Tranxending Vision

C964 Cracking

C964 Cracking

The silver Rolls-Royce stopped beside Xia Lei, and Shentu Tianyin rolled down the window, "I was just about to go look for you at your company, why are you on my way?"    


"I came to check on the progress of the church." Xia Lei said. He glanced at the backseat of the Rolls Royce, and saw that Shentu Tianyin was the only one there. "Why did you come out by yourself? It's not safe. "    


"Are you worried that I've been kidnapped?" The corner of Shentu Tianyin's mouth raised in a beautiful curve.    


Xia Lei said: "You are the female head of the Grand China, the number of bad people who will take note of you shouldn't be few. Be careful."    


However, Shentu Tianyin said: "If I was kidnapped, would you come to save me?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "You knew I would, but I do not wish for that to happen. Next time when you come out, bring two bodyguards along with you."    


"Mm, I'll listen to you." Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei said: "Why are you looking for me?"    


"Let's get in the car and talk." Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei subconsciously glanced at the office building at Rayma Group's headquarters again.    


Shentu Tianyin's eyes immediately flashed with a tinge of resentment, "Are you afraid that Liang Siyao will see that?"    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly, "How could that be?" He walked around the front of the car, opened the door, and got into the passenger seat.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "You can't deceive me, you are just afraid of being seen by Liang Siyao. So what if she saw it? We're just talking, not going to bed. Besides, it's not like we haven't gone to bed before. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


If these words came out of Shentu Tianyin's mouth, it would truly be "precious". Other men would not be able to hear it for their entire lives.    


Shentu Tianyin turned the car around and headed towards the direction of White Deer Town. That direction was also the direction to the capital.    


"Where are you taking me?" Xia Lei asked.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "I'm going to America. Before I leave, I want to have a meal with you.    


She's already in the car, can't you not honor her?    


Xia Lei replied: "Of course you can, but I still want to advise you."    


"What?" Shentu Tianyin glanced at Xia Lei.    


"Don't go to America." Xia Lei said.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Wanxiang Group going public is a huge matter. This is the first step for the Wanxiang Group to enter the European and American markets. As the chairman, I do not need to attend the bell ceremony. "    


Xia Lei stayed silent for a while, before saying: "You should be clear about the relationship between the United States and me. They see me as their enemy, and you are my ?"    


Shentu Tianyin stopped the car, and looked straight at Xia Lei: "Speak, what am I you for?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "You are my ex-wife. If you go to America, they might lay their hands on you and use you to force me to submit. So it's not safe for you to go to America. "    


"Former wife... "Well, is there anyone else who would use his ex-wife to blackmail her ex-husband?" Shentu Tianyin's voice was low, filled with sadness and hidden bitterness.    


"Tianyin, don't misunderstand. It's not that I'm afraid of being threatened, it's just that it's very dangerous for you to go to America. Have you forgotten the matter of the CIA kidnapping you? They can do anything to achieve their goals. "    


"Of course I remember. I'll never forget it. I wasn't afraid at all, because the man who came to save me was a hero. " Shentu Tianyin's gaze landed on Xia Lei's body again, and that pair of eyes were full of expectation.    


"Promise me you won't go to America."    


"Why should I? I'm just an ex-wife. " Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Although she was no longer his wife, if anything really happened to her, he would definitely go and help her. If she was kidnapped by the CIA, he would definitely think of ways to save her. But the best way to deal with it was not to go to America and stay out of trouble and danger. But why hadn't she been persuaded? He had to make things complicated with simple questions.    


There was a strange silence in the Rolls-Royce's mirage. The man and the woman in the car didn't know what to say.    


"Yes, yes." In the end, it was Xia Lei who broke the silent and awkward atmosphere, "Aren't we going to eat? We won't be able to eat like this. "    


Shentu Tianyin smiled lightly, then started the car and drove forward.    


"Um, I'll take that as a promise, okay?" Xia Lei said.    


However, Shentu Tianyin smirked, looking like an unobedient little girl, "I can agree, but you have to convince me."    


"Well, I'll tell you what I think." Xia Lei said, "Although the United States is known as the most prosperous, most fair and free market in the world, that is only capital for Americans, capital for Europe. The Grand China's capital, including the capital of a private person, were all excluded from the concept of fairness and freedom. When the Wanxiang Group invades the U. S. market, you first have to face the rejection of the U. S. 's local capital, as well as the trade barriers erected by the United States. They can find any reason to investigate you and give the Wanxiang Group a sky-high penalty. They could even accuse you of stealing sensitive technology or equipment and throw you in jail. "    


"It's not that exaggerated, right?" Shentu Tianyin was in disbelief.    


Xia Lei said: "I may be exaggerating a bit, but you have to admit that what I said was the truth. There has always been racial discrimination in Europe and the United States. They look down on black people, Middle Eastern people and Chinese people.    


"Isn't there a lot of capital to invest in the United States and Europe?"    


"I know it will be hard to convince you in a short period of time. Just think about it carefully." Xia Lei said.    


"I will think about it, but ?"    


"But what?"    


"It's not good to be convinced. You have to give me some benefits."    


"What kind of benefits do you want?" Xia Lei felt a headache.    


"I'll tell you when I think of it." Shentu Tianyin said.    


What benefits did she want? Xia Lei couldn't guess, so he didn't want to.    


Half an hour later, Rolls-Royce Phantom arrived in the capital city, where Shentu Tianyin had already reserved a dining room. That was a famous western restaurant in the capital, but it only served two guests today. One was Shentu Tianyin, the other was Xia Lei.    


During dinner, Shentu Tianyin did not mention anything about the benefits she wanted. She just kept looking at Xia Lei, and she almost never shifted her gaze away from him.    


In front of the queen was a plate of delicious battle-axe steak and a glass of eighty-two Lafite, but the queen's intention was not beef or wine, but the man in front of her.    


"Promise me you won't go to America." Xia Lei did not give up.    


"Then give me some benefits." Shentu Tianyin drank a mouthful of red wine.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Alright, tell me, what do you want?"    


"I want ?" She already had an answer in mind, but it was hard to say.    


Just then, a woman walked into the dining hall. She took a look at the dining table that Xia Lei and Xia Lei were at and walked over. The waiter tried to dissuade her, but she ignored him.    


Hearing the waiter's voice, Xia Lei and the waiter both turned their heads at the same time, and with one glance, the two of them were slightly stunned.    


The one who came was not Liang Siyao who had come to 'catch' the traitor, but Tang Yuyan.    


Before Tang Yuyan could get close to Shentu Tianyin, she frowned, "What is she doing?" It hadn't been easy for Liang Siyao to catch up to her ex-husband for a meal, but now Tang Yuyan had come. Her mood turned sour all of a sudden.    


"You two are in a good mood. Enjoy the two of you in a restaurant." Tang Yuyan said with a smile.    


Xia Lei said to the waiter: "It's fine, go and busy yourself, we know each other."    


The waiter nodded.    


"Wait, give me a steak, some truffles, and some foie gras for the French." Tang Yuyan said.    


"Okay, please wait, Miss." The waiter left.    


Shentu Tianyin said indifferently: "Your mouth is really Diao, truffles and foie gras are not cheap."    


Tang Yuyan glanced at Xia Lei, "You'll pay for it, right?"    


"You can eat anything you want." Xia Lei said: "Speak, why are you looking for me?"    


Tang Yuyan glanced at Shentu Tianyin but did not say a word.    


Shentu Tianyin was displeased: "Tang Yuyan, I'm treating my ex-husband to a meal, this restaurant is also my bag, you aren't thinking of chasing me away are you?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "Shentu Tianyin, I think you should target Liang Siyao and Fan Fan. Hmm, there's still Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi, not me. They were all about to become mothers. Your ex-husband, your ex-husband, is about to become the father of four children. I don't have anything to do with your ex-husband, so why are you calling me that? "    


Shentu Tianyin was stunned on the spot, a hint of mist appearing in her eyes. Her news was far from being as good as the Director of the 101st Board. If Tang Yuyan had not said it, she would not have known that Xia Lei had actually caused Liang Siyao, Fan Fan Fan, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi to become pregnant with his children.    


"Is this true?" Shentu Tianyin's voice trembled.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, and admitted it. There was nothing to hide, no need. Liang Siyao, Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi and Long Bing were his women and were all pregnant with his children. He could not give all of them the certificate of being wives, but in his heart, they were all his wives, and there was no difference.    


"We... Let's talk another day, I'm full. " Shentu Tianyin got up and left.    


Xia Lei did not say anything, he only watched her leave before looking at Tang Yuyan, "Is this the reason for you coming here?"    


Tang Yuyan replied: "I'm not that bored, I've come to find you to discuss spies."    


"You already know?"    


"It's already weird that I know more about this 101 bureau chief than you do. Don't tell me that you still want me to remain in the dark?" Tang Yuyan said.    


Although she did not say who the source of the information was, Xia Lei knew that it must be Long Bing who had delivered the information to Department 101. After all, she was still a member of the 101st Bureau, she could not hide the fact that a spy had appeared in Rayma Group from her country. She would not hide it.    


"Tell me, what are you going to do?" Tang Yuyan asked.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm thinking of a way to tell you right now."    


Tang Yuyan smirked, "You must have already started to move, but you're not willing to tell me, right?"    


"What I said was true. It's up to you to believe it or not."    


"I just don't believe it."    


"Then there's nothing I can do." Xia Lei said: "Also, since you already dealt with the matter of the spy, then you must also know that Long Bing is very dangerous in Japan, right? What are you going to do? "    


"I can't send any more agents to Japan because this operation is not going to be public. If we let the Japanese get the hang of it, we would be put into a diplomatic passive position. I can't decide whether to send people or not. " Tang Yuyan said.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart. He felt that the Tang Yuyan in front of him was already more and more unfamiliar.    


"Long Bing is one of the strongest agents in Room 101. She will take good care of herself. What we need to solve now is the problem of the Rayma Group having spies, and I will personally be in charge of this matter. Before I came here, I had already checked the information of everyone in the Rayma Group, but there was no one that I could suspect. This is an expert, but I have to find him within a week. " Tang Yuyan said.    


"That's your problem. Take care of it yourself. Also, let me remind you, do not rashly enter the Rayma Group to investigate, otherwise you will alert the enemy. " Xia Lei said, then got up, "You eat slowly, I'm full now, see you later."    


"You ?" Tang Yuyan immediately became angry on the spot.    


Xia Lei turned and left without looking back.    


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