Tranxending Vision

C1017 FA tissue intervention

C1017 FA tissue intervention

Dawn had not yet arrived, and the earth and sky had entered their darkest period.    


On a road into Jerusalem, a dozen armed IDF soldiers inspected passing vehicles and pedestrians. They had photographs of the two yellow men in their hands, but they were two faces that did not exist. Even the Mossad's intelligence network could not find out the true identities of the two faces.    


The two yellow people in the photo were Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino, who were wanted by all of Israel. At that moment, Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino happened to be near the temporary inspection team.    


"It's really a great effort to gather people. They only want to capture a few people that don't exist. Who gave this order?" Beside a house by the side of the road, Xia Lei stood at a corner of a wall on the outside as he looked at the checkpoint that was about a kilometer away. He was sure that he had missed something, but he could not figure out what.    


Kyoko Tsukino also went over to Xia Lei's side and used his military telescope to look in the same direction. She also saw the checkpoint about a kilometer away. Unfortunately, she could only see the lights and the blurry shadows of people. She could not see them clearly at all. Even using her high power binoculars, she wouldn't be able to see the situation at the checkpoint like Xia Lei, but she knew what the situation over there was like.    


"The road to the city is also sealed." Kyoko Tsukino frowned, "The one commanding this operation is definitely a great character, and he most likely knows the secret of the pyramid. I think his target might be the crystal skull that we took away from the pyramid. "    


For some reason, the image of the man with the King Glasses and the snake tattoo suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. In George's video, the man with the King of Glasses tattoo didn't reveal his face, only his back and the King of Glasses tattoo on his arm. His brain replayed the image, but what he could see was too little. Even if the man passed him now, as long as he covered the king cobra tattoo on his arm with his sleeve, he wouldn't be able to recognize him.    


"Boss, what do we do now?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


Xia Lei said: "They have our photos in their hands, and they are comparing us to the cars and pedestrians who have passed through the checkpoint, we need to change our appearance first."    


"Then we need to find a safe place." Kyoko Tsukino looked around, the place she wanted was a forest.    


However, Xia Lei shifted his gaze to the house beside him. After a few seconds, he withdrew his gaze and walked towards the outer wall's gate. Kyoko Tsukino did not hesitate, and followed Xia Lei to the door. Xia Lei's treatment had already been effective, she had already recovered about a third of her condition.    


The courtyard door was locked, but it was not difficult for Xia Lei who had learned how to cook from Qin Xiang. He used only a single wire to unlock it. He pushed open the door and walked in with Kyoko Tsukino.    


Kyoko Tsukino pulled out her viper pistol.    


"No, there's no one." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino was startled, in her eyes, Xia Lei was already an existence close to a god. He was completely bewitched, and her curiosity about him had grown to the extreme.    


There was no one in the house. The owner was a single man. His room was decorated with posters of sex girls of various sizes, as well as discs and men's magazines, and a desktop computer.    


Xia Lei opened his equipment bag, and then took out tools and materials for makeup from his equipment bag and placed them on the computer table. He peeled off the skin on his face. The mask was taken off, and Kyoko Tsukino followed suit.    


"Lie down and rest for a while, I'll wake you up when I'm done." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded her head and laid on the bed to rest. Her body was already very weak. She had been able to endure for an entire night and walk for such a long period of time. She was truly exhausted.    


Xia Lei skinned the two of them. The masks were reworked and transformed into the faces of two Indians. The Indians had the same skin color as the Asians, and were even more yellow. The reason why the mask became an Indian.    


He had finished making the human skin. Xia Lei did not wake Kyoko Tsukino up immediately after seeing the mask. He turned on the owner's computer. The owner's computer did not have any protection. It was just that its configuration was too low, and it was far from being as powerful as his hacker's computer. However, even if it was a normal computer, as long as it worked together with his brain, he would still be able to do the job of a hacker.    


Roughly ten minutes later, Xia Lei entered the transportation system in Jerusalem, and the computer display displayed the road monitoring screen that he wanted.    


The main roads in Jerusalem are staffed with checkpoints, as well as heavily armed Israel Defense Forces (IDF) cards. However, no one could actually surround a city. There were some remote places where no Israeli Defence Force soldiers could set up a checkpoint. There was no problem entering Jerusalem from those places. It was also during this process that Xia Lei had already drawn out a safe route in his mind. With this safe route, he could wake Kyoko Tsukino up and bring her into Jerusalem. Then, he could find a place to meet up with Sayimu and Yasuya Khan.    


After obtaining the safe route he wanted, Xia Lei's surveillance footage shifted to Tel Aviv Airport. It wasn't that he wanted to fly out of Israel, it was just that he wanted to see the controls at the airport.    


The monitor screen of Tel Aviv airport soon appeared on the computer monitor. There were a large number of IDF soldiers patrolling outside the airport, and they did not relax even at dawn. It was the same in the terminal, where all the people waiting for the flight were watched by the police and the military. Israel even used riot dogs to sniff the passengers' hearts. As long as there were weapons and ammunition, the military dogs would warn him.    


"Did the President of Israel give the order? Isn't this too exaggerated? " A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. He really wanted to understand how this matter had developed to such an exaggerated state, but he didn't have the slightest clue.    


At this moment, a few people suddenly walked out of the security check passage and entered the reception hall. There were Mexicans among them, Asians and Europeans, small but diverse. However, the surveillance footage was not clear enough to see the details of their faces.    


"There are no flights to Tel Aviv airport at this time of the year. These people are coming out of the airport at this time of the year, obviously on a private plane. Who would fly to Tel Aviv on a private plane at this time of year? " Xia Lei was a little curious, and he enlarged the monitor screen.    


The monitor screen was not too tall, but the facial features of the men could be clearly seen.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on one of the faces and was immediately stunned. The guy he was eyeing was a white old man. He was skinny but very energetic. His entire body was like a sharpened knife. This white old man was the FA's chief instructor, Augustman.    


Xia Lei's gaze then moved to a face beside Augustman. It was the face of an Asian man and that guy was none other than the FA's Military Advisor, Yan Fo.    


At that time in the United States, Augustman and Yan Fo led the FA's elite killers from Huasheng. He chased him all the way to the Mexican border. Afterwards, he used the predator B to assault the convoy that was heading to the farm to kill him. At that time, all of them died, including Augustman and Yan Fo. Later, when Celita appeared in the capital to assassinate him, he suspected that the two were still alive. He wanted to keep Celita alive, and one of his goals was to ask about Celita and Yan Fo's situation. Unexpectedly, Celita had self-destructed and died, but Augustman and Yan Fo had managed to enter his line of sight.    


"Why would the FA come here? And it was even big shots like Augustman and Yan Fo, could it be that FA knew about the secrets of the crystal skull too? If so many people know about the crystal skull's secret, then why is it that after blocking the entrance to the pyramid all these years, you can't think of ways to take it away? " Xia Lei was confused.    


Indeed, if the people from FA were aware of the secrets of the crystal skull, with the style of FA, even if they took the crystal skull away, the mountain would collapse and the people who enter the pyramid would be smashed to death.    


If FA knew, would the more powerful CIA not know? If the CIA knew that with the strength of the United States, they would have taken the crystal skull away even if they had to move the entire place.    


Therefore, both possibilities were very low, especially for the latter. However, excluding the possibility that the FA knew about the crystal skull, Xia Lei couldn't think of any reason why Augustman and Yan Fo would come to Israel at this critical juncture.    


In the surveillance footage, a few members of the FA were stopped by a few soldiers from the National Defence Force. A riot dog roared at Augustman, looking extremely fierce. However, there was no sound of a dog barking at all in the surveillance footage.    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto the monitoring screen and used his lip language to decipher the conversation that was about to begin.    


A second lieutenant spoke in English. The content of the speech was to have Augustman and the others show their identification and allow them to search their bodies. Augustman did not say a word, but Yan Fo asked for the reason. The second lieutenant's answer was that he suspected they had weapons on them.    


Yan Fo stopped talking to the Israeli second lieutenant. He took out his cell phone and made a call.    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto Yan Fo's lips and read his words, "We're here, we met with some trouble at the airport, I'll have to trouble you to tell your people." Then he handed the phone to the second lieutenant.    


The Second Lieutenant took the phone from Yan Fo, "Hello? Yes... "Well, yes, all right." After a simple call, he handed the phone over to Yan Fo and said: "Sorry, because I don't know the situation. You can leave now. If you need me to send a car, I can arrange it for you. "    


Augustman finally spoke, "There's no need." With these words, he walked towards the door of the reception hall.    


Yan Fo continued to talk to someone as he walked, "48 Holy Cross Street, okay, we'll meet up soon." He hung up.    


Xia Lei adjusted the monitoring screen to outside the hall.    


Augustman and Yan Fo walked out of the plane receiving hall. On the road, there were already two Mercedes-Benz sedans. The FA men got into the two Mercedes cars and headed for the city.    


Xia Lei exited the monitoring system and turned off the computer. He walked to the side of the bed and patted Kyoko Tsukino's face, "Heh, wake up, it's time to put on some makeup."    


Kyoko Tsukino opened her eyes and nodded her head. Then, she added, "Can you help me change the medicine? My wound is very itchy. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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