, Xia Lei, although I am a woman of the Tang Family, I am still a woman first! Didn't I have the right to pursue my own happiness and love? I didn't? " She cried out.    


Xia Lei was most afraid of women crying, and he started to regret calling her in such a hurry. He sighed, braced himself and said, "Yuyan, don't cry anymore. Rest well. We still need to take action tomorrow night. Let's talk about it tomorrow, shall we? "    


"Okay, but just you and me, don't bring those four old granny with you anymore. With them here, I don't even have the chance to talk to you."    


"They won't be taking part in tomorrow's operation. I'll be coming alone. "Alright, rest early. Good night." Xia Lei was preparing to hang up.    


Tang Yuyan suddenly mustered up her courage and said: "Xia Lei, I love you.    


"I ?" Xia Lei didn't know what to say.    


Tang Yuyan stayed silent for a while, and then hung up.    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but his head was already multiple times bigger. The list he gave Tang Yuyan was indeed meant to repay the kindness that Tang Yuyan had given to the four pregnant women and children that had saved him, but Tang Yuyan obviously did not want him to return the favor just like that. Unexpectedly, the moment he suggested it, Tang Yuyan actually cried and even confessed to him. How was this going to end? He didn't know.    


Just at this time, Kyoko Tsukino's voice suddenly came from behind, "Boss, why can't you marry a fifth woman if you can only marry four? If you're going to go on like this, you're going to torture her too, so what's the point? "Sleep with her, and love will grow over time."    


Xia Lei looked at her speechlessly.    


Does the Japanese ninja understand the meaning of the Chinese idiom of longevity?    


Kyoko Tsukino smiled at Xia Lei, then carried a large sack and walked in the direction of the back door. In her hand was a shovel, the tool used to bury Li Youdun.    


There were special forces patrols behind Peaceful Mansion, but it was not a problem for the Japanese ninja to avoid them.    


Xia Lei wrinkled his nose at Kyoko Tsukino's plump and slim back, and then muttered as he walked towards his room.    


Just as he was about to reach the door, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted towards the direction of the main entrance. He saw Lu Sheng walk towards the main entrance, as if he wanted to open the door for someone. His left eye moved slightly, and the door that was in front of him disappeared without a sound.    


There was a silver Rolls-Royce parked outside, and a woman in a black evening dress. She was aloof and proud, and cold beyond compare. The one who came was Shentu Tianyin.    


"She ?" "Why are you here?" Xia Lei's head was already hurting enough, but when he saw Shentu Tianyin's head, it hurt even more.    


He suddenly remembered that when he was at the hospital during the day, he had signed the name of a nurse and left a call for Shentu Tianyin at the corner of the nurse's clothes, asking her to call him.    


The reason he had asked the nurse to make this call was actually very simple. It was to tell his ex-wife that he was safe, and to use the nurse's mouth to tell her that he wasn't dead. The first thing he would tell her was to avoid embarrassment when they met in the future. He had only one goal and no other motives. He didn't make the call himself, but had the young nurse make the call instead. Actually, he didn't want the four pregnant women to be jealous. His original intention was to maintain the stability and unity of his family. However, he never expected that Shentu Tianyin would come looking for him at night.    


Lu Sheng opened the door.    


Shentu Tianyin said very politely: "So it's Mr Lu. I've come to find my husband ? "Uh, no, the ex-husband." There was an awkward look on her face.    


Lu Sheng said: "Xia Dong is here."    


Without waiting for Lu Sheng to finish speaking, Xia Lei had a sudden insight and imitated the cuckoo bird's cry, "cu Gu, cu Gu ?"    


It was already late at night, and there was still a cuckoo chirping?    


How free was this bird?    


Curious, Lu Sheng turned around to take a look.    


Xia Lei anxiously hid into the flowers, but he purposely slowed down so that Lu Sheng could witness the process of him hiding.    


This was already a very obvious hint.    


Lu Sheng then could not turn his head, and apologetically said: "Miss Shen-tu, it is really unfortunate that you came, our Chairman Xia had matters to attend to so he left."    


"Is there something? What business does he have at night? " With a disappointed expression, she turned her head to look inside the door, hoping to see Xia Lei's figure, but she didn't see anything.    


Lu Sheng said: "Sorry, I don't know about that. Chairman Xia accepted the invitation from a big leader. I don't know much about it. "    


"Then when did he go out?"    


"He went out as soon as it was dark."    


"When will he be back?" Shentu Tianyin still refused to give up.    


Lu Sheng replied: "I don't know about that, but I think it will be tomorrow. I heard that I have to go by plane. I advise you not to wait for him.    


"Alright, then I won't disturb you. Goodbye, Mr. Lu. " Shentu Tianyin couldn't hide the disappointment in her heart.    


"Goodbye, Miss Shen-tu." Lu Sheng said, and closed the door when Shentu Tianyin turned to leave.    


Xia Lei watched as Shentu Tianyin boarded her Rolls-Royce Phantom, then started the car to turn around before heading towards the direction of the capital.    


Xia Lei stood up from within the flowers, then gave Lu Sheng a thumbs up.    


Lu Sheng walked over quickly, and laughed: "Xia Dong, even if you didn't signal to me, she wouldn't have been able to enter. If Shentu Tianyin comes, no matter what kind of excuse or excuse she comes up with, I won't let her come through the door to see you. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"I'm leaving, take care." Lu Sheng left behind a few words and then left.    


Take care? What did he mean?    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly as he shook his head before heading to his room.    


Upon entering the room, a burst of fragrance drifted in the air. There was the scent of a mortal, Siyao, Long Bing and Ru Yi. Different women with different fragrances, different flavors, different sexiness and beauty.    


All four of the big-bellied women looked at their man. Their eyes were filled with gentleness and happiness, as well as unrelenting love.    


This was the so-called 'difference between marriage and separation'. This was the current situation they were in. Xia Lei did not leave them for long, but their longing for him had already reached its limit. It was not only a matter of spiritual longing, but also a matter of physical longing.    


"Is it done?" Long Bing asked with a smile.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "It's done, Kyoko Tsukino is doing it, she is an expert in this field, there won't be any problems."    


"That's good. Aiyo, we should also go back and rest." Liang Siyao said, then she stood up and prepared to leave.    


Liang Siyao stood up, and the other three women also stood up. Long Bing and Fan Xian had teasing smiles on their faces, but Jiang Ruyi lowered her head, not daring to meet Xia Lei's eyes.    


The four women quickly reached the door.    


Xia Lei said gloomily: I have a lot of things I want to say to you guys, why are all of you leaving?    


"If he doesn't leave, why would he sleep with you?" Liang Siyao said.    


Xia Lei secretly thought about the scene of four pregnant women lying beside him, just thinking about it made him extremely excited. Men are like that.    


Jiang Ruyi reached out to open the door, but Liang Siyao caught her hand.    


Jiang Ruyi was immediately nervous, "Yes, what, what are you trying to do?"    


"Hur hur." Liang Siyao smiled mischievously, "The three of us have experienced it, but you didn't. We are sisters, a family, you can't make things special."    


"I ?" Jiang Ruyi did not dare to imagine, and immediately blushed red.    


Xia Lei laughed, so it turned out that they really were not going to leave. If he left, they wouldn't be waiting for him in his room. He smiled and said, "Let me give you a massage. This massage can relieve the symptoms of your pregnancy. My skills are very good. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."    


"I-I don't want it. I still have something to do in my room." Jiang Ruyi became even more nervous, she knew what Xia Lei's massage meant.    


Liang Siyao, Long Bing and Fan Fan did not let her go and immediately pulled her down onto the bed.    


"Didn't you want a massage? "Hurry up and go up." Fan Fan urged.    


Jiang Ruyi struggled but the strength and posture were obviously posturing.    


Xia Lei was extremely moved. He walked over, but he suddenly thought of something, and anxiously said: "Master, he ?."    


Liang Siyao said: "I put some sleeping pills in his milk, he won't come over."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The lights went out.    


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