Tranxending Vision

C1018 Prisoners and food

C1018 Prisoners and food

The dawn's light dispersed the darkness, and the sunlight returned to this ancient land. The golden sunlight shone on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the dome-shaped mosque. The two holy places of the two religions appeared to be incomparably solemn and sacred. It was unknown how many people had lost their lives to them over the past thousands of years, but this sort of conflict continued. It was a mystery as to when it would finally come to an end.    


Holy Cross Street, Jerusalem.    


The two Indians entered a restaurant selling breakfast. The two Indians looked very young, the man in his twenties and the woman in her early twenties. Carrying their shoulder bags and wearing their national accessories, they looked like a pair of Native Americans visiting Israel.    


Of these two Americans, one was Xia Lei and the other was Kyoko Tsukino. Human skin. With the mask and the miraculous disguise technique, even Xia Lei himself could not recognize him, much less those who wanted to capture him.    


They sat down at a table by the window. Xia Lei ordered his meal, and then looked outside at the street through the window.    


48 Holy Cross Street was just across the street. It was a very old house, hundreds of years old. Its main body was made of stone, three layers high and three layers high. Both sides extended forward, forming the word "concave". Such a house might have been the residence of a knight or lord during the Crusades, and its style might have been that of a medieval French building.    


Now, who was the owner of the house?    


The answer to this was already given by the two armed Israeli soldiers standing in the doorway. The Israeli Government was now the master of this ancient house.    


With heavily armed soldiers guarding the door, this meant that this place was not an ordinary place. However, Xia Lei didn't see any signs that indicated it, such as "Jerusalem Holy Cross Road Street Office" or "Jerusalem Holy Cross Road Residential Committee".    


"If only Sayimu was here. He definitely knows what kind of place this is." Xia Lei thought to himself, he was really looking forward to see if Sayimu, Ye Liena, and Yasuya Khan could meet up with him.    


The waiters from the restaurant brought in some traditional Israeli breakfast, sour olives, salted fish, and egg soup.    


As Xia Lei ate his breakfast, he continued to observe the ancient building opposite him. This time he awakened the power of his left eye and let it penetrate the closed and curtained window.    


The look also gave him a fright. The old building opposite him was a very modern office space. In the central hall on the first floor, there was a wall of televisions that occupied almost the entire wall, displaying a surveillance screen from an important location for Jerusalem's older brother. The stations, subway stations, airports, etc.    


There were also higher-level satellite surveillance screens covering the entire territory of Israel, even Jordan and the Gaza Strip, as well as areas bordering Egypt. There were a lot of staff working in the hall. Some were answering the phone, while others were operating unattended. It looked very busy, but the situation was very orderly and very strict.    


Actually, in this kind of central hall, Xia Lei could give a conclusion, that the seemingly ancient and ordinary ancient building was not an ordinary government agency, but instead a intelligence agency.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the second floor. He saw some offices and an equipment warehouse. There were some people in the office, but he didn't recognize any of them. On the second floor he did not see anyone from the FA. He shifted his gaze to the third floor and pierced the window.    


The third floor was a multi-functional area. It had a training ground for combat, as well as a place for healing. Some people were training their combat skills while others were healing their wounds.    


Xia Lei swept his gaze across all the windows on the third floor, but he still did not see anyone from FA. He retracted his gaze. He was unable to see through the thick stone walls and mud to see the situation underground, but with such a place, there was definitely space underground.    


"Could this be the Mossad's headquarters? Or was it a very important sub-base? "Who are the FA people here to meet?" Xia Lei was confused.    


The FA was now equivalent to a dog in the United States. In this capacity, it was not a problem to contact people from the Mossad in Israel. However, Yan Fo and Augustman who came to Israel were both very important figures in FA. What was their purpose in coming to Israel?    


Xia Lei very naturally thought that he was here to kill him, but the thought was quickly erased by him as he had already "died". He was assassinated by Li Youdun in the Grand China, and the funeral was held in the Grand China. How could anyone in the FA have suspected that he was still alive and had chased him to Israel? In fact, even Liang Siyao, Long Bing and the other two were hiding his trip to Israel from him. If even his woman didn't know, how could the people from FA know?    


It must be something else.    


"What the hell is this? It tastes so bad." Kyoko Tsukino spat out a piece of sour olive. She was so sore that tears almost fell out of her eyes. Actually, she had observed the ancient building on the other side as well, but she didn't find anything.    


Xia Lei lowered his voice and said, "Israel's climate is dry, short of water, short of food, and most of the food is pickled. After you leave here, you can eat anything you want. Also, you must communicate in English. The building across us is the Mossad, so you have to be careful with every move you make. "    


Kyoko Tsukino looked at the ancient building across him in shock, then nodded. She didn't know how Xia Lei knew that the ancient building in front of them was the location of the Mossad, but she believed in Xia Lei.    


Just then an Israeli man came out of the opposite building and headed straight for the restaurant.    


Xia Lei's gaze shifted towards the Israeli man, and in almost two seconds, he went through the "comprehensive inspection". The man from Israel carried the desert with him. Eagle, and a pass with his name on it, Harley. There were many wounds on his body, including gunshot wounds and knife wounds. From his age of over 30, it was not difficult to determine that he was a veteran commando who had joined the Mossad after his retirement.    


A large portion of Mossad's spy agents were recruited from the retired special forces. They were experienced, experienced, and had a lot of experience. Then, he would go to the Mossad to receive training at a higher level. His overall strength would be obvious. In the world of espionage, there was a saying that the Mossad was the strongest in terms of intelligence gathering, assassination, and theft. It could not be compared with the American CIA, the British MI6, or the Russian Federal Security Agency (Krupp).    


So, even if it was a normal agent that appeared in his field of view, Xia Lei was still alerted. He touched Kyoko Tsukino under the table, "Don't talk, the people from Mossad are here."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded her head. She could also tell that Harley, who was crossing the road, was not an ordinary person. She had her way.    


Harley crossed the street and entered the restaurant.    


A waiter greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Harley, are you still the same as before?"    


"Yeah, the same." Ha Lei's gaze quickly swept across the restaurant, and finally stopped at the table where Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino were.    


Xia Lei did not look at him. He kept his eyes on the reflective surface of the stainless steel spoon, watching Harley from the reflector.    


The waiter said in the direction of the kitchen, "Mr. Harder's breakfast, as it always is, sour olives and hard bread."    


Ha Lei withdrew his gaze from Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino.    


In terms of disguising ability, if Xia Lei called himself the number two in this world, then no one would dare to call themselves number one in this world. He had disguised himself as Li Youdun, he could hide his identity from the CIA's scouts, and he could even hide his identity from the extremely cunning Mei Hattori. It was not a problem for him to deceive an agent from the Mossad.    


Harley's food, sour olives and hard bread, was quickly prepared in the kitchen, not on a plate but in a cardboard box with a plastic bag over it. Harley took the food, paid for it, and carried it out.    


But when Ha Lei stepped past the parallel lines, Xia Lei's line of sight shifted to Ha Lei's back, instantly awakening the ability to see through. His gaze cut across Haley's back, straight to his stomach. He saw a stomach squirming with sausages, cheese, and waffles. Looking at the variety of food in his stomach, it was obvious that Harley had just eaten breakfast. Why would he come and buy breakfast? And it was a very unpalatable and cheap sour olives and hard bread.    


Then the waiter talked to his colleague and he said, "What a strange guy. He buys the same food every day. I've worked here for three years and he comes here every day to buy the same food. Is he really that interested in sour olives and hard bread? I saw him drive it. It was a Toyota SUV. It was worth two hundred thousand NIS. "    


His colleague said, "Yea, even with a high salary, the government staff are actually interested in junk food."    


"Hey, don't say that. There's a customer in the store."    


"You mean the Indians?" They'll understand what we're talking about. He just ordered in English. "    


"That's true. The people in the building opposite us are all very strange."    


The two waiters chatted for a while, and soon they found themselves talking about a girl they knew.    


Xia Lei was no longer interested in eavesdropping. His gaze moved once again to the ancient building opposite of him. Without the gossip of the two waiters and the information he had just captured, he would not have thought that Harley's purchase of breakfast was that strange. Harley had indeed eaten breakfast, but he might have bought it for a colleague who was fond of sour olives and hard bread. However, after hearing the conversation between the two waiters, he did not think so.    


"Three years, he came to buy the same food almost every morning. Even if Harley didn't eat it himself, he probably wouldn't have such a sick colleague, right? Who eats junk food every day? " A key word suddenly surfaced in Xia Lei's mind ? Prisoner.    


Only prisoners would eat unpalatable junk food, and they would eat the same junk food every day because they had no choice, because it was a punishment!    


When the word "prisoner" appeared in his mind, Xia Lei's thoughts immediately stirred, "If the young servant said that he had been here for three years, and Harley had bought the same sour olives and hard bread for three years, then that prisoner had already been imprisoned for more than three years. There was no judgement, and no prison, but he had been locked up in the Mossad's headquarters or base. What kind of identity did he have? Why did he receive such treatment? During this period, the people from FA came to Israel and came in contact with the people from Mossad.    


He couldn't understand, but an urge had already formed in Xia Lei's heart. He wanted to see that prisoner. Nothing else, just the intervention of the FA.    


The enemy of the enemy is a friend.    


However, this was still just a bold guess as to whether there were any prisoners or not. That was something that needed to be proven.    


"Let's go." Xia Lei stood up.    


Kyoko Tsukino put down the spoon, then stood up and left with Xia Lei.    


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