Tranxending Vision

C987 Mysterious code

C987 Mysterious code

The special forces guarding the Rayma Group began searching the grasslands and forests behind the Peaceful Mansion, but they didn't find any enemies.    


However, this was only the result of the Special Forces's search, and after that, they held a different opinion towards the forest and grass Zodiac Clan.    


Inside the study room, Kyoko Tsukino, who was dressed in black, said: "Boss, your suspicions are correct. We have guests. "    


"Can you tell where it came from?" Xia Lei asked.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "I found some traces in the forest, and they are footprints that have been treated. She's probably European in size. "    


"The people from FA." Xia Lei also had his own judgment.    


"And this." Kyoko Tsukino placed the crossbow on the desk.    


Xia Lei picked up the crossbow arrow and carefully examined it. The crossbow arrows were very special. They were like triangles used in the army, and they even had a gash on them. The arrowhead was made of alloy. It was originally silver in color, but because of the poison, it had turned into the color of a ripe mulberry. With such a dark color, it was not hard to see just how terrifying this poison was.    


There were no marks on the crossbow, making it impossible to determine its owner's identity.    


"This crossbow arrow is not an ordinary crossbow arrow, the arrow is handmade, and it's even tempered in poison. Who would use this kind of weapon now?" Xia Lei said.    


"I recognize this type of crossbow. It belongs to the Hattori family." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Boss." Erdelmtu, who was in the same room as him, said: "We will inform the army and have them send out their aerial forces to search. As for the surface, as long as the military dispatches troops, it's possible to find them. "    


Xia Lei shook his head, "It's just a possibility, not an absolute possibility. Behind him was a huge mountain that stretched for hundreds of kilometers. Once the search failed, they would flee. If we do nothing, they will misjudge us. That is, we did not notice their arrival, and their actions only alerted us for a moment. "    


Liang Siyao, Long Bing, Gray's and their sisters were also standing in the study room. Ye Liena, Arresian, Sayimu and Yasuya Khan were on guard outside.    


Other than the snake, the members of Zodiac Clan had finally gathered. And Long Bing was the person who replaced the snake. The and her sisters had replaced the dead Amanda, Baghu, Markus and Piao Taiyong. Although the Russo's and her sisters couldn't compare to Amanda, Baghu, Markus and Piao Taiyong, they still had their strengths, and that was that they had an armed force formed from fanatical believers. From this point of view, the Zodiac Clan after the Blood Transformation was actually even stronger than before.    


"Hubby, do you mean they'll come back?" Liang Siyao said.    


Xia Lei said: "They will definitely come again."    


Long Bing said: "Hubby, I agree with Erdelmtu's idea. We should report this to the higher ups and then use our aerial and ground search abilities to find them. It's easier for the army to do this than it is for us to do it ourselves, and once the fighting is over, no one can guarantee the integrity of the personnel. "    


She was right. In this land, the army was an absolute power. No one could contend against them. Be it the FA or the Hattori family, all of them were like eggs under tank tracks in front of the army, which could be crushed within seconds.    


Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Lei, waiting for him to make a decision.    


Xia Lei remained silent for a while, before replying, "No, do not let the army step in."    


"Why?" Long Bing looked a little worried.    


Xia Lei said: "The possibility of the army stepping out and capturing those people is very high, but it's not absolute. After all, those people are not ordinary criminals or terrorists. Once they get away, it'll be hard for us to catch them again. But that's not the only reason I made that decision. The real reason I made that decision was... " After a pause, he said, "My Mayflower plan."    


The Mayflower Convention is the foundation of America's nation-building.    


Xia Lei's May Flower Project's target was the United States. Both his actions in the stock market and what he was doing now were aimed at that goal. Amongst the people present in the study room, Long Bing and Liang Siyao knew about the most, while the others knew very little. However, even Liang Siyao and Long Bing did not know the complete contents of the plan.    


It was not that Xia Lei did not want to say it, but there were some things that he could not say.    


"Boss, what kind of plan is this?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Capture the people who invaded here tonight and at most, we will only be able to get rid of them. They were not important figures, just cannon fodder. My goal is the CIA's Information Station in Kyoto. I want to find that place and then pass on to the United States what I want to pass on, as well as what I want to get. That's what I want. "    


Even with this explanation, this was still not the whole of his Mayflower plan, but that was all he could say.    


Erdelmtu laughed, "I understand, boss is setting a long line for big fish. "Tonight we let go of the little fish, next time we'll catch the big fish."    


Xia Lei said: "If I'm not wrong, their next move will not be for long, it will be in three days."    


"Hubby, isn't that the fourth day of the first month? Your wedding to Van. " Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei said: "If it was me, I would also have chosen that day. Ah Bing, after your mission in Japan failed, the FA organization did not make any moves. The Hattori family and FA had used more than a month's time to infiltrate the Grand China and arrive in the capital. They had even chosen to make their move on New Year's Eve. After spending so much time and effort, they definitely wouldn't let go. They're going to be around at the beginning of the month, and we've got plenty of time to get ready. "    


"Will the military still not get involved that day?" Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Let Fan Fan settle this matter, she will settle it."    


On the fourth day of the first month, do you want any sort of military intervention? There was no need to worry about casualties.    


Long Bing nodded her head, "Then I am relieved."    


"Then let's do it like this. Everyone should go and rest." Xia Lei said.    


The group left the study.    


Long Bing was originally walking together with Xia Lei and Liang Siyao, but after walking not too far, she said, "You guys should go to the bridal room. Don't worry about the things outside, I'll watch over them for you guys."    


"How about, you ?" Liang Siyao had some thoughts in her mind.    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Liang Siyao, "Fuck you, today is your wedding night, what can I do for you? Besides, your father is here. If he finds out, I won't be able to beat him. "    


Liang Siyao laughed out loud.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "I'm going to look for Master."    


"I'll go too." Liang Siyao said.    


"Then you guys go, I'll go take a look around the dean's office." Long Bing did not want to join in the fun.    


Xia Lei and Liang Siyao came to Liang Zhengchun's room. Liang Zhengchun had already fallen asleep, and even when he was snoring, he did not sense it when Xia Lei and Liang Siyao entered the room, nor did he wake up.    


When Qin Xiang left, he took off Liang Zhengchun's shoes. Xia Lei picked up Liang Zhengchun's shoes and immediately saw the traces of the crossbow bolt flying towards his shoes. Looking at the crossbow that Kyoko Tsukino had found and then seeing the scrape marks on the soles of his shoes, Xia Lei's heart was filled with lingering fear. If Qin Xiang had not said that sentence at that time and if Liang Zhengchun's reaction had been a little slower, he probably would have died.    


Liang Siyao also saw that trace, and her heart was also filled with lingering fear.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "Don't worry, I won't let this happen again."    


Liang Siyao leaned her head against his shoulder, and her body snuggled into his embrace.    


Xia Lei said softly: "You go back to your room to rest, I'm going out for a while."    


Liang Siyao raised her head and looked at him in shock, "Where are you going?"    


Xia Lei said, "The people from the FA and Hattori family have come and left. What they want to know the most is our reactions, and they only have one way out."    


Liang Siyao suddenly understood Xia Lei's thoughts, "What you mean is ? Li Youdun? "    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "A month's time has passed and I still haven't announced the formula and production technique of Secret Gold. The machine project did not start. Adding on what happened tonight, most of the people who made contact with you will probably show up for these three purposes. "    


"Then you and I ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted her, "Since you have a big stomach, I won't let you do something like that. You can tell Long Bing, Fan Fan and the others about it, but don't ask them to follow you. This matter is of great importance, we cannot let that contact person discover any flaws. "    


Liang Siyao gently bit her cherry lips, "Then be careful."    


Xia Lei kissed her on the cheek, and then left Liang Zhengchun's room. About ten minutes later, he arrived at the building of the Rayma Group Headquarters. He did not walk through the gate, but climbed over the wall.    


After arriving at the office, he opened the safe, took out the makeup tool kit, and then disguised himself as Li Youdun. He checked his reflection in the mirror to make sure there were no flaws before leaving the office, stealthily entering the material lab.    


No one was working overtime in the lab. It was empty and quiet.    


Xia Lei entered Li Youdun's office, he placed all of the electronic equipment related to Li Youdun on the desk, and even switched on the work computer. If the contact person contacted Li Youdun, they would definitely send a signal first, or even a phone call. He had been waiting for this signal every day for the past month, but it had never come. Li Youdun's phone did not receive anyone's call, not even an email or text message.    


New Year's Eve passed, and the first day of the first month arrived.    


"After what happened tonight, can that fellow still hold it in? Don't tell me the people from FA and Hattori family didn't request for any intelligence support? " Xia Lei was starting to lose patience.    


Another hour passed.    


Xia Lei was slightly regretful that he should give up on marriage with Liang Siyao.    


An hour passed.    


Xia Lei stood up and prepared to leave.    


At this moment, a carrier pigeon suddenly flew in from outside the window. It landed on a osmanthus tree outside the window and let out two cries.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat as he opened the window.    


When the window opened, the carrier pigeon flew into Li Youdun's office and landed on the coatrack beside the desk. There was a slip of paper on its hoop. Xia Lei carefully grabbed the carrier pigeon and took off the slip of paper. As soon as he let go, the carrier pigeon flew away, disappearing into the night sky in the blink of an eye.    


Xia Lei opened the slip of paper, but what was written were not words, but numbers: 11, 45, 89, 69.    


What is this?    


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