Tranxending Vision

C1025 Slaughtering out of the dungeon

C1025 Slaughtering out of the dungeon

Just as he was about to reach the door, Xia Lei suddenly stopped in his tracks. Raising his head, he saw a surveillance camera on the wall of the corridor, which was aimed straight at the ironwood door of the prison. He only had to take two more steps before he was within range of the surveillance cameras.    


Just as he stopped in his tracks, Kyoko Tsukino coincidentally reached out and grabbed his arm. She had also spotted the security camera on the wall of the corridor, but she held his hand and wouldn't let him pass. However, her warning came less quickly than his vigilance.    


Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch in his hand. There were still 30 seconds before Ye Liena had to cut off the optical fiber. He was secretly glad that he did not make a mistake. In a state of excitement, it was very easy for a person to neglect some very basic things. Sometimes, even a small mistake could lead to irreparable consequences.    


30 seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and Xia Lei locked onto the surveillance camera. He saw a red warning light flash on the surveillance camera.    


Ye Liena had already cut off the fiber optics at 48 Holy Cross Road. The time was right.    


Xia Lei quickly walked in front of the ironwood door. Fifteen seconds later, he opened the door with his unlocking tool.    


The ironwood door opened, and Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino walked in. After entering, Kyoko Tsukino closed the door. She had to do this because the ironwood door was facing a stone staircase that led to the Mossad's base on the ground. If someone were to descend from above, they would be able to see the door open.    


There was a pungent stench of excrement and urine, and the air was cloudy. Kyoko Tsukino frowned again. Like the majority of women, she didn't like dirty environments.    


"Hey!" Xia Lei said in English: "Wake up!"    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark didn't move. He seemed to have fallen asleep, but also seemed to have fainted.    


Xia Lei walked over to his side and nudged him with his foot.    


Just at that moment, the man with the Eye King Snake Mark on his arm suddenly flipped over from the pile of grass, and his right leg suddenly kicked towards the vital point between Xia Lei's legs!    


A second ago, he was like a dead dog. But before that second even passed, he transformed from a dead dog into a fierce tiger, taking a man's life with a single bite!    


Caught off guard, Xia Lei hurriedly raised his right leg and used his hardest knee to block Yue Yang's attack.    


Bang! Under the impact, Xia Lei's body instantly swayed, and then, he took half a step back. After all, he was using only one leg to support his body, and it was difficult for him to maintain his balance under the intense impact.    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark was in such a terrible condition, but he was still so powerful and his speed was so fast and fast. If he was in a healthy state, then one could imagine just how terrifying his strength was!    


The ambush failed, and the man with the King Glasses-Snake tattoo jumped up from the pile of grass. Without waiting for him to attack, the viper pistol in Kyoko Tsukino's hand pointed at his head.    


"If you move again, I'll take your life." Kyoko Tsukino's voice was very cold.    


The man with the King Cobra didn't attack Xia Lei or Kyoko Tsukino again. He didn't know the identity and purpose of the two Indians in front of him, if he continued to attack, this Indian woman would probably give him a bullet.    


"If you are not from the Mossad, who are you? The CIA? " The man with the King of Glasses tattoo said. He also spoke English.    


It was not surprising that he could guess that two Indians had appeared in front of him.    


Xia Lei said, "Do you want to live? "Come with us."    


"Answer my question!" Sometimes the man with the tattooed eye is not tempted at all. It wasn't that he didn't want to be free. To him, if the Indians were from the CIA, then he had jumped from the den of wolves to the den of tigers.    


"Bastard!" Kyoko Tsukino rebuked: "I took such a huge risk to save you, what are you thinking?"    


The man with the King Cobra Inscription looked at Kyoko Tsukino, and then stared straight at Xia Lei. He seemed to be making his last guess.    


"Now is not the time to prove our identity and purpose." Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch on his wrist, "We still have eleven minutes, we must retreat outside of Holy Cross Street in those eleven minutes. I'll give you thirty seconds to think it over, either come with me or stay here. But you should know that you will soon be taken away by the FA. "    


"20 seconds left." Kyoko Tsukino said as she helped Xia Lei time the clock.    


"Humph!" The man with the King Glasses and snake tattoo sneered, "You want to lie to me? Didn't you guys never act out this kind of play before, did I fall for it once? "    


Kyoko Tsukino was about to scold him, but Xia Lei stopped him. He had been locked up in the prison and the Black Dungeons for too long, suffering from torture and all sorts of scams. He could no longer easily trust anyone.    


"Boss, 30 seconds have passed." Kyoko Tsukino reminded Xia Lei as he looked at the multifunctional wrist watch on his wrist.    


The person he was looking for was right in front of him, so Xia Lei was definitely not willing to give up just like that. He thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and rubbed his cheek twice. Then, he took off the human skin. The corner of the mask revealed a bit of his original skin.    


Before Xia Lei could say anything, the man with the King Cobra tattoo on his glasses said in surprise, "This ? How did you get hold of such a mask? "    


He did not use English, but Chinese!    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "You are Chinese?" He also used Chinese.    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark didn't answer Xia Lei's question. He looked very anxious, "Tell me, where did you get this kind of skin? Mask? "    


Xia Lei said: "I made it myself."    


The man with the King of Glasses' snake tattoo suddenly became excited. "Who taught you that?"    


"We'll talk about it when we get out. We don't have time." Xia Lei said.    


"Alright, I'll go with you. Help me unlock these chains." The man with the King of Glasses tattoo finally made his decision.    


Xia Lei used a locking tool to unlock the shackles on his feet and the iron chains on his hands. The four locks took him twenty seconds, almost as fast as the keys. With the ability of perspective, he could clearly see the internal structure of the lock, and the process of unlocking the lock was naturally very easy.    


After opening the lock, Kyoko Tsukino vigilantly looked at the man with the King Glasses tattoo. As long as he made any rash moves, she would not hesitate to make her move. However, her worry was unnecessary. The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark didn't make any unusual movements, he only stretched his limbs a little, then followed Xia Lei to the door.    


Just as he reached the door, Xia Lei suddenly stopped in his tracks. He raised his right hand and held up two fingers.    


Kyoko Tsukino then flashed to the side of the ironwood door, and raised the viper pistol in her hands to move parallel to her collarbone. Xia Lei's gesture was a tactical gesture by two people coming from outside, while her action was to prepare to shoot a headshot.    


Xia Lei was also ready to fight. He stood on the other side of Kyoko Tsukino and there was an additional set of silencer in his hands. The viper pistol s of weapons.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to greet him again, the man with the King Glasses Serpent tattoo returned to the pile of grass and curled himself up, pressing the iron chains that Xia Lei had undone under his body. He was a dead dog again.    


The three of them were ready.    


Footsteps and voices came from outside the door.    


"The field agent has already gone to investigate, and there was a problem with the optical fiber. This has never happened before." A man's voice, in Hebrew.    


This voice was not unfamiliar to Xia Lei, he could already recognize that it was Khader's voice.    


Another man's voice came in. "Chief, do you suspect that this was a premeditated attack?"    


Khader's voice said, "We have to be careful. The FA people are very crafty. Who's to say they won't take the guy away any other way?"    


"Chief, I'm looking for the door." Khader's men went to the ironwood door and opened it with their keys.    


The ironwood door opened. He pushed it open and stepped inside. The man with the King of Glasses tattoo on the ground entered his line of sight, just as he always said he would. That guy was like a dead dog.    


"This guy looks like a pig." Khader's men entered the cell.    


Puff! Without waiting for Khader's men to notice, a bullet entered his brain from the side. Blood and brain splattered across Khader's face.    


Khader's reaction was extremely quick. His legs gave way on the ground, and his body jerked backward. His body was still moving in the air, and his hand had already completed the action of drawing the gun. He opened his mouth and was about to warn the people on the ground!    


However, the moment his mouth opened, a figure flew out diagonally from the other side. Before he could get a good look at the man's face, a bullet went into his mouth and punched a hole in the back of his head.    


In the end, he was still unable to utter a sound or fire a shot.    


Khader's body fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei's body landed on the ground, his hands lightly pushed himself up, and he stood up once again, "Bring the corpse along, we need to leave this place."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded her head, and then picked up the corpse of the Mossad agent that she killed. Xia Lei also picked up Khader's corpse. As he left, he wiped the blood off the ground with his foot. If he had more time, he would have dealt with it without a trace, but he had no time at all.    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark also wiped off the blood in the cell room with his feet, then followed Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino towards the public bathroom.    


The moment the three of them turned the corner, the monitor in the corridor lit up with a green light and started working normally. Mossad had already recovered from the optical fiber failure. The speed at which this happened was unbelievable.    


Entering the public bathroom, Xia Lei opened the lid and threw Khader's body down. Kyoko Tsukino also threw the corpse she brought out into the sewer. The three of them went into the sewer, and finally Xia Lei, who went down the well, returned the lid to its original position. There were traces in the prison, traces in the corridor, and even the hole that had been opened in the sewer was a very obvious mark, but Xia Lei did not care about it anymore.    


As the three of them entered the sewer, the man with the King Glasses and Snake tattoo fiercely kicked Khader's head a few times. While kicking him, he vented the anger and resentment in his heart. You got lucky! I will find your family and have them accompany you! "    


This way, and his sinister expression, Xia Lei's back couldn't help but feel a chill.    


"We should go!" Kyoko Tsukino said coldly.    


The man with the King Cobra tattoo kicked Khader's head again before following Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino to leave. Khader's head was no longer the same in the foul-smelling sewage.    


The three of them were very fast. In less than two minutes, they had passed the three hundred meter long ancient drainage ditch and arrived in front of the gap where the explosion had taken place.    


Xia Lei threw the portable oxygen supply to the man with the King Cobra tattoo, "Put it on.    


"What about you?" The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


Xia Lei said: "I can last five minutes without breathing." With that, he stepped through the gap and entered the sewer.    


Kyoko Tsukino followed him.    


The man with the King Glasses and Snake Mark couldn't help but ask, "What is his relationship with him?"    


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