Tranxending Vision

C998 samurai Contest

C998 samurai Contest



Amidst the earth-shaking explosion, the containers of the container cars were immediately torn apart. The armed personnel inside the containers were instantly torn apart by the energy shock wave s, their bodies falling apart. Death had taken them away before they even had time to experience the feeling of death.    


The 20-ton car was also overturned. The armed man crouching beside the wheel, pretending to change his tire, escaped the blast wave, but failed to escape the overturned container truck. He was pressed under the car and died in the shape of a pancake, with eggs and bacon.    


Thump, thump, thump ?    


The machine guns on the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle shot out towards the forest where the family samurai was hiding. The dense cluster of machine guns and artillery shells was like an ancient armored cavalry army, surging forward like a tide and sweeping away anyone who blocked them!    


Trees were smashed or thrown to the ground. family samurai who was hiding at the edge of the forest were similar to the trees around them. Their bodies were instantly torn apart as thighs, arms, heads, and organs flew everywhere.    


Some warriors who were on the ground in time were lucky enough to escape the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle's assault, but the Goddess of Luck still didn't pity them. The people on the road were already attacking them with weapons, they were actually the most elite special forces sent by the military. They were Xia Lei's guests after he put on the suit, and they were unhesitatingly killing people when they picked up their weapons.    


All of a sudden, blast assault rifle s began to madly fire, bombarding the area, and killing with their XL2500 sniper rifle. The survivors of Hattori family, who had been pressured by the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle to the point that they couldn't even lift their heads, were now in the middle of their last nightmare. They, who wielded cold weapons, were beaten into a pile of minced meat before they could even shoot a crossbow at the people on the road.    


The ambush became a massacre.    


The battle had lasted no more than two minutes from beginning to end.    


In two minutes, Celita and Hiyakusai Hattori had already retreated a hundred meters away.    


Two minutes ago, both of them were very confident that they could kill Xia Lei. Hiyakusai Hattori even had a plan to kill Celita and her subordinates after the operation ended, but now, he couldn't wait for Celita to become a team that would dare to die and help him block the pursuers behind him.    


The relationship between people was just that strange.    


"Damn it!" As Celita sprinted forward, she roared in anger, "What exactly happened here?"    


"The CIA gave us the wrong information!" Hiyakusai Hattori said: "Xia Lei already knew about our plans. He used his wedding to lure us to our deaths, and then ?"    


Afterwards, he and Celita were like two wild dogs as they ran in the mountain forest. As the guardian of the Hattori family, and the leader of all the ninjas of the Hattori family, what happened today caused him to lose his honor and face. Then what, he couldn't say.    


"That night was an opportunity, but you gave it up!"    


"Now is not the time for accountability! If we want to get out of here alive, we have to cooperate! " Hiyakusai Hattori roared at Celita.    


The corner of Celita's mouth quirked into a cold smile. In reality, if not for this reason, she would have already shot at Hiyakusai Hattori.    


They sprinted all the way. The top killer of the FA, the guardians of the Hattori family, were like two stray dogs. It was for no other reason but because this was the Grand China and also an important place in the capital. Once the Grand China's army launched a comprehensive search, they would not be able to escape even if they had wings! Therefore, they had to escape the most dangerous area before that happened!    


Chattering ?    


A flock of birds suddenly flew up from the forest in front of them.    


Hiyakusai Hattori suddenly stopped in his tracks, extended his hand out and grabbed the warrior. He drew his knife, and at the same time, he held onto a shuriken. The blade of the shuriken was poisoned, and he held it very carefully.    


Celita also stopped in her tracks, staring at the direction where the bird had flown. As the Chief Assassin of FA, her vigilance and prediction of danger was no weaker than Hiyakusai Hattori's.    


In the blink of an eye, the flock of birds flew far away, and their cries could no longer be heard. The forest was silent. There was no other sound, not even a breath of wind. His vision was a field of withered yellow. A few trees were green, but only a few looked like pagodas. There wasn't even the slightest bit of life left in them. The forest seemed to be dying, first the trees, then everything.    


No one appeared.    


Hiyakusai Hattori and Celita looked at each other, and then, both of them nodded at the same time.    


Celita placed the sniper rifle on the ground, then pulled out his gun and slowly moved forward. Her gun was the same as the one used by Nomosha. They were all specially made pistols with extremely large caliber.    


Hiyakusai Hattori also carefully moved forward, but his movements were even more exquisite than Celita's. He moved a few steps, then stopped behind a tree, observed it with his eyes and ears, and suddenly sprang out from behind the tree, sprinting forward again. His warriors. The blade in his right hand was still in the same posture as if it could hack out at any time.    


After all, he came from a ninja background. His every move was imprinted with the mark of a ninja, and it was impossible to erase.    


The two of them quickly approached the place where the birds flew. There was no one there, but on the trunk of a tree, they stabbed an A4 piece of paper onto it with their military knife.    


On the paper, there was a sentence: I'll give you one minute to surrender, one minute to surrender.    


This was simply a trampling irony!    


Hiyakusai Hattori waved his right hand, and the warrior in his right hand appeared. The knife drew a silver line and instantly cut through the A4 paper. That piece of A4 paper was used by the samurai. The blade came down from the tree trunk. The cut was smooth and the scarier part was that he only cut off the paper and did not touch the bark at all!    


In the modern world, anyone who had practiced saber arts to such an extent, whether it was an enemy or friend, was worthy of respect.    


"Xia Lei!" Celita suddenly roared: "Come out!"    


No one answered, and the forest was silent. Celita's voice resonated in the forest.    


"Are you a turtle? Come out ? ? "Celita bellowed," Fight like a man!    


Just then, Hiyakusai Hattori suddenly jumped out horizontally. As soon as he dodged, one of his shuriken swords stabbed into the trunk of a tree, and he was still there a few seconds before midnight.    


The enemy had finally made his move. He was also a ninja!    


Hiyakusai Hattori also could not hold it in anymore. Hiding behind a tree trunk, he spoke with Japanese: "Who are you? Why did he have to work so hard for the Chinese!? "Shame!"    


As soon as his opponent made a move, he knew that he had encountered a companion.    


Tuk, tuk, tuk ?    


The sound of gunfire rang out as the bullets from the rifle rained down from several directions. The trunk of the tree trembled and wood chips flew everywhere. The wooden splinters were like daggers that pierced into the bodies of Celita and the others, ripping their clothes to shreds and slicing their skin!    




Celita shot in a certain direction. Under the loud gunfire, half of a locust tree's trunk was instantly ripped off by a special bullet!    


Puff! A bullet suddenly came from behind Celita, and fiercely penetrated into her right wrist that held the gun. That was a blast assault rifle warhead, it had destroyed Celita's wrist bones and nerves, she was no longer able to hold on to that specially made gun. It slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.    


Celita's reaction was extremely fast, and when she was shot, he immediately fell to the ground, then extended her left hand to grab the spear.    


Puff! He was shot in the back of his left hand, and the phalanges of his middle and index fingers were broken. With such a hand, she wouldn't be able to pull the trigger even if she grabbed her gun.    


A young man appeared from behind a tree. He was none other than the person the FA and Hattori family were going to kill, Xia Lei.    


In this forest, Xia Lei had already returned to his original appearance. He looked sunny and handsome. The faint smile on his face was filled with confidence and calmness. It was very charming. He looked like a donkey friend on an outdoor expedition, not a killer with a gun.    


Xia Lei appeared and suddenly waved his left hand. The shuriken that was in his left hand suddenly flew towards Xia Lei.    


Ding! Another shuriken came from the side and blocked Hiyakusai Hattori's shuriken. The two shurikens collided in midair and then stabbed into a tree.    


A female Ninja in a red ninja attire appeared from the side, her hand holding a warrior. Knife.    


Zodiac Clan, Kyoko Tsukino.    


After Kyoko Tsukino appeared, a few people walked out from the other three directions. Separated Ye Liena, Erdelmtu, Arresian, Yasuya Khan, Sayimu, four other female Knights, Giovanna, Stella, Rosa and Theresa. This was the first time they had participated in an operation together with other members of the Zodiac Clan.    


Other than Pig Liang Siyao, Long Bing, who was about to take command of the Zodiac Clan, and the mysterious snake that was about to take part in the operation, the members of the Zodiac Clan were all gathered.    


With the almost complete Zodiac Clan and Xia Lei, let alone the two big fish that escaped the net, even if the armed forces and ninjas that participated in the ambush didn't die, they could still kill them both!    


The reason why Hiyakusai Hattori and Celita, these two big fish that had escaped the net, had appeared was because Xia Lei had deliberately made an opening on the net so that Hiyakusai Hattori and Celita could get into the ambush circle in front of them. If he let these two people get killed, or if he was arrested by the military, he would have some questions.    


Xia Lei walked towards Celita and Hiyakusai Hattori.    


Kyoko Tsukino followed closely behind, her gaze never leaving Hiyakusai Hattori's body, being on guard against him making another move.    


"Who are you?" Hiyakusai Hattori said coldly: "Why do you need to do something for Xia Lei? Don't you know that he is an enemy of Japan? "    


"I hate you right-wingers. Don't say anything about Japan in front of me. My knife only drinks blood for those I want to serve." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Scum!" Hiyakusai Hattori suddenly waved his blade and pounced on Kyoko Tsukino.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Ye Liena suddenly opened fire, and three bullets flew in a straight line towards the ground in front of Hiyakusai Hattori.    


Hiyakusai Hattori suddenly stopped in his tracks. No matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be faster than a bullet. As long as Ye Liena was willing, he could open a few holes in Yun Che's body at any time.    


"Let me play with him." Kyoko Tsukino said: "The guardian of the Hattori family, I want to see how powerful he is."    


Hiyakusai Hattori stood still with the blade in his hand. In this situation, he already knew he had no way out. Instead of falling down like a dog, he might as well pull someone with him before he dies. Furthermore, this was a scum of the Da He race!    


Kyoko Tsukino moved towards Hiyakusai Hattori, holding onto his blade. Her steps were very particular. She could attack, retreat, or defend.    


Xia Lei said: "Xingzi, can you not play? A single shot to the ground. Take it away with you. "    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Give me one minute, I only want one minute."    


Both of them were experts who use cold weapons, it was a rare chance to meet one, Kyoko Tsukino really wanted to fight with Hiyakusai Hattori and verify her cultivation.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, one minute, we will start the timer now."    


Hiyakusai Hattori laughed coldly: "One minute? I only need ten seconds to kill you! "    


As the sound of his voice faded, he suddenly charged forward and slashed down with his saber!    


Kyoko Tsukino waved her blade and blocked, and the two of them instantly clashed.    


Xia Lei walked towards Celita.    


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