Tranxending Vision

C1047 Superchild

C1047 Superchild

Army hospital, special ward.    


"Mr. Tang, your sister's condition is very stable. It's just that she has a little less white blood cells. Just take some medicine." "Don't worry, she'll be fine after two days of rest."    


"Thank you, Doctor." Tang Bochuan said.    


"Oh right, Mr. Tang, there's something very strange that I want to ask you."    




"When Miss Tang arrived, there was a lot of blood in her stomach and on her body. We took samples and tested them. The results showed that the blood contained a very powerful antibody, and it was that antibody that saved Miss Tang. "    


Tang Bochuan immediately thought of Xia Lei, and the scene of his wrist bleeding also appeared in his mind. He knew why, and that shocked him, but his face was calm. "I don't know why either, Doctor," he said. Give me the results of the test and the sample, and you'll take it as if nothing had happened.    


The doctor was stunned for a moment, but still nodded his head, "Sure, I'll go handle it immediately."    


The doctor left. Tang Bochuan came to the sickbed, he looked at Tang Yuyan with blazing eyes, "Yuyan, did you hear me just now? The poison that could cause death in a few minutes, Xia Lei's blood actually had an antibody! He really evolved, just like a superman! "    


Tang Yuyan appeared to be very calm, "Are you making a big fuss over this? On the snowy mountain in Wangda in Western province, in the environment of -20 degrees Celsius, he gave me all of his clothes, and only his underwear was left on him. This is the one she killed over 100 people that night. "    


Tang Bochuan did not speak.    


Just then, Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei walked in, followed by the Tang Family's old man, Tang Yunhai.    


"Yuyan, how are you feeling? Are you okay? " Zhang Yumei asked anxiously the moment she entered.    


"I'm fine, Mom." Tang Yuyan said.    


Zhang Yumei pulled Tang Yuyan's hand, "It's good that you're okay, it's good that you're okay. If something happens to you, how do you let Mom live? "    


"Yu Mei, stop saying such useless words." Tang Yunhai said: "Yuyan, I heard from Bo Ren that you were injured in order to save the woman, is this true?"    


Tang Yuyan nodded, "It's true."    


Tang Yunhai smashed the Dragon-Headed Cane in his hand onto the ground and asked sternly: "How can you be so stupid? If his woman dies, wouldn't you have a chance? "    


Tang Yuyan was stunned. She did not dare to go against Tang Yunhai's words, but she felt that it was wrong. But that was Xia Lei's four!    


Big belly, four corpses, eight lives! If she was with Xia Lei because of his woman's death, she would never forgive herself in her life.    


"Silly girl, that killer was originally aiming for Xia Lei's woman. If you block the spear for them, if you die, would they be sad for you? I think that without your love rival, they won't even be able to laugh in time. "    


"Stop talking." Tang Yuyan said: "At that time, I was also present, and could be considered as the target of an attack. How can I not do it under those circumstances? Besides, if the woman and her children were dead, I wouldn't have a chance. He will seal himself away and no one will be able to enter his heart. "    


"Sigh!" Tang Tianlong sighed, "So this is fate. You and Xia Lei were originally a perfect match, but yet you just so happened to appear as a mortal. But now, it's not just the Mortal Realm, there are four pregnant women living in Xia Lei's safe zone, what kind of nonsense is this! "    


"Yuyan, I'm warning you!" Tang Yunhai said majestically: "If Xia Lei does not divorce him, you cannot be with him!"    


Tang Yuyan laughed bitterly, "You said that he wants to be together with me, don't men like him have any kind of woman they want? What do you think I, Tang Yuyan, am in his eyes? "    


"Nonsense! It will degrade itself! " Tang Yunhai said angrily: "Which one of my Tang Family's women isn't noble and outstanding? If you say such words, it will be a complete disgrace to our Tang Clan! "    


Tang Yuyan wanted to say something, but she hesitated, and avoided Tang Yunhai's strict gaze. She understood his grandfather's meaning. No matter who the woman from the Tang Clan was, she was worthy of it, even if the other party was the king. She could not break the rules of the Tang Family because she loved Xia Lei and because of how outstanding he was.    


Tang Yuyan's heart was filled with grief, her heart felt as if salt had been sprinkled on it. The biggest obstacle for her to be with Xia Lei wasn't Xia Lei's four women, but the Tang Family, the Tang Family's ancient rule and face!    


"Forget it, forget it." Tang Bochuan came out to ease the atmosphere, "Dad, Grandfather, Yuyan just recovered her life, and this life was given to her by Xia Lei. She doesn't feel well, so don't blame her anymore."    


"Did Xia Lei save you?" Tang Tianlong looked at Tang Yuyan and asked.    


Tang Yuyan nodded and did not say a word.    


"He should have saved you. After all, without you, his women would have been finished. It's not that you owe him, it's that he owes you. " Tang Tianlong said.    


Xia Lei saved Tang Yuyan's life once. However, of the four women and eight lives that Tang Yuyan had saved, they were four women. In terms of numbers, Xia Lei owed Tang Yuyan seven lives, and this was indeed what he owed Tang Yuyan.    


"Dad, how could you do that." Tang Yuyan muttered, she did not agree with what she had said.    


Tang Tianlong said sternly: "Shut up!"    


Tang Yuyan shut her mouth in grievance. Outside, she was the young miss of the Tang clan, the director of the 101st Bureau. She was in an important position. But at home, in front of the Tang Clan's older generation, she was nothing. She was just a junior that could be called back and forth, perhaps even ? A tool to help the Tang Clan gain benefits!    


It was the same situation with Serenity back then, but compared to Tang Yin, Serenity was much better. She could at least run away from home, but where could Tang Yuyan go? Her bones were all branded with the Tang Clan's seal!    


"Dad, grandpa." Tang Bochuan changed the topic, "I'm afraid you won't believe me even if I told you one thing."    


Tang Yunhai and Tang Tianlong's gazes moved towards Tang Bochuan at the same time. Tang Tianlong said: "What is it? Don't hesitate, just say what you want to say. "    


"Xia Lei used his blood to cure Yanran's poison." Tang Bochuan said: "Just now, the doctor told me that there is a type of super antibody in Xia Lei's blood. If not for that, I'm afraid that Yu Yan would already be dead."    


"There's actually such a thing?" Tang Tianlong looked very surprised.    


Tang Bochuan said: "There were also a few dead reporters in front of the Peaceful Mansion. Our experts have already given the results of the autopsy. Our experts say the toxin is directed at the heart and nerves. It's very potent and will die naturally in a few minutes. If there was an antidote and the poison didn't last more than three minutes, perhaps there was still hope. However, even the deities of the Great Firmament would not be able to save him if the poison lasted more than three minutes. I'm thinking that Xia Lei is really evolving. Since he's already this strong now, what level will he evolve to in the future and how strong will his abilities be. This is something that no one can predict. "    


Tang Bochuan's words could actually be summarized into eight words, which was ? more and more powerful, unlimited in number!    


"Grandfather." Tang Bochuan looked at Tang Yunhai, "I think ?"    


Tang Yunhai seemed to have realized what Tang Bochuan wanted to say, and he interrupted Tang Bochuan right after, "Bo Chuan, come out. I have something to talk about with you."    


"Fine." Tang Bochuan followed Tang Yunhai out of the ward.    


Tang Yunhai walked through the corridor and all the way to the staircase before he stopped in his tracks. He looked at the bottom of the stairs, then at the top of the stairs, then at the end of the corridor.    


"Grandfather, what do you want to say to me?" Tang Bochuan asked.    


Tang Yunhai only spoke out after confirming that there was no one: "It's not about what I want to say to you, but about what you want to say. There's no one here, finish what you just said. "    


Tang Bochuan laughed, "Grandfather, aren't you being too careful? Yuyan is your granddaughter, can't she listen? "    






"Humph!" Tang Yunhai said unhappily: "She has already been poisoned by Xia Lei, she has forgotten about the benefits the Tang Clan brought. From now on, it's better if she doesn't know about some of the family's important decisions. I'll consider them when she wakes up and when she repents. "    


"This... "It's not that serious, is it?" Tang Bochuan could not believe it.    


Tang Yunhai said: "You are just too honest, you don't understand a single thing about women. How much manpower and resources did we spend on this? We spent all these years to get her to sit as the director of Bureau 101, which means he has the greatest benefit to our Tang Family. But she actually risked her life to save Xia Lei's woman! If Xia Lei had come back a few seconds later, she would have been dead already! "Say, if you don't put the benefits of our Tang Clan behind you, then what is it?"    


Tang Bochuan could not find any words to refute him.    


Tang Yunhai continued: "Yuyan has taken over Shi Boren's position, you will take over my position one day, this was something that I had arranged long ago. You did okay, but she didn't. "    


Tang Bochuan still didn't know what to say.    


"Speak!" Tang Yunhai said sternly.    


Tang Bochuan said: "What I wanted to say was that the AE Capsule is real, Xia Lei went into an advanced evolution because of that medicine. Everything about him is built on his abilities. We can't get Xia Lei as his son-in-law, but we can get ? "    


He did not continue.    


Tang Yunhai glared at Tang Bochun, "Continue!"    


"We can have his children, we can raise them into successors to the Tang family. We do not say that the child we have obtained can completely inherit Xia Lei's outstanding genes and his abilities, but as long as he can inherit 50%, our Tang Family will also become the strongest family in Hua Guo! " Tang Bochuan finally said it out.    


"You said you wanted Yuyan to ?" Tang Yunhai was unable to say anything. As the master of the Tang Clan, this kind of thing caused his face to become hot.    


"Actually, we can also not be together!" Tang Bochuan moved closer to Tang Yunhai's ear and said in a low voice, "I can have the doctor anesthetize Yuyan and take out one of her eggs, then ?"    


"What method do you have to take that from Xia Lei?"    


"There's no need for us to do it ourselves. The people up there have never given up on researching Xia Lei. That group of experts has the authority to take that liquid from Xia Lei. Tang Bochuan said.    


Tang Yunhai pondered for a moment, and then revealed a smile on his face, "Hehe, your idea is not bad. If he could succeed, that would be great. However, the child will soon grow up. What will you do? "    


"Me? For the sake of the Tang Clan's future, I don't have to be the Clan Head. " Tang Bochuan said.    


"Just write that child down in your name. When the time is right, let him take over." Tang Yunhai said.    


Tang Bochuan laughed, "En, I will go and inform the doctor."    


The grandfather and grandson left the stairwell and walked together to the doctor's office.    


At that moment, the elevator door opened. A group of people suddenly walked out from the elevator. One man, four women. No matter how you looked at it, men were handsome and sunny. The women were all as beautiful as flowers and were extremely sexy and beautiful. Although they had large stomachs, they didn't look bloated at all. Instead, they had the beauty of pregnant women.    


Xia Lei dragged his family and brought them to see the patient.    


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