Tranxending Vision

C1048 whole process monitoring

C1048 whole process monitoring

A man brought along four women with large stomachs and all of them had outstanding looks. No matter where a family group went, it would always be an eye-catching place. Moreover, this was the family of Grand China Rifle's father. He was now number one on all search engines around the world, and even the biggest brands in the world had to stand aside.    


It was just that Xia Lei did not feel anything about it. He wasn't trying to keep a low profile; he was just elusive.    


Seeing Xia Lei and his grandpas, Tang Yunhai couldn't help but let out a cold snort. His expression wasn't good at all. Xia Lei escaped the Tang Clan's marriage in front of so many people, and chose to not be Tang Yuyan instead.    


However, Xia Lei appeared to be very relaxed. With a smile on his face, he walked over, "Old Master Tang, how have you been? Why are you here? How is Yuyan? "    


"Don't worry, she won't die for a while." Tang Yunhai said snappily.    


Xia Lei's nose was covered in dust.    


The man who disrespected her the most was a peerless hero in her heart! Hearing Tang Yunhai say that, she wrinkled his nose, and said unhappily: "Tang."    


But she had only said one word, and Xia Lei immediately pulled her hand, "Fan Fan Fan, let's go see Yuyan."    


He knew his own woman inside and outside, so he knew exactly what he wanted. With Fan Fan's cultivation level and identity, even if she said that she would teach Tang Yunhai a lesson, Tang Yunhai wouldn't dare to do anything to her. But there was no need for that. After all, Tang Yunhai was Tang Yuyan's grandfather.    


Because Long Bing's actions in Japan had been leaked, Xia Lei was very dissatisfied with Tang Yuyan, and his good impression of Tang Yan had almost reached zero. But after what happened today, he could no longer treat Tang Yuyan the way he used to.    


"Xia Lei, you can go to the ward by yourself. My dad and mom are accompanying Yuyan in the ward. Grandfather and I need to go to the doctor's office to understand the situation. " Tang Bochuan said.    


"Okay, go ahead and get busy. When I came here, I asked the doctor at the reception desk, and the doctor told me the room number. I can find it. " Xia Lei said, and then led his four women to Tang Yuyan's room.    


A nurse who was pushing a tool cart walked over from the corridor, and looked curiously at Xia Lei and the woman behind him, who had a big stomach. From her gaze, she seemed to be guessing at the relationship between Xia Lei and the four big-bellied women, but no matter how she guessed, she couldn't tell that they were a family group of one husband and four wives.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to pass by the nurse, the nurse suddenly grabbed his arm.    


Xia Lei took a step back, avoiding the nurse's hand, then reached out to grab the nurse's neck. His hand reached the nurse's snow-white neck in the blink of an eye. However, just as he was about to grab the nurse's neck, he changed the direction of his palm and lightly landed on the nurse's shoulder. He said with a smile, "Nurse, is there something wrong?"    


Long Bing and Liang Shiyao had originally prepared to attack, but seeing that Xia Lei had given up attacking, they also put down their hands that were preparing to pull out their spears.    


"I, I, I ?" The nurse was so excited that her face turned red, "You, are you Mr. Xia Lei?"    


"Yes, I am Xia Lei. Do you know me? Or is there something you need? " Xia Lei was very kind.    


"No, something ?" The nurse was still very excited, "Mr. Xia, you, you're not dead?"    


Fan Fan snapped: "Heh! What do you say? "    


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." His lower abdomen said nervously, "It's because our unit has held activities to learn from Mr. Lei. I know a lot about the heroic deeds of Mr. Xia. Mr. Xia is my idol. Mr. Xia, can you sign this for me? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He had almost forgotten that he was already dead. All over the country, he was learning about his forerunners and his patriotism. He had already been beaten into the heroes of this era, and almost everyone in the country knew that he was dead. But now, he had returned safely. The nurse looked at him as if she had seen a ghost, so there was nothing strange about it.    


"Alright, no problem. I'll sign it for you." Xia Lei agreed quickly.    


"Mr. Xia, can you sign my clothes?" The young nurse looked at Xia Lei anxiously, pen in hand, waiting for him to take it.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, he moved behind the nurse and used her gender pen to sign the name "Xia Lei" on her work clothes.    


Xia Lei returned back to the nurse, returned the neutral pen to the nurse's ear and whispered into her ear: "I wrote a phone number on your clothes, I'll call you later, okay?"    


"You ?" The nurse's eyes were beginning to sparkle.    


However, Xia Lei said: "Tell that person that I'm still alive. I'm fine, I don't want her to worry." After he finished speaking, he brushed past his shoulder.    


The nurse was still standing there, staring at Xia Lei's back.    


Four big-bellied women walked over, two on the left and two on the right. The four women reached out a hand and patted the nurse on the shoulder. No one said anything, but there was an invisible killing intent. Their imposing manner seemed to have caused the surrounding temperature to drop quite a bit. They were only short of a pair of sunglasses. If they wore sunglasses and a long windbreaker, they would definitely be an underworld female boss.    


Four big-bellied women walked past.    


The young nurse didn't dare to stay any longer. She quickly pushed her tool cart and ran away.    


Returning back to the nurse's station, the nurse took off her white work clothes and saw the "Xia Lei" written on her by Xia Lei, as well as the string of numbers inside the jacket. It was a phone number.    


The nurse took out her phone and dialed that number. A woman's voice came out from the phone, "Hello, I'm Shentu Tianyin. May I ask who you are?"    


"Ah?" Shentu Tianyin... " The nurse covered her mouth.    


"I'll give you five seconds to answer my question. How did you get this number?" Shentu Tianyin's voice was filled with dissatisfaction and impatience.    


The nurse finally regained her composure and said anxiously, "It was Mr. Xia Lei who gave me the number ?"    


"Wait! What did you say? Who gave you the number? "    


"Mr. Xia Lei."    


"What nonsense are you talking about!"    


"I'm not spouting nonsense. I just saw him, and he even signed it for me. He gave me your number. He told me to tell you that he's still alive, so don't worry. " the nurse said.    


"Pah!" The sound of a cup falling to the ground and shattering came from the phone.    


"Miss Shen-tu? Are you okay? "    


"Where are you? "Tell me."    


"This Mr. Xia Lei didn't say anything. I have to ask him if he wants to tell you." the nurse said.    


"I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars for an address."    


"Army hospital." The nurse answered a second later.    


Shentu Tianyin had already hung up.    


Anything that could be solved with money could never be considered a problem even at the Wanxiang Queen's place. She was the same as Xia Lei.    


In a ward, Xia Lei led the way, followed by four big bellies, and entered Tang Yuyan's ward like a string of fish. This scene widened the eyes of Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei. The couple didn't greet Xia Lei, they only watched unhappily.    


A bitter smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. He knew that in the hearts of Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei, he had already become one of those men who had abandoned everything. He summoned the courage to greet them. "Greetings, uncle and aunt."    


"What's good? "He won't die." Zhang Yumei replied indifferently.    


Tang Tianlong sneered, "Xia Dong, I want to congratulate you. You are going to be a father soon and you are also the father of a few children.    


Ask him, he definitely won't go.    


Xia Lei laughed: "Alright, when the time comes, I will personally send you an invitation."    


The four women did not greet Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei and instead, they walked straight up to the sickbed and spoke to Tang Yuyan.    


"Yuyan, thank you." Liang Siyao said, a little ashamed, "In the past ? I misunderstood you. "    


"It's nothing. I like arguing with you." Tang Yuyan said with a smile, but the corner of her eyes still stayed on Xia Lei's body.    


Long Bing held onto Tang Yuyan's hand, "Are you better now?"    


"It's better now. The doctor said that we can take some medicine and rest for two days." Tang Yuyan said.    


"If you need anything, just say it. Don't stand on ceremony with us. Let us do something for you." Fan Fan said these words were magnanimous and appropriate.    


Tang Yuyan laughed, "Alright, if I need anything, I will ask for it."    


Jiang Ruyi placed a thermal container on the bedside table, "Yuyan, this is my chicken soup, drink it, it's good for your body."    


"Mm, thank you, Ru Yi." Tang Yuyan was also very polite.    


The five women chatted very politely and cautiously.    


Xia Lei originally wanted to speak with Tang Yuyan, but in front of the four granny, he couldn't even make a decision to approach Tang Yuyan. What's more, Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei were also in the ward.    


On the surface, Tang Yuyan looked like she was fine, there was even a smile on her face, but inside her heart, she was extremely depressed. What she wanted was for Xia Lei to come visit her alone, so that she could be with him alone. She had saved his four pregnant women, and she could do anything, could she? But she absolutely did not expect Xia Lei to bring four big stomachs. With her four wives following her and her eight eyes monitoring her, what else could she say?    


Alright, you all have already stayed long enough. Yuyan needs to rest. Zhang Yumei ordered them to leave.    


The four pregnant women seemed to have already discussed this beforehand, as they said their goodbyes to Tang Yuyan before turning around to leave.    


Liang Siyao took Xia Lei's arm, "Hubby, let's go home."    


Xia Lei said to Tang Yuyan: "Yuyan, take care of your body properly. Don't worry about the matters of the case, I will investigate them as well. If I find anything, I will tell you right away."    


Tang Yuyan sighed in her heart, but a faint smile appeared on her face. "Alright, I'll wait for your good news."    


The four big-bellied women crowded around Xia Lei as they walked towards the door.    


Just as Xia Lei walked to the door, Tang Yuyan suddenly remembered something and said: "Xia Lei, my people have been monitoring the place that you told Ah Bing to tell me, and it is currently closed. I was afraid of alerting the enemy, so I didn't take any action. "    


Xia Lei turned around, "I understand, rest well."    


The four women and their men left.    


Closing the door, Zhang Yumei said with a look of disgust: "Who are you! And a national hero, simply a big pervert! Marrying one mortal was not enough, but there were three other women. Does he think he is the Emperor? "    


"Mom, stop it. You don't understand what's going on between Xia Lei and them. " Tang Yuyan said.    


"I don't understand? You understand? You are the mistress of Rayma Group! That guy surnamed Liang, I don't like him at all. He's simply a fox spirit! " Zhang Yumei said.    


Tang Yuyan and her mother could no longer communicate.    


A few minutes later, Tang Bochuan and Tang Yunhai returned to Tang Yuyan's ward. The two of them did not mention anything about the conversation between the two, and instead chatted about topics related to Xia Lei for a while.    


After a few minutes, the door to the sickroom was suddenly pushed open, and Shentu Tianyin ran in hastily. Her gaze anxiously swept across the sickroom, and her excited emotions instantly cooled down. She was stunned for a moment before she spoke, "Where's Xia Lei?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "He left, but I suggest you to call him instead of going to Peaceful Mansion to see him. Those four tigers are very xenophobic."    


Shentu Tianyin's tears suddenly rolled down her face.    


The people of the Tang clan only quietly looked at her, as if they were looking at a tragic character from a TV show.    


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