Tranxending Vision

C1016 Starry Night Chase

C1016 Starry Night Chase

Ten minutes after the explosion, a Nighthawk helicopter turned into a military base on the outskirts of Jerusalem and flew to the settlement. A few armed men in black suits got off the helicopter and investigated the situation. Residents of the settlements drove in all directions, carrying weapons. Israel was a nation of soldiers for all. Every adult was required to serve in the military. They were also militia who could go to war at any time.    


After that, no one was on board. The aircraft also came from the direction of Jerusalem and began to search in different directions. Air reconnaissance for ground searchers.    


The desert raiders ran through the wilderness, like a beast in the dark without a light.    


In the next moment, Xia Lei turned his head to look at the sky and suddenly stopped his car. At this time, the desert assaulter that Xia Lei was piloting was still at least an hour away from reaching Gaza.    


Kyoko Tsukino also realized something, she turned to take a glance back, but she didn't see anything. She probed, "Boss, have any pursuers caught up?"    


Xia Lei replied: "It's the Israeli military that doesn't have anyone. "Machines."    


Kyoko Tsukino was extremely curious, her eyesight was good, but even though she did not see anything, Xia Lei had already seen through them. Machine. Are his eyes the eyes of an eagle? However, although she was very curious, she did not ask any further questions.    


"I never thought that they would catch up so quickly. Looks like that couple is really from Mossad." Xia Lei was very anxious in his heart.    


"I asked them what their mission was, and that guy, the one called Hamer, told his woman to kill me. I suppose they must be protecting the secrets of that pyramid. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"It's very close." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino turned around to take another glance, but she still didn't see anything.    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across the environment outside the carriage, and then shifted to the direction of the trunk. With just a glance, Xia Lei opened the carriage door, and then went to the back of the carriage and opened the trunk. He opened the trunk door. In the trunk was a sack of flour, a bottle of olive oil, and a large roll of foil. It was foil for roast meat and bread, and it was new.    


Xia Lei took the foil out and quickly walked to the front door of the passenger compartment. He opened the car door, carried Kyoko Tsukino and ran towards the bushes beside the carriage.    


"You ? What are you trying to do? " Kyoko Tsukino could not understand Xia Lei's mind at all.    


Xia Lei left Kyoko Tsukino in the shrubbery, then returned to the desert to attack. He took out the two equipment packs and quickly ran to the bushes without closing the door. Once inside the bushes, he grabbed the roll of foil and pulled it out, saying, "Quickly, quickly wrap yourself in the foil!"    


"Wrapping your body in foil?" Kyoko Tsukino still did not understand Xia Lei's motive.    


"No one. The camera of the machine is equipped with heat imaging capabilities. If we were caught by it, Mossad will definitely use air power. At that time, we won't be able to escape from Israel! " When he was speaking, Xia Lei had already wrapped two pieces of foil around his body.    


Kyoko Tsukino finally understood that she had started to wrap herself in the foil. In her heart, she admired Xia Lei's insight and ability to adapt on the spot.    


Very quickly, Xia Lei's entire body was wrapped with foil, and he helped wrap Kyoko Tsukino's body. Her condition had not recovered, and her hands and feet were not nimble. He helped wrap her legs around her and her waist.    


Kyoko Tsukino wrapped a piece of foil around her chest, but because it was so big, she couldn't even make it good for two times. If she let go, the foil would fall off. Her breasts were like two mischievous rabbits, yet she had to go against them at this time.    


Xia Lei picked up the piece of foil and poked two holes into the foil with his fingers. Then, he pressed the foil on Kyoko Tsukino's chest, grabbed the tallest piece and pulled it out ? ? The problem was solved.    


Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei, dumbstruck.    


Xia Lei did not explain anything, and suddenly pushed her down into the shrubbery. He and she lay on their backs in the bushes, one of his hands raised, his tinfoil arm just covering the two parts he had poked through. Tin foil is rotten, and under it it is soft. That was all.    


"You ?" Kyoko Tsukino didn't know what to say anymore.    


"Hush, it's coming. Don't move." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino looked up at the sky with her pair of big, black eyes. When her gaze stopped, she saw that there was no one in the attack range of an IDF heron. The opportunity appeared in the sky. Huge wings could be seen, as could the ground-to-ground missiles mounted on the launchers.    


The heron had no one. The aircraft circled the sky as if investigating a target on the ground. Its target was obviously the desert assault vehicle parked in the wilderness. Behind it, there were countless of people staring at the satellite images it had sent back.    


"Boss, to be honest, I really admire you." Kyoko Tsukino's voice was soft, but it was loud enough for Xia Lei to hear him clearly.    


Xia Lei's voice was also very soft, "Actually, what I want to lead the most is a normal person's life."    


"That's impossible." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, he knew that it was already impossible. He was on a path that could not be turned back. This was just like his body, constantly evolving and unable to degenerate.    


"They said your body evolved, is that true?"    


"It's true." Xia Lei looked up at the sky. The heron 2 was still circling around in the sky, but from its flight trajectory, it had expanded its scope of detection.    


Since there was no one in the car, the person who operated the car would most likely make the judgement that the person in the car had abandoned the car and escaped. Thus, expanding the scope of the search would become the correct decision.    


"Is that part of you good?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice was even softer now.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"We might die here. Tell me, I want to know."    


Xia Lei was very embarrassed, "Yes."    


"What does that mean?"    


"What do you think it means?" Xia Lei changed the topic, "That place has no one. "How much longer do we have to scout?"    


"Actually, I can guess, you have four wives, and they are all very happy and happy with you. This means that you are very powerful. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Why did she ask that?    


What did she want?    


At this moment, the heron that was circling in the sky had no one. The plane suddenly fired a missile at the ground. The missile flew with a dazzling tail of fire toward the desert raiders who had stopped in the middle of the wilderness.    




The desert assailants were blown to pieces, their wreckage and parts flying in all directions.    


After blowing up the desert raiders, the heron left the sky and flew in the direction of Gaza.    


"The people from the Mossad must have guessed that we were going to Gaza. Right now, who knows how many people from the Mossad and the people from the Israel Defense Forces are on the border of Gaza."    


"Are we still going?"    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "To go now is equivalent to walking into a trap."    


"Then where are we going?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


"Since they all think we are going to Gaza, we will do the opposite. The most dangerous place is actually the safest place. We're going to Jerusalem. " Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino said, "Even if we don't go to Gaza, we can go to Jordan. Why do we have to go to Jerusalem?"    


"Jordan's borders have definitely been closely monitored. If you can think of it, so can the Mossad. We are facing a country, not an enemy. It would be easy for them to block the border between Jordan and Gaza. " Xia Lei said.    


"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'm just making a suggestion. Even if you go to hell, I'll accompany you. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "If you want to go, then go to heaven, hell is not good." He reached out to help her up.    


Du du du, du du...    


Just then, the satellite telephone on Xia Lei's body suddenly rang, he then took out his satellite telephone and picked up the phone, his voice low, "It's me."    


"Boss, I only have thirty seconds. Listen carefully." Sayimu's voice sounded, "We were chased by the Mossad and are currently hiding in Gaza. "Where are you?"    


Xia Lei replied, "Xingzi and I are in the outskirts of Jerusalem."    


"Don't come to Gaza. The border has been blocked and a large number of IDF troops are operating."    


Xia Lei wrinkled his brows, what Sayimu said was exactly the same as what he had guessed.    


"Where are you going next?"    


"Jerusalem." Xia Lei said: "Can you come over?"    


"We can come, but we need some time to prepare. You guys be careful. Next time. " Sayimu hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch, this time the call only lasted for exactly thirty seconds, not more than a second, not less than a second.    


His purpose for calling Xia Lei at this time was very simple. Other than wanting to know about Xia Lei and his situation, he also had to remind Xia Lei of the situation at the border. He was an intelligence expert from the Zodiac Clan, and he himself was from the Middle East. He definitely had more information than Xia Lei.    


It was also the call from Sayimu that made Xia Lei relax a little. , Ye Liena and Yasuya Khan were fine, this was extremely important to him.    


The two of them left the shrubbery and turned in the direction of Jerusalem. However, the two of them had taken a new route, bypassing the settlement they had previously left.    


The two of them were still wrapped in the foil, and they walked with a 'cha-cha' sound. Kyoko Tsukino lowered her head and looked at the part of her that was exposed from the hole in the foil. Her mind was not on how to get to Jerusalem, but on how to replay the scene of the thing that had grabbed her from the foil.    


Xia Lei was also thinking about other things, "Before history, the only grave was discovered under the Church of the Holy Tomb. Before his death, the only pyramid constructed was also discovered in the suburbs of Jerusalem. Also, the only fight between Zhu Xuanyue and the beasts in the prehistoric era was held in Jerusalem ? How could I have ignored the existence of Israel? What role does Israel play in this series of events? "    


Yes, his attention had always been on the United States and the FA, never on Israel. Now, Israel was in his line of sight. However, he knew that this was not a good thing. If he was asked to make a choice between the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad, he would rather choose the American CIA. One must know that the style of the Mossad is unique in the whole world. Their goal is to kill the enemy if they want to kill you.    


"Boss, can I take off the foil? They keep ringing. " Kyoko Tsukino's voice interrupted Xia Lei's thoughts.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't, keep it. Mossad will not just send one. "Machines."    


Kyoko Tsukino shrugged her shoulders, and the part of the foil that was exposed through the hole trembled.    


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