Tranxending Vision

C931 elite mind fighting

C931 elite mind fighting

Jack said he had time tomorrow, so this sentence gave Xia Lei a hint: the predator B which was used to kill him would finish assembling by today, maybe even complete assembling, and would only be waiting for the final test. So, the next question that needs to be clarified is when and where will the FA people receive it?    


"The people from the FA are obviously not going to directly enter the Lockheed Martin Corp. The American government will not allow this matter to be investigated, and the Lockheed Martin Corp is also not willing to be targeted by retribution and punishment afterwards. It will definitely send the predator B to another place to meet up with the FA ? I have to enter the Lockheed Martin Corp to have the chance to access this information, and I also have to go in to see who the people in the Lockheed Martin Corp are. I don't even have enough things from Jack's computer. Since I'm already here, it would be too much of a loss if I don't enter the Lockheed Martin Corp's headquarters. " When Jack left, Xia Lei had already made a quick decision.    


Entering the Lockheed Martin Corp with Costa's status was obviously out of the question.    


Who can I use to enter?    


A Dodge Goat stopped at the side of the road, Xia Lei who was standing at the door retracted his train of thought, he looked over and saw Thorn in the driver's seat.    


Xia Lei's heart tensed up, "What is this guy doing here so early?"    


Angele stepped into the room and stood behind the wooden wall. His left eye peered through the wall, watching the road.    


"Mr. Thorn, what are you doing here so early? Just give me a call if you need anything. " He glanced back at the door behind him as he spoke. He did not see Xia Lei. That Mexican kid must have gone back to bed to get intimate with Catelyn. Horny! he thought.    


Thorn walked down from the driver's seat, he also looked at the door behind Jack, then lowered his voice and asked, "Is that Mexican in your house?"    


"Are you talking about Costa? Yes, he's in my house. " Jack smiled wryly, "I already told you last night, he is already with my sister. She might be having sex with her sister right now. "    


Thorn remained silent.    


Jack said, "Don't worry, Mr. Thorn. There's no problem with that Mexican kid. I checked my computer the way you taught me. He didn't touch my computer at all. If he was a spy, he would have touched my computer. Most of all, he is Mexican, and if he is a member of the drug cartels I believe he is a spy, but I don't think so. "    


"If he wasn't Mexican, I would have invited him to tea." Thorn said: "But it's best to be careful, the work in your hands is very important, you can't make the slightest of mistakes."    


"I will, you can rest assured, Mr. Thorn." Jack said.    


Thorn patted Jack's shoulder, "You have worked hard. After this job is done, I will write you a recommendation letter and speak up for you in front of Mr. Williams. At that time, he will agree to let you become an official member of the CIA, and will specifically be in charge of intelligence in the Lockheed Martin Corp. You will have a double status and two salaries. "    


Behind the wall, Xia Lei was extremely surprised. He thought that Thorn was just a small fry in the CIA, but he didn't think that Thorn would actually be able to talk about it in front of Williams. Who is Williams? That's the head of the CIA! Just from this conversation between Thorn and Jack, he had a new understanding of Thorn's identity. It was that Thorn was at least the person in charge of a certain area, and his identity should be similar to Liang Siyao's identity during the CIA period.    


By the roadside, Jack couldn't help but laugh. If he joined the CIA, with his identity as a CIA, he would be promoted very quickly in the Lockheed Martin Corp, as the CIA required him to enter the upper echelons of the Lockheed Martin Corp.    


"Alright, go ahead. After you finish the test, contact me on the phone." Thorn said.    


Jack said, "Okay, then I'll go to the company."    


Thorn walked towards Jack's house.    


Xia Lei retreated a few steps, avoided Thorn's gaze and entered the hallway, then quickly walked toward Catelyn's room. And during this process, he had already obtained a very important piece of information, and that was that Thorn was the person who was contacting the FA!    


After entering Catelyn's room, Catelyn was still lying on the bed like a lazy pig. When Xia Lei came in, she was still unwilling to wake up with his eyes closed, but she knew that Xia Lei had come in.    


Xia Lei didn't say a word, and quickly took off his clothes and pants, then pulled up the blanket.    


Catelyn opened her eyes. Seeing Xia Lei's sinister look, she was shocked. "Dearest one, you ?"    


"You're too charming, I can't stand it." Xia Lei anxiously rushed forward.    


"Didn't you say that you wanted to ?" "Ugh!" Without waiting for her to finish speaking, her mouth was already blocked by Xia Lei.    


The two of them rolled over on the sheets, their emotions raging. The door was not closed. From the door's angle, the two of them looked like two tangled vines. You were among me, and I was among you.    


Thorn appeared at the doorway, stared blankly for a second, then turned around, "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you guys ?"    


"AHH!" Catelyn screamed.    


Xia Lei hurriedly crawled up from the bed, and then jumped off the bed. As he put on his clothes, he asked: "Mr. Thorn, why ? why are you here?"    


Thorn replied, "Jack and I are good friends, he invited me over for breakfast."    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "You're thinking of personally testing me, aren't you? What the hell. "    


Catelyn covered her body with the blanket, but there was a large piece of white skin exposed in the air, she said unhappily: "Mr. Thorn, why don't you knock on the door?"    


Thorn shrugged his shoulders, "Catelyn, you have not closed the door at all."    


Catelyn rolled her eyes at Thorn, "Mr. Thorn, do you want to see me put on my clothes?"    


"Uh, sorry." Thorn left the door.    


Xia Lei leaned over and kissed Catelyn, "This guy is really annoying." He purposely spoke loudly so that Thorn, who was by the side of the door, could hear him.    


Catelyn said affectionately: "My dear, let's continue after he leaves, okay?"    


"Of course, baby, you're too charming." Xia Lei kissed her again.    


There was a twee-twee-twee-twee-twee-twee-twe@@    


Thorn frowned when he heard her.    


Xia Lei went out, "Mr. Thorn, thank you for your help last time. Let's go eat first, Catelyn said that she still wanted to take a bath. "You know, women do that kind of thing, there ?"    


"Yes, yes." Thorn could not bear to listen anymore, he interrupted Xia Lei and said, "Then, let's eat first."    


The two men sat at the table and ate breakfast. Jack's breakfast was simple: fried eggs and bread, and a sausage. However, the thoughts of the two men were clearly not over breakfast.    


"Mr. Costa, is your sister alright?" Thorn probed: "I heard from Sheriff that more than 10 people died from last night's explosion, and those bodies were all burnt to ashes, making it difficult to identify them."    


Xia Lei replied, "My sister has already returned to Mexico City. God bless, she is fine."    


"Mr. Costa, you really and ?" Thorn lowered her voice, "Do you really know Ao Hao Da?"    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, "Mr. Thorn, don't you think that you have too many questions? Are you here for breakfast or are you asking me questions? Are you from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration? "    


"No, no, no, Mr. Costa, please do not misunderstand, I was just curious. "Last night, you just said one name and scared off the Locomotive Gang. I really admire you." "    


Xia Lei said, "Not a single person in Mexico doesn't know O'Hoda. Her name stopped children from crying. I was just using her name to scare those idiots. You can't do things without money, you know what I mean? "    


"I understand. Let's eat breakfast, hur hur." Thorn said with a smile.    


In the next moment, Thorn asked a few more questions to Xia Lei. He had long since prepared himself for this, and did not panic. He had fought the CIA to this day, and his rich experience and legendary experience had long been enough for him to write a book on how to deal with the CIA.    


Even after the two men finished their breakfast, Catelyn still had not finished bathing. She would wash them until they were white and fragrant, and then wait for Costa to come and eat her pigs. As for Thorn, let him go to hell!    


"I have to go, Mr. Costa. Goodbye." As if he had confirmed something, Thorn stood up and took his leave after finishing his breakfast.    


"Yes, have a safe trip, Mr. Thorn." Xia Lei said.    


Thorn left Catelyn's house and walked towards the Dodge Ram. As he recalled all the details of meeting with Xia Lei in his mind, he felt as meticulous and meticulous as if he was doing a math problem. However, he did not find anything suspicious.    


"Jack is right, this guy is just a rich playboy. Mexicans, uh, can only play accordion and straw hat, and women... " A trace of a disdainful smile surfaced on Thorn's lips. Most white people had a little racial discrimination, and he was no exception.    


As Thorn was getting ready to drive, he brought Xia Lei out of Catelyn's house with a bag of flour in his hands.    


Thorn looked at Xia Lei in shock, "Mr. Costa, what are you doing with a bag of flour?"    


Xia Lei walked next to the Dodge Ram, rudely threw the bag of flour into the Dodge Ram's carriage, and said, "Go and make your own breakfast. I don't want to see you tomorrow morning."    


Thorn, "..."    


Xia Lei gave Thorn a middle finger, then turned and entered Catelyn's home.    


"F * ck, bastard!" Thorn cursed out, then drove away in his car.    


When the Dodge Ram disappeared from his line of sight, Xia Lei finally walked out of Catelyn's house. He walked to the side of the road and looked at the flour that had been blown off by the wind. A cold sneer appeared on his face.    


To deal with an elite CIA like Thorn, putting a tracker on his body or putting a tracker on his car was a foolish decision. But the flour would solve this problem.    


If one sack of flour was not enough, then two bags.    


However, one bag was enough.    


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