Tranxending Vision

C1006 Jerusalem, father's hint!

C1006 Jerusalem, father's hint!

Two days later, in Jerusalem.    


A Jeep Wrangler pulled out of the city and headed east. There were five people on the carriage, and the one driving was Xia Lei. Ye Liena, Yasuya Khan, Sayimu and Kyoko Tsukino sat in the carriage, contentedly enjoying the ride service Xia Lei provided them.    


The members of any of the four Zodiac Clan s could drive, but they had no idea where Xia Lei was heading to. Not to mention the exact coordinates, there wasn't even an approximate direction. In this situation, only Xia Lei could pilot it.    


The place Xia Lei wanted to go was the pyramid that managed to dig out the AE capsules. However, he didn't know the exact location, and the only reference object he had was the Church of the Holy Tomb in Jerusalem.    


"Boss, where are we going?" Sayimu asked.    


"I don't know either." Xia Lei said. He looked back in the rearview mirror and saw that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre had been left far behind.    


"Not even a name?" Sayimu said.    


Xia Lei shook his head.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Sayimu, stop asking. The general assembly has brought us to ? "Where?"    


"Hahaha!" Yasuya Khan laughed.    


"You monkey, don't laugh, your laughter is too unpleasant." Kyoko Tsukino said as she glared at Yasuya Khan.    


The five people in the car were all unfamiliar faces. Each of them had an exquisite human skin on their face. Mask. They had to avoid the eyes of the Israeli Mossad and the CIA's spies.    


After the car had gone on for some distance, a bare hill appeared in front of them, and the road around it was cut off. A warning sign stood beside the broken roadbed of the excavator. On it were written in Hebrew and English: Ahead is the location of the disaster.    


"No way." Sayimu said: "Boss, we have to find another path."    


Xia Lei stopped the car, he raised his head and looked out the window at the mountain, as if he had thought of something. He pictured the video in which an archaeologist named George stood on a hillside and looked back at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the city of Jerusalem.    


"Boss?" Sayimu's voice.    


Only then did Xia Lei come back to his senses. He suddenly drove the Gyp Wrangler out of the road and headed towards the foot of the mountain. The stones on the ground jolted the Jeep Wrangler up, causing Ye Liena to accidentally hit his head. Fortunately, it was only a few minutes' journey before the Jeep Wrangler reached the foot of the mountain from the wasteland.    


Xia Lei opened the door and got off the car, while saying: "Let's get off, we have to go over this hill."    


The four Zodiac Clan members got off the carriage and took their equipment packs from the trunk.    


"Boss, where are we going?" Kyoko Tsukino could not help but ask.    


Xia Lei first turned around and looked in the direction of the Church of the Holy Tomb, then said while pointing at the mountain: "There's a pyramid in this mountain, the place I want to go to is precisely this place."    


"Wow!" Yasuya Khan's voice was very exaggerated, "Pyramid? And it's the pyramid in the heart of the mountain. Boss, I believe everything you say, except this sentence. "    


Ye Liena and Sayimu also had expressions of disbelief. There was a pyramid hidden in the middle of the mountain, and it sounded very strange. Anyone with a normal mind would not believe it.    


"Let's go. You'll know when the time comes." Xia Lei did not explain any further as he carried his equipment bag and climbed up the mountain.    


The four members of Zodiac Clan followed Xia Lei and climbed up the mountain as they chatted.    


"Boss, what are you doing?" Sayimu said: "The Grand China is hosting a funeral for our boss. He went to this place where no eggs are born to find some kind of pyramid. I really can't understand what he is trying to do."    


"Yeah, that's weird." Yasuya Khan said.    


"Stop talking." Kyoko Tsukino said: "Boss definitely has his reasons for doing this, we just need to do as he says."    


"Xingzi, do you like boss?" Yasuya Khan whispered.    


Clang! A warrior. The knife was unsheathed.    


"Well, pretend I didn't say anything." Yasuya Khan shrugged his shoulders.    


Xia Lei had actually heard the discussions of his four subordinates, but his mind was not on these boring things. The contents of the video kept appearing in his mind. Other than comparing the terrain and confirming his position, he was also thinking.    


One of them was his father, Xia Changhe. If the first place he appeared after leaving the capital was Jerusalem, then had he also come to this place? The other question was, who was that man with the king cobra tattoo on his arm? The last question was the man with the eye king snake tattoo on his arm. He was obviously the one who took away the amber capsule containing AE, but why did the AE capsule end up in the AE Research Center?    


He tried to find the answers to the three questions, and he had some analysis of his own, but it didn't feel right.    


An hour later, she brought the four members of the Zodiac Clan up the mountain. Below the mountain was a bare hillside. Rocks and sand made up everything, not even a single blade of grass. At the bottom of the hill was a small valley surrounded by mountains. There were some dry shrubbery in the valley, but it also looked very desolate.    


Xia Lei once again turned his head to look at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the city of Jerusalem. This time he was completely sure that the mountain was the starting point of the video shot by the archaeologist George. The mysterious pyramid was right under his feet in the middle of the mountain.    


"Yasuya Khan, you stay behind and set up a sniper spot. If there's anything, contact us." Xia Lei said.    


"Okay, no problem." Yasuya Khan said. He actually wanted to go in and take a look, but this was Xia Lei's arrangement, he had to obey.    


Xia Lei pointed to the direction of the valley's entrance, "Ye Liena, guard that place. If there's anything, contact me right away."    


"No problem, leave it to me." Ye Liena carried her equipment bag and walked towards the entrance of the valley.    


"Xingzi, Sayimu, the two of you follow me." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Sayimu nodded, then followed Xia Lei down the slope.    


A sniper and Ye Liena who was an expert in control of the environment guarded the outside. Kyoko Tsukino and Sayimu who were experts in assassination and observation, followed him into the pyramid in the belly of the mountain.    


It took them almost an hour to climb the mountain, but it took them less than twenty minutes to walk from the hillside to the foot of the mountain.    


Xia Lei quickly found the entrance. In George's video, the entrance was three meters high and nearly three meters wide. Even an SUV could enter. However, it was now sealed shut, with large rocks blocking the entrance.    


At the end of the video, the man with the King of Glasses tattoo on his arm gave the order to blow up the entrance. He really did it, and it seemed that the group of people had placed a lot of explosives on the rocks at the entrance to the cave when they retreated. They had nearly half of the hill under their feet. If they wanted to go in, they would have to use large engineering machines, such as excavators and forklift trucks, and they would have to work for several days.    


Xia Lei took a look at the situation inside the cave, but his left eye could not see through the huge rocks and into the space inside the cave. He frowned. He felt that he was thinking too simply and too anxiously.    


"Boss, is this the place?" Sayimu was very good at reading people's expressions.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "It's here, but we can't enter."    


Sayimu said: "I'm afraid we need to use engineering machinery, but we are not far from Jerusalem. The Mossad has many spies here, if we move the soil here, they might be able to discover us."    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Why don't we wait till night before moving and blast it with explosives?"    


Sayimu said, "No, there is a high chance that the sound of the explosion will spread to Jerusalem, and the tremors could also be discovered by the Jerusalem Seismological Bureau. This is not a good idea."    


Kyoko Tsukino spread out her hands: "This won't do, even that won't do, then what do we do?"    


Just as Kyoko Tsukino was talking with Sayimu, Xia Lei's line of sight shifted towards a piece of rock. There was a sharp line drawn on the rock. It seemed irregular, but if one looked closely, one would see that there seemed to be Chinese characters hidden within the line.    


Xia Lei's left eye had "absorbed" those seemingly disorderly lines. In his mind, he showed the pattern formed by those lines, and then analyzed the group at 360 degrees without any blind spots, filtering, assembling, and reforming. He quickly discovered a rule. It was that the lines were carved very forcefully, but the lines were carved very lightly. There was a distinct feeling between the lines. After that, he removed the heavy marks, leaving only the lighter ones. Two Chinese characters appeared in his mind ? ? Zuo Bai.    


The handwriting was a bit familiar.    


"Zuo Bai?" Xia Lei was confused, "What does that mean?"    


These two characters looked like a Chinese name, but if one were to analyze them alone, it was a description of their direction and distance. Just which type, yet very difficult to determine.    


"Wait ?" Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "This is father's handwriting! No wonder... "So familiar!"    


The words his father had left behind could no longer be just a name, but a direction and a distance! He had been here, he was telling him in this way ? a hundred meters to the left!    


In fact, many of us did that when we were kids. Bricks or stones were scrawled on the school walls, painted, and then scrawled out. However, no matter how he drew it, the original drawing could still be traced back to him. That was because the drawing was real, and it was only concealed.    


"What's one hundred meters to the left?" Xia Lei looked to the left, but there was only a corner left, and he could not see the scene on the other side.    


"Boss, we have to think of another way." Sayimu said.    


"Follow me." Xia Lei walked towards the left.    


Sayimu glanced at Kyoko Tsukino, and then shrugged his shoulders helplessly.    


Kyoko Tsukino rolled his eyes very straightforwardly. She had never given the Iraqi suitor any face.    


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