Tranxending Vision

C949 He was also a father … …

C949 He was also a father … …

"We should warn the United States." A person from the air force said angrily, "They should be clear about one thing. It's war!"    


"Do they think we are still in the era of absolute nation-building? If you want to bully, bully as you please? "    


"Japan, are the Japanese involved?"    


"Does that even need to be said? In Asia, Japan is the country that we do not want to see grow strong. "    


Some of the air force men were discussing, all of them looking very angry. The duty of a soldier was to protect their home and protect their country. Now, a terrorist organization, under the command of the United States, was preparing for an attack against an important target of the Grand China.    


Shi Boren looked at Xia Lei, "What do you think?"    


A few people from the Air Force all looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Negotiations are useless. The Rayma Group is affecting the strategic interests of the United States. If the Rayma Group was not in Grand China but in another country, maybe the American B52 and B2 would have already come personally. Just like what happened in Yugoslavia, they didn't care about our reactions at all. At most, they would apologize afterwards. "    


The reception room was silent. The past was like a thorn in everyone's heart.    


"The tanks of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces on land are firing at me from the Russian Tank Biathlon. They are firing at three Type 10 tanks at the same time. This is already considered an act of war. But did they care? They didn't care. America is standing up for them, they are standing up for them. " Xia Lei said: "The daughter of the Japanese army commander Masao Hattori is a high ranking employee of the Lockheed Martin Corp, he is Folson's assistant. Folson had revealed the secret of the so called AE Capsule on the Boo Forum, and then this happened again. Was their purpose not clear enough? They want you all to attack me and cripple your own martial arts. "    


Shi Boren said: "Do they take us to be fools? No one will do anything to you, you are our hero, you must always remember this. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then what about the special forces outside my house?"    


"Mm ?" Shi Boren revealed an awkward expression, "That was to protect you."    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Alright, I believe that those special forces were stationed here to protect me."    


"What are your plans?" Tang Yuyan asked.    


Xia Lei said: "I will do my thing, I will not be affected by this matter. Rayma Group was about to start. Machine project, my time is precious, I don't have the time to go more FA organization. "    


A few people from the air force revealed a look of joy, because of Xia Lei's words, they were all excited.    


"Mr. Xia, is what you said true?" An air force officer looked excited.    


Xia Lei said, "Of course it's true. Rayma Group does not only produce army weapons, she also produces air force weapons. Production is unmanned. The plane is only the first step. In the future, we will have our own fighter jets and strategic bombers. We can also produce missiles, in short, I want to turn the Rayma Group into an existence that surpasses the Lockheed Martin Corp. They want to kill me and Rayma Group, they won't succeed. "    


"Good!" Well said! " Another Air Force officer tapped on the tea table, "The weapons produced by the Rayma Group make the brothers of the Army feel proud, but we Air Force can only feel envious. If the Rayma Group were to produce advanced fighter jets for our air force, our air force would be able to hold our heads up, and would not dare to approach those bastards who harass our territory! "    


"Mr. Xia, don't worry." Another Air Force officer said, "I will send an air defense company to guard the Rayma Group. They will bring a set of S400 here, I want to see how the aircraft they hijacked will bombard you!"    


"This ?" Xia Lei looked a little embarrassed, "Isn't that a bit too exaggerated? Rayma Group is, after all, a private enterprise, how can I let you all protect me like this? "    


The S400 air defence missile, an air defence missile imported from Russia, not only has the capability of long-range air defence, but also the capability of regional air defence. Its reaction time was between two seconds to five seconds. If the FA organization was only hijacking a civil aviation aircraft, then it could be shot down by the S400 from 300 kilometers away! they simply could not fly to the Rayma Group's capital headquarters!    


"Mr. Xia, Rayma Group is the pride of our country, and also the pride of our soldiers. We are still hoping for you to build us a good airplane. How can we stand idly by when you are in trouble? You don't need to say anything else. An empty company, a set of S400, you'll see them tomorrow at this time. " The air force officers who wanted to protect the Rayma Group were straightforward, not allowing Xia Lei to reject.    


Xia Lei would never reject him, he was just pretending to be polite. In the face of such a threat, he, who had no anti-aircraft missiles, naturally wished for the military to intervene and protect the Rayma Group.    


Shi Boren said, "Although the military will protect the Rayma Group, this kind of thing is best handled in the initial stages. If the FA hijacked our plane, they would not kidnap the Japanese Airlines plane. They would probably hijack our Grand China Airlines plane. I'll get our agents on board and dress up as flight attendants. Once the FA people act, then they can kill the FA people. "    


"What the Boss Shi said makes sense. If we act together, the enemy's scheme will not succeed." an air force officer said.    


Shi Boren glanced at Long Bing, "Long Bing, I will leave this mission to you. Are you alright?"    


Long Bing was immediately stunned.    


"Long Bing?" Tang Yuyan said: "Boss Shi asked you a question, do you have a question?"    


"I ?" Long Bing hesitated.    


It was the first time in her career that she had hesitated. If it wasn't because she was pregnant, she would have accepted the mission without hesitation. But now that she was pregnant with Xia Lei's child, she had no choice but to consider the child in her womb. Protecting your child from harm and threats is the nature of every mother. However, if he were to carry out this mission, he would definitely start a war with the FA. At that time, what if he were to injure the child?    


Shi Boren frowned, "Long Bing, what happened to you? Don't you want to do this? You weren't like this before. What happened? "    


Tang Yuyan's line of sight moved onto Long Bing's small stomach. She recalled the moment Xia Lei touched Long Bing's stomach, and looking at Long Bing's reaction, she instantly understood what was going on. The moment she guessed the truth, a sour feeling gushed out from her heart. Her heart was sour, and her nose was also sour. She really wanted to hide and cry by herself.    


Xia Lei didn't want to be engaged to her, so he decided to do it in front of all the guests. Right now, there was more than just a woman by his side. What was even more hateful was that he actually made Liang Siyao and Long Bing become pregnant with him!    


All of these were meant to harm her.    


Xia Lei was also well aware of Long Bing's reaction. He didn't want Long Bing to carry out such a dangerous mission either, so he said: "Boss Shi, Long Bing has been tired all these years. Let her rest and just give her some small missions."    


Shi Boren glared at Xia Lei, "You can be the leader of the Rayma Group, but you can't be the one in the 101st round. For this matter, Yuyan, you shall be the one to be in charge. "    


Xia Lei's gaze moved onto Tang Yuyan, and he was a little worried that Tang Yuyan would let him execute this mission. Based on his understanding of Tang Yuyan, it was completely possible for Tang Yuyan to do this.    


Tang Yuyan was silent for a moment, "Father, we will discuss this matter when we return. Let's go. "    


She didn't seem to want to stay a minute longer, so she turned and left after saying that.    


"Boss Shi, we should go back and make the necessary arrangements. An Air Force officer stood up and said.    


Xia Lei stood up and saw them off, then shook hands with a few Air Force officers.    


Long Bing should have followed Tang Yuyan and Shi Boren, but she stayed behind and looked at Xia Lei with her clear eyes. Xia Lei closed the door to the meeting room, and then walked in front of Long Bing. They looked at each other, their eyes burning with the fire of longing and love.    


However, when Xia Lei wanted to hug her, she suddenly pressed both of her hands against his chest, pushing him away, "Be careful, in the future, when you hug me, you have to do it softly."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Our child should be very young, right? You see, your stomach is still flat. "    


"It has to be light." Long Bing said that it was rare for her to act so coquettishly.    


"Alright, I'll be more gentle from now on." Xia Lei laughed and said: "But... I'm very curious. We didn't use that medicine for very long. How did you know you had it? "    


In fact, when Mexico had heard Liang Siyao talk about this matter, he was very curious in her heart about how Long Bing got it so quickly.    


Long Bing said: "My aunt should have come the day after you left, but she didn't come. I didn't care, but I talked to Fan about it. When she heard that my aunt was absent, she gave me a test and told me I was pregnant. " Long Bing's face was hot.    


Xia Lei hugged Long Bing into his embrace, and this time, his movements were very gentle, "I'm so happy, I'm going to be a father."    


"You said less than one word." Long Bing rolled her eyes at him.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"I have to go back." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei said: "Promise me you won't execute this person. This mission is too dangerous. If you go to Japan, not only will you be facing the people from FA, but also the people from the Japanese high school and the family samurai. The CIA in the United States will definitely be involved as well. "    


Long Bing sighed, "Can I not go? If Boss Shi and Tang Yuyan want me to go, using the form of an order, I must go. "    


Xia Lei said: "Then resign. Come to my place, you can do whatever you want."    


However, a wry smile surfaced at the corner of Long Bing's mouth, "Other than being a secret service agent and killing people, what else do I know? "Then you'll be taken care of, and I'll take care of it myself." She turned and left.    


Xia Lei said: "You are my woman, the mother of my child. I will definitely take care of it."    


Long Bing curled her lips, but her heart was filled with happiness and joy.    


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