Tranxending Vision

C963 My granddaughter will not marry you

C963 My granddaughter will not marry you

"Brat, you've finally come." As soon as Xia Lei arrived at the entrance of the experiment lab, he was pulled into the material lab by Fan Yiming who was already waiting for him.    


"Grandfather, why are you looking for me?" Xia Lei asked.    


Fan Yiming looked at the other staff members in the laboratory. His lips moved, but he did not say anything.    


Xia Lei had a guess in his heart, and he probed: "Grandfather, what exactly happened?"    


"You've already called me grandpa, Fan Fan also told me that I'm going to be an Ancestral grandpa, right?" Fan Yiming stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "Yes, grandfather, Fan Fan has a child."    


"We're a family, aren't we?" Fan Yiming said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Of course, we are one family." At this time, he had already understood why Fan Yiming had called him here to talk.    


Sure enough, after going around in a circle, Fan Yiming got down to business, "Tell Grandfather, how did you solve the problem of the stability of Secret Gold X?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Speak." Fan Yiming urged, looking very anxious.    


Xia Lei said: "Grandfather, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but it's just that the timing is wrong."    


"The timing is wrong?" Fan Yiming frowned, "When are you going to tell me? Noon? Or before work in the afternoon? "    


Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. It was very light.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the direction of the door, his left eye moved slightly, and his ability to see anything was awakened. A woman came into view, carrying a cardboard box that held most of the cases of glassware. She walked carefully, afraid that she would drop the cardboard box she was holding.    


She walked past the door without pausing and headed straight for the other end of the corridor.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze. The spy incident had made him a bit suspicious. Even the slightest hint of suspicion would arouse his suspicions.    


"Tell me, when are you going to tell me?" Fan Yiming didn't even know what Xia Lei was observing.    


Xia Lei said: "Grandfather, how about this, the day of my marriage with Fan Fan Fan, I will tell you, I will treat it as my betrothal gift, how about it?"    


"You're afraid of leaks, aren't you?" Fan Yiming was slightly unhappy.    


Xia Lei said: "Grandfather, we are a family, how can I not believe you? "But ?" It was just that Fan Yiming did not have the ability to be an anti-spy, it was just that he could not let Fan Yiming know that there was a spy lurking in the Rayma Group for the time being.    


"Don't call me grandpa. My granddaughter won't marry you. I don't agree." Fan Yiming said, and observed Xia Lei's reaction.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, Grandfather, you can go back to your work first, I will go to the workshop to take a look."    


"I really won't let Fan Fan to marry you, you ?" "You have to think this through!" Fan Yiming was like a child at this time. This was the first time he had threatened Xia Lei with his precious granddaughter, but the results were practically zero.    


Xia Lei turned around and smiled, "Grandfather, do you want me to tell Fan Fan what you said just now?"    


"Huh?" Fan Yiming panicked and quickly waved his hands, "No, no, haha, I was just joking."    


"I was only joking. I've decided, Grandfather, that when I married Fan Fan, I would give you that secret as a gift. " Xia Lei said.    


"Don't lie to me."    


"When did I lie to you?"    


"You tricked my granddaughter and you still haven't lied to me? You stinking brat, you're not nice at all. " Fan Yiming muttered.    


Xia Lei did not bother with him anymore, and left the room.    


"Chairman Xia." In the material laboratory, Li Youdun greeted Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "What have you been doing these past two days?"    


Li Youdun said, "Secret Gold X has already been studied successfully, and the experiment stage is already over. "I'm preparing for the production phase. Xia Dong, you need the most advanced material workshop in the country. I need to give you a proposal before the machinery and equipment return."    


Xia Lei revealed a slight smile on his face, "Mn, there indeed needs to be a proposal. Oh right, let's take a look at the foreign experience. Our country has always been a laggard in the field of materials, and there are many successful examples abroad. You'll have to look at them and learn more from them. "    


"I know, Dong Xia, don't worry. I will give you a plan that will satisfy you." After pausing for a moment, Li Youdun continued, "However, I do not know the specific process, and the plan may not cover the specific production areas."    


Xia Lei's gaze fell upon Li Youdun's chest, and his left eye instantly pierced through Li Youdun's chest, reaching his heart.    


Li Youdun's heart was beating very normally, there were no signs of it going too fast.    


To determine a person's emotional changes by observing their heartbeat and whether or not they were lying was a method that Xia Lei learned a long time ago. By doing so, it was naturally under the influence of Liang Siyao. Liang Siyao is the best spy in the CIA, she has a lot of experience in counterespionage. She reminded him to suspect everyone, including her, how could Li Youdun exclude them?    


"Chairman Xia?" Li Youdun said.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "En, I'm fine. You can only do what you can now, and I'll finish the rest. "    


"Alright then." Li Youdun laughed, "I look forward to the day when I unravel this secret. Xia Dong, as a Chinese, I am able to work for you and also participate in the research of Secret Gold. I feel incomparably proud and proud. "    


Xia Lei patted his shoulder, "Do your job well, we can change this era together."    


"En!" Li Youdun nodded his head heavily.    


Xia Lei left the material laboratory. He did not go to the workshop, but instead walked out of the Rayma Group's Kyoto headquarters, and arrived in front of the church that was being built beside the Peaceful Mansion.    


Construction workers were busy at the construction site. There were also strange faces on the site, white, black, and some other colored people. Their presence gave the place a sense of the "United Nations".    


They were all Catholics and fanatical believers. They had come here from all over the world in response to the summoning of the Gray's and the Russo's sisters. Giovanna, Rosa, Stella and Theresa's goal was to form an army that would belong to Xia Lei, and these fanatical believers would become the cornerstone of this army.    


Xia Lei's gaze swept across the strange faces one by one, and thought to himself: "Could it be that spies are among these people?"    


He really was like a viper in the dark, being influenced so deeply by Liang Siyao that anyone who saw him would suspect that he was a spy.    


When the Gray's and her sisters saw Xia Lei, they walked over together.    


There were four female Knights with blonde hair and blue eyes. When they walked together, it was definitely not a pious belief. The glory of a Knight would only lead to messy imaginations.    


"Xia, it's rare to see you here, why are you here today?" Giovanna had an enchanting smile on his face, and spoke with pure Italian.    


The four female Knights were learning Chinese, but Chinese was the most difficult language in the world to learn. Their level of skill did not allow them to communicate normally.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm here to see when it will be completed."    


"Three more months." Theresa said.    


Xia Lei looked at the huge church that took up at least fifty acres of land, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"How can it be that exaggerated? It's impossible to build a church without spending a few years." We are building our own Saint Ray Church. " Stella said.    


"Saint Ray Church?" This was the first time Xia Lei had heard of this name.    


Stella nodded his head, "Yes, Saint Ray Church, we will name it after you."    


Xia Lei said: "How can that be? I am not even a Catholic, how can this church be named after me? "    


Giovanna said: "Faith, shouldn't be restricted to between believers and non-believers. We believe that you are the one chosen by the Father, and that you have your mission. "    


"My mission?" Xia Lei could not hold back and laughed, "What mission did the Heavenly Father give me?"    


Giovanna said: "I still don't know, but there will come a day. We are preparing for that day right now. As for us, we are your knights, we will protect you and obey your wishes. "    


"Are the four of you Horseman?" Xia Lei joked.    


Theresa smirked, "Xia, don't make such a joke. The Four Knights of Heaven are gods, symbols of doom. Their appearance means that humans have entered the end of a cycle of reincarnation, and the end of the world will come. "    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I have something else to tell you other than taking a look at your church." After a pause, he said, "I used your identity to open an account with a securities company in the United States. If you don't want to, I'll revoke them. "    


The four female Knights shook their heads.    


Xia Lei said: "Are you not willing?"    


Giovanna said: "Everything we own is yours, if you want to use any of ours, it's fine."    


These words were filled with imagination.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "Then let's do it this way, you guys go back to work, I'm going back now."    


Giovanna said: "Xia, I'm speaking the truth."    


Xia Lei nodded. He seemed to think that Giovanna's intentions were tomorrow, but he did not understand. When a woman said something like that, the man felt that it was a hint, but it wasn't a hint. When a man feels that it is not a hint, it is a hint.    


"The people you saw were all the most pious believers. If you had anything you wanted them to do, they would do it without hesitation." Rosa said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head again. This time, he completely understood what Rosa meant.    


"Then that's it." Giovanna moved closer, hugged Xia Lei once, and then kissed his cheek.    


After Giovanna, Rosa, Stella and Theresa also did the same thing. Xia Lei subconsciously turned his head back to look in the direction of the office building, afraid that Liang Siyao would see him. A pregnant woman was jealous, he didn't want to knock Liang Siyao's vinegar pot down. However, these four female Knights only bid him farewell with Western etiquette.    


Leaving the construction site, Xia Lei headed towards the Peaceful Mansion. However, he had only taken a few steps when he stopped. In his line of sight, a silver Rolls-Royce was approaching from the direction of White Deer Town.    


The one driving the car was not Fu Mingmei, but Shentu Tianyin.    


Xia Lei's head hurt a little, "What's wrong with her now?"    


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