Tranxending Vision

C989 contact

C989 contact

At daybreak, Xia Lei came to a high-end residential area.    


Li Youdun's home was in this small district. In the past month, he had visited the place a total of ten times, five of which had taken more than eight hours. In this past month, he had always hoped that the contact person would appear at Li Youdun's home and meet him, but he did not. Even so, he still insisted on coming back every few days.    


This was a must, he was Li Youdun now, how could he not return home for a month? If that was the case, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the CIA's Information Station in the capital.    


Xia Lei used Li Youdun's key to open the door and entered. Li Youdun's house was very quiet, there was not a single sound.    


There was a glass door between the living room and the balcony, and a curtain. Xia Lei stood in the living room. His left eye slightly jumped, and his left eye immediately pierced through the curtain and the glass door. The other building also entered his line of sight. His gaze quickly swept across the windows one by one, observing everything he could see.    


This was not the first time he had done this, and he would always observe it this way when he came to Li Youdun's house. He did not discover anything during the first ten times, but even so, he would not relax.    


The CIA was the world's most powerful intelligence agency, with tens of thousands of people, and everyone had strict and systematic training. Not every one of these people would become spies in field agent or other countries. Some of these men were there to spy on the insiders, and their whereabouts and identities were more secret. With Li Youdun being such an important spy, how could the CIA not send people to monitor him?    


It was for this reason that Xia Lei had observed this from the first time he came here, until now.    


A minute later, Xia Lei's line of sight suddenly froze on a window right in front of him. The window was also closed and the curtains were drawn, but there was a gap between the curtains and the wall. There was a little reflection in that crack.    


Xia Lei's left eye closed the gap, and he quickly saw what was behind it. It was a telescope, and it also had a thermal imaging function. Holding the telescope was a man with yellow skin and black eyes. He looked like an ordinary Chinese man. He was neither tall nor short. He had a medium build and an ordinary appearance. He was the type of person that couldn't be found even if someone tossed him into a crowd of people.    


The Watcher finally appeared.    


Xia Lei was not surprised by the appearance of such a spy. To spy on Li Youdun in an environment like the capital, of course they had to use a Chinese. If it was white or black, it would be an eye-catching target. The CIA could not counter this kind of low-level mistake. No matter which country, which period, there would be no lack of people who sold out their country's good people. For the sake of profit, some people could even sell their own daughters, let alone their own country and nationality.    


When he saw the supervisor, Xia Lei moved. He walked to the glass door between the living room and the balcony, pulled the curtain aside, opened the glass door, and stretched out in the rising sun.    


The curtain of the window in the unit building opposite shifted slightly, the watcher had already hid behind the curtain and did not even leave a single crack for Xia Lei to see.    


Xia Lei turned around and entered the living room, then sat on the sofa and switched on the TV. He watched the news for a while, then went into the bedroom. He showered and went to bed. He did all this to match the character of a man who had been put on the night shift.    


Lying on the bed, he didn't really sleep. He changed his left eye again and continued to observe the Watcher through the wall and the window of the building opposite.    


The watcher was still watching him through his binoculars. The binoculars in his hands obviously did not have the ability to overdraw, but that was about it. He could see the image of Xia Lei lying on the bed and judge if Xia Lei was asleep or doing something else.    


The watcher was patient. He stood behind the window for a long time in the same position, not even moving.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze. He did not have the means to maintain this state of comprehension for a long time, nor was there a need for him to do so. He thought to himself, "Where will the Watcher report my situation to?" Central Langley of the CIA? Or was he the capital's Information Station of the CIA? No contact had appeared for the past month, and as soon as the events of the previous night had occurred, so had the surveillance. It seems that the people from the FA and the people from the Hattori family are in urgent need of information and want to know my situation. Li Youdun is the only way for them to obtain information. "    


Some situations can be guessed even without the use of the superbrain model.    


As he laid down, Xia Lei entered the "sleeping" state. He lay motionless in a sleeping position while his brain analyzed the situation and simulated the response and results under various circumstances. In the end, when he had nothing else to do, he simply began to ponder over the plan of the Secret Gold and the fact that no one was around. Machines, to be more perfect.    


With something to do, time flies. It was four o'clock in the afternoon. It was time to get up.    


Before Xia Lei got up, he took a look at the situation on the other side. What made him speechless was that the fellow was actually still in the same position, and was using the same posture to monitor him. The feeling he got was that the guy was a plastic model in a clothing store, and one that sold work clothes.    


After washing up, Xia Lei went into the living room. He closed the glass door and the curtains. In the process, he saw that guy pull out a satellite telephone and make a call. In the end, the guy didn't use the telescope to spy on him.    


Xia Lei used lip language to analyze the lip language of the scout.    


The monitor spoke in English, "Code name, courier, password FF5230..." He rested at home for eight hours and slept for six. He didn't call, he didn't use the computer. He had already gotten up, and was probably preparing to leave ? I understand. The call is over. " At this point, the Watcher ended the call. He picked up the binoculars again and observed.    


When he ended the call, Xia Lei was actually already at the living room entrance. When he picked up the binoculars, Xia Lei had reached to open the door. The timing was perfect, just right.    


Xia Lei opened the door, carried the briefcase and walked out.    


In the building opposite, the watcher had disappeared behind the curtains.    


At 7: 50 PM, Xia Lei arrived at Leaf Coffee Shop. This coffee shop was opened by a businessman in Indonesia. It is also the most famous cat shit coffee shop in the world. Hundreds and thousands of cups of coffee were not something anyone could afford, so those who came here to drink were celebrities. Meeting in this sort of place seemed like a high-profile act, but it was actually very safe. Because this kind of high-end environment automatically eliminated those who were not in their right mind, once the environment became simple, it would be much easier to observe and control them.    


When Xia Lei went in, there were already some customers, both Chinese and white, all of them dressed decently. He walked to the innermost table, observing as he did so. Faces entered his mind one after another, and he didn't just simply remember them. Every single detail on those faces was stuffed into his brain. Some were looking at a woman's thighs, some were looking at the street outside the window, some were calling for waiters and so on. These details had all been grasped by him, and he hadn't missed a single detail.    


He had to carefully observe and then target one or two targets by eliminating them. This was a must, because the real Li Youdun had already met with this contact more than once. If the contact was in the coffee house and he did not react, this would be a weakness in itself.    


This process seemed complicated, but it only took three seconds. Three seconds later, Xia Lei woke up clairvoyance from his left eye, and once again examined the entire environment. This time his target was not the faces of the guests, but the contents of their clothes.    


It was impossible for that contact to not have something on him, right? A bug, a pinhole camera, a weapon, a pass, that sort of thing. As for him, he only needed to give a few hints.    


With one look, he could see a bunch of items: wallet, cell phone, lipstick, makeup kit, aunt towel, chewing gum, pen, condom ?    


After 30 seconds, Xia Lei finished his perspective, and sat in front of a table. The results of his perspective had come out. He didn't find anything suggestive on anyone. This meant that the contact hadn't arrived yet. He wasn't surprised by this result, he had come here ten minutes in advance for a purpose, his goal was to require some time to observe and search.    


"Sir, what would you like to order?" A waiter came in front of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "A cup of cat poop coffee and a dessert." After a pause, he added, "Chocolate dessert."    


"Yes, sir, please wait a moment." The waiter left.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the door. It was already close to eight, and the contact person should be arriving soon. He looked calm, but only he knew that he was nervous.    


Three minutes later, the waiter returned in front of Xia Lei with a plate. He placed a cup of cat shit coffee and a chocolate dessert on the table, then said politely, "Sir, please enjoy your meal."    


Just as the waiter placed the chocolate dessert on the table, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to his right index finger. There was a distinct cocoon around the joint of his index finger. His heart skipped a beat. "A waiter carrying coffee in a coffee house. Why would there be cocoon skin on the fingers of his right hand?" This cocoon was clearly created by pulling the trigger frequently ? Is he the contact person? "    


However, he quickly rejected this conjecture. If this waiter was the contact, then he would definitely have hinted a moment ago that it was impossible for him to turn around and leave just like that.    


At that moment, a reflection appeared on the coffee cup. It was a reflection from the doorway, and a white man was walking toward him.    


The Caucasian man appeared to be around forty-seven or forty-eight years old. He had a very tall and sturdy build and the lines on his face were very strong. He wore a pair of colorless glasses on the bridge of his nose, which added a touch of gentleness to his appearance. But in Xia Lei's opinion, no matter how cultured he was, he was definitely a decisive character who had experienced hundreds of battles.    


One could pretend to be all sorts of people, but it was hard to change one's temperament. It was only after going through more than a month of imitation training, combined with the ability to control nerves grasped by his super brain, that Xia Lei was able to become Li Youdun completely. And in this world, other than him, who else had the ability to control nerves?    


Xia Lei turned around and glanced at the white man who was walking towards her, and nodded slightly. This was a habit of Li Youdun's. In the past, whenever Li Youdun saw him, he would slightly nod his head at him almost every time.    


The Caucasian man also nodded slightly towards Xia Lei.    


The contact finally appeared.    


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